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Bonjour j'ai un petit souci qui ne mais jamais arriver auparavant il y a seulement 3 joueurs sur les 7 derniers jours qui ont été impacter et qui le sont encore.
Voici l'erreur lua :
Ce qui m'étonne le plus dans cette erreur c'est que le fichier n'a strictement aucun problème :
Voici les 100 premières lignes et vous pouvez constater comme moi qu'il n'a rien à se reprocher la preuve en est que tous les joueurs de mon serveur sauf 3 ont ce bug.
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.
Voici l'erreur lua :
[ArtXtrem|83|STEAM_0:0:52296823] Lua Error:
Couldn't include file 'util\color.lua' (File not found) (@addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/entities.lua (line 33))
DarkRP custom entities
This file contains your custom entities.
This file should also contain entities from DarkRP that you edited.
Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP entity, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua Once you've done that, copy and paste the entity to this file and edit it.
The default entities can be found here:
For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:
Add entities under the following line:
DarkRP.createEntity("Baril", { ent = "the_opium_barrel", model = "models/props_borealis/bluebarrel001.mdl", price = 4500, max = 1, cmd = "buybarilopium", allowed = TEAM_OPIUM
DarkRP.createEntity("Bouteille", { ent = "the_opium_bottle", model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle003a.mdl", price = 350, max = 5, cmd = "buybottleopium", allowed = TEAM_OPIUM
DarkRP.createEntity("Papaverine", { ent = "the_opium_papaverine", model = "models/props_junk/cardboard_box004a.mdl", price = 150, max = 3, cmd = "buybotdgrdrmtleopium", allowed = TEAM_OPIUM
DarkRP.createEntity("Sulfate", { ent = "the_opium_sulfate", model = "models/props_junk/cardboard_box004a.mdl", price = 150, max = 3, cmd = "buybotdrsulfategtleopium", allowed = TEAM_OPIUM
DarkRP.createEntity("Codeine", { ent = "the_opium_codeine", model = "models/props_junk/cardboard_box004a.mdl", price = 150, max = 3, cmd = "buycodereopium", allowed = TEAM_OPIUM
DarkRP.createEntity("Bouteille de gaz", { ent = "the_opium_gas", model = "models/props_c17/canister01a.mdl", price = 100, max = 1, cmd = "buybottlegasopium", allowed = TEAM_OPIUM
DarkRP.createEntity("Gasinière", { ent = "the_opium_heater", model = "models/props_c17/furnitureStove001a.mdl", price = 2500, max = 1, cmd = "buygasiniereopium", allowed = TEAM_OPIUM
DarkRP.createEntity("Boite à bouteille", { ent = "the_opium_packer", model = "models/props/cs_militia/microwave01.mdl", price = 1000, max = 1, cmd = "buygasboiteabouteireopium", allowed = TEAM_OPIUM
DarkRP.createEntity("Bidon d'eau", { ent = "the_opium_water", model = "models/props_junk/garbage_plasticbottle001a.mdl", price = 350, max = 3, cmd = "buyboeauttleopium", allowed = TEAM_OPIUM
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.