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besoin d'aide avec le Sleek HUD, actuellement la Faim est écrit comme ceci: "Faim: 100" et j'aimerais qu'elle soit sous forme de barre de couleur comme pour la vie et l'armure (si vous le faite je veux bien du jaune)
besoin d'aide avec le Sleek HUD, actuellement la Faim est écrit comme ceci: "Faim: 100" et j'aimerais qu'elle soit sous forme de barre de couleur comme pour la vie et l'armure (si vous le faite je veux bien du jaune)
local Health = 0
HM = {}
HM.UsingHungerMod = true
local av
local name
local oldName
local function DrawPlayerAvatar( p ) oldName = LocalPlayer():Name() print( oldName ) av = vgui.Create("AvatarImage") av:SetPos(64,ScrH() - 130) av:SetSize(60, 60) av:SetPlayer( p, 64 )
local function formatNumber(n) if not n then return "" end if n >= 1e14 then return tostring(n) end n = tostring(n) local sep = sep or "," local dp = string.find(n, "%.") or #n+1 for i=dp-4, 1, -3 do n = n:sub(1, i) .. sep .. n:sub(i+1) end return n
local function hudPaint() draw.RoundedBox( 4, 9, ScrH() - 143, 392, 133, Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) draw.RoundedBox( 4, 10, ScrH() - 142, 390, 132, Color( 38, 38, 38, 255 ) ) draw.RoundedBoxEx( 4, 10, ScrH() - 142, 40, 80, Color( 54, 54, 54, 255 ), true, false, false, false ) draw.RoundedBoxEx( 4, 400 - 156, ScrH() - 142, 156, 80, Color( 54, 54, 54, 255 ), false, true, false, false ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) surface.DrawLine( 10, ScrH() - 102, 50, ScrH() - 102 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 61, 61, 61, 255 ) surface.DrawLine( 10, ScrH() - 101, 50, ScrH() - 101 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 4, 4, 4, 255 ) surface.DrawLine( 10, ScrH() - 62, 400, ScrH() - 62 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 61, 61, 61, 255 ) surface.DrawLine( 10, ScrH() - 61, 400, ScrH() - 61 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 84, 84, 84, 255 ) surface.DrawLine( 11, ScrH() - 142, 398, ScrH() - 142 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 24, 24, 24, 255 ) surface.DrawLine( 400 - 156, ScrH() - 142, 400 - 156, ScrH() - 62 ) surface.SetDrawColor( 24, 24, 24, 255 ) surface.DrawLine( 50, ScrH() - 142, 50, ScrH() - 62 ) local font surface.SetFont( "namef" ) local PlayerName = LocalPlayer():Name() local Width, Height = surface.GetTextSize(PlayerName) if Width > 100 then font = "namefsmall" else font = "namef" end surface.SetFont( "namefsmall" ) local wh, hw = surface.GetTextSize(PlayerName) if font == "namefsmall" and wh > 100 then PlayerName = string.sub( LocalPlayer():Name(), 1, 18 )..".." end if font == "namef" and Width < 100 then local PlayerName = LocalPlayer():Name() end draw.SimpleText( PlayerName, font, 130, ScrH() - 132, Color( 255, 255, 255 ) ) local jfont local jof local eof surface.SetFont( "jobf" ) local PlayerJob = team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()) local wi, hi = surface.GetTextSize(PlayerJob) if wi > 100 and wi < 140 then jfont = "jobfsmall" jof = 2 elseif wi > 140 then jfont = "jobfxsmall" jof = 4 else jfont = "jobf" jof = 0 end if jfont == "jobfsmall" and font == "namefsmall" then jof = jof - 4 elseif jfont == "jobf" and font == "namefsmall" then jof = jof - 6 elseif jfont == "jobfxsmall" and font == "namefsmall" then jof = jof - 8 else jof = jof end draw.SimpleText( PlayerJob, jfont, 130, ScrH() - 118 + jof, Color( 220, 220, 220, 255 ) ) if HM.UsingHungerMod then draw.SimpleText( "Faim: "..math.Round(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar( "Energy" ) or 0), "hungerf", 130, ScrH() - 88 + jof, Color( 200, 200, 200, 255 ) ) end local mfont surface.SetFont( "moneyf" ) local PlayerMoney = formatNumber(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar( "money" )) local wl, hl = surface.GetTextSize(PlayerMoney) if wl > 140 then mfont = "moneyfsmall" else mfont = "moneyf" end draw.SimpleText( "€"..PlayerMoney, mfont, 320, ScrH() - 132, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.SimpleText( "Salaire: €"..formatNumber(LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar( "salary" )), "salaryf", 320, ScrH() - 96, Color( 200, 200, 200, 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) local x, y = 30, ScrH() - 20 local localplayer = LocalPlayer() Health = math.min(100, (Health == localplayer:Health() and Health) or Lerp(0.1, Health, localplayer:Health())) local DrawHealth = math.Min(Health / GAMEMODE.Config.startinghealth, 1) local Border = math.Min(6, math.pow(2, math.Round(3*DrawHealth))) draw.RoundedBox(4, 20 + 60, y - 33, 309 - 7, 16, Color(0,0,0,200)) if LocalPlayer():Health() > 0 then draw.RoundedBox(4, 21 + 60, y - 32, (309 - 9) * DrawHealth, 14, Color(255,40,40,180)) end draw.DrawText(math.Max(0, math.Round(localplayer:Health())), "healthf", 302 / 2 + 80, y - 33, Color(255,255,255,200), 1, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local armor = LocalPlayer():Armor() draw.RoundedBox(4, 20 + 60, ScrH() - 34, 302, 16, Color(0,0,0,200)) if armor > 0 then draw.RoundedBox(4, 21 + 60, ScrH() - 33, armor * 3, 14, Color(40,40,255,255)) end draw.SimpleText(armor, "healthf", 80 + 302 / 2, ScrH() - 33, Color(255,255,255,200), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText("Santé:", "healthf2", 20, ScrH() - 54, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("Kevlar:", "healthf2", 20, ScrH() - 36, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) if LocalPlayer():isWanted() then draw.SimpleText("!", "wantf", 30, ScrH() - 98, Color( math.sin( CurTime() * 3 ) * 255, 0, 0 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) else draw.SimpleText("!", "wantf", 30, ScrH() - 98, Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end draw.SimpleText("+", "wantf", 30, ScrH() - 138, Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) if av then return else DrawPlayerAvatar( LocalPlayer() ) end
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "DarkRP_Mod_HUDPaint", hudPaint)
hook.Add( "HUDShouldDraw", "Remove default", function( name ) if ( name == "CHudHealth" or name == "CHudBattery" ) then return false end
end )
hook.Add("HUDDrawTargetID", "HMHUD", function() return