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Bonjour je n'arrive pas suprimer le petit script qui permet de voir qui parle pourtant voila se que j'ai mis dans le cl_chatlisteners :
This module finds out for you who can see you talk or speak through the microphone
local receivers
local currentChatText = {}
local receiverConfigs = {}
local currentConfig = {text = "", hearFunc = fn.Id} -- Default config is not loaded yet
Add a chat command with specific receivers
prefix: the chat command itself ("/pm", "/ooc", "/me" are some examples)
text: the text that shows up when it says "Some people can hear you X"
hearFunc: a function(ply, splitText) that decides whether this player can or cannot hear you.
return true if the player can hear you
false if the player cannot
nil if you want to prevent the text from showing up temporarily
function DarkRP.addChatReceiver(prefix, text, hearFunc)
receiverConfigs[prefix] = {
text = text,
hearFunc = hearFunc
Remove a chat command.
prefix: the command, like in addChatReceiver
function DarkRP.removeChatReceiver(prefix)
receiverConfigs[prefix] = nil
Find out who could hear the player if they were to speak now
local function chatGetRecipients()
if not currentConfig then return end
receivers = {}
for _, ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
if not IsValid(ply) or ply == LocalPlayer() then continue end
if ply:GetNoDraw() then continue end
local val = currentConfig.hearFunc(ply, currentChatText)
-- Return nil to disable the chat recipients temporarily.
if val == nil then
receivers = nil
elseif val == true then
table.insert(receivers, ply)
Called when the player starts typing
local function startFind()
currentConfig = receiverConfigs[""]
hook.Add("Think", "DarkRP_chatRecipients", chatGetRecipients)
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "DarkRP_DrawChatReceivers", drawChatReceivers)
hook.Add("StartChat", "DarkRP_StartFindChatReceivers", startFind)
Called when the player stops typing
local function stopFind()
hook.Remove("Think", "DarkRP_chatRecipients")
hook.Remove("HUDPaint", "DarkRP_DrawChatReceivers")
hook.Add("FinishChat", "DarkRP_StopFindChatReceivers", stopFind)
Find out which chat command the user is typing
local function findConfig(text)
local split = string.Explode(' ', text)
local prefix = string.lower(split[1])
currentChatText = split
currentConfig = receiverConfigs[prefix] or receiverConfigs[""]
hook.Add("ChatTextChanged", "DarkRP_FindChatRecipients", findConfig)
Default chat receievers. If you want to add your own ones, don't add them to this file. Add them to a clientside module file instead.
-- Load after the custom languages have been loaded
local function loadChatReceivers()
-- Default talk chat receiver has no prefix
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("", DarkRP.getPhrase("talk"), function(ply)
if GAMEMODE.Config.alltalk then return nil end
return LocalPlayer():GetPos()istToSqr(ply:GetPos()) < 62500
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/ooc", DarkRP.getPhrase("speak_in_ooc"), function(ply) return true end)
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("//", DarkRP.getPhrase("speak_in_ooc"), function(ply) return true end)
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/a", DarkRP.getPhrase("speak_in_ooc"), function(ply) return true end)
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/w", DarkRP.getPhrase("whisper"), function(ply) return LocalPlayer():GetPos()istToSqr(ply:GetPos()) < 8100 end)
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/y", DarkRP.getPhrase("yell"), function(ply) return LocalPlayer():GetPos()istToSqr(ply:GetPos()) < 302500 end)
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/me", DarkRP.getPhrase("perform_your_action"), function(ply) return LocalPlayer():GetPos()istToSqr(ply:GetPos()) < 62500 end)
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/g", DarkRP.getPhrase("talk_to_your_group"), function(ply)
for _, func in pairs(GAMEMODE.DarkRPGroupChats) do
if func(LocalPlayer()) and func(ply) then
return true
return false
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/pm", "PM", function(ply, text)
if not isstring(text[2]) then return false end
text[2] = string.lower(tostring(text[2]))
return string.find(string.lower(ply:Nick()), text[2], 1, true) ~= nil or
string.find(string.lower(ply:SteamName()), text[2], 1, true) ~= nil or
string.lower(ply:SteamID()) == text[2]
Voice chat receivers
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("speak", DarkRP.getPhrase("speak"), function(ply)
if not LocalPlayer().DRPIsTalking then return nil end
if LocalPlayer():GetPos()istToSqr(ply:GetPos()) > 302500 then return false end
return not GAMEMODE.Config.dynamicvoice or ply:isInRoom()
hook.Add("loadCustomDarkRPItems", "loadChatListeners", loadChatReceivers)
Called when the player starts using their voice
local function startFindVoice(ply)
if ply ~= LocalPlayer() then return end
currentConfig = receiverConfigs["speak"]
hook.Add("Think", "DarkRP_chatRecipients", chatGetRecipients)
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "DarkRP_DrawChatReceivers", drawChatReceivers)
hook.Add("PlayerStartVoice", "DarkRP_VoiceChatReceiverFinder", startFindVoice)
Called when the player stops using their voice
local function stopFindVoice(ply)
if ply ~= LocalPlayer() then return end
hook.Add("PlayerEndVoice", "DarkRP_VoiceChatReceiverFinder", stopFindVoice)
This module finds out for you who can see you talk or speak through the microphone
local receivers
local currentChatText = {}
local receiverConfigs = {}
local currentConfig = {text = "", hearFunc = fn.Id} -- Default config is not loaded yet
Add a chat command with specific receivers
prefix: the chat command itself ("/pm", "/ooc", "/me" are some examples)
text: the text that shows up when it says "Some people can hear you X"
hearFunc: a function(ply, splitText) that decides whether this player can or cannot hear you.
return true if the player can hear you
false if the player cannot
nil if you want to prevent the text from showing up temporarily
function DarkRP.addChatReceiver(prefix, text, hearFunc)
receiverConfigs[prefix] = {
text = text,
hearFunc = hearFunc
Remove a chat command.
prefix: the command, like in addChatReceiver
function DarkRP.removeChatReceiver(prefix)
receiverConfigs[prefix] = nil
Find out who could hear the player if they were to speak now
local function chatGetRecipients()
if not currentConfig then return end
receivers = {}
for _, ply in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
if not IsValid(ply) or ply == LocalPlayer() then continue end
if ply:GetNoDraw() then continue end
local val = currentConfig.hearFunc(ply, currentChatText)
-- Return nil to disable the chat recipients temporarily.
if val == nil then
receivers = nil
elseif val == true then
table.insert(receivers, ply)
Called when the player starts typing
local function startFind()
currentConfig = receiverConfigs[""]
hook.Add("Think", "DarkRP_chatRecipients", chatGetRecipients)
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "DarkRP_DrawChatReceivers", drawChatReceivers)
hook.Add("StartChat", "DarkRP_StartFindChatReceivers", startFind)
Called when the player stops typing
local function stopFind()
hook.Remove("Think", "DarkRP_chatRecipients")
hook.Remove("HUDPaint", "DarkRP_DrawChatReceivers")
hook.Add("FinishChat", "DarkRP_StopFindChatReceivers", stopFind)
Find out which chat command the user is typing
local function findConfig(text)
local split = string.Explode(' ', text)
local prefix = string.lower(split[1])
currentChatText = split
currentConfig = receiverConfigs[prefix] or receiverConfigs[""]
hook.Add("ChatTextChanged", "DarkRP_FindChatRecipients", findConfig)
Default chat receievers. If you want to add your own ones, don't add them to this file. Add them to a clientside module file instead.
-- Load after the custom languages have been loaded
local function loadChatReceivers()
-- Default talk chat receiver has no prefix
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("", DarkRP.getPhrase("talk"), function(ply)
if GAMEMODE.Config.alltalk then return nil end
return LocalPlayer():GetPos()istToSqr(ply:GetPos()) < 62500
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/ooc", DarkRP.getPhrase("speak_in_ooc"), function(ply) return true end)
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("//", DarkRP.getPhrase("speak_in_ooc"), function(ply) return true end)
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/a", DarkRP.getPhrase("speak_in_ooc"), function(ply) return true end)
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/w", DarkRP.getPhrase("whisper"), function(ply) return LocalPlayer():GetPos()istToSqr(ply:GetPos()) < 8100 end)
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/y", DarkRP.getPhrase("yell"), function(ply) return LocalPlayer():GetPos()istToSqr(ply:GetPos()) < 302500 end)
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/me", DarkRP.getPhrase("perform_your_action"), function(ply) return LocalPlayer():GetPos()istToSqr(ply:GetPos()) < 62500 end)
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/g", DarkRP.getPhrase("talk_to_your_group"), function(ply)
for _, func in pairs(GAMEMODE.DarkRPGroupChats) do
if func(LocalPlayer()) and func(ply) then
return true
return false
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("/pm", "PM", function(ply, text)
if not isstring(text[2]) then return false end
text[2] = string.lower(tostring(text[2]))
return string.find(string.lower(ply:Nick()), text[2], 1, true) ~= nil or
string.find(string.lower(ply:SteamName()), text[2], 1, true) ~= nil or
string.lower(ply:SteamID()) == text[2]
Voice chat receivers
DarkRP.addChatReceiver("speak", DarkRP.getPhrase("speak"), function(ply)
if not LocalPlayer().DRPIsTalking then return nil end
if LocalPlayer():GetPos()istToSqr(ply:GetPos()) > 302500 then return false end
return not GAMEMODE.Config.dynamicvoice or ply:isInRoom()
hook.Add("loadCustomDarkRPItems", "loadChatListeners", loadChatReceivers)
Called when the player starts using their voice
local function startFindVoice(ply)
if ply ~= LocalPlayer() then return end
currentConfig = receiverConfigs["speak"]
hook.Add("Think", "DarkRP_chatRecipients", chatGetRecipients)
hook.Add("HUDPaint", "DarkRP_DrawChatReceivers", drawChatReceivers)
hook.Add("PlayerStartVoice", "DarkRP_VoiceChatReceiverFinder", startFindVoice)
Called when the player stops using their voice
local function stopFindVoice(ply)
if ply ~= LocalPlayer() then return end
hook.Add("PlayerEndVoice", "DarkRP_VoiceChatReceiverFinder", stopFindVoice)