Bug shipment et job

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DarkRP custom jobs

This file contains your custom jobs.
This file should also contain jobs from DarkRP that you edited.

Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP job, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua
Once you've done that, copy and paste the job to this file and edit it.

The default jobs can be found here:

For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:

Add jobs under the following line:
TEAM_CITOYEN = DarkRP.createJob("Citoyen", {
color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[Tu est chomeur.]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "CITOYEN",
max = 32,
salary = 0,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = false,
category = "CITOYEN",

TEAM_COOK = DarkRP.createJob("Cuisinier", {
color = Color(255, 255, 255, 255),
model = {
description = [[Tu est le cuisinier de cette ville.]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "COOK",
max = 2,
salary = 50,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = true,
category = "CITOYEN",
cook = true

TEAM_GUN = DarkRP.createJob("Vendeur D'arme", {
color = Color(255, 121, 0, 255),
model = {"models/player/Johnny/Johnny.mdl"},
description = [[Tu est le vendeur d'arme.]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "gundealer",
max = 2,
salary = 50,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = true,
category = "CITOYEN"

TEAM_MEDIC = DarkRP.createJob("Medecin", {
color = Color(0, 255, 255, 255),
model = {
description = [[Tu est le medecin de la ville.]],
weapons = {"med_kit","keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "medic",
max = 3,
salary = 50,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = true,
category = "CITOYEN",
medic = true

TEAM_MAFIEUX = DarkRP.createJob("Parrain", {
color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
model = {"models/vito.mdl"},
description = [[Tu est le parrain de la mafia .]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "PARRAIN1",
max = 1,
salary = 250,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = true,
category = "MAFIA",
NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_MAFIEUX

TEAM_MAFIEUX1 = DarkRP.createJob("Mafieux", {
color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[Tu fais parti de la mafia Russe.]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "PARRAIN2",
max = 4,
salary = 100,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = true,
category = "MAFIA",
NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_MAFIEUX1

TEAM_MS13 = DarkRP.createJob("Chef MS13", {
color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[Tu est le chef des MS13 .]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "MS131",
max = 1,
salary = 250,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = true,
category = "MS13",
NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_MS13

TEAM_MS131 = DarkRP.createJob("MS13", {
color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[Tu est MS13 .]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "MS1312",
max = 4,
salary = 100,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = true,
category = "MS13",
NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_MS131

TEAM_YAKUZA = DarkRP.createJob("Chef Yakuza", {
color = Color(255, 255, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[Tu est le chef des yakuza.]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "YAKUZACHEF",
max = 1,
salary = 250,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = true,
category = "YAKUZA",
NeedToChangeFrom = YAKUZACHEF

TEAM_YAKUZA111 = DarkRP.createJob("Yakuza", {
color = Color(255, 255, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[Tu est yakuza.]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "YAKUZACHEF1",
max = 4,
salary = 100,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = true,
category = "YAKUZA",
NeedToChangeFrom = YAKUZACHEF1

TEAM_COK = DarkRP.createJob("Fabriquant de Meth", {
color = Color(255, 146, 0, 255),
model = {"models/Agent_47/agent_47.mdl"},
description = [[Tu fabrique de la meth pour revendre ensuite.]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "METH",
max = 1,
salary = 250,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = true,
category = "METH",
NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_COK

TEAM_TAXI = DarkRP.createJob("Taxi", {
color = Color(255, 255, 255, 255),
model = {"models/player/gman_high.mdl"},
description = [[Tu est le taxi de la ville.]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "Taxi2",
max = 2,
salary = 100,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = false,
category = "Taxi",
NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_TAXI

TEAM_MAYOR = DarkRP.createJob("Maire", {
color = Color(241, 0, 254, 255),
model = {
description = [[Le maire est la personne la plus puissante dans cette ville .]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "mayor",
max = 1,
salary = 300,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = true,
category = "Civil Protection",
mayor = true,
NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_MAYOR

TEAM_FILSPRESIDENT = DarkRP.createJob("*VIP* Fils du president", {
color = Color(184, 0, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[]],
weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "keys", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "filsgarde",
max = 1,
salary = 0,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = false,
modelScale = 0.85,
ammo = {
["ammo_stungun"] = 55,
type = "gouvernement",
category = "Citizens",
customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or
table.HasValue({"Prémium","admin","superadmin","Fondateur","Modérateur","Modérateur Test"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup"))
CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce metier est que pour les VIP",

TEAM_GARDEDUCORPS = DarkRP.createJob("Garde Du Corps", {
color = Color(0, 215, 255, 255),
model = {
description = [[Tu est payer pour protéger des personnes.]],
weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "keys", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "GARDEDUCORPS",
max = 4,
salary = 50,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = true,
candemote = true,
category = "Civil Protection",

TEAM_GARDEDUCORPS1 = DarkRP.createJob("Garde Du Maire", {
color = Color(0, 215, 255, 255),
model = {
description = [[Tu est payer pour protéger le maire.]],
weapons = {"m9k_deagle","weapon_arc_atmcard", "keys", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "GARDEDUCORPS1",
max = 4,
salary = 50,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = true,
candemote = true,
category = "Civil Protection",

TEAM_GENDARMERIE = DarkRP.createJob("Gendarmerie", {
color = Color(25, 0, 255, 255),
model = {
description = [[]],
weapons = {"keys", "stungun", "weapon_fists", "advanced_arresting", "advanced_unarresting", "weaponchecker", "door_ram", "stunstick", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_cuff_police", "policebadgewallet", "m9k_colt1911", "weapon_driverstick", "surrender","m9k_ump45"},
command = "gendarme",
max = 4,
salary = 500,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = true,
hasRadio = true,
ammo = {
["ammo_stungun"] = 50,
candemote = false,
type = "police",
category = "Civil Protection",

TEAM_GENDARMERIE1 = DarkRP.createJob("Lieutenant de Gendarmerie", {
color = Color(25, 0, 255, 255),
model = {
description = [[]],
weapons = {"keys", "stungun", "weapon_fists", "advanced_arresting", "advanced_unarresting", "weaponchecker", "door_ram", "stunstick", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_cuff_police", "policebadgewallet", "m9k_colt1911", "weapon_driverstick", "surrender","m9k_m3","m9k_ump45"},
command = "gendarme",
max = 4,
salary = 500,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = true,
hasRadio = true,
ammo = {
["ammo_stungun"] = 50,
candemote = false,
type = "police",
category = "Civil Protection",

TEAM_CHEFGIGN = DarkRP.createJob("*WL* Chef RAID", {
color = Color(25, 0, 255, 255),
model = "models/gign remasteredhd.mdl",
description = [[]],
weapons = {"advanced_arresting", "advanced_unarresting", "m9k_acr", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "stungun", "weapon_cuff_police", "policebadgewallet", "weapon_fists", "m9k_deagle", "weapon_driverstick", "surrender","m9k_spas12"},
command = "chefgign",
max = 1,
salary = 1500,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = true,
hasRadio = true,
ammo = {
["ammo_stungun"] = 60,
type = "police",
category = "Civil Protection",
customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or
table.HasValue({"Prémium","admin","superadmin","Fondateur","Modérateur","Modérateur Test"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup"))
CustomCheckFailMsg = "Il faut être Whitelist pour avoir ce métier",

TEAM_GIGN = DarkRP.createJob("*WL* Agent du RAID", {
color = Color(25, 0, 255, 255),
model = "models/gign remasteredhd.mdl",
description = [[]],
weapons = {"advanced_arresting", "advanced_unarresting", "m9k_famas", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "stungun", "weapon_cuff_police", "policebadgewallet", "weapon_fists", "m9k_usp", "weapon_driverstick", "surrender"},
command = "gign",
max = 2,
salary = 1000,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = true,
hasRadio = true,
ammo = {
["ammo_stungun"] = 55,
type = "police",
category = "Civil Protection",
customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or
table.HasValue({"Prémium","admin","superadmin","Fondateur","Modérateur","Modérateur Test"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup"))
CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce metier est que pour les VIP",

TEAM_SNIPERGIGN = DarkRP.createJob("*WL* Sniper du RAID", {
color = Color(25, 0, 255, 255),
model = "models/gign remasteredhd.mdl",
description = [[]],
weapons = {"advanced_arresting", "advanced_unarresting", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "stungun", "weapon_cuff_police", "policebadgewallet", "weapon_fists", "m9k_m24_drp", "surrender"},
command = "snipergign",
max = 2,
salary = 1000,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = true,
hasRadio = true,
ammo = {
["ammo_stungun"] = 55,
type = "police",
category = "Civil Protection",
customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or
table.HasValue({"Prémium","admin","superadmin","Fondateur","Modérateur","Modérateur Test"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup"))
CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce metier est que pour les VIP",

TEAM_BANDIT = DarkRP.createJob("Tueur à Gage", {
color = Color(43, 255, 0, 255),
model = {"models/player/agent_47.mdl"},
description = [[Tu est le tueur à gage .]],
weapons = {"m9k_barret","keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "BANDIT",
max = 1,
salary = 97,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = true,
candemote = false,
category = "BANDIT",
NeedToChangeFrom = BANDIT

TEAM_BEBE = DarkRP.createJob("Bébé Normal", {
color = Color(0, 202, 255, 255),
model = {"models/player/dewobedil/mortal_kombat/baby_default_p.mdl"},
description = [[Vous êtes un bébé gentil,mais très louche..]],
weapons = {"keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "surrender"},
command = "bebe",
max = 2,
salary = 10,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = false,
jobType = "job",
type = "civil",
cook = false,
category = "Citizens",

TEAM_CLOWN = DarkRP.createJob("*Prémium* Clown Tueurs", {
color = Color(232, 0, 0, 255),
model = {"models/ronald_mcdonald.mdl"},
description = [[Mec qui tue sans raison? non je ne croit pas vous êtes plus tôt le genre de mec qui fait souffrir c'est client en n'échange de l'argents..]],
weapons = {"weapon_chainsaw_new",},
command = "clw",
max = 2,
salary = 100,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = false,
jobType = "job",
type = "clw",
cook = false,
category = "Citizens",
customCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or
table.HasValue({"Prémium","admin","superadmin","Fondateur","Modérateur","Modérateur Test"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup"))
CustomCheckFailMsg = "Ce metier est que pour les Premium.",

TEAM_STAFF = DarkRP.createJob("Administrateurs de MosTEeRp", {
color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
model = "models/player/anon/anon.mdl",
description = [[]],
weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "keys", "surrender"},
command = "staff",
max = 0,
salary = 0,
admin = 1,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
jobType = "job",
type = "staff",
category = "Citizens",

TEAM_VOLEUR = DarkRP.createJob("Voleur", {
color = Color(0, 128, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[]],
weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "lockpick", "weapon_sh_keypadcracker_deploy", "weapon_fists", "weapon_arc_atmhack", "surrender", "pickpocket"},
command = "voleur",
max = 2,
salary = 50,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
jobType = "job",
type = "crime2",
category = "Citizens",

Define which team joining players spawn into and what team you change to if demoted

Define which teams belong to civil protection
Civil protection can set warrants, make people wanted and do some other police related things
GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = {
[TEAM_MAYOR] = true,
[TEAM_GIGN] = true,

Jobs that are hitmen (enables the hitman menu)

DarkRP custom shipments and guns

This file contains your custom shipments and guns.
This file should also contain shipments and guns from DarkRP that you edited.

Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP shipment, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua
Once you've done that, copy and paste the shipment to this file and edit it.

The default shipments and guns can be found here:

For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:

Add shipments and guns under the following line:
DarkRP.createShipment("Desert Eagle", {
model = "models/weapons/w_tcom_deagle.mdl",
entity = "m9k_deagle",
price = 5000,
amount = 10,
seperate = false,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Python", {
model = "models/weapons/w_colt_python.mdl",
entity = "m9k_coltpython",
price = 5000,
amount = 10,
seperate = false,
pricesep = 1000,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Colt 1911", {
model = "models/weapons/s_dmgf_co1911.mdl",
entity = "m9k_colt1911",
price = 4500,
amount = 10,
seperate = false,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("HK 45C", {
model = "models/weapons/w_hk45c.mdl",
entity = "m9k_hk45",
price = 4500,
amount = 10,
seperate = false,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Luger", {
model = "models/weapons/w_luger_p08.mdl",
entity = "m9k_luger",
price = 4500,
amount = 10,
seperate = false,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Raging Bull", {
model = "models/weapons/w_hk45c.mdl",
entity = "m9k_ragingbull",
price = 5000,
amount = 10,
seperate = false,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("S&W 500", {
model = "models/weapons/w_sw_model_500.mdl",
entity = "m9k_model500",
price = 5000,
amount = 10,
seperate = false,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("M29 Satan", {
model = "models/weapons/w_m29_satan.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m29satan",
price = 5000,
amount = 10,
seperate = false,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Baretta", {
model = "models/weapons/w_beretta_m92.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m92baretta",
price = 5000,
amount = 10,
seperate = false,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("S&W Model 3 Russian", {
model = "models/weapons/w_model_3_rus.mdl",
entity = "m9k_model3russian",
price = 4500,
amount = 10,
seperate = false,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("S&W 627", {
model = "models/weapons/w_sw_model_627.mdl",
entity = "m9k_model627",
price = 3000,
amount = 10,
seperate = false,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Winchester-73", {
model = "models/weapons/w_winchester_1873.mdl",
entity = "m9k_winchester73",
price = 11000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("ACR", {
model = "models/weapons/w_masada_acr.mdl",
entity = "m9k_acr",
price = 27000,
amount = 1,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("AK-47", {
model = "models/weapons/w_ak47_m9k.mdl",
entity = "m9k_ak47",
price = 27000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("AK-74", {
model = "models/weapons/w_tct_ak47.mdl",
entity = "m9k_ak74",
price = 26000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("AMD-65", {
model = "models/weapons/w_amd_65.mdl",
entity = "m9k_amd65",
price = 26000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("An-94", {
model = "models/weapons/w_rif_an_94.mdl",
entity = "m9k_an94",
price = 27000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("AS VAL", {
model = "models/weapons/w_dmg_vally.mdl",
entity = "m9k_val",
price = 28000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("F-2000", {
model = "models/weapons/w_fn_f2000.mdl",
entity = "m9k_f2000",
price = 30000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Famas", {
model = "models/weapons/w_tct_famas.mdl",
entity = "m9k_famas",
price = 27000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("FN-FAL", {
model = "models/weapons/w_fn_fal.mdl",
entity = "m9k_fal",
price = 25000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("G-36", {
model = "models/weapons/w_hk_g36c.mdl",
entity = "m9k_g36",
price = 26000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("M-416", {
model = "models/weapons/w_hk_416.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m416",
price = 27000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("HK G3A3", {
model = "models/weapons/w_hk_g3.mdl",
entity = "m9k_g3a3",
price = 28000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("L-85", {
model = "models/weapons/w_l85a2.mdl",
entity = "m9k_l85",
price = 35000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("M-14", {
model = "models/weapons/w_snip_m14sp.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m14sp",
price = 27000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("M16A4", {
model = "models/weapons/w_dmg_m16ag.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m16a4_acog",
price = 27000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("M4A1", {
model = "models/weapons/w_m4a1_iron.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m4a1",
price = 26000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Scar-H", {
model = "models/weapons/w_fn_scar_h.mdl",
entity = "m9k_scar",
price = 27000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Ares Shrike", {
model = "models/weapons/w_ares_shrike.mdl",
entity = "m9k_ares_shrike",
price = 35000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Vikhir", {
model = "models/weapons/w_dmg_vikhr.mdl",
entity = "m9k_vikhr",
price = 27000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("FG-42", {
model = "models/weapons/w_fg42.mdl",
entity = " m9k_fg42",
price = 34000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Aug-A3", {
model = "models/weapons/w_auga3.mdl",
entity = "m9k_auga3",
price = 28000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Tar-21", {
model = "models/weapons/w_imi_tar21.mdl",
entity = "m9k_tar21",
price = 27000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("M1918 Bar", {
model = "models/weapons/w_m1918_bar.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m1918bar",
price = 33000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("M-249", {
model = "models/weapons/w_m249_machine_gun.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m249lmg",
price = 34000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("M60", {
model = "models/weapons/w_m60_machine_gun.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m60",
price = 47000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("PKM", {
model = "models/weapons/w_mach_russ_pkm.mdl",
entity = "m9k_pkm",
price = 36000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("M3", {
model = "models/weapons/w_benelli_m3.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m3",
price = 12000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Browning Auto", {
model = "models/weapons/w_browning_auto.mdl",
entity = "m9k_browningauto5",
price = 15000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Double Barrel Shotgun", {
model = "models/weapons/w_double_barrel_shotgun.mdl",
entity = "m9k_dbarrel",
price = 50000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Ithaca 37", {
model = "models/weapons/w_ithaca_m37.mdl",
entity = "m9k_ithacam37",
price = 25000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Mossberg 590", {
model = "models/weapons/w_mossberg_590.mdl",
entity = "m9k_mossberg590",
price = 19000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Pancor Jackhammer", {
model = "models/weapons/w_pancor_jackhammer.mdl",
entity = "m9k_jackhammer",
price = 29000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Remington-870", {
model = "models/weapons/w_remington_870_tact.mdl",
entity = "m9k_remington870",
price = 14000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Spas-12", {
model = "models/weapons/w_spas_12.mdl",
entity = "m9k_spas12",
price = 31000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Striker-12", {
model = "models/weapons/w_striker_12g.mdl",
entity = "m9k_striker12",
price = 27000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("USAS", {
model = "models/weapons/w_usas_12.mdl",
entity = "m9k_usas",
price = 20000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Winchester-1897", {
model = "models/weapons/w_winchester_1897_trench.mdl",
entity = "m9k_1897winchester",
price = 14000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Winchester-1887", {
model = "models/weapons/w_winchester_1887.mdl",
entity = "m9k_1887winchester",
price = 14500,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("AW-50", {
model = "models/weapons/w_acc_int_aw50.mdl",
entity = "m9k_aw50",
price = 25000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Barret-M82", {
model = "models/weapons/w_barret_m82.mdl",
entity = "m9k_barret_m82",
price = 41000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("M98b", {
model = "models/weapons/w_barrett_m98b.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m98b",
price = 34000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("SVU", {
model = "models/weapons/w_dragunov_svu.mdl",
entity = "m9k_svu",
price = 25000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Sl8", {
model = "models/weapons/w_hk_sl8.mdl",
entity = "m9k_sl8",
price = 25000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Intervention", {
model = "models/weapons/w_snip_int.mdl",
entity = "m9k_intervention",
price = 41000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("M-24", {
model = "models/weapons/w_snip_m24_6.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m24",
price = 41000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Remington 7615p", {
model = "models/weapons/w_remington_7615p.mdl",
entity = "m9k_remington7615p",
price = 20000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("PSG-1", {
model = "models/weapons/w_hk_psg1.mdl",
entity = "m9k_psg1",
price = 14000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Dragunov", {
model = "models/weapons/w_svd_dragunov.mdl",
entity = "m9k_dragunov",
price = 27000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("SVT 40", {
model = "models/weapons/w_svt_40.mdl",
entity = "m9k_svt40",
price = 19000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("EX41", {
model = "models/weapons/w_ex41.mdl",
entity = "m9k_ex41",
price = 50000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Frag Grenade", {
model = "models/weapons/w_grenade.mdl",
entity = "m9k_m61_frag",
price = 5000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Bizon P19", {
model = "models/weapons/w_pp19_bizon.mdl",
entity = "m9k_bizonp19",
price = 67000,
amount = 1,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("FM P90", {
model = "models/weapons/w_fn_p90.mdl",
entity = "m9k_smgp90",
price = 19000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("HK MP5", {
model = "models/weapons/w_hk_mp5.mdl",
entity = "m9k_mp5",
price = 18000,
amount = 1,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("HK MP7", {
model = "models/weapons/w_mp7_silenced.mdl",
entity = "m9k_mp7",
price = 19000,
amount = 1,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("HK UMP45", {
model = "models/weapons/w_hk_ump45.mdl",
entity = "m9k_ump45",
price = 18000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("HK USC", {
model = "models/weapons/w_hk_usc.mdl",
entity = "m9k_usc",
price = 18500,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("KAC PDW", {
model = "models/weapons/w_kac_pdw.mdl",
entity = "m9k_kac_pdw",
price = 14000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("KRISS Vector", {
model = "models/weapons/w_kriss_vector.mdl",
entity = "m9k_vector",
price = 17000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Magpul PDR", {
model = "models/weapons/w_magpul_pdr.mdl",
entity = "m9k_magpulpdr",
price = 15000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("MP40", {
model = "models/weapons/w_mp40smg.mdl",
entity = "m9k_mp40",
price = 17000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("MP5 SD", {
model = "models/weapons/w_hk_mp5sd.mdl",
entity = "m9k_mp5sd",
price = 18000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Sten", {
model = "models/weapons/w_sten.mdl",
entity = "m9k_sten",
price = 22000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Tec-9", {
model = "models/weapons/w_intratec_tec9.mdl",
entity = "m9k_tec9",
price = 15000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Tommy Gun", {
model = "models/weapons/w_tommy_gun.mdl",
entity = "m9k_thompson",
price = 27000,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createShipment("Uzi", {
model = "models/weapons/w_uzi_imi.mdl",
entity = "m9k_uzi",
price = 7500,
amount = 10,
seperate = true,
pricesep = 500,
noship = true,
allowed = {TEAM_GUN}

DarkRP.createFood("Bacon", {
model = "models/bacon01/bacon01.mdl",
energy = 50,
price = 200,
customCheck = function(ply) return
table.HasValue({TEAM_COOK}, ply:Team())
CustomCheckFailMsg = "",

DarkRP.createFood("Sushi", {
model = "models/sushipack/sushi03.mdl",
energy = 25,
price = 50,
customCheck = function(ply) return
table.HasValue({TEAM_COOK}, ply:Team())
CustomCheckFailMsg = "",

DarkRP.createFood("Burger", {
model = "models/burgerplate01/burgerplate01",
energy = 100,
price = 500,
customCheck = function(ply) return
table.HasValue({TEAM_COOK}, ply:Team())
CustomCheckFailMsg = "",


Geek suprême
Score réaction
Pourquoi nous m'être tout ça sans question ?


Membre du Staff
6 527
Score réaction
5 488
1 295
MRwarcraft419 à dit:
Pourquoi nous m'être tout ça sans question ?
C’est un cadeau je pense Kappa
  • J'aime
Réactions: BCZ Gaming


Score réaction


Membre du Staff
6 527
Score réaction
5 488
1 295
Aymstep_ à dit:
Regardez le titre du post
Utilise au moins les balises CODE et envoie l’erreur dans ta console.... sans ça tu va devoir trouver ver l’erreur seul ;)


Membre du Staff
6 527
Score réaction
5 488
1 295
1) https://hastebin.com/ruxapiqune.lua
2) https://hastebin.com/culukitiwo.lua

Hésite pas à utiliser ce site pour te corriger quand tu as la flemme de donner une erreur ^^

Je suis bien trop gentil !


Geek suprême
Score réaction
Oui car là c'est pas beau à regarder


Geek suprême
Score réaction
Aymstep_ à dit:
Regardez le titre du post
Je sais que ta un bug mais le quelle et puis l'erreur console est ou la ?


Membre du Staff
6 527
Score réaction
5 488
1 295
MRwarcraft419 à dit:
Oui car là c'est pas beau à regarder
Les codes sont corriger dans mon msg d’avant. A moins que j’ai oublié une faute ;)


Geek suprême
Score réaction
Zaros_Live à dit:
Les codes sont corriger dans mon msg d’avant. A moins que j’ai oublié une faute ;)
Tu veut que je vérifie ?


Membre du Staff
6 527
Score réaction
5 488
1 295


Geek suprême
Score réaction
Pas d'erreur apparente j'ai regarder vite fait car je suis en course mdrr
BCZ Gaming

BCZ Gaming

1 301
Score réaction
Tu connect spoile?
BCZ Gaming

BCZ Gaming

1 301
Score réaction
Ha est au fait il faut emtyre des virgule a la fin de chaque catégorie.
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