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Bonjour , je voudrais savoir chatsound.lua je voudrait savoir comment atribuer les vois pour les bon personage c'est à dire les femme garçon parce que j'ai mi les voix en français mes tous le mondes parle comme un homme serait'il possible de faire un code pour comment placer les jobs specifique au bon endroit s'il vous plait ?
-- This module will make voice sounds play when certain words are typed in the chat
-- You can add/remove sounds as you wish using DarkRP.setChatSound, just follow the format used here
-- To disable them completely, set GM.Config.chatsounds to false
-- TODO: Add female sounds & detect gender of model, and use combine sounds for CPs
-- Daboy: I sorted the entries alphabetically for better overview
-- Traduit pas Gaerisson
-- Voix de Half-Life 2 [FR] Officiel
-- Pour la team BlackJackRP
local sounds = {}
sounds[ "munitions" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/ammo03.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/ammo04.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/ammo05.wav" }
sounds[ "munition" ] = sounds[ "munitions" ]
sounds[ "derri\195\168re" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/behindyou01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/behindyou02.wav" }
sounds[ "recharge" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/youdbetterreload01.wav" }
sounds[ "rechargez" ] = sounds[ "recharge" ]
sounds[ "conneries" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/question26.wav" }
sounds[ "connerie" ] = sounds[ "conneries" ]
sounds[ "fromage" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/question06.wav" }
sounds[ "combine" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/combine01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/combine02.wav" }
sounds[ "approche" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/squad_approach04.wav" }
sounds[ "flics" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/civilprotection01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/civilprotection02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/cps01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/cps02.wav" }
sounds[ "flic" ] = sounds[ "flics" ]
sounds[ "stop" ] = { "patch_FR/trainyard/male01/cit_hit01.wav", "patch_FR/trainyard/male01/cit_hit02.wav", "patch_FR/trainyard/male01/cit_hit03.wav", "patch_FR/trainyard/male01/cit_hit04.wav", "patch_FR/trainyard/male01/cit_hit05.wav" }
sounds[ "ne me dites pas" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans03.wav" }
sounds[ "dites pas" ] = sounds[ "ne me dites pas" ]
sounds[ "d\195\169j\195\160 vus" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/question05.wav" }
sounds[ "rappel" ] = sounds[ "d\195\169j\195\160 vus" ]
sounds[ "excusez-moi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/excuseme01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/excuseme02.wav" }
sounds[ "g\195\169nial" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/fantastic01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/fantastic02.wav" }
sounds[ "cool" ] = sounds[ "g\195\169nial" ]
sounds[ "logique" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer03.wav" }
sounds[ "enfin" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/finally.wav" }
sounds[ "suivez-moi" ] = { "patch_FR/coast/odessa/male01/stairman_follow01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/squad_away03.wav", "patch_FR/coast/cardock/le_followme.wav" }
sounds[ "viens" ] = sounds[ "suivez-moi" ]
sounds[ "concentrer" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer18.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer19.wav" }
sounds[ "concentrez" ] = sounds[ "concentrer" ]
sounds[ "revenons" ] = sounds[ "concentrer" ]
sounds[ "freeman" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/freeman.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/docfreeman01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/docfreeman02.wav" }
sounds[ "descendre" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/getdown02.wav" }
sounds[ "descendez" ] = sounds[ "descendre" ]
sounds[ "descender" ] = sounds[ "descendre" ]
sounds[ "entrer" ] = { "patch_FR/canals/gunboat_getin.wav" }
sounds[ "entrez" ] = sounds[ "entrer" ]
sounds[ "sortez" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gethellout.wav" }
sounds[ "sorter" ] = sounds[ "sortez" ]
sounds[ "bon dieu" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/goodgod.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans04.wav" }
sounds[ "omg" ] = sounds[ "bon dieu" ]
sounds[ "attraper" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gotone01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/gotone01.wav"}
sounds[ "attrap\195\169" ] = sounds[ "attraper" ]
sounds[ "attrapez" ] = sounds[ "attraper" ]
sounds[ "dois recharger" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gottareload01.wav" }
sounds[ "lame" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/hacks01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/hacks02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/thehacks01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/thehacks02.wav"}
sounds[ "lames" ] = sounds [ "lame" ]
sounds[ "hacks" ] = sounds [ "lame" ]
sounds[ "aide" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/help01.wav" }
sounds[ "ils viennent" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/heretheycome01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/incoming02.wav" }
sounds[ "ils arrivent" ] = sounds[ "ils viennent" ]
sounds[ "arrive" ] = sounds[ "ils viennent" ]
sounds[ "arrivent" ] = sounds[ "ils viennent" ]
sounds[ "bonjour" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/hi01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/hi02.wav" }
sounds[ "slt" ] = sounds[ "bonjour" ]
sounds[ "salut" ] = sounds[ "bonjour" ]
sounds[ "coucou" ] = sounds[ "bonjour" ]
sounds[ "en haut" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/headsup01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/headsup02.wav" }
sounds[ "au dessus" ] = sounds[ "en haut" ]
sounds[ "mort" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ques01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ques07.wav" }
sounds[ "il est mort" ] = sounds[ "mort" ]
sounds[ "la ?" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer25.wav" }
sounds[ "je sais" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer08.wav" }
sounds[ "connait" ] = sounds[ "je sais" ]
sounds[ "connais" ] = sounds[ "je sais" ]
sounds[ "je reste" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/illstayhere01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/holddownspot01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/holddownspot02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/imstickinghere01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/littlecorner01.wav" }
sounds[ "restez" ] = sounds[ "je reste" ]
sounds[ "rester" ] = sounds[ "je reste" ]
sounds[ "je suis occup\195\169" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/busy02.wav" }
sounds[ "avec toi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer13.wav" }
sounds[ "avec vous" ] = sounds[ "avec toi" ]
sounds[ "pas bon" ] = { "patch_FR/trainyard/male01/cit_window_use01.wav" }
sounds[ "pas bien" ] = sounds[ "pas bon" ]
sounds[ "pas cool" ] = sounds[ "pas bon" ]
sounds[ "c'est pas" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ques06.wav" }
sounds[ "ca peut pas" ] = sounds[ "c'est pas" ]
sounds[ "c'est ok" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer02.wav" }
sounds[ "pas de prob" ] = sounds[ "c'est ok" ]
sounds[ "no prob" ] = sounds[ "c'est ok" ]
sounds[ "np" ] = sounds[ "c'est ok" ]
sounds[ "ok" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/ok01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/ok02.wav" }
sounds[ "okay" ] = sounds[ "ok" ]
sounds[ "d'acc" ] = sounds[ "ok" ]
sounds[ "je vous suis" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/leadtheway01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/leadtheway02.wav" }
sounds[ "je te suis" ] = sounds[ "je vous suis" ]
sounds[ "j'arrive" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/letsgo01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/letsgo02.wav" }
sounds[ "je vous suis" ] = sounds[ "j'arrive" ]
sounds[ "je te suis" ] = sounds[ "j'arrive" ]
sounds[ "jamais" ] = { "patch_FR/Citadel/eli_nonever.wav" }
sounds[ "on sais jamais" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer23.wav" }
sounds[ "sais jamais" ] = sounds[ "on sais jamais" ]
sounds[ "bien" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/nice.wav" }
sounds[ "pas mal" ] = sounds[ "bien" ]
sounds[ "non" ] = { "patch_FR/Citadel/br_no.wav", "patch_FR/Citadel/eli_notobreen.wav" }
sounds[ "pas sure" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer21.wav" }
sounds[ "quoi maintenant" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans15.wav" }
sounds[ "quoi maintenant ?" ] = sounds[ "quoi maintenant" ]
sounds[ "oh non" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans05.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/ohno.wav" }
sounds[ "ho non" ] = sounds[ "oh non" ]
sounds[ "oups" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/whoops01.wav" }
sounds[ "ici" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/overhere01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/squad_away02.wav" }
sounds[ "par ici" ] = sounds[ "ici" ]
sounds[ "l\195\160-bas" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/overthere01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/overthere02.wav" }
sounds[ "pardon" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/pardonme01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/pardonme02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/sorry01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/sorry02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/sorry03.wav" }
sounds[ "s'il vous pla\195\174t non" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans06.wav" }
sounds[ "s'il vous pla\195\174t" ] = sounds[ "s'il vous pla\195\174t non" ]
sounds[ "courrez" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/strider_run.wav" }
sounds[ "cour" ] = sounds[ "courrez" ]
sounds[ "courrer" ] = sounds[ "courrez" ]
sounds[ "moi aussi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer07.wav" }
sounds[ "tais-toi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer17.wav" }
sounds[ "ferme-la" ] = sounds[ "tais-toi" ]
sounds[ "chute" ] = sounds[ "tais-toi" ]
sounds[ "faites passer" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans10.wav" }
sounds[ "faites passez" ] = sounds[ "faites passer" ]
sounds[ "arrete" ] = sounds[ "stop" ]
sounds[ "arr\195\170te" ] = sounds[ "stop" ]
sounds[ "arr\195\170te de me regarder" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/vquestion01.wav" }
sounds[ "attention" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/takecover02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/watchout.wav" }
sounds[ "rentrez" ] = sounds[ "attention" ]
sounds[ "prend cette trousse de soins" ] = {"patch_FR/npc/male01/health01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/health02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/health03.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/health04.wav" }
sounds[ "trousse de soins" ] = sounds[ "prend cette trousse de soins" ]
sounds[ "c'est vous" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer01.wav" }
sounds[ "pas bon" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ques10.wav" }
sounds[ "trop d'infos" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer26.wav" }
sounds[ "trop d'informations" ] = sounds[ "trop d'infos" ]
sounds[ "uhoh" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/uhoh.wav" }
sounds[ "uh oh" ] = sounds[ "uhoh" ]
sounds[ "oh oh" ] = sounds[ "uhoh" ]
sounds[ "attend" ] = { "patch_FR/trainyard/man_waitaminute.wav" }
sounds[ "attend moi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/squad_reinforce_single04.wav" }
sounds[ "attendez nous" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/squad_reinforce_group04.wav" }
sounds[ "vous pariez" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer27.wav" }
sounds[ "nous sommes perdus" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans14.wav" }
sounds[ "on est foutu" ] = sounds[ "nous sommes perdus" ]
sounds[ "et maintenant" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ques16.wav" }
sounds[ "comme vous voulez" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/squad_affirm03.wav" }
sounds[ "comme tu veux" ] = sounds[ "comme vous voulez" ]
sounds[ "a quoi bon" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans11.wav" }
sounds[ "pourquoi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans12.wav" }
sounds[ "pourquoi faire" ] = sounds[ "pourquoi" ]
sounds[ "pourquoi continuer" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans13.wav" }
sounds[ "pourquoi vous me dites" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer24.wav" }
sounds[ "ouai" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/yeah02.wav" }
sounds[ "oui" ] = sounds[ "ouai" ]
sounds[ "vous et moi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer14.wav" }
sounds[ "on sais jamais" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer22.wav" }
sounds[ "tu est sur" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer37.wav" }
sounds[ "sur ?" ] = sounds[ "tu est sur" ]
sounds[ "vous \195\170tes sur" ] = sounds[ "tu est sur" ]
-- "Easter Egg" vous pouvez enlever si vous ne voulez pas ça
function Easter_Egg001(ply)
if (ply:SteamID()=="STEAM_0:1:39810154") then
concommand.Add("Easter_Egg001", Easter_Egg001)
-- "Easter Egg" vous pouvez enlever si vous ne voulez pas ça
local function CheckChat(ply, text)
if not GAMEMODE.Config.chatsounds or ply.nextSpeechSound and ply.nextSpeechSound > CurTime() then return end
local prefix = string.sub(text, 0, 1)
if prefix == "/" or prefix == "!" or prefix == "@" then return end -- should cover most chat commands for various mods/addons
for k, v in pairs(sounds) do
local res1, res2 = string.find(string.lower(text), k)
if res1 and (not text[res1 - 1] or text[res1 - 1] == "" or text[res1 - 1] == " ") and (not text[res2 + 1] or text[res2 + 1] == "" or text[res2 + 1] == " ") then
ply:EmitSound(table.Random(v), 80, 100)
ply.nextSpeechSound = CurTime() + GAMEMODE.Config.chatsoundsdelay -- make sure they don't spam HAX HAX HAX, if the server owner so desires
hook.Add("PostPlayerSay", "ChatSounds", CheckChat)
DarkRP.setChatSound = DarkRP.stub{
name = "setChatSound",
description = "Set a chat sound (play a noise when someone says something)",
parameters = {
name = "text",
description = "The text that should trigger the sound.",
type = "string",
optional = false
name = "sounds",
description = "A table of string sound paths.",
type = "table",
optional = false
returns = {
metatable = DarkRP
function DarkRP.setChatSound(text, sndTable)
sounds[string.lower(text or "")] = sndTable
-- This module will make voice sounds play when certain words are typed in the chat
-- You can add/remove sounds as you wish using DarkRP.setChatSound, just follow the format used here
-- To disable them completely, set GM.Config.chatsounds to false
-- TODO: Add female sounds & detect gender of model, and use combine sounds for CPs
-- Daboy: I sorted the entries alphabetically for better overview
-- Traduit pas Gaerisson
-- Voix de Half-Life 2 [FR] Officiel
-- Pour la team BlackJackRP
local sounds = {}
sounds[ "munitions" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/ammo03.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/ammo04.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/ammo05.wav" }
sounds[ "munition" ] = sounds[ "munitions" ]
sounds[ "derri\195\168re" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/behindyou01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/behindyou02.wav" }
sounds[ "recharge" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/youdbetterreload01.wav" }
sounds[ "rechargez" ] = sounds[ "recharge" ]
sounds[ "conneries" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/question26.wav" }
sounds[ "connerie" ] = sounds[ "conneries" ]
sounds[ "fromage" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/question06.wav" }
sounds[ "combine" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/combine01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/combine02.wav" }
sounds[ "approche" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/squad_approach04.wav" }
sounds[ "flics" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/civilprotection01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/civilprotection02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/cps01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/cps02.wav" }
sounds[ "flic" ] = sounds[ "flics" ]
sounds[ "stop" ] = { "patch_FR/trainyard/male01/cit_hit01.wav", "patch_FR/trainyard/male01/cit_hit02.wav", "patch_FR/trainyard/male01/cit_hit03.wav", "patch_FR/trainyard/male01/cit_hit04.wav", "patch_FR/trainyard/male01/cit_hit05.wav" }
sounds[ "ne me dites pas" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans03.wav" }
sounds[ "dites pas" ] = sounds[ "ne me dites pas" ]
sounds[ "d\195\169j\195\160 vus" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/question05.wav" }
sounds[ "rappel" ] = sounds[ "d\195\169j\195\160 vus" ]
sounds[ "excusez-moi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/excuseme01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/excuseme02.wav" }
sounds[ "g\195\169nial" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/fantastic01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/fantastic02.wav" }
sounds[ "cool" ] = sounds[ "g\195\169nial" ]
sounds[ "logique" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer03.wav" }
sounds[ "enfin" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/finally.wav" }
sounds[ "suivez-moi" ] = { "patch_FR/coast/odessa/male01/stairman_follow01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/squad_away03.wav", "patch_FR/coast/cardock/le_followme.wav" }
sounds[ "viens" ] = sounds[ "suivez-moi" ]
sounds[ "concentrer" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer18.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer19.wav" }
sounds[ "concentrez" ] = sounds[ "concentrer" ]
sounds[ "revenons" ] = sounds[ "concentrer" ]
sounds[ "freeman" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/freeman.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/docfreeman01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/docfreeman02.wav" }
sounds[ "descendre" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/getdown02.wav" }
sounds[ "descendez" ] = sounds[ "descendre" ]
sounds[ "descender" ] = sounds[ "descendre" ]
sounds[ "entrer" ] = { "patch_FR/canals/gunboat_getin.wav" }
sounds[ "entrez" ] = sounds[ "entrer" ]
sounds[ "sortez" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gethellout.wav" }
sounds[ "sorter" ] = sounds[ "sortez" ]
sounds[ "bon dieu" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/goodgod.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans04.wav" }
sounds[ "omg" ] = sounds[ "bon dieu" ]
sounds[ "attraper" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gotone01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/gotone01.wav"}
sounds[ "attrap\195\169" ] = sounds[ "attraper" ]
sounds[ "attrapez" ] = sounds[ "attraper" ]
sounds[ "dois recharger" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gottareload01.wav" }
sounds[ "lame" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/hacks01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/hacks02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/thehacks01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/thehacks02.wav"}
sounds[ "lames" ] = sounds [ "lame" ]
sounds[ "hacks" ] = sounds [ "lame" ]
sounds[ "aide" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/help01.wav" }
sounds[ "ils viennent" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/heretheycome01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/incoming02.wav" }
sounds[ "ils arrivent" ] = sounds[ "ils viennent" ]
sounds[ "arrive" ] = sounds[ "ils viennent" ]
sounds[ "arrivent" ] = sounds[ "ils viennent" ]
sounds[ "bonjour" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/hi01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/hi02.wav" }
sounds[ "slt" ] = sounds[ "bonjour" ]
sounds[ "salut" ] = sounds[ "bonjour" ]
sounds[ "coucou" ] = sounds[ "bonjour" ]
sounds[ "en haut" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/headsup01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/headsup02.wav" }
sounds[ "au dessus" ] = sounds[ "en haut" ]
sounds[ "mort" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ques01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ques07.wav" }
sounds[ "il est mort" ] = sounds[ "mort" ]
sounds[ "la ?" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer25.wav" }
sounds[ "je sais" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer08.wav" }
sounds[ "connait" ] = sounds[ "je sais" ]
sounds[ "connais" ] = sounds[ "je sais" ]
sounds[ "je reste" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/illstayhere01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/holddownspot01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/holddownspot02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/imstickinghere01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/littlecorner01.wav" }
sounds[ "restez" ] = sounds[ "je reste" ]
sounds[ "rester" ] = sounds[ "je reste" ]
sounds[ "je suis occup\195\169" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/busy02.wav" }
sounds[ "avec toi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer13.wav" }
sounds[ "avec vous" ] = sounds[ "avec toi" ]
sounds[ "pas bon" ] = { "patch_FR/trainyard/male01/cit_window_use01.wav" }
sounds[ "pas bien" ] = sounds[ "pas bon" ]
sounds[ "pas cool" ] = sounds[ "pas bon" ]
sounds[ "c'est pas" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ques06.wav" }
sounds[ "ca peut pas" ] = sounds[ "c'est pas" ]
sounds[ "c'est ok" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer02.wav" }
sounds[ "pas de prob" ] = sounds[ "c'est ok" ]
sounds[ "no prob" ] = sounds[ "c'est ok" ]
sounds[ "np" ] = sounds[ "c'est ok" ]
sounds[ "ok" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/ok01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/ok02.wav" }
sounds[ "okay" ] = sounds[ "ok" ]
sounds[ "d'acc" ] = sounds[ "ok" ]
sounds[ "je vous suis" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/leadtheway01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/leadtheway02.wav" }
sounds[ "je te suis" ] = sounds[ "je vous suis" ]
sounds[ "j'arrive" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/letsgo01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/letsgo02.wav" }
sounds[ "je vous suis" ] = sounds[ "j'arrive" ]
sounds[ "je te suis" ] = sounds[ "j'arrive" ]
sounds[ "jamais" ] = { "patch_FR/Citadel/eli_nonever.wav" }
sounds[ "on sais jamais" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer23.wav" }
sounds[ "sais jamais" ] = sounds[ "on sais jamais" ]
sounds[ "bien" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/nice.wav" }
sounds[ "pas mal" ] = sounds[ "bien" ]
sounds[ "non" ] = { "patch_FR/Citadel/br_no.wav", "patch_FR/Citadel/eli_notobreen.wav" }
sounds[ "pas sure" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer21.wav" }
sounds[ "quoi maintenant" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans15.wav" }
sounds[ "quoi maintenant ?" ] = sounds[ "quoi maintenant" ]
sounds[ "oh non" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans05.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/ohno.wav" }
sounds[ "ho non" ] = sounds[ "oh non" ]
sounds[ "oups" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/whoops01.wav" }
sounds[ "ici" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/overhere01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/squad_away02.wav" }
sounds[ "par ici" ] = sounds[ "ici" ]
sounds[ "l\195\160-bas" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/overthere01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/overthere02.wav" }
sounds[ "pardon" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/pardonme01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/pardonme02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/sorry01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/sorry02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/sorry03.wav" }
sounds[ "s'il vous pla\195\174t non" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans06.wav" }
sounds[ "s'il vous pla\195\174t" ] = sounds[ "s'il vous pla\195\174t non" ]
sounds[ "courrez" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/strider_run.wav" }
sounds[ "cour" ] = sounds[ "courrez" ]
sounds[ "courrer" ] = sounds[ "courrez" ]
sounds[ "moi aussi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer07.wav" }
sounds[ "tais-toi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer17.wav" }
sounds[ "ferme-la" ] = sounds[ "tais-toi" ]
sounds[ "chute" ] = sounds[ "tais-toi" ]
sounds[ "faites passer" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans10.wav" }
sounds[ "faites passez" ] = sounds[ "faites passer" ]
sounds[ "arrete" ] = sounds[ "stop" ]
sounds[ "arr\195\170te" ] = sounds[ "stop" ]
sounds[ "arr\195\170te de me regarder" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/vquestion01.wav" }
sounds[ "attention" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/takecover02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/watchout.wav" }
sounds[ "rentrez" ] = sounds[ "attention" ]
sounds[ "prend cette trousse de soins" ] = {"patch_FR/npc/male01/health01.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/health02.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/health03.wav", "patch_FR/npc/male01/health04.wav" }
sounds[ "trousse de soins" ] = sounds[ "prend cette trousse de soins" ]
sounds[ "c'est vous" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer01.wav" }
sounds[ "pas bon" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ques10.wav" }
sounds[ "trop d'infos" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer26.wav" }
sounds[ "trop d'informations" ] = sounds[ "trop d'infos" ]
sounds[ "uhoh" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/uhoh.wav" }
sounds[ "uh oh" ] = sounds[ "uhoh" ]
sounds[ "oh oh" ] = sounds[ "uhoh" ]
sounds[ "attend" ] = { "patch_FR/trainyard/man_waitaminute.wav" }
sounds[ "attend moi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/squad_reinforce_single04.wav" }
sounds[ "attendez nous" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/squad_reinforce_group04.wav" }
sounds[ "vous pariez" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer27.wav" }
sounds[ "nous sommes perdus" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans14.wav" }
sounds[ "on est foutu" ] = sounds[ "nous sommes perdus" ]
sounds[ "et maintenant" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ques16.wav" }
sounds[ "comme vous voulez" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/squad_affirm03.wav" }
sounds[ "comme tu veux" ] = sounds[ "comme vous voulez" ]
sounds[ "a quoi bon" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans11.wav" }
sounds[ "pourquoi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans12.wav" }
sounds[ "pourquoi faire" ] = sounds[ "pourquoi" ]
sounds[ "pourquoi continuer" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/gordead_ans13.wav" }
sounds[ "pourquoi vous me dites" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer24.wav" }
sounds[ "ouai" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/yeah02.wav" }
sounds[ "oui" ] = sounds[ "ouai" ]
sounds[ "vous et moi" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer14.wav" }
sounds[ "on sais jamais" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer22.wav" }
sounds[ "tu est sur" ] = { "patch_FR/npc/male01/answer37.wav" }
sounds[ "sur ?" ] = sounds[ "tu est sur" ]
sounds[ "vous \195\170tes sur" ] = sounds[ "tu est sur" ]
-- "Easter Egg" vous pouvez enlever si vous ne voulez pas ça
function Easter_Egg001(ply)
if (ply:SteamID()=="STEAM_0:1:39810154") then
concommand.Add("Easter_Egg001", Easter_Egg001)
-- "Easter Egg" vous pouvez enlever si vous ne voulez pas ça
local function CheckChat(ply, text)
if not GAMEMODE.Config.chatsounds or ply.nextSpeechSound and ply.nextSpeechSound > CurTime() then return end
local prefix = string.sub(text, 0, 1)
if prefix == "/" or prefix == "!" or prefix == "@" then return end -- should cover most chat commands for various mods/addons
for k, v in pairs(sounds) do
local res1, res2 = string.find(string.lower(text), k)
if res1 and (not text[res1 - 1] or text[res1 - 1] == "" or text[res1 - 1] == " ") and (not text[res2 + 1] or text[res2 + 1] == "" or text[res2 + 1] == " ") then
ply:EmitSound(table.Random(v), 80, 100)
ply.nextSpeechSound = CurTime() + GAMEMODE.Config.chatsoundsdelay -- make sure they don't spam HAX HAX HAX, if the server owner so desires
hook.Add("PostPlayerSay", "ChatSounds", CheckChat)
DarkRP.setChatSound = DarkRP.stub{
name = "setChatSound",
description = "Set a chat sound (play a noise when someone says something)",
parameters = {
name = "text",
description = "The text that should trigger the sound.",
type = "string",
optional = false
name = "sounds",
description = "A table of string sound paths.",
type = "table",
optional = false
returns = {
metatable = DarkRP
function DarkRP.setChatSound(text, sndTable)
sounds[string.lower(text or "")] = sndTable