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Je suis en pleine configuration de mon serveur gmod PoudlardRP. Je cherche un moyen de rajouter les jours de la semaine qui s'accorde avec le temps mis en place avec cet addon: Steam Workshop::Simple Weather
Voici le ficher config:
Je suis en pleine configuration de mon serveur gmod PoudlardRP. Je cherche un moyen de rajouter les jours de la semaine qui s'accorde avec le temps mis en place avec cet addon: Steam Workshop::Simple Weather
Voici le ficher config:
AddCSLuaFile( )
-- Weather settings
SW.ShowWeather = true -- Display weathers (true/false).
SW.AutoWeatherEnabled = true -- Enable auto-weather (i.e. automatically cycling between weather) (true/false).
SW.AutoMinTimeStartWeather = 1 -- Minimum time in hours before weather begins.
SW.AutoMaxTimeStartWeather = 3 -- Maximum time in hours before weather begins.
SW.AutoMinTimeStopWeather = 0.2 -- Minimum time in hours before weather stops.
SW.AutoMaxTimeStopWeather = 1 -- Maximum time in hours before weather stops.
SW.AutoWeatherTypes = { -- "acidrain" , -- "blizzard" , "fog" , -- "lightning" , -- "meteor" , "rain" , -- "sandstorm" , -- "smog" , -- "snow" , "storm" ,
} -- What weather to automatically start. All are on by default.
SW.MapBlacklist = { -- What maps to not run the addon on. "act_airport" , -- Indoor "act_city" , -- Night "act_corp" , -- Night "act_crash" , -- Rain "act_metro" , -- Indoor "act_plaza" , -- Indoor "act_rails" , -- Indoor "act_snowmax" , -- Snow "ahl2_amuse" , -- Night "ahl2_canalwar" , -- Night "ahl2_icetown" , -- Snow "ancientdust_thc16c2" , -- Indoor "credits" , -- Special "d1_town_04" , -- Indoor "d3_citadel_02" , -- Indoor "d3_citadel_03" , -- Indoor "d3_citadel_04" , -- Indoor "d3_citadel_05" , -- Indoor "de_crookcounty" , -- Fog "de_shanty_v3_fix" , -- Rain "de_vangogh_s" , -- Special "dod_colmar" , -- Snow "dod_wn71" , -- Special "dm_agoge_b2" , -- Night "dm_arctic_vendetta_sun_v3" , -- Snow "dm_arctic_vendetta_snow_v3" , -- Night "dm_zeus_redux" , -- Night "ep1_c17_00" , -- Indoor "ep1_c17_00a" , -- Indoor "ep1_citadel_01" , -- Indoor "ep1_citadel_02" , -- Indoor "ep1_citadel_02b" , -- Indoor "ep1_citadel_03" , -- Indoor "ep1_citadel_04" , -- Indoor "ep2_outland_02" , -- Indoor "ep2_outland_03" , -- Indoor "ep2_outland_04" , -- Indoor "gm_arid_valley_v2_night" , -- Night "gm_arena_submerge" , -- Indoor "gm_black" , -- Special "gm_black_v2" , -- Special "gm_black_v2_reflective" , -- Special "gm_black_v3" , -- Special "gm_black_v3_reflective" , -- Special "gm_black_v3_colourable" , -- Special "gm_blackmesasigma_night" , -- Night "gm_downtown" , -- Night "gm_dddustbowl_night" , -- Night "gm_dddustbowl2night" , -- Night "gm_excess_island_night" , -- Night "gm_galactic_rc1" , -- Special "gm_geekroom_v2" , -- Indoor "gm_greenland" , -- Indoor "gm_floatingworlds_ii_night" , -- Night "gm_holygarden" , -- Night "gm_holygarden_cataclysm" , -- Night "gm_longentrepot" , -- Indoor "gm_skylife_v1" , -- Night "gm_stormfront" , -- Rain "gm_sunsetgulch_night" , -- Night "gm_traincity_v2_rain" , -- Rain "gm_traincity_v2_night" , -- Night "fs_gs-teamspeak" , -- Indoor "fs_shining" , -- Indoor "haj_vinoridge" , -- Night "holo_wreck_v3" , -- Special "intro" , -- Special "proxy_museum" , -- Special "rp_cc_caves_01" , -- Indoor "rp_ineu_pass_v1b_night" , -- Night "rp_junglestorm" , -- Night "rp_necro_torrington_v2" , -- Night "rp_necro_urban_v1" , -- Snow "rp_necro_urban_v2" , -- Snow "rp_necro_urban_v3a" , -- Rain "rp_necro_urban_v3b" , -- Rain "rp_wildwest_sup" , -- Night "steamclub_v1" , -- Indoor "tetsu0_comp33" , -- Night "trp_coastal-sub-facility_v2" , -- Night "v92_airship" , -- Indoor "v92_auditorium" , -- Indoor "v92_basementdweller" , -- Indoor "v92_brainarchives" , -- Indoor "v92_cyberapartment" , -- Indoor "v92_cyberapartment_blue" , -- Indoor "v92_cyberapartment_green" , -- Indoor "v92_ratloft" , -- Indoor "v92_steptest" , -- Special "v92_toysoldiers" , -- Indoor "v92_toyhouse_night" , -- Indoor
SW.AlwaysOutside = false -- Should players be considered outside at all times (ie. if you want snow in an indoor map)? (true/false)
SW.RainOnScreen = true -- Show rain on screen (true/false).
SW.RainOnScreenMinSize = 20 -- Minimum size of the raindrops on screen.
SW.RainOnScreenMaxSize = 40 -- Maximum size of the raindrops on screen.
SW.VehicleRaindrops = false -- Show rain on screen when in vehicles (true/false).
SW.RainSplashes = true -- Make rain splash particle effect (true/false).
SW.RainSmoke = true -- Make rain steam particle effect (true/false).
SW.ThunderMinDelay = 10 -- Minimum delay in seconds to cause lightning/thunder while stormy.
SW.ThunderMaxDelay = 30 -- Maximum delay in seconds to cause lightning/thunder while stormy.
SW.LightningEnabled = true -- Enable lightning flashes (true/false).
SW.ColormodEnabled = true -- Enable colormod when it's cloudy (true/false).
SW.ColormodIndoors = false -- Enable colormod when there's a roof over your head (true/false).
SW.VolumeMultiplier = 1 -- Volume (0-1) sounds should play at. Change it if the rain's too loud!
SW.FogDayDensity = 1 -- Fog max density (0-1) during the day.
SW.FogNightDensity = 0.4 -- Fog max density (0-1) during the night.
SW.FogIndoors = false -- Enable fog when you have a roof over your head (true/false).
SW.FogSpeed = 0.01 -- Speed at which fog appears and disappears (default 0.01). Decrease to make fog changes slower.
-- Day/Night settings
SW.StartTime = 10 -- What time to start at on server launch (0-24).
SW.Realtime = false -- Should time pass according to the server's time. (true/false)
SW.RealtimeOffset = 0 -- If realtime is on, add this many timezones. For example, if the server was GMT and you set this to -5, it'd be EST ingame.
SW.DayTimeMul = 0.001 -- Multiplier of time during the day. Make this bigger for time to go faster, and smaller for time to go slower.
SW.NightTimeMul = 0.009 -- Multiplier of time during the night. Make this bigger for time to go faster, and smaller for time to go slower.
SW.UpdateLighting = true -- Enable map lighting updates (true/false). Turn this off if the map's a night map already!
SW.UpdateSun = true -- Enable sun moving through the sky (true/false).
SW.UpdateSkybox = true -- Enable the skybox to change color through the day (true/false).
SW.UpdateFog = true -- Turn off fog at night. Prevents weird light fog at night - turn it off if weird stuff happens.
SW.FireOutputs = true -- Enable any map-based effects, like lampposts turning off and on (true/false).
SW.ClientUpdateDelay = 1 -- Delay in seconds between updating the time on the client.
SW.SunUpdateDelay = 1 -- Delay in seconds between updating the sun position. Setting this to a smaller number will allow smoother sun movement, but doing this also causes lag.
SW.SkyUpdateDelay = 0.1 -- Delay in seconds between updating the sky colors. Setting this to a smaller number will allow smoother transitions, but doing this also causes lag.
SW.MaxDarkness = "b" -- Maximum darkness level during night. Increase to add light. "a" is darkest, "z" is lightest (a-z).
SW.MaxLightness = "y" -- Maximum lightness level at noon on a clear day. Decrease to decrease light. "a" is darkest, "z" is lightest (a-z).
SW.MaxLightnessStorm = "j" -- Maximum lightness level at noon on a stormy day. Decrease to decrease light. "a" is darkest, "z" is lightest (a-z).
SW.StarRotateSpeed = 0.01 -- How fast to rotate the stars at night. Make this smaller for slower rotation (0-1).
-- Clock HUD
SW.ShouldDrawClock = true -- Should draw clock at all
SW.ClockTop = true -- Show HUD at top of screen instead of bottom
SW.Clock24 = false -- 24 hour clock
-- Misc settings
SW.ChatCommand = "!weatheroptions" -- Chat command to use to open client config window.
SW.DisplayAtStart = false -- Show info on opening config when a player joins the server
SW.ULXPermission = { "admin" , "superadmin" , "owner" } -- Group(s) to give ULX permissions by default, if using ULX
-- Particle configuration settings
-- Messing with this can make some weather work incorrectly... Be sure to make a backup if you change these!
SW.MaxParticles = 7000 -- Maximum number of particles to create at any one time.
SW.RainRadius = 500 -- Radius of rain effect.
SW.RainCount = 20 -- Amount of particles in rain effect. Make this smaller to increase performance.
SW.RainDieTime = 3 -- Time in seconds until rain vanishes.
SW.StormRadius = 500 -- Radius of storm effect.
SW.StormCount = 120 -- Amount of particles in storm effect. Make this smaller to increase performance.
SW.StormDieTime = 1 -- Time in seconds until rain vanishes.
SW.RainHeightMax = 300 -- Maximum height to make rain.
SW.SnowRadius = 1200 -- Radius of snow effect.
SW.SnowCount = 20 -- Amount of particles in snow effect. Make this smaller to increase performance.
SW.SnowDieTime = 5 -- Time in seconds until snow vanishes.
SW.SnowHeightMax = 200 -- Maximum height to make snow.
SW.BlizzardRadius = 1000 -- Radius of blizzard effect.
SW.BlizzardCount = 30 -- Amount of particles in blizzard effect. Make this smaller to increase performance.
SW.BlizzardDieTime = 2 -- Time in seconds until blizzard vanishes.
SW.BlizzardHeightMax = 100 -- Maximum height to make blizzard snow.
SW.LeaveSnowOnGround = true -- Leave snow on the ground (true/false).