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Bonjour, bonsoir.
Je cherche actuellement comment enlever la health bar en haut de l'écran et de rendre le hud plus petit
HUD --> Victorious Hud
Je cherche actuellement comment enlever la health bar en haut de l'écran et de rendre le hud plus petit
HUD --> Victorious Hud
VictoriousConfig = {}
surface.CreateFont("CompassFont", {font = "BF4 Numbers", size = 16, weight = 200, extended = true})
surface.CreateFont("CompassFontL", {font = "BF4 Numbers", size = 20, weight = 200, extended = true})
surface.CreateFont("NumberFont", {font = "BF4 Numbers", size = 22, weight = 400, extended = true})
surface.CreateFont("WeaponFont", {font = "BF4 Numbers", size = 28, weight = 400, extended = true})
surface.CreateFont("PlayerMenu", {font = "BF4 Numbers", size = 32, weight = 400, extended = true})
surface.CreateFont("WeaponNumber", {font = "BF4 Numbers", size = 42, weight = 600, extended = true})
local Bullet = Material("icons/bullet.png")
local Arrow = Material("icons/arrow.png")
local Hungry = Material("icons/hunger.png")
local Heart = Material("icons/health.png")
local Rank = Material("icons/rank.png")
local Clip = Material("icons/clip.png")
local Shield = Material("icons/shield.png")
local ShieldDegrade = Material("shielddegrade.png")
local AngleL = Material("icons/angle.png")
local AngleR = Material("icons/angler.png")
local Star = Material("icons/handcuffs.png")
local Lock = Material("icons/lock.png")
local blur = Material( "pp/blurscreen" )
local ShieldPercentage = Material("icons/shield.png")
local ply = LocalPlayer()
local function getPlayerTime(ply) if ulx ~= nil and ply:GetNWInt( "TotalUTime", -1 ) ~= -1 then return math.floor((ply:GetUTime() + CurTime() - ply:GetUTimeStart())) else return ply:GetNWInt( "Time_Fixed" ) + (CurTime() - ply:GetNWInt( "Time_Join" )) end
local function getPhrase(id, ...) local langtabl = VictoriousConfig.Languages[VictoriousConfig.Language] if langtabl then if langtabl[id] then return string.format(langtabl[id], ...) end end return nil
local function drawBlur( x, y, w, h, layers, density, alpha ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, alpha ) surface.SetMaterial( blur ) for i = 1, layers do blur:SetFloat( "$blur", ( i / layers ) * density ) blur:Recompute() render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture() render.SetScissorRect( x, y, x + w, y + h, true ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH() ) render.SetScissorRect( 0, 0, 0, 0, false ) end
local nd = 0
local nti = 360 / 15
local noi = 18
local ComPos = ScrH()/2 + 220
local function DrawCompass() local lp = LocalPlayer() local size = ScrW()* 0.5 if IsValid(lp) then local dir = EyeAngles().y - nd for i=0, nti - 1 do local ang = i * 15 local dif = math.AngleDifference(ang, dir) local numofinst = noi local offang = ( numofinst*12 )/2.8 if math.abs(dif) < offang then local alpha = math.Clamp( 0.8-(math.abs(dif)/(offang)) , 0, 1 ) * 255 local dif2 = size / noi local pos = dif/15 * dif2 local text = tostring(360 - ang) local font = "CompassFont" local directionfont = "CompassFontL" local clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) local drt = Color(230,230,230,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( VictoriousConfig.Theme ) surface.SetMaterial( Arrow ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( ScrW()/2 - 8, ComPos - 138, 16, 16 ) if ang == 0 then direction = "N" text = "0" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( VictoriousConfig.Theme.r, VictoriousConfig.Theme.g, VictoriousConfig.Theme.b, alpha ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 180 then direction = "S" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 90 then direction = "W" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 270 then direction = "E" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 45 then direction = "NW" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 135 then direction = "SW" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 225 then direction = "SE" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 315 then direction = "NE" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 15 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 30 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 60 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 75 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 105 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 120 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 150 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 165 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 195 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 210 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 240 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 255 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 285 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 300 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 330 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 345 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) end draw.DrawText( text, font, ScrW()/2 - pos, ComPos - 85, clr, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.DrawText( direction, directionfont, ScrW()/2 - pos, ComPos - 125, drt, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end end end
local x = ScrW()/2
local y = 100
local HealthLerp = 0
local AmmunitionLerp = 0
local ArmorLerp = 0
local wantedpos = ScrH()/2 - 250
local lockdownpos = ScrH()/2 - 250
local agendapos = ScrH()/2 - 325
local function VictoriousMain() lp = LocalPlayer() local Armor = math.Clamp( LocalPlayer():Armor() or 0, 0, 100 ) local Health = math.Clamp( LocalPlayer():Health() or 0, 0, 100 ) local Healthmax = LocalPlayer():GetMaxHealth() or 100 HealthLerp = Lerp( FrameTime()* 7, HealthLerp, Health) ArmorLerp = Lerp( FrameTime()* 7, ArmorLerp, Armor) local HealthSpeed = 2 local Hunger = 0 if not DarkRP.disabledDefaults["modules"]["hungermod"] then Hunger = math.Clamp(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("Energy") or 0, 0, 100) end drawBlur( x - 220, y, 440, 16, 10, 5, 55 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,50 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 220, y, 440, 16 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 250,250,250,190 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 220, y, (441) * HealthLerp / 100, 16 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 250,250,250,20 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 223, y - 3, 446, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 223, y + 18, 446, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 90, y - 3, 180, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 223, y + 22, 150, 2 ) surface.DrawRect( x + 73, y + 22, 150, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 250,250,250,75 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 223, y - 2, 1, 20 ) surface.DrawRect( x + 222, y - 2, 1, 20 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 250,250,250,30 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 223, y + 22, 65, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( x + 158, y + 22, 65, 4 ) if VictoriousConfig.HealthNumbers then draw.DrawText(( LocalPlayer():Health()), "NumberFont", x , y - 28, Color(255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) surface.SetDrawColor( 250,250,250,20 ) surface.SetMaterial( AngleL ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - 70, y - 40, 64,64 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 250,250,250,20 ) surface.SetMaterial( AngleR ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( x + 12, y - 40, 64,64 ) end if LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("wanted") then surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,50 ) surface.DrawRect( 20, wantedpos + 24, 10, 3 ) surface.DrawRect( 40, wantedpos + 24, 180, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( 40, wantedpos + 25, 1, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( 219, wantedpos + 25, 1, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( 229, wantedpos + 24, 10, 3 ) drawBlur( 0, wantedpos + 32, 270, 16, 10, 5, 55 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Wanted"), "NumberFont", 129, wantedpos + 28, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Star ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 87, wantedpos - 5, 24, 24 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Star ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 117, wantedpos - 5, 24, 24 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Star ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 147, wantedpos - 5, 24, 24 ) end local ArmorPulse = 0 local ShieldDegrade = 0 local PulseAlpha = 50 if Armor > 0 then if Armor < 31 then PulseAlpha = 0 end if ArmorPulse then ArmorPulse = PulseAlpha * math.sin( CurTime() * 2 ) ShieldDegrade = 255 * math.sin( CurTime() * 4 ) else ArmorPulse = math.Clamp( ArmorPulse - 255, 0, 255) ShieldDegrade = math.Clamp( ShieldDegrade - 255, 0, 255) end if Armor < 51 then surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,ArmorPulse ) surface.SetMaterial( Arrow ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - 12, y + 54, 24, 24 ) end if Armor < 41 then ShieldPercentage = Material("icons/shielddegrade.png") end if Armor < 31 then PulseAlpha = 0 ShieldSpeed = 6 surface.SetDrawColor( VictoriousConfig.Theme.r,VictoriousConfig.Theme.g,VictoriousConfig.Theme.b, ShieldDegrade ) surface.SetMaterial( Arrow ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - 12, y + 54, 24, 24 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( ShieldPercentage ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - 14, y + 32, 28, 28 ) end local HeartRate = 3 local HeartPulse = 0 if Health < 71 then Hear0tRate = 4 end if Health < 51 then HeartRate = 5 end if Health < 31 then HeartRate = 6 end if Health < 21 then HeartRate = 7 end if HeartPulse then HeartPulse = 255 * math.sin( CurTime() * HeartRate ) else HeartPulse = math.Clamp( HeartPulse - 255, 0, 255) end if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, VictoriousConfig.YPosition, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, VictoriousConfig.YPosition, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,HeartPulse ) surface.SetMaterial( Heart ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 15, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 13, 32, 32 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,80 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 42, 320, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 42, (320) *HealthLerp / 100, 2 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Health"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 10, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) draw.DrawText( LocalPlayer():Health(), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 10, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 70, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 70, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( ShieldPercentage ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 15, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 83, 32, 32 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,80 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 112, 320, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 112, (320) * ArmorLerp / 100, 2 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Armor"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 80, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) draw.DrawText( Armor, "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 80, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) local Weapon = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon() local ReloadPulse = 0 local levelpos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 140 local hungerpos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 140 local moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 210 if IsValid(Weapon) then local Magazine = Weapon:GetMaxClip1() or 0 local Ammunition = Weapon:Clip1() or 0 if Ammunition <= Magazine / 3 and Magazine > 0 then ReloadPulse = 255 * math.sin( CurTime() * 3 ) else ReloadPulse = math.Clamp( ReloadPulse - 255, 0, 255) end Magazine = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetMaxClip1() local AmmunitionType = Weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() local Ammunitionx = VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200 if (AmmunitionType >= 0) then if (Ammunition != -1) then local WeaponName = Weapon:GetPrintName() local AmmunitionCount = Ammunition; if( string.len( AmmunitionCount ) < 2 ) then AmmunitionCount = "0" .. AmmunitionCount; end local AmmunitionExtended = LocalPlayer():GetAmmoCount(AmmunitionType); if( string.len( AmmunitionExtended ) < 2 ) then AmmunitionExtended = "0" .. AmmunitionExtended; end local WeaponNameLength = WeaponName ; if( string.len( Weapon:GetPrintName()) > 10) then Ammunitionx = ScrW() - 205 end if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 140, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 140, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Bullet ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 15, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 155, 32, 32 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,80 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 182, 320, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 182, (320) * Ammunition / Magazine, 2 ) draw.DrawText( WeaponName, "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 150, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) draw.DrawText( Ammunition .. " | " .. AmmunitionExtended, "NumberFont", Ammunitionx, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 150, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 280 levelpos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 210 hungerpos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 210 end end end if VictoriousConfig.LevelSystem then moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 350 hungerpos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 350 local AmmunitionType = Weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() if (AmmunitionType >= 0) then if (Ammunition != -1) then moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 420 hungerpos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 420 end end local OldXP = 0 local PlayerLevel = LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar('level') local PlayerExperience = LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar('xp') local percent = ((LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar('xp') or 0)/(((10+(((PlayerLevel or 1)*((PlayerLevel or 1)+1)*90))))*LevelSystemConfiguration.XPMult)) local PlayerExperienceBar = Lerp(8*FrameTime(),OldXP,percent) OldXP = PlayerExperienceBar local PlayerExperienced = percent*100 PlayerExperienced = math.Round(PlayerExperienced) PlayerExperienced = math.Clamp(PlayerExperienced, 0, 99) if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, levelpos, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, levelpos, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Rank ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 15, levelpos + 16, 32, 32 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,80 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, levelpos + 42, 320, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( VictoriousConfig.Theme ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, levelpos + 42, (320) * percent, 2 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Level"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, levelpos + 10, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) draw.DrawText( PlayerLevel, "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 120, levelpos + 10, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) if VictoriousConfig.ShowExperiencePercent then draw.DrawText( PlayerExperienced.." %" , "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, levelpos + 10, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end end if not DarkRP.disabledDefaults["modules"]["hungermod"] then moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 280 local AmmunitionType = Weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() if (AmmunitionType >= 0) then if (Ammunition != -1) then moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 350 end end if VictoriousConfig.LevelSystem then moneypos = 500 if (AmmunitionType >= 0) then if (Ammunition != -1) then moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 420 end end end if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, hungerpos, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, hungerpos, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Hungry ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 15, hungerpos + 14, 32, 32 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,80 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, hungerpos + 42, 320, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, hungerpos + 42, (320) * Hunger/100, 2 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Hunger"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, hungerpos + 10, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) draw.DrawText( Hunger .." %" , "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, hungerpos + 10, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, moneypos, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, moneypos, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,30 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 20, moneypos + 30, 320, 1 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Money"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 140, moneypos + 5, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, moneypos - 70, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, moneypos - 70, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,30 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 40, moneypos - 40, 320, 1 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Class"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, moneypos - 65, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.DrawText( string.upper(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("job")), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, moneypos - 38, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) if VictoriousConfig.ShowSalary then draw.DrawText(DarkRP.formatMoney(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money")).. " ( " ..DarkRP.formatMoney(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("salary")).. " )" , "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 140, moneypos + 33, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) else draw.DrawText(DarkRP.formatMoney(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money")), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 140, moneypos + 33, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Time"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 264, moneypos + 5, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.DrawText(string.FormattedTime(getPlayerTime(ply)).h .. string.FormattedTime(getPlayerTime(ply),":%02i"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 264, moneypos + 33, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,30 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 100, VictoriousConfig.YPosition - 17, 200, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition - 10, VictoriousConfig.YPosition - 10, 15, 2 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition - 10, moneypos + 70, 15, 2 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Playermenu"), "PlayerMenu", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, VictoriousConfig.YPosition - 50, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) local Weapon = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon() local ReloadPulse = 0 local Ammunitionpos = 55 if IsValid(Weapon) then local Magazine = Weapon:GetMaxClip1() or 0 local Ammunition = Weapon:Clip1() or 0 Magazine = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetMaxClip1() local AmmunitionType = Weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() local Ammunitionx = ScrW() - 220 AmmunitionLerp = Lerp( FrameTime()* 12, AmmunitionLerp, Ammunition) if Ammunition <= Magazine / 3 and Magazine > 0 then ReloadPulse = 255 * math.sin( CurTime() * 3 ) else ReloadPulse = math.Clamp( ReloadPulse - 255, 0, 255) end if (AmmunitionType >= 0) then if (Ammunition != -1) then local WeaponName = Weapon:GetPrintName() local AmmunitionCount = Ammunition; if( string.len( AmmunitionCount ) < 2 ) then AmmunitionCount = "0" .. AmmunitionCount; end local AmmunitionExtended = LocalPlayer():GetAmmoCount(AmmunitionType); if( string.len( AmmunitionExtended ) < 2 ) then AmmunitionExtended = "0" .. AmmunitionExtended; end local WeaponNameLength = WeaponName ; if( string.len( Weapon:GetPrintName()) > 10) then Ammunitionx = ScrW() - 205 end surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,ReloadPulse ) surface.SetMaterial( Clip ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - 22, ScrH() / 2 + 30, 44, 44 ) if VictoriousConfig.Ammunition then if VictoriousConfig.Centered then Ammunitionpos = ScrW()/2 - 150 end surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,20 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos - 2, ScrH() - 97, 304, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos - 2, ScrH() - 108, 304, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos - 2, ScrH() - 113, 100, 2 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos - 2, ScrH() - 113, 100, 2 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos + 202, ScrH() - 113, 100, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,30 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos - 2, ScrH() - 115, 50, 3 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos + 252, ScrH() - 115, 50, 3 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,55 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos, ScrH() - 105, 300, 6 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos, ScrH() - 105, (300)*AmmunitionLerp / Magazine, 6 ) draw.DrawText( WeaponName, "WeaponFont", Ammunitionpos + 150, ScrH() - 140, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.DrawText( Ammunition, "WeaponNumber", Ammunitionpos + 147, ScrH() - 100, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT ) draw.DrawText( AmmunitionExtended, "WeaponFont", Ammunitionpos + 155, ScrH() - 89, Color( 255,255,255,150 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) end end end end if VictoriousConfig.CompassUseKey then if input.IsKeyDown( VictoriousConfig.CompassKey ) then DrawCompass() end end if VictoriousConfig.CompassPermenant then if IsValid(Weapon) then local AmmunitionType = Weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() DrawCompass() ComPos = ScrH() - 50 if (AmmunitionType >= 0) then if (Ammunition != -1) then ComPos = ScrH() - 90 end end end end
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "VictoriousMainHUD", VictoriousMain)
local function VictoriousAgenda() local agendaText local VicoriousAgendaHook = hook.Call("HUDShouldDraw", GAMEMODE, "VictoriousAgenda") if LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("wanted") then lockdownpos = ScrH()/2 - 175 else lockdownpos = ScrH()/2 - 250 end if VicoriousAgendaHook then local agenda = LocalPlayer():getAgendaTable() if not agenda then return end agendaText = agendaText or DarkRP.textWrap((LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("agenda") or getPhrase("Agenda")):gsub("//", "\n"):gsub("\\n", "\n"), "DarkRPHUD1", 150) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,50 ) surface.DrawRect( 20, agendapos + 24, 10, 3 ) surface.DrawRect( 40, agendapos + 24, 180, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( 40, agendapos + 25, 1, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( 219, agendapos + 25, 1, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( 229, agendapos + 24, 10, 3 ) drawBlur( 0, agendapos + 32, 270, 16, 10, 5, 55 ) draw.DrawNonParsedText( string.upper( agendaText ), "NumberFont", 129, agendapos + 28, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.DrawText( string.upper( agenda.Title ), "NumberFont", 129, agendapos - 2, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "VictoriousAgenda", VictoriousAgenda )
hook.Add("DarkRPVarChanged", "VictoriousAgenda", function(ply, var, _, new) if ply ~= LocalPlayer() then return end if var == "agenda" and new then agendaText = DarkRP.textWrap(new:gsub("//", "\n"):gsub("\\n", "\n"), "DarkRPHUD1", 500) else agendaText = nil end
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "AgendaChange", VictoriousAgendaChange)
local function VictoriousLockdown() local VictoriousLockdownHook = hook.Call("HUDShouldDraw", GAMEMODE, "VictoriousLockdown") if VictoriousLockdownHook then if GetGlobalBool("DarkRP_LockDown") then surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,50 ) surface.DrawRect( 20, lockdownpos + 24, 10, 3 ) surface.DrawRect( 40, lockdownpos + 24, 180, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( 40, lockdownpos + 25, 1, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( 219, lockdownpos + 25, 1, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( 229, lockdownpos + 24, 10, 3 ) drawBlur( 0, lockdownpos + 32, 270, 16, 10, 5, 55 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Lockdown"), "NumberFont", 129, lockdownpos + 28, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Lock ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 117, lockdownpos - 5, 24, 24 ) end end
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "VictoriousLockdown", VictoriousLockdown )
local Disable = { ["DarkRP_HUD"] = false, ["DarkRP_EntityDisplay"] = false, ["DarkRP_ZombieInfo"] = false, ["DarkRP_LocalPlayerHUD"] = true, ["DarkRP_Hungermod"] = true, ["DarkRP_Agenda"] = true, ["DarkRP_LockdownHUD"] = true, ["CHudHealth"] = true, ["CHudBattery"] = true, ["CHudAmmo"] = true, ["CHudSecondaryAmmo"] = true,
local function Disabled( ele ) if Disable[ ele ] then return false end
hook.Add( "HUDShouldDraw", "DisableHUD", Disabled )
VictoriousConfig.Languages = {}
include("languages.lua")//loading languages
VictoriousConfig.Theme = Color( 255, 0, 0, 60 )
VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur = true
VictoriousConfig.Language = "english"
-- Easily add your own language in languages.lua
VictoriousConfig.CompassPermenant = false
VictoriousConfig.XPosition = 50
VictoriousConfig.YPosition = ScrH() - 360
-- Position Guides
-- XPosition = Left or Right
-- YPosition = Up or Down
-- If you want the menu on the lower part of screen use YPosition = ScrH() - XXX
-- Below are some pre made values for your desired location
VictoriousConfig.CompassUseKey = true
VictoriousConfig.CompassKey = KEY_F8
-- For other keys: http://wiki.garrysmod.com/page/Enums/KEY
VictoriousConfig.ProfileKey = KEY_LALT
-- For other keys: http://wiki.garrysmod.com/page/Enums/KEY
VictoriousConfig.HealthNumbers = false
VictoriousConfig.LevelSystem = false
VictoriousConfig.ShowExperiencePercent = false
-- Free level addon already supported: https://github.com/vrondakis/Leveling-System
-- If you need your own level system supported create a ticket.
VictoriousConfig.ShowSalary = true
VictoriousConfig.Ammunition = true
VictoriousConfig.Centered = true -- Ammunition hud is centered?
VictoriousConfig.Ranks = {}
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["Owner"] = "OWNER"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["superadmin"] = "SUPER ADMIN"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["HeadAdmin"] = "HEAD ADMIN"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["Admin"] = "ADMIN"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["Moderator"] = "MODERATOR"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["Mod"] = "MOD"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["TMod"] = "TRIAL MOD"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["VIP"] = "ROYALTY"
local PlayerRanks = VictoriousConfig.Ranks
local HPPulse = 0
local FadeLerp = 0
local plyMeta = FindMetaTable("Player")
plyMeta.drawPlayerInfo = function(self) if not IsValid(self) then return end local pos = self:EyePos() if(self:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos()) <= 150) then pos.z = pos.z + 1 pos = pos:ToScreen() NamePos = pos.y - 65 License = pos.y - 40 if not self:getDarkRPVar("wanted") then pos.y = pos.y - 1 end local Health = DarkRP.getPhrase("health", self:Health()) local Health = math.Clamp( self:Health() or 0, 0, 100 ) if Health > 100 then Health = 100 end if Health < 0 then Health = 0 end if Health < 16 then HPPulse = 255 * math.sin( CurTime() * 4 ) else HPPulse = math.Clamp( HPPulse - 255, 255, 255) end if GAMEMODE.Config.showname then local nick, plyTeam = self:Nick(), self:Team() local Ranked = PlayerRanks[self:GetNWString("usergroup", "")] surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 40 * FadeLerp ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 70, pos.y - 70, 140, 4 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 200, 200, 200, FadeLerp* HPPulse ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 70, pos.y - 70, 140 * Health / 100, 4 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 35 * FadeLerp ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 72, pos.y - 72, 1, 8 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 72, pos.y - 72, 143, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 72, pos.y - 65, 143, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x + 71, pos.y - 72, 1, 8 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 72, pos.y - 63, 45, 2 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 72, pos.y - 63, 20, 3 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x + 27, pos.y - 63, 45, 2 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x + 52, pos.y - 63, 20, 3 ) if (self:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos()) <= 100) then draw.DrawText( string.upper(nick), "NumberFont", pos.x, pos.y - 96, Color( 255, 255, 255, FadeLerp* 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) if PlayerRanks[self:GetNWString("usergroup", "")] then NamePos = pos.y + 100 draw.DrawText( Ranked, "NumberFont", pos.x, pos.y - 63, Color( 255, 155, 0, FadeLerp* 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end if GAMEMODE.Config.showjob then local teamname = self:getDarkRPVar("job") or team.GetName(self:Team()) draw.DrawText( string.upper(teamname),"NumberFont", pos.x, NamePos, Color( 200, 200, 200, FadeLerp* 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end if (self:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos()) <= 140) then FadeLerp = Lerp( FrameTime()* 10, FadeLerp, 1) else FadeLerp = Lerp( FrameTime()* 10, FadeLerp, 0) end end end
plyMeta.drawWantedInfo = plyMeta.drawWantedInfo or function(self) if not self:Alive() then return end if(self:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos()) <= 300) then local pos = self:EyePos() pos.z = pos.z + 1 pos = pos:ToScreen() draw.DrawText( "WANTED", "NumberFont", pos.x, pos.y - 43, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end
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