Bug job.lua INCONNU

  • Initiateur de la discussion
Kevin McCallister

Kevin McCallister

Score réaction
Bonjour, j'aurai besoin d'aide avec mon erreur que j'ai recu récemment sur mon serveur Garry's Mod.
L'erreur s'affichant est :

[ERROR] addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua:63: unexpected symbol near ','
1. unknown - addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua:0

Merci d'avance !

Voici mon "job.lua"

DarkRP custom jobs
This file contains your custom jobs.
This file should also contain jobs from DarkRP that you edited.
Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP job, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua Once you've done that, copy and paste the job to this file and edit it.
The default jobs can be found here:
For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:
Add your custom jobs under the following line:
TEAM_INITIER = DarkRP.createJob("Initié-Jedi", { color = Color(4, 168, 141, 255), model = { "models/jazzmcfly/jka/younglings/jka_young_anikan.mdl", "models/jazzmcfly/jka/younglings/jka_young_female.mdl", "models/jazzmcfly/jka/younglings/jka_young_male.mdl", "models/jazzmcfly/jka/younglings/jka_young_shak.mdl" }, description = [[Initié-Jedi en pleine formation.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber", "keys", "gmod_tool"}, command = "Initié", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(149) ply:SetHealth(149) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Initié-Jedi"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
TEAM_PADAWAN = DarkRP.createJob("Padawan", { color = Color(36, 176, 150, 255), model = { "models/grealms/characters/casualjedi/casualjedi_04.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/casualjedi/casualjedi_05.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/casualjedi/casualjedi_06.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/casualjedi/casualjedi_07.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/casualjedi/casualjedi_08.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/casualjedi/casualjedi_03.mdl" }, description = [[Un jeune Padawan a la recherche de la connaissance.]], weapons = {"gmod_tool", "keys", "weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "padawan", max = 0, salary = 350, admin = 0, vote = , hasLicense = , candemote = , category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(250) ply:SetHealth(250) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Padawan"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
TEAM_JEDI = DarkRP.createJob("Jedi", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/grealms/characters/ultimategood/ultimategood.mdl"}, description = [[Un Jedi avec un bon savoir, recherchant la paix.]], weapons = {"keys", "gmod_tool", "weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "Jedi", max = -2, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = , hasLicense = , candemote = , category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(500) ply:SetHealth(500) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Jedi"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
TEAM_CHEVALIERJEDI = DarkRP.createJob("Chevalier-Jedi", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = { "models/grealms/characters/nutscript/jedibattlelord/jedibattlelord.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/nutscript/jedibattlelord/jedibattlelord_01.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/nutscript/jedibattlelord/jedibattlelord_04.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/nutscript/jedibattlelord/jedibattlelord_06.mdl" }, description = [[un Chevalier Jedi . ( Supérieur au Jedi ).]], weapons = {}, command = "", max = 0, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = , candemote = false, PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(800) ply:SetHealth(800) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Chevalier-Jedi"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
TEAM_ERUDITJEDI = DarkRP.createJob("Erudit-Jedi", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = { "models/gonzo/swtorjedi1/malerevan/malerevan.mdl", "models/gonzo/swtorjedi1/femalerevan/femalerevan.mdl" }, description = [[Erudit-Jedi, Reconnu dans le temple pour sa compétence]], weapons = {"keys", "weapon_lightsaber", "gmod_tool"}, command = "Erudit", max = 4, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(700) ply:SetHealth(700) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Erudit-Jedi"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Withelitse!",
TEAM_OMBREJEDI = DarkRP.createJob("Ombre-Jedi", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/gonzo/swtorjedi1/jedix1/jedix1.mdl"}, description = [[Ombre-Jedi.]], weapons = {"keys", "weapon_lightsaber", "gmod_tool"}, command = "Erudit", max = 4, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = , candemote = false, category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1000) ply:SetHealth(1000) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Ombre-Jedi"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "",
TEAM_MAITREERUDIT = DarkRP.createJob("Maitre Erudit", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/jka_cultist.mdl"}, description = [[Maitre-Erudit.]], weapons = {"keys", "weapon_lightsaber", "gmod_tool"}, command = "Maitreerudit", max = 4, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = , candemote = false, category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1500) ply:SetHealth(1500) end, customCheck = function(ply) table.HasValue({"Maitre-Erudit"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
TEAM_MAITREOmbre = DarkRP.createJob("Maitre Ombre", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/jedigrey/jedigrey.mdl"}, description = [[Maitre-Ombre.]], weapons = {"keys", "weapon_lightsaber", "gmod_tool", "weapon_camo"}, command = "Maitreombre", max = 4, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = , candemote = false, category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1500) ply:SetHealth(1500) end, customCheck = function(ply) table.HasValue({"Maitre-Ombre"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
TEAM_MEMBREDUCONSEILJEDI = DarkRP.createJob("Membre du Conseil Jedi", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {}, description = [[Membre-du-conseil-jedi.]], weapons = {"keys", "weapon_lightsaber", "gmod_tool"}, command = "Membreduconseil", max = 4, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = , candemote = false, category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(2000) ply:SetHealth(2000) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Membre-du-conseil-jedi"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Esclave", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = { "models/player/x227man/mkotor_1.mdl", "models/player/x227man/mkotor_4.mdl", "models/player/x227man/mkotor_7.mdl", "models/player/x227man/mkotor_9.mdl" }, description = [[Simple esclave sith avec un maigre potentiel]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "esclavesith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(150) ply:SetHealth(150) end
TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Acolyte", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/nate159/req/swtfu/sith_acolyte.mdl"}, description = [[Nouveaux Sith de l'ordre, faible, mais avec du "potentiel"]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "acolytesith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(250) ply:SetHealth(250) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"acolytesith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Apprenti Sith", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/nate159/req/swtfu/tie_flightsuit.mdl"}, description = [[L'expérience et la puissance arrive à petit pas..]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "apprentisith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(350) ply:SetHealth(350) ply:SetArmor(50) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"apprentisith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Sith", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/grealms/characters/nutscript/revan/revan_ns.mdl"}, description = [[Le pouvoir arrive.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "sith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(500) ply:SetHealth(500) ply:SetArmor(50) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"sith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Maraudeur Sith", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/grealms/characters/maulkiller/maulkiller.mdl"}, description = [[Vous avez choisis la voix du Maraudeur]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "maraudeursith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(800) ply:SetHealth(800) ply:SetArmor(-2) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"maraudeursith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Sorcier Sith", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/beluga/beluga.mdl"}, description = [[Vous avez choisis la voix du Sorcier]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "sorciersith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(700) ply:SetHealth(700) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"sorciersith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Ravageur Sith", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/raeus/raeus.mdl"}, description = [[Vous avez avancer sur votre voix.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "ravageursith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1200) ply:SetHealth(1200) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"ravageursith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Assassin Sith", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/fearless/caladium.mdl"}, description = [[Vous avez avancer sur votre voix.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber", "weapon_camo"}, command = "assassinsith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1000) ply:SetHealth(1000) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"assassinsith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Maître Ravageur", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/fearless/caladium.mdl"}, description = [[Vous avez une connaissance et une cruauté absolue.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "maitreravageur", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1700) ply:SetHealth(1700) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"maitreravageur"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Maître Sorcier", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/vindican/vindican.mdl"}, description = [[Vous avez une connaissance et une cruauté absolue.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber", "weapon_camo"}, command = "maitresorcier", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1500) ply:SetHealth(1500) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"maitresorcier"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Conseil Noir", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = { "models/player/arsenic/shilen/shilen.mdl", "models/player/swtor/arsenic/grathan/grathan.mdl", "models/player/swtor/arsenic/jason/jason.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/darthmarr/darthmarrwhite.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/nutscript/darthmarr/darthmarr_ns.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/nutscript/darthnihilus/darthnihilus_ns.mdl", "models/player/valley/vitiate.mdl" }, description = [[Vous avez une connaissance et une cruauté absolue.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "conseilnoir", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(2000) ply:SetHealth(2000) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"conseilnoir"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Empereur ", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swtor/star/gray/star.mdl"}, description = [[Grand Empereur Sith.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "empereur", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(3200) ply:SetHealth(3200) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"empereur"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
Define which team joining players spawn into and what team you change to if demoted
Define which teams belong to civil protection
Civil protection can set warrants, make people wanted and do some other police related things
GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = { [TEAM_POLICE] = true, [TEAM_CHIEF] = true, [TEAM_MAYOR] = true,
Jobs that are hitmen (enables the hitman menu)
Quentin Litoria

Quentin Litoria

Geek suprême
Score réaction
Remplace les lignes ou tu as mis 1 virgule par ca false non true oui
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = false,
  • Initiateur de la discussion
Kevin McCallister

Kevin McCallister

Score réaction
Quentin Litoria à dit:
Remplace les lignes ou tu as mis 1 virgule par ca false non true oui
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = false,
Celà ne marche toujours pas.


Score réaction

La catégorie existe au moins ?

Le groupe est-t-il correctement orthographié ?


2 164
Score réaction
Kevin McCallister à dit:
Celà ne marche toujours pas.
Regarde bien tes métiers, c’est pas le seul qui est mal configuré.


Geek suprême
Score réaction
Kevin McCallister à dit:
Bonjour, j'aurai besoin d'aide avec mon erreur que j'ai recu récemment sur mon serveur Garry's Mod.
L'erreur s'affichant est :

[ERROR] addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua:63: unexpected symbol near ','
1. unknown - addons/darkrpmodification-master/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua:0

Merci d'avance !

Voici mon "job.lua"

DarkRP custom jobs
This file contains your custom jobs.
This file should also contain jobs from DarkRP that you edited.[/B]
[B]Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP job, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua Once you've done that, copy and paste the job to this file and edit it.[/B]
[B]The default jobs can be found here:
[B]For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:
[B]Add your custom jobs under the following line:
TEAM_INITIER = DarkRP.createJob("Initié-Jedi", { color = Color(4, 168, 141, 255), model = { "models/jazzmcfly/jka/younglings/jka_young_anikan.mdl", "models/jazzmcfly/jka/younglings/jka_young_female.mdl", "models/jazzmcfly/jka/younglings/jka_young_male.mdl", "models/jazzmcfly/jka/younglings/jka_young_shak.mdl" }, description = [[Initié-Jedi en pleine formation.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber", "keys", "gmod_tool"}, command = "Initié", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(149) ply:SetHealth(149) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Initié-Jedi"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
[B]TEAM_PADAWAN = DarkRP.createJob("Padawan", { color = Color(36, 176, 150, 255), model = { "models/grealms/characters/casualjedi/casualjedi_04.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/casualjedi/casualjedi_05.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/casualjedi/casualjedi_06.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/casualjedi/casualjedi_07.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/casualjedi/casualjedi_08.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/casualjedi/casualjedi_03.mdl" }, description = [[Un jeune Padawan a la recherche de la connaissance.]], weapons = {"gmod_tool", "keys", "weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "padawan", max = 0, salary = 350, admin = 0, vote = , hasLicense = , candemote = , category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(250) ply:SetHealth(250) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Padawan"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
[B]TEAM_JEDI = DarkRP.createJob("Jedi", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/grealms/characters/ultimategood/ultimategood.mdl"}, description = [[Un Jedi avec un bon savoir, recherchant la paix.]], weapons = {"keys", "gmod_tool", "weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "Jedi", max = -2, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = , hasLicense = , candemote = , category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(500) ply:SetHealth(500) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Jedi"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
[B]TEAM_CHEVALIERJEDI = DarkRP.createJob("Chevalier-Jedi", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = { "models/grealms/characters/nutscript/jedibattlelord/jedibattlelord.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/nutscript/jedibattlelord/jedibattlelord_01.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/nutscript/jedibattlelord/jedibattlelord_04.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/nutscript/jedibattlelord/jedibattlelord_06.mdl" }, description = [[un Chevalier Jedi . ( Supérieur au Jedi ).]], weapons = {}, command = "", max = 0, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = , candemote = false, PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(800) ply:SetHealth(800) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Chevalier-Jedi"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
[B]TEAM_ERUDITJEDI = DarkRP.createJob("Erudit-Jedi", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = { "models/gonzo/swtorjedi1/malerevan/malerevan.mdl", "models/gonzo/swtorjedi1/femalerevan/femalerevan.mdl" }, description = [[Erudit-Jedi, Reconnu dans le temple pour sa compétence]], weapons = {"keys", "weapon_lightsaber", "gmod_tool"}, command = "Erudit", max = 4, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(700) ply:SetHealth(700) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Erudit-Jedi"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Withelitse!",
[B]TEAM_OMBREJEDI = DarkRP.createJob("Ombre-Jedi", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/gonzo/swtorjedi1/jedix1/jedix1.mdl"}, description = [[Ombre-Jedi.]], weapons = {"keys", "weapon_lightsaber", "gmod_tool"}, command = "Erudit", max = 4, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = , candemote = false, category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1000) ply:SetHealth(1000) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Ombre-Jedi"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "",
[B]TEAM_MAITREERUDIT = DarkRP.createJob("Maitre Erudit", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/jka_cultist.mdl"}, description = [[Maitre-Erudit.]], weapons = {"keys", "weapon_lightsaber", "gmod_tool"}, command = "Maitreerudit", max = 4, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = , candemote = false, category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1500) ply:SetHealth(1500) end, customCheck = function(ply) table.HasValue({"Maitre-Erudit"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
[B]TEAM_MAITREOmbre = DarkRP.createJob("Maitre Ombre", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/jedigrey/jedigrey.mdl"}, description = [[Maitre-Ombre.]], weapons = {"keys", "weapon_lightsaber", "gmod_tool", "weapon_camo"}, command = "Maitreombre", max = 4, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = , candemote = false, category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1500) ply:SetHealth(1500) end, customCheck = function(ply) table.HasValue({"Maitre-Ombre"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
[B]TEAM_MEMBREDUCONSEILJEDI = DarkRP.createJob("Membre du Conseil Jedi", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {}, description = [[Membre-du-conseil-jedi.]], weapons = {"keys", "weapon_lightsaber", "gmod_tool"}, command = "Membreduconseil", max = 4, salary = 500, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = , candemote = false, category = "L'Ordre Jedi", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(2000) ply:SetHealth(2000) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"Membre-du-conseil-jedi"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Haha tu n'es pas Witheliste!",
[B]TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Esclave", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = { "models/player/x227man/mkotor_1.mdl", "models/player/x227man/mkotor_4.mdl", "models/player/x227man/mkotor_7.mdl", "models/player/x227man/mkotor_9.mdl" }, description = [[Simple esclave sith avec un maigre potentiel]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "esclavesith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(150) ply:SetHealth(150) end
[B]TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Acolyte", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/nate159/req/swtfu/sith_acolyte.mdl"}, description = [[Nouveaux Sith de l'ordre, faible, mais avec du "potentiel"]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "acolytesith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(250) ply:SetHealth(250) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"acolytesith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
[B]TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Apprenti Sith", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/nate159/req/swtfu/tie_flightsuit.mdl"}, description = [[L'expérience et la puissance arrive à petit pas..]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "apprentisith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(350) ply:SetHealth(350) ply:SetArmor(50) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"apprentisith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
[B]TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Sith", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/grealms/characters/nutscript/revan/revan_ns.mdl"}, description = [[Le pouvoir arrive.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "sith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(500) ply:SetHealth(500) ply:SetArmor(50) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"sith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
[B]TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Maraudeur Sith", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/grealms/characters/maulkiller/maulkiller.mdl"}, description = [[Vous avez choisis la voix du Maraudeur]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "maraudeursith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(800) ply:SetHealth(800) ply:SetArmor(-2) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"maraudeursith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
[B]TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Sorcier Sith", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/beluga/beluga.mdl"}, description = [[Vous avez choisis la voix du Sorcier]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "sorciersith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(700) ply:SetHealth(700) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"sorciersith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
[B]TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Ravageur Sith", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/raeus/raeus.mdl"}, description = [[Vous avez avancer sur votre voix.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "ravageursith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1200) ply:SetHealth(1200) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"ravageursith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
[B]TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Assassin Sith", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/fearless/caladium.mdl"}, description = [[Vous avez avancer sur votre voix.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber", "weapon_camo"}, command = "assassinsith", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1000) ply:SetHealth(1000) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"assassinsith"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
[B]TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Maître Ravageur", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/fearless/caladium.mdl"}, description = [[Vous avez une connaissance et une cruauté absolue.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "maitreravageur", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1700) ply:SetHealth(1700) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"maitreravageur"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
[B]TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Maître Sorcier", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/vindican/vindican.mdl"}, description = [[Vous avez une connaissance et une cruauté absolue.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber", "weapon_camo"}, command = "maitresorcier", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(1500) ply:SetHealth(1500) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"maitresorcier"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
[B]TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Conseil Noir", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = { "models/player/arsenic/shilen/shilen.mdl", "models/player/swtor/arsenic/grathan/grathan.mdl", "models/player/swtor/arsenic/jason/jason.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/darthmarr/darthmarrwhite.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/nutscript/darthmarr/darthmarr_ns.mdl", "models/grealms/characters/nutscript/darthnihilus/darthnihilus_ns.mdl", "models/player/valley/vitiate.mdl" }, description = [[Vous avez une connaissance et une cruauté absolue.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "conseilnoir", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(2000) ply:SetHealth(2000) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"conseilnoir"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
[B]TEAM_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Empereur ", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swtor/star/gray/star.mdl"}, description = [[Grand Empereur Sith.]], weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber"}, command = "empereur", max = 0, salary = 250, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Sith", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(3200) ply:SetHealth(3200) end, customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"empereur"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end, CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce job est Withlist",
Define which team joining players spawn into and what team you change to if demoted
Define which teams belong to civil protection
Civil protection can set warrants, make people wanted and do some other police related things
GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = { [TEAM_POLICE] = true, [TEAM_CHIEF] = true, [TEAM_MAYOR] = true,
Jobs that are hitmen (enables the hitman menu)

Je pense que sa doit être a cause de la :

Essaie de mettre une DefaultTeam qui existe dans ton jobs.lua et dit moi quoi (Genre par exemple TEAM_SITH)
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