Comment trouver les logs User/Admin ULX

  • Initiateur de la discussion


Score réaction
Tout est dans le titre comment trouver les logs des joueurs et les admin qui son rank (avec le steamid etc)
Car dans le !menu on ne peut pas voir le steamid de l'admin :/

Merci de l'aide :)


1 062
Score réaction
Salut dans

Garrysmod > data > ulx_logs > XX_XX_XXXX.txt



2 191
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Tu te rend sur ton FTP, à la source :
Tu y trouveras ce que tu cherches, tu peux aussi te rendre à la source :
Tu y trouveras les advert, restrictions et la config.

  • Initiateur de la discussion


Score réaction
Merci de ta reponce :p cetais bien se que je cherchais :)
  • Banni


Geek suprême
Score réaction
17: 7 Segonde voila les logs
[16:52:11] Skof IgrecZed: !EGInv drop plySlot=2
[16:52:13] Chef Fergus Watson: /citoyen
[16:52:15] Pierre Lefeaux: /// Mon ami et bloquer
[16:52:18] jean mojittoo: !EGInv drop plySlot=3
[16:52:18] clement brutus: !EGInv drop plySlot=11
[16:52:22] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl
[16:52:25] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:52:28] clement brutus: !EGInv drop plySlot=10
[16:52:34] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:35] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:36] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:36] clement brutus: !EGInv drop plySlot=7
[16:52:36] Akram Pepsi: /dropmoney 2090
[16:52:37] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:37] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:38] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:39] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:40] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:40] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:41] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:42] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:43] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:43] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:44] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:54] clement brutus: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:59] clement brutus: /buyammo ar2
[16:53:04] Dogan Mojiitoooooo: /DROPOMNEY 3000000
[16:53:04] Charly LeKid: /pub Ambulanciers En Ville , !service pour nous contacter .
[16:53:11] Alex Ranadou killed Jean Michel Tavernier using player
[16:53:11] Akram Pepsi: !serice
[16:53:16] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:53:22] Valentin Dumat: /NAME VALENTIN ZETROSKI
[16:53:22] Valentin Dumat<STEAM_0:0:143740407> changed their name to VALENTIN ZETROSKI
[16:53:23] Dropped "JULIEN BRUTUS" from server<STEAM_0:1:48122939>
[16:53:26] Jean Ajichtchenkov: /name Emmanuel Macron
[16:53:26] Jean Ajichtchenkov<STEAM_0:1:69185789> changed their name to Emmanuel Macron
[16:53:29] Alex Ranadou killed Fredis Coslo using player
[16:53:29] aurelien ranadou: !EGInv equip plySlot=2
[16:53:30] Jessy Pepsi: !service
[16:53:41] (TEAM) VALENTIN ZETROSKI: /NAME Valentin Zetroski
[16:53:41] VALENTIN ZETROSKI<STEAM_0:0:143740407> changed their name to Valentin Zetroski
[16:53:43] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:53:44] tony lani<STEAM_0:1:197427532> spawned vehicle models/lonewolfie/lykan_hypersport.mdl
[16:53:51] Client "Kass_asb" connected.
[16:53:53] Dogan Mojiitoooooo<STEAM_0:1:176016688> spawned model models/props_c17/streetsign004e.mdl
[16:53:53] Dropped "entony edwards" from server<STEAM_0:1:216011447>
[16:53:53] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/sickness/fridge_01.mdl
[16:53:55] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:53:57] Dogan Mojiitoooooo<STEAM_0:1:176016688> spawned model models/props_c17/streetsign004e.mdl
[16:53:58] Emmanuel Macron: /pub Au prochain ellection voter pour moi il autre pas de pourdre de perlinpinpin
[16:53:59] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:53:59] Client "Kass_asb" connected.
[16:54:00] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/sickness/stove_01.mdl
[16:54:01] Dogan Mojiitoooooo<STEAM_0:1:176016688> spawned model models/props_c17/streetsign004e.mdl
[16:54:12] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:54:13] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:54:17] Alex Ranadou killed Billy LeKid using player
[16:54:19] Dropped "Clément76" from server<STEAM_0:1:121754678>
[16:54:23] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:54:23] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/shelvingstore01.mdl
[16:54:23] Emmanuel Macron: ///admin svp un gars fait lag serv
[16:54:24] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:54:24] Adrien Trayson: !EGInv equip plySlot=2
[16:54:27] Dropped "Jean GOLDMAN" from server<STEAM_0:1:185325215>
[16:54:28] Emmanuel Macron: /// admin svp
[16:54:28] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/shelvingstore01.mdl
[16:54:29] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:54:32] Emmanuel Macron: /// un gars fait lag serv
[16:54:35] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate3x3.mdl
[16:54:36] Client "Clément76" connected.
[16:54:37] Alex Ranadou killed Charly LeKid using player
[16:54:39] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:54:42] Jean Paul Pepsi<STEAM_0:0:144813411> spawned vehicle models/tdmcars/fer_lafer.mdl
[16:54:42] Adrien Ilomino: /vendeurdarme
[16:54:54] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_downtown/booth01.mdl
[16:54:56] Client "☠️Peter Lerman ☠" spawned in server <STEAM_0:1:168366126> (took 773 seconds).
[16:54:56] Dropped "☠️Peter Lerman ☠" from server<STEAM_0:1:168366126>
[16:54:59] Jean Michel Tavernier: /medecin
[16:55:02] XENE AJICHTCHENKOV: /votechien
[16:55:07] Jul Pepsi<STEAM_0:0:208369490> spawned vehicle models/lonewolfie/lykan_hypersport.mdl
[16:55:10] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_downtown/booth01.mdl
[16:55:20] Adrien Trayson: /ano Tueur A Gage En Ville l !service pour me contacter !
[16:55:23] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate5x5.mdl
[16:55:29] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate3x3.mdl
[16:55:31] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate4x4.mdl
[16:55:32] Joseph Joestar<STEAM_0:0:111605459> spawned vehicle models/tdmcars/s5.mdl
[16:55:33] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/dinning_table_oval.mdl
[16:55:35] Jessy Pepsi: !collect
[16:55:36] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate5x5.mdl
[16:55:40] (TEAM) Adrien Trayson: /ano Tueur A Gage En Ville l !service pour me contacter !
[16:55:40] jean mojittoo killed Dogan Mojiitoooooo using player
[16:55:41] Zakaeff Zetroski killed clement brutus using player
[16:55:45] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/gmod_tower/suitetv.mdl
[16:55:46] Zakaeff Zetroski killed Skof IgrecZed using player
[16:55:47] Emmanuel Macron: /pub Au prochain ellection voter pour moi il autre pas de pourdre de perlinpinpin
[16:55:55] Jessy Pepsi: !service
[16:55:56] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:55:56] (TEAM) jean mojittoo: !service
[16:55:57] Jean Michel Tavernier<STEAM_0:0:39680651> spawned vehicle models/tdmcars/dod_charger12.mdl
[16:56:00] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:56:01] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:56:02] Alex Rois: /drop
[16:56:03] (TEAM) jean mojittoo: !service
[16:56:04] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:56:07] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:56:08] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:56:09] Client "Kass_asb" spawned in server <STEAM_0:0:172740315> (took 130 seconds).
[16:56:11] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:56:13] Alex Rois: /Drop
[16:56:16] Adrien Trayson: /ano Tueur A Gage En Ville l !service pour me contacter !
[16:56:18] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/dining_table_round.mdl
[16:56:20] aurelien ranadou: !EGInv drop plySlot=6
[16:56:25] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:56:34] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/sink_kitchen.mdl
[16:56:44] (TEAM) jean mojittoo: !service
[16:56:44] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/env/furniture/square_sink/sink_merged_b.mdl
[16:57:02] Chef Fergus Watson: !EGInv drop plySlot=4
[16:57:05] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:06] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:06] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:07] TEO NAIMARE: !service
[16:57:07] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:08] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:09] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:09] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:10] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:11] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:12] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:15] Client "fugahugo" connected.
[16:57:18] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:57:19] Jean Michel Tavernier: je croit que ca print
[16:57:20] Zakaeff Zetroski: /// ADMIN SVP
[16:57:27] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:57:28] Fredis Coslo: /capitaine
[16:57:29] aurelien ranadou: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:29] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_furniture/picture_frame8.mdl
[16:57:29] aurelien ranadou: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:30] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:57:30] aurelien ranadou: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:35] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:57:35] Skof IgrecZed: !EGInv drop plySlot=4
[16:57:36] jean mojittoo killed Adrien Ilomino using player
[16:57:37] Fredis Coslo: /chefdugign
[16:57:39] Charly LeKid: /tueuragages
[16:57:39] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie$
[16:57:43] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/painting_landscape01.mdl
[16:57:44] Billy LeKid: /tueuragages
[16:57:45] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl
[16:57:46] Skof IgrecZed: !EGInv drop plySlot=4
[16:57:54] Jessy Pepsi: !EGInv equip plySlot=2
[16:57:57] Fredis Coslo<STEAM_0:0:149584049> spawned vehicle models/tdmcars/chev_camzl1.mdl
[16:58:01] Client "MisterPierro50" connected.
[16:58:06] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/highrise/lobby_chair_01.mdl
[16:58:09] alexandre killed axel hamar using m9k_knife
[16:58:14] Jean Michel Tavernier: bonjour
[16:58:15] Bryan Kitchen teleported to Zakaeff Zetroski
[16:58:17] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl
[16:58:18] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl
[16:58:20] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl
[16:58:24] Jo Libra Pepsi: !EGInv equip plySlot=11
[16:58:28] Jean Michel Tavernier: 5millions
[16:58:30] Client "BaguetteRiven" connected.
[16:58:32] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl
[16:58:35] Dropped "Kass_asb" from server<STEAM_0:0:172740315>
[16:58:37] Client "nico" connected.
[16:58:37] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl
[16:58:38] Jean Michel Tavernier: tu me passe un peut ??
[16:58:39] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:40] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:41] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:41] Jo Libra Pepsi: !EGInv equip plySlot=16
[16:58:42] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:42] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:43] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:43] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/highrise/potted_plant_05.mdl
[16:58:44] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:45] Tibo Novitchkov: /sleep
[16:58:45] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:46] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/env/decor/tall_plant_b/tall_plant_b.mdl
[16:58:47] Joseph Joestar<STEAM_0:0:111605459> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate7x8.mdl
[16:58:47] alexandre: /ano des meutre se font en ville j'ai peure
[16:58:47] Alex Ranadou killed Tibo Novitchkov using player
[16:58:49] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/env/decor/plant_decofern/plant_decofern.mdl
[16:58:50] Joseph Joestar<STEAM_0:0:111605459> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate4x8.mdl
[16:58:51] Louis Robbert UNSC: !service
[16:58:52] Born Walkers UNSC: /drop
[16:58:57] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x025.mdl
[16:58:58] (TEAM) Adrien Trayson: /drop
[16:59:00] Emmanuel Macron<STEAM_0:1:69185789> spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl
[16:59:00] Jo Libra Pepsi killed Neisan F0x using player
[16:59:01] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:59:02] Born Walkers UNSC: !EGInv drop plySlot=1
[16:59:03] Jean Michel Tavernier: Tu me passe ?? ;)
[16:59:04] Skof IgrecZed: /moneydrop 30000
[16:59:06] Farid Ranadou: /dropmoney 1000000
[16:59:06] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:07] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:08] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:08] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:09] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:10] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:11] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:12] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:12] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:13] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:14] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:15] Alex Ranadou killed jean mojittoo using player
[16:59:15] Jo Libra Pepsi: !EGInv drop plySlot=15
[16:59:22] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/desk_executive.mdl
[16:59:24] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:25] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:25] Alex Ranadou killed Skof IgrecZed using player
[16:59:26] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:26] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:27] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:27] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:28] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:28] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:29] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:29] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:30] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:31] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:31] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/desk_executive.mdl
[16:59:33] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:39] Client "BaguetteRiven" spawned in server <STEAM_0:0:152233634> (took 69 seconds).
[16:59:46] Client "[SkyC] Josh Fontaine" connected.
[16:59:47] Charly LeKid: !EGInv drop plySlot=9
[16:59:48] Adrien Trayson: /ano Tueur A Gage En Ville l !service pour me contacter !
[16:59:51] axel hamar: /vendeurdarme
[16:59:52] commissaire loic killed Jul Pepsi using player
[16:59:52] Joseph Joestar<STEAM_0:0:111605459> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate4x8.mdl
[16:59:52] Jo Libra Pepsi: /drop
[16:59:52] Client "RobotyXx" connected.
[16:59:57] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:59:58] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:59:59] Farid Ranadou: /vendeurdarme
[17:00:00] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/u4lab/chair_office_a.mdl
[17:00:03] alexandre: /ano braquge de banqe en cour
[17:00:07] Joseph Joestar<STEAM_0:0:111605459> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate4x7.mdl
[17:00:09] Client "Jean" connected.
[17:00:09] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/highrise/cubicle_monitor_01.mdl
[17:00:10] Joseph Joestar<STEAM_0:0:111605459> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate4x8.mdl
[17:00:11] Valentin Zetroski: /ano braquage en cour
[17:00:14] Client "TheXavi78" connected.
[17:00:16] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/printer.mdl


2 191
Score réaction
kayxy à dit:
17: 7 Segonde voila les logs
[16:52:11] Skof IgrecZed: !EGInv drop plySlot=2
[16:52:13] Chef Fergus Watson: /citoyen
[16:52:15] Pierre Lefeaux: /// Mon ami et bloquer
[16:52:18] jean mojittoo: !EGInv drop plySlot=3
[16:52:18] clement brutus: !EGInv drop plySlot=11
[16:52:22] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl
[16:52:25] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:52:28] clement brutus: !EGInv drop plySlot=10
[16:52:34] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:35] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:36] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:36] clement brutus: !EGInv drop plySlot=7
[16:52:36] Akram Pepsi: /dropmoney 2090
[16:52:37] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:37] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:38] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:39] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:40] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:40] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:41] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:42] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:43] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:43] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:44] Skof IgrecZed: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:54] clement brutus: /buyammo ar2
[16:52:59] clement brutus: /buyammo ar2
[16:53:04] Dogan Mojiitoooooo: /DROPOMNEY 3000000
[16:53:04] Charly LeKid: /pub Ambulanciers En Ville , !service pour nous contacter .
[16:53:11] Alex Ranadou killed Jean Michel Tavernier using player
[16:53:11] Akram Pepsi: !serice
[16:53:16] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:53:22] Valentin Dumat: /NAME VALENTIN ZETROSKI
[16:53:22] Valentin Dumat<STEAM_0:0:143740407> changed their name to VALENTIN ZETROSKI
[16:53:23] Dropped "JULIEN BRUTUS" from server<STEAM_0:1:48122939>
[16:53:26] Jean Ajichtchenkov: /name Emmanuel Macron
[16:53:26] Jean Ajichtchenkov<STEAM_0:1:69185789> changed their name to Emmanuel Macron
[16:53:29] Alex Ranadou killed Fredis Coslo using player
[16:53:29] aurelien ranadou: !EGInv equip plySlot=2
[16:53:30] Jessy Pepsi: !service
[16:53:41] (TEAM) VALENTIN ZETROSKI: /NAME Valentin Zetroski
[16:53:41] VALENTIN ZETROSKI<STEAM_0:0:143740407> changed their name to Valentin Zetroski
[16:53:43] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:53:44] tony lani<STEAM_0:1:197427532> spawned vehicle models/lonewolfie/lykan_hypersport.mdl
[16:53:51] Client "Kass_asb" connected.
[16:53:53] Dogan Mojiitoooooo<STEAM_0:1:176016688> spawned model models/props_c17/streetsign004e.mdl
[16:53:53] Dropped "entony edwards" from server<STEAM_0:1:216011447>
[16:53:53] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/sickness/fridge_01.mdl
[16:53:55] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:53:57] Dogan Mojiitoooooo<STEAM_0:1:176016688> spawned model models/props_c17/streetsign004e.mdl
[16:53:58] Emmanuel Macron: /pub Au prochain ellection voter pour moi il autre pas de pourdre de perlinpinpin
[16:53:59] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:53:59] Client "Kass_asb" connected.
[16:54:00] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/sickness/stove_01.mdl
[16:54:01] Dogan Mojiitoooooo<STEAM_0:1:176016688> spawned model models/props_c17/streetsign004e.mdl
[16:54:12] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:54:13] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:54:17] Alex Ranadou killed Billy LeKid using player
[16:54:19] Dropped "Clément76" from server<STEAM_0:1:121754678>
[16:54:23] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:54:23] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/shelvingstore01.mdl
[16:54:23] Emmanuel Macron: ///admin svp un gars fait lag serv
[16:54:24] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:54:24] Adrien Trayson: !EGInv equip plySlot=2
[16:54:27] Dropped "Jean GOLDMAN" from server<STEAM_0:1:185325215>
[16:54:28] Emmanuel Macron: /// admin svp
[16:54:28] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/shelvingstore01.mdl
[16:54:29] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:54:32] Emmanuel Macron: /// un gars fait lag serv
[16:54:35] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate3x3.mdl
[16:54:36] Client "Clément76" connected.
[16:54:37] Alex Ranadou killed Charly LeKid using player
[16:54:39] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:54:42] Jean Paul Pepsi<STEAM_0:0:144813411> spawned vehicle models/tdmcars/fer_lafer.mdl
[16:54:42] Adrien Ilomino: /vendeurdarme
[16:54:54] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_downtown/booth01.mdl
[16:54:56] Client "☠️Peter Lerman ☠" spawned in server <STEAM_0:1:168366126> (took 773 seconds).
[16:54:56] Dropped "☠️Peter Lerman ☠" from server<STEAM_0:1:168366126>
[16:54:59] Jean Michel Tavernier: /medecin
[16:55:02] XENE AJICHTCHENKOV: /votechien
[16:55:07] Jul Pepsi<STEAM_0:0:208369490> spawned vehicle models/lonewolfie/lykan_hypersport.mdl
[16:55:10] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_downtown/booth01.mdl
[16:55:20] Adrien Trayson: /ano Tueur A Gage En Ville l !service pour me contacter !
[16:55:23] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate5x5.mdl
[16:55:29] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate3x3.mdl
[16:55:31] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate4x4.mdl
[16:55:32] Joseph Joestar<STEAM_0:0:111605459> spawned vehicle models/tdmcars/s5.mdl
[16:55:33] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/dinning_table_oval.mdl
[16:55:35] Jessy Pepsi: !collect
[16:55:36] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate5x5.mdl
[16:55:40] (TEAM) Adrien Trayson: /ano Tueur A Gage En Ville l !service pour me contacter !
[16:55:40] jean mojittoo killed Dogan Mojiitoooooo using player
[16:55:41] Zakaeff Zetroski killed clement brutus using player
[16:55:45] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/gmod_tower/suitetv.mdl
[16:55:46] Zakaeff Zetroski killed Skof IgrecZed using player
[16:55:47] Emmanuel Macron: /pub Au prochain ellection voter pour moi il autre pas de pourdre de perlinpinpin
[16:55:55] Jessy Pepsi: !service
[16:55:56] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:55:56] (TEAM) jean mojittoo: !service
[16:55:57] Jean Michel Tavernier<STEAM_0:0:39680651> spawned vehicle models/tdmcars/dod_charger12.mdl
[16:56:00] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:56:01] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:56:02] Alex Rois: /drop
[16:56:03] (TEAM) jean mojittoo: !service
[16:56:04] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:56:07] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:56:08] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:56:09] Client "Kass_asb" spawned in server <STEAM_0:0:172740315> (took 130 seconds).
[16:56:11] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:56:13] Alex Rois: /Drop
[16:56:16] Adrien Trayson: /ano Tueur A Gage En Ville l !service pour me contacter !
[16:56:18] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/dining_table_round.mdl
[16:56:20] aurelien ranadou: !EGInv drop plySlot=6
[16:56:25] Akram Pepsi: !service
[16:56:34] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/sink_kitchen.mdl
[16:56:44] (TEAM) jean mojittoo: !service
[16:56:44] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/env/furniture/square_sink/sink_merged_b.mdl
[16:57:02] Chef Fergus Watson: !EGInv drop plySlot=4
[16:57:05] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:06] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:06] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:07] TEO NAIMARE: !service
[16:57:07] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:08] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:09] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:09] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:10] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:11] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:12] Alex Rois: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:15] Client "fugahugo" connected.
[16:57:18] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:57:19] Jean Michel Tavernier: je croit que ca print
[16:57:20] Zakaeff Zetroski: /// ADMIN SVP
[16:57:27] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:57:28] Fredis Coslo: /capitaine
[16:57:29] aurelien ranadou: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:29] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_furniture/picture_frame8.mdl
[16:57:29] aurelien ranadou: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:30] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:57:30] aurelien ranadou: /buyammo ar2
[16:57:35] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie
[16:57:35] Skof IgrecZed: !EGInv drop plySlot=4
[16:57:36] jean mojittoo killed Adrien Ilomino using player
[16:57:37] Fredis Coslo: /chefdugign
[16:57:39] Charly LeKid: /tueuragages
[16:57:39] Farid Ranadou: /pub Venez faire un don pour les malades je suis au parking de la mairie$
[16:57:43] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/painting_landscape01.mdl
[16:57:44] Billy LeKid: /tueuragages
[16:57:45] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl
[16:57:46] Skof IgrecZed: !EGInv drop plySlot=4
[16:57:54] Jessy Pepsi: !EGInv equip plySlot=2
[16:57:57] Fredis Coslo<STEAM_0:0:149584049> spawned vehicle models/tdmcars/chev_camzl1.mdl
[16:58:01] Client "MisterPierro50" connected.
[16:58:06] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/highrise/lobby_chair_01.mdl
[16:58:09] alexandre killed axel hamar using m9k_knife
[16:58:14] Jean Michel Tavernier: bonjour
[16:58:15] Bryan Kitchen teleported to Zakaeff Zetroski
[16:58:17] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl
[16:58:18] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl
[16:58:20] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl
[16:58:24] Jo Libra Pepsi: !EGInv equip plySlot=11
[16:58:28] Jean Michel Tavernier: 5millions
[16:58:30] Client "BaguetteRiven" connected.
[16:58:32] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl
[16:58:35] Dropped "Kass_asb" from server<STEAM_0:0:172740315>
[16:58:37] Client "nico" connected.
[16:58:37] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x05.mdl
[16:58:38] Jean Michel Tavernier: tu me passe un peut ??
[16:58:39] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:40] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:41] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:41] Jo Libra Pepsi: !EGInv equip plySlot=16
[16:58:42] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:42] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:43] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:43] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/highrise/potted_plant_05.mdl
[16:58:44] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:45] Tibo Novitchkov: /sleep
[16:58:45] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:58:46] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/env/decor/tall_plant_b/tall_plant_b.mdl
[16:58:47] Joseph Joestar<STEAM_0:0:111605459> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate7x8.mdl
[16:58:47] alexandre: /ano des meutre se font en ville j'ai peure
[16:58:47] Alex Ranadou killed Tibo Novitchkov using player
[16:58:49] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/env/decor/plant_decofern/plant_decofern.mdl
[16:58:50] Joseph Joestar<STEAM_0:0:111605459> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate4x8.mdl
[16:58:51] Louis Robbert UNSC: !service
[16:58:52] Born Walkers UNSC: /drop
[16:58:57] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/blocks/cube3x3x025.mdl
[16:58:58] (TEAM) Adrien Trayson: /drop
[16:59:00] Emmanuel Macron<STEAM_0:1:69185789> spawned model models/props_phx/construct/metal_plate2x2.mdl
[16:59:00] Jo Libra Pepsi killed Neisan F0x using player
[16:59:01] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:59:02] Born Walkers UNSC: !EGInv drop plySlot=1
[16:59:03] Jean Michel Tavernier: Tu me passe ?? ;)
[16:59:04] Skof IgrecZed: /moneydrop 30000
[16:59:06] Farid Ranadou: /dropmoney 1000000
[16:59:06] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:07] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:08] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:08] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:09] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:10] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:11] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:12] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:12] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:13] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:14] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo smg1
[16:59:15] Alex Ranadou killed jean mojittoo using player
[16:59:15] Jo Libra Pepsi: !EGInv drop plySlot=15
[16:59:22] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/desk_executive.mdl
[16:59:24] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:25] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:25] Alex Ranadou killed Skof IgrecZed using player
[16:59:26] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:26] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:27] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:27] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:28] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:28] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:29] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:29] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:30] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:31] Jessy Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:31] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/desk_executive.mdl
[16:59:33] Akram Pepsi: /buyammo ar2
[16:59:39] Client "BaguetteRiven" spawned in server <STEAM_0:0:152233634> (took 69 seconds).
[16:59:46] Client "[SkyC] Josh Fontaine" connected.
[16:59:47] Charly LeKid: !EGInv drop plySlot=9
[16:59:48] Adrien Trayson: /ano Tueur A Gage En Ville l !service pour me contacter !
[16:59:51] axel hamar: /vendeurdarme
[16:59:52] commissaire loic killed Jul Pepsi using player
[16:59:52] Joseph Joestar<STEAM_0:0:111605459> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate4x8.mdl
[16:59:52] Jo Libra Pepsi: /drop
[16:59:52] Client "RobotyXx" connected.
[16:59:57] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:59:58] Aiden Novitckov<STEAM_0:1:150039218> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate6x6.mdl
[16:59:59] Farid Ranadou: /vendeurdarme
[17:00:00] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/u4lab/chair_office_a.mdl
[17:00:03] alexandre: /ano braquge de banqe en cour
[17:00:07] Joseph Joestar<STEAM_0:0:111605459> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate4x7.mdl
[17:00:09] Client "Jean" connected.
[17:00:09] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/highrise/cubicle_monitor_01.mdl
[17:00:10] Joseph Joestar<STEAM_0:0:111605459> spawned model models/hunter/plates/plate4x8.mdl
[17:00:11] Valentin Zetroski: /ano braquage en cour
[17:00:14] Client "TheXavi78" connected.
[17:00:16] Chef Fergus Watson<STEAM_0:1:170219035> spawned model models/props_interiors/printer.mdl
Donc toi tranquille pour te faire des postes comme ça, tu remontes un poste vieux de 2 ans ?
  • Banni


Geek suprême
Score réaction
xLomble77 à dit:
Donc toi tranquille pour te faire des postes comme ça, tu remontes un poste vieux de 2 ans ?
euu nan je les fait il a pas longtemps


2 191
Score réaction
kayxy à dit:
euu nan je les fait il a pas longtemps
Là dernière réponse sur le poste est du 2 décembre 2015 et toi tu postes 2 ans après le 3 juin 2017...
  • J'aime
Réactions: stephXX62
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