Aide pour modifier un HUD

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Bonjour, bonsoir.

Je cherche actuellement comment enlever la health bar en haut de l'écran et de rendre le hud plus petit

HUD --> Victorious Hud

VictoriousConfig = {}
surface.CreateFont("CompassFont", {font = "BF4 Numbers", size = 16, weight = 200, extended = true})
surface.CreateFont("CompassFontL", {font = "BF4 Numbers", size = 20, weight = 200, extended = true})
surface.CreateFont("NumberFont", {font = "BF4 Numbers", size = 22, weight = 400, extended = true})
surface.CreateFont("WeaponFont", {font = "BF4 Numbers", size = 28, weight = 400, extended = true})
surface.CreateFont("PlayerMenu", {font = "BF4 Numbers", size = 32, weight = 400, extended = true})
surface.CreateFont("WeaponNumber", {font = "BF4 Numbers", size = 42, weight = 600, extended = true})
local Bullet = Material("icons/bullet.png")
local Arrow = Material("icons/arrow.png")
local Hungry = Material("icons/hunger.png")
local Heart = Material("icons/health.png")
local Rank = Material("icons/rank.png")
local Clip = Material("icons/clip.png")
local Shield = Material("icons/shield.png")
local ShieldDegrade = Material("shielddegrade.png")
local AngleL = Material("icons/angle.png")
local AngleR = Material("icons/angler.png")
local Star = Material("icons/handcuffs.png")
local Lock = Material("icons/lock.png")
local blur = Material( "pp/blurscreen" )
local ShieldPercentage = Material("icons/shield.png")
local ply = LocalPlayer()
local function getPlayerTime(ply) if ulx ~= nil and ply:GetNWInt( "TotalUTime", -1 ) ~= -1 then return math.floor((ply:GetUTime() + CurTime() - ply:GetUTimeStart())) else return ply:GetNWInt( "Time_Fixed" ) + (CurTime() - ply:GetNWInt( "Time_Join" )) end
local function getPhrase(id, ...) local langtabl = VictoriousConfig.Languages[VictoriousConfig.Language] if langtabl then if langtabl[id] then return string.format(langtabl[id], ...) end end return nil
local function drawBlur( x, y, w, h, layers, density, alpha ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, alpha ) surface.SetMaterial( blur ) for i = 1, layers do blur:SetFloat( "$blur", ( i / layers ) * density ) blur:Recompute() render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture() render.SetScissorRect( x, y, x + w, y + h, true ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 0, 0, ScrW(), ScrH() ) render.SetScissorRect( 0, 0, 0, 0, false ) end
local nd = 0
local nti = 360 / 15
local noi = 18
local ComPos = ScrH()/2 + 220
local function DrawCompass() local lp = LocalPlayer() local size = ScrW()* 0.5 if IsValid(lp) then local dir = EyeAngles().y - nd for i=0, nti - 1 do local ang = i * 15 local dif = math.AngleDifference(ang, dir) local numofinst = noi local offang = ( numofinst*12 )/2.8 if math.abs(dif) < offang then local alpha = math.Clamp( 0.8-(math.abs(dif)/(offang)) , 0, 1 ) * 255 local dif2 = size / noi local pos = dif/15 * dif2 local text = tostring(360 - ang) local font = "CompassFont" local directionfont = "CompassFontL" local clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) local drt = Color(230,230,230,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( VictoriousConfig.Theme ) surface.SetMaterial( Arrow ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( ScrW()/2 - 8, ComPos - 138, 16, 16 ) if ang == 0 then direction = "N" text = "0" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( VictoriousConfig.Theme.r, VictoriousConfig.Theme.g, VictoriousConfig.Theme.b, alpha ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 180 then direction = "S" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 90 then direction = "W" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 270 then direction = "E" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 45 then direction = "NW" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 135 then direction = "SW" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 225 then direction = "SE" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 315 then direction = "NE" font = "CompassFont" clr = Color(170,170,170,alpha) surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 15 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 30 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 60 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 75 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 105 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 120 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 150 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 165 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 195 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 210 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 240 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 255 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 285 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 300 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 330 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) elseif ang == 345 then direction = "" surface.SetDrawColor( clr ) surface.DrawRect( ScrW()/2 - 25 - pos, ComPos - 100, 50, 3 ) end draw.DrawText( text, font, ScrW()/2 - pos, ComPos - 85, clr, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.DrawText( direction, directionfont, ScrW()/2 - pos, ComPos - 125, drt, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end end end
local x = ScrW()/2
local y = 100
local HealthLerp = 0
local AmmunitionLerp = 0
local ArmorLerp = 0
local wantedpos = ScrH()/2 - 250
local lockdownpos = ScrH()/2 - 250
local agendapos = ScrH()/2 - 325
local function VictoriousMain() lp = LocalPlayer() local Armor = math.Clamp( LocalPlayer():Armor() or 0, 0, 100 ) local Health = math.Clamp( LocalPlayer():Health() or 0, 0, 100 ) local Healthmax = LocalPlayer():GetMaxHealth() or 100 HealthLerp = Lerp( FrameTime()* 7, HealthLerp, Health) ArmorLerp = Lerp( FrameTime()* 7, ArmorLerp, Armor) local HealthSpeed = 2 local Hunger = 0 if not DarkRP.disabledDefaults["modules"]["hungermod"] then Hunger = math.Clamp(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("Energy") or 0, 0, 100) end drawBlur( x - 220, y, 440, 16, 10, 5, 55 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,50 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 220, y, 440, 16 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 250,250,250,190 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 220, y, (441) * HealthLerp / 100, 16 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 250,250,250,20 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 223, y - 3, 446, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 223, y + 18, 446, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 90, y - 3, 180, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 223, y + 22, 150, 2 ) surface.DrawRect( x + 73, y + 22, 150, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 250,250,250,75 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 223, y - 2, 1, 20 ) surface.DrawRect( x + 222, y - 2, 1, 20 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 250,250,250,30 ) surface.DrawRect( x - 223, y + 22, 65, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( x + 158, y + 22, 65, 4 ) if VictoriousConfig.HealthNumbers then draw.DrawText(( LocalPlayer():Health()), "NumberFont", x , y - 28, Color(255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) surface.SetDrawColor( 250,250,250,20 ) surface.SetMaterial( AngleL ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - 70, y - 40, 64,64 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 250,250,250,20 ) surface.SetMaterial( AngleR ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( x + 12, y - 40, 64,64 ) end if LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("wanted") then surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,50 ) surface.DrawRect( 20, wantedpos + 24, 10, 3 ) surface.DrawRect( 40, wantedpos + 24, 180, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( 40, wantedpos + 25, 1, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( 219, wantedpos + 25, 1, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( 229, wantedpos + 24, 10, 3 ) drawBlur( 0, wantedpos + 32, 270, 16, 10, 5, 55 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Wanted"), "NumberFont", 129, wantedpos + 28, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Star ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 87, wantedpos - 5, 24, 24 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Star ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 117, wantedpos - 5, 24, 24 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Star ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 147, wantedpos - 5, 24, 24 ) end local ArmorPulse = 0 local ShieldDegrade = 0 local PulseAlpha = 50 if Armor > 0 then if Armor < 31 then PulseAlpha = 0 end if ArmorPulse then ArmorPulse = PulseAlpha * math.sin( CurTime() * 2 ) ShieldDegrade = 255 * math.sin( CurTime() * 4 ) else ArmorPulse = math.Clamp( ArmorPulse - 255, 0, 255) ShieldDegrade = math.Clamp( ShieldDegrade - 255, 0, 255) end if Armor < 51 then surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,ArmorPulse ) surface.SetMaterial( Arrow ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - 12, y + 54, 24, 24 ) end if Armor < 41 then ShieldPercentage = Material("icons/shielddegrade.png") end if Armor < 31 then PulseAlpha = 0 ShieldSpeed = 6 surface.SetDrawColor( VictoriousConfig.Theme.r,VictoriousConfig.Theme.g,VictoriousConfig.Theme.b, ShieldDegrade ) surface.SetMaterial( Arrow ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - 12, y + 54, 24, 24 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( ShieldPercentage ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - 14, y + 32, 28, 28 ) end local HeartRate = 3 local HeartPulse = 0 if Health < 71 then Hear0tRate = 4 end if Health < 51 then HeartRate = 5 end if Health < 31 then HeartRate = 6 end if Health < 21 then HeartRate = 7 end if HeartPulse then HeartPulse = 255 * math.sin( CurTime() * HeartRate ) else HeartPulse = math.Clamp( HeartPulse - 255, 0, 255) end if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, VictoriousConfig.YPosition, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, VictoriousConfig.YPosition, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,HeartPulse ) surface.SetMaterial( Heart ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 15, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 13, 32, 32 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,80 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 42, 320, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 42, (320) *HealthLerp / 100, 2 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Health"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 10, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) draw.DrawText( LocalPlayer():Health(), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 10, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 70, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 70, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( ShieldPercentage ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 15, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 83, 32, 32 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,80 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 112, 320, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 112, (320) * ArmorLerp / 100, 2 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Armor"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 80, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) draw.DrawText( Armor, "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 80, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) local Weapon = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon() local ReloadPulse = 0 local levelpos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 140 local hungerpos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 140 local moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 210 if IsValid(Weapon) then local Magazine = Weapon:GetMaxClip1() or 0 local Ammunition = Weapon:Clip1() or 0 if Ammunition <= Magazine / 3 and Magazine > 0 then ReloadPulse = 255 * math.sin( CurTime() * 3 ) else ReloadPulse = math.Clamp( ReloadPulse - 255, 0, 255) end Magazine = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetMaxClip1()  local AmmunitionType = Weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() local Ammunitionx = VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200 if (AmmunitionType >= 0) then if (Ammunition != -1) then local WeaponName = Weapon:GetPrintName() local AmmunitionCount = Ammunition; if( string.len( AmmunitionCount ) < 2 ) then AmmunitionCount = "0" .. AmmunitionCount; end local AmmunitionExtended = LocalPlayer():GetAmmoCount(AmmunitionType); if( string.len( AmmunitionExtended ) < 2 ) then AmmunitionExtended = "0" .. AmmunitionExtended; end local WeaponNameLength = WeaponName ; if( string.len( Weapon:GetPrintName()) > 10) then Ammunitionx = ScrW() - 205 end if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 140, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 140, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Bullet ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 15, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 155, 32, 32 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,80 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 182, 320, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 182, (320) * Ammunition / Magazine, 2 ) draw.DrawText( WeaponName, "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 150, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) draw.DrawText( Ammunition .. " | " .. AmmunitionExtended, "NumberFont", Ammunitionx, VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 150, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 280 levelpos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 210 hungerpos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 210 end end end if VictoriousConfig.LevelSystem then moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 350 hungerpos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 350 local AmmunitionType = Weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() if (AmmunitionType >= 0) then if (Ammunition != -1) then moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 420 hungerpos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 420 end end local OldXP = 0 local PlayerLevel = LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar('level') local PlayerExperience = LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar('xp') local percent = ((LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar('xp') or 0)/(((10+(((PlayerLevel or 1)*((PlayerLevel or 1)+1)*90))))*LevelSystemConfiguration.XPMult)) local PlayerExperienceBar = Lerp(8*FrameTime(),OldXP,percent) OldXP = PlayerExperienceBar local PlayerExperienced = percent*100 PlayerExperienced = math.Round(PlayerExperienced) PlayerExperienced = math.Clamp(PlayerExperienced, 0, 99) if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, levelpos, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, levelpos, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Rank ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 15, levelpos + 16, 32, 32 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,80 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, levelpos + 42, 320, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( VictoriousConfig.Theme ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, levelpos + 42, (320) * percent, 2 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Level"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, levelpos + 10, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) draw.DrawText( PlayerLevel, "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 120, levelpos + 10, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) if VictoriousConfig.ShowExperiencePercent then draw.DrawText( PlayerExperienced.." %" , "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, levelpos + 10, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end end if not DarkRP.disabledDefaults["modules"]["hungermod"] then moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 280 local AmmunitionType = Weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() if (AmmunitionType >= 0) then if (Ammunition != -1) then moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 350 end end if VictoriousConfig.LevelSystem then moneypos = 500 if (AmmunitionType >= 0) then if (Ammunition != -1) then moneypos = VictoriousConfig.YPosition + 420 end end end if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, hungerpos, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, hungerpos, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Hungry ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 15, hungerpos + 14, 32, 32 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,80 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, hungerpos + 42, 320, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, hungerpos + 42, (320) * Hunger/100, 2 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Hunger"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 60, hungerpos + 10, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) draw.DrawText( Hunger .." %" , "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, hungerpos + 10, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, moneypos, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, moneypos, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,30 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 20, moneypos + 30, 320, 1 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Money"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 140, moneypos + 5, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) if VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur then drawBlur( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, moneypos - 70, 400, 60, 10, 5, 55 ) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,70 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition, moneypos - 70, 400, 60 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,30 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 40, moneypos - 40, 320, 1 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Class"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, moneypos - 65, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.DrawText( string.upper(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("job")), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, moneypos - 38, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) if VictoriousConfig.ShowSalary then draw.DrawText(DarkRP.formatMoney(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money")).. " ( " ..DarkRP.formatMoney(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("salary")).. " )" , "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 140, moneypos + 33, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) else draw.DrawText(DarkRP.formatMoney(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money")), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 140, moneypos + 33, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Time"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 264, moneypos + 5, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.DrawText(string.FormattedTime(getPlayerTime(ply)).h .. string.FormattedTime(getPlayerTime(ply),":%02i"), "NumberFont", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 264, moneypos + 33, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,30 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 100, VictoriousConfig.YPosition - 17, 200, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition - 10, VictoriousConfig.YPosition - 10, 15, 2 ) surface.DrawRect( VictoriousConfig.XPosition - 10, moneypos + 70, 15, 2 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Playermenu"), "PlayerMenu", VictoriousConfig.XPosition + 200, VictoriousConfig.YPosition - 50, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) local Weapon = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon() local ReloadPulse = 0 local Ammunitionpos = 55 if IsValid(Weapon) then local Magazine = Weapon:GetMaxClip1() or 0 local Ammunition = Weapon:Clip1() or 0 Magazine = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon():GetMaxClip1()  local AmmunitionType = Weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() local Ammunitionx = ScrW() - 220 AmmunitionLerp = Lerp( FrameTime()* 12, AmmunitionLerp, Ammunition) if Ammunition <= Magazine / 3 and Magazine > 0 then ReloadPulse = 255 * math.sin( CurTime() * 3 ) else ReloadPulse = math.Clamp( ReloadPulse - 255, 0, 255) end if (AmmunitionType >= 0) then if (Ammunition != -1) then local WeaponName = Weapon:GetPrintName() local AmmunitionCount = Ammunition; if( string.len( AmmunitionCount ) < 2 ) then AmmunitionCount = "0" .. AmmunitionCount; end local AmmunitionExtended = LocalPlayer():GetAmmoCount(AmmunitionType); if( string.len( AmmunitionExtended ) < 2 ) then AmmunitionExtended = "0" .. AmmunitionExtended; end local WeaponNameLength = WeaponName ; if( string.len( Weapon:GetPrintName()) > 10) then Ammunitionx = ScrW() - 205 end surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,ReloadPulse ) surface.SetMaterial( Clip ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( x - 22, ScrH() / 2 + 30, 44, 44 ) if VictoriousConfig.Ammunition then if VictoriousConfig.Centered then Ammunitionpos = ScrW()/2 - 150 end surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,20 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos - 2, ScrH() - 97, 304, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos - 2, ScrH() - 108, 304, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos - 2, ScrH() - 113, 100, 2 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos - 2, ScrH() - 113, 100, 2 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos + 202, ScrH() - 113, 100, 2 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,30 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos - 2, ScrH() - 115, 50, 3 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos + 252, ScrH() - 115, 50, 3 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0,0,0,55 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos, ScrH() - 105, 300, 6 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255 ) surface.DrawRect( Ammunitionpos, ScrH() - 105, (300)*AmmunitionLerp / Magazine, 6 ) draw.DrawText( WeaponName, "WeaponFont", Ammunitionpos + 150, ScrH() - 140, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.DrawText( Ammunition, "WeaponNumber", Ammunitionpos + 147, ScrH() - 100, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT ) draw.DrawText( AmmunitionExtended, "WeaponFont", Ammunitionpos + 155, ScrH() - 89, Color( 255,255,255,150 ), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) end end end end if VictoriousConfig.CompassUseKey then if input.IsKeyDown( VictoriousConfig.CompassKey ) then DrawCompass() end end if VictoriousConfig.CompassPermenant then if IsValid(Weapon) then local AmmunitionType = Weapon:GetPrimaryAmmoType() DrawCompass() ComPos = ScrH() - 50 if (AmmunitionType >= 0) then if (Ammunition != -1) then ComPos = ScrH() - 90 end end end end
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "VictoriousMainHUD", VictoriousMain)
local function VictoriousAgenda() local agendaText local VicoriousAgendaHook = hook.Call("HUDShouldDraw", GAMEMODE, "VictoriousAgenda") if LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("wanted") then lockdownpos = ScrH()/2 - 175 else lockdownpos = ScrH()/2 - 250 end if VicoriousAgendaHook then local agenda = LocalPlayer():getAgendaTable() if not agenda then return end agendaText = agendaText or DarkRP.textWrap((LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("agenda") or getPhrase("Agenda")):gsub("//", "\n"):gsub("\\n", "\n"), "DarkRPHUD1", 150) surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,50 ) surface.DrawRect( 20, agendapos + 24, 10, 3 ) surface.DrawRect( 40, agendapos + 24, 180, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( 40, agendapos + 25, 1, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( 219, agendapos + 25, 1, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( 229, agendapos + 24, 10, 3 ) drawBlur( 0, agendapos + 32, 270, 16, 10, 5, 55 ) draw.DrawNonParsedText( string.upper( agendaText ), "NumberFont", 129, agendapos + 28, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.DrawText( string.upper( agenda.Title ), "NumberFont", 129, agendapos - 2, VictoriousConfig.Theme, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "VictoriousAgenda", VictoriousAgenda )
hook.Add("DarkRPVarChanged", "VictoriousAgenda", function(ply, var, _, new) if ply ~= LocalPlayer() then return end if var == "agenda" and new then agendaText = DarkRP.textWrap(new:gsub("//", "\n"):gsub("\\n", "\n"), "DarkRPHUD1", 500) else agendaText = nil end
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "AgendaChange", VictoriousAgendaChange)
local function VictoriousLockdown() local VictoriousLockdownHook = hook.Call("HUDShouldDraw", GAMEMODE, "VictoriousLockdown") if VictoriousLockdownHook then if GetGlobalBool("DarkRP_LockDown") then surface.SetDrawColor( 255,255,255,50 ) surface.DrawRect( 20, lockdownpos + 24, 10, 3 ) surface.DrawRect( 40, lockdownpos + 24, 180, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( 40, lockdownpos + 25, 1, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( 219, lockdownpos + 25, 1, 4 ) surface.DrawRect( 229, lockdownpos + 24, 10, 3 ) drawBlur( 0, lockdownpos + 32, 270, 16, 10, 5, 55 ) draw.DrawText( getPhrase("Lockdown"), "NumberFont", 129, lockdownpos + 28, Color( 255,255,255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) surface.SetDrawColor( 245,245,245,255 ) surface.SetMaterial( Lock ) surface.DrawTexturedRect( 117, lockdownpos - 5, 24, 24 ) end end
hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "VictoriousLockdown", VictoriousLockdown )
local Disable = { ["DarkRP_HUD"] = false, ["DarkRP_EntityDisplay"] = false, ["DarkRP_ZombieInfo"] = false, ["DarkRP_LocalPlayerHUD"] = true, ["DarkRP_Hungermod"] = true, ["DarkRP_Agenda"] = true, ["DarkRP_LockdownHUD"] = true, ["CHudHealth"] = true, ["CHudBattery"] = true, ["CHudAmmo"] = true, ["CHudSecondaryAmmo"] = true,
local function Disabled( ele ) if Disable[ ele ] then return false end
hook.Add( "HUDShouldDraw", "DisableHUD", Disabled )

VictoriousConfig.Languages = {}
include("languages.lua")//loading languages
VictoriousConfig.Theme = Color( 255, 0, 0, 60 )
VictoriousConfig.DrawBlur = true
VictoriousConfig.Language = "english"
-- Easily add your own language in languages.lua
VictoriousConfig.CompassPermenant = false

VictoriousConfig.XPosition = 50
VictoriousConfig.YPosition = ScrH() - 360
-- Position Guides
-- XPosition = Left or Right
-- YPosition = Up or Down
-- If you want the menu on the lower part of screen use YPosition = ScrH() - XXX
-- Below are some pre made values for your desired location

VictoriousConfig.CompassUseKey = true
VictoriousConfig.CompassKey = KEY_F8
-- For other keys:
VictoriousConfig.ProfileKey = KEY_LALT
-- For other keys:
VictoriousConfig.HealthNumbers = false
VictoriousConfig.LevelSystem = false
VictoriousConfig.ShowExperiencePercent = false
-- Free level addon already supported:
-- If you need your own level system supported create a ticket.
VictoriousConfig.ShowSalary = true
VictoriousConfig.Ammunition = true
VictoriousConfig.Centered = true -- Ammunition hud is centered?
VictoriousConfig.Ranks = {}
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["Owner"] = "OWNER"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["superadmin"] = "SUPER ADMIN"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["HeadAdmin"] = "HEAD ADMIN"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["Admin"] = "ADMIN"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["Moderator"] = "MODERATOR"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["Mod"] = "MOD"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["TMod"] = "TRIAL MOD"
VictoriousConfig.Ranks["VIP"] = "ROYALTY"

local PlayerRanks = VictoriousConfig.Ranks
local HPPulse = 0
local FadeLerp = 0
local plyMeta = FindMetaTable("Player")
plyMeta.drawPlayerInfo = function(self) if not IsValid(self) then return end local pos = self:EyePos() if(self:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos()) <= 150) then pos.z = pos.z + 1 pos = pos:ToScreen() NamePos = pos.y - 65 License = pos.y - 40 if not self:getDarkRPVar("wanted") then pos.y = pos.y - 1 end local Health = DarkRP.getPhrase("health", self:Health()) local Health = math.Clamp( self:Health() or 0, 0, 100 ) if Health > 100 then Health = 100 end if Health < 0 then Health = 0 end if Health < 16 then HPPulse = 255 * math.sin( CurTime() * 4 ) else HPPulse = math.Clamp( HPPulse - 255, 255, 255) end if GAMEMODE.Config.showname then local nick, plyTeam = self:Nick(), self:Team() local Ranked = PlayerRanks[self:GetNWString("usergroup", "")] surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 40 * FadeLerp ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 70, pos.y - 70, 140, 4 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 200, 200, 200, FadeLerp* HPPulse ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 70, pos.y - 70, 140 * Health / 100, 4 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 35 * FadeLerp ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 72, pos.y - 72, 1, 8 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 72, pos.y - 72, 143, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 72, pos.y - 65, 143, 1 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x + 71, pos.y - 72, 1, 8 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 72, pos.y - 63, 45, 2 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x - 72, pos.y - 63, 20, 3 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x + 27, pos.y - 63, 45, 2 ) surface.DrawRect( pos.x + 52, pos.y - 63, 20, 3 ) if (self:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos()) <= 100) then draw.DrawText( string.upper(nick), "NumberFont", pos.x, pos.y - 96, Color( 255, 255, 255, FadeLerp* 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) if PlayerRanks[self:GetNWString("usergroup", "")] then NamePos = pos.y + 100 draw.DrawText( Ranked, "NumberFont", pos.x, pos.y - 63, Color( 255, 155, 0, FadeLerp* 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end if GAMEMODE.Config.showjob then local teamname = self:getDarkRPVar("job") or team.GetName(self:Team()) draw.DrawText( string.upper(teamname),"NumberFont", pos.x, NamePos, Color( 200, 200, 200, FadeLerp* 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end end if (self:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos()) <= 140) then FadeLerp = Lerp( FrameTime()* 10, FadeLerp, 1) else FadeLerp = Lerp( FrameTime()* 10, FadeLerp, 0) end end end
plyMeta.drawWantedInfo = plyMeta.drawWantedInfo or function(self) if not self:Alive() then return end if(self:GetPos():Distance(LocalPlayer():GetPos()) <= 300) then local pos = self:EyePos() pos.z = pos.z + 1 pos = pos:ToScreen() draw.DrawText( "WANTED", "NumberFont", pos.x, pos.y - 43, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end
Dernière édition:
Maxime Erterangs

Maxime Erterangs

Nouveau né
Score réaction

CHUDHealth = true -> false

Et petit conseil, supprime vite les lignes de codes du poste car on pourrait très bien récupérer ces lignes pour le recréer sachant qu'il est payant.
  • Initiateur de la discussion


Score réaction
Maxime Erterangs à dit:

CHUDHealth = true -> false

Et petit conseil, supprime vite les lignes de codes du poste car on pourrait très bien récupérer ces lignes pour le recréer sachant qu'il est payant.
Sa n'a rien changé
  • Initiateur de la discussion


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