Ahshop shipments erreur

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je souhaite avec l’addons AHshop faire vendre des armes et autre en shipment mais quand j’achète la boite apparais et quand je l'ouvre elle me fait apparaître une erreur voici ma ligne de code

[2] = {
Name = "Appareil de hacking de keypad", -- What is the name of the item we want to sell?
Color = Color( 50, 50, 180 ), -- What is the color of the huds?
Model = "models/Items/item_item_crate.mdl", -- What is the model displayed in the shop?
Description = "Test", -- What is the shop description?
Type = "Shipment", -- What kind of item is this? (Armor, Health, Weapons, Entities, Props)
Price = 450, -- The Price?
Amount = 5, -- This is for armor, health, points, xp and other stuff, the amount given.
Item = "keypad_cracker", -- What entity is it (if set to entity type)
Outline = false, -- Draw a outline in the shop, if a item is either job or ulx restricted.
PurchaseDelay = 5,
Job = {["Vendeur"] = true, ["Mayor"] = false} -- Which job can buy this item?, remove if no restriction.
--Ulx = {["donator"] = true, ["ultradonator"] = true, ["ambassador"] = true, ["superadmin"] = true} -- Which ulx group can buy this? remove if no restriction

j'ai essayé de mettre le model de l'objet ou de laisse celui d'un cartons de base, toujours le problème

De base la ligne de code et celle ci avec l'addon

[4] = {
Name = "Ak47", --How to create a shipment.
Color = Color( 50, 50, 180 ),
Model = "models/Items/item_item_crate.mdl",
Description = "A full shipment of ak47s..",
Type = "Shipment",
Price = 450,
Amount = 10, -- How many weapons are inside the shipment??
Item = "weapon_ak472", -- What type of weapon is inside it?
Outline = false,
PurchaseDelay = 200,

Je précise que sinon les autre objets que j'ai mis en entity ou weapons apparaisse normalement

Voici d'ailleurs l'erreur :
[ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "[C]" on line -1.
The best help I can give you is this:

spawned_weapon has model "models/error.mdl" with no physics and will be motionless

- Does this model have an associated physics model (modelname.phy)?
- Is this model supposed to have physics? Many models, like effects and view models aren't made to have physics
- The issue lies with weapon "m9k_colt1911"

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
1. function 'Spawn'
2. addons/ahshop2f/lua/entities/ah_shipment/init.lua on line 23
------- End of Simplerr error -------

Quand je veux apparaitre un objet shipment au hasard

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