Destructible Door | 999999999 de vie

  • Initiateur de la discussion Dawaklawak
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Je voudrais faire fonctionne cette addon :
Il permet de détruire les portes !
On peut voir la vie ainsi que la modifie dans le fichier config !
Mais lorsque je change ou pas la vie !
Elle reste a 999999999 alors que c'est 300 de base !
Voici le code :

if SERVER then -- Redundant but I rather not align all that code AddCSLuaFile() -- This entire thing is just the portion of my Door Locker code that allows for the door to be broken down. -- Its all my code but the idea started as a copy of a concept I saw on Coderhire but I didnt want to pay for -- Edited by Rynoxx ( to allow doors to automaticly respawn and be respawned by command(s). CreateConVar("db_doorhealth", 600, {FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE, FCVAR_ARCHIVE, FCVAR_NOTIFY},"How strong the doors are.") CreateConVar("db_respawntimer", 60, {FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE, FCVAR_ARCHIVE, FCVAR_NOTIFY},"How long it should take for doors to respawn.") CreateConVar("db_lockopen", 1, {FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE, FCVAR_ARCHIVE, FCVAR_NOTIFY},"Wether or not doors should be opened and unlocked after being shot open.") cvars.AddChangeCallback("db_doorhealth", function() for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll() ) do if v:GetClass() == "prop_door_rotating" then local health = GetConVar("db_doorhealth"):GetInt() v:SetHealth(health) end end print("[DoorBuster] Health changed. Updating doors...") end) hook.Add( "InitPostEntity", "ITSALLIIIVVEEE", function() for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll() ) do if v:GetClass() == "prop_door_rotating" then local health = GetConVar("db_doorhealth"):GetInt() v:SetHealth(health) end end print("[DoorBuster] All doors have been prepped") end) knockedDoors = knockedDoors or {} hook.Add("EntityTakeDamage","BigBadWolfIsJealous", function(prop, dmginfo) if (prop:GetClass() == "prop_door_rotating" and IsValid(prop) )then local doorhealth = prop:Health() local dmgtaken = dmginfo:GetDamage() --print("Took a total of " .. dmgtaken .. " damage") --print("door health was" .. doorhealth) prop:SetHealth(doorhealth - dmgtaken) -- Takes damage for the door if prop:Health() <= 0 and !prop.bIsBusted then -- Makes sure that the door doesn't create props until after it's respawned prop.bIsBusted = true -- Now we create a prop version of the door to be knocked down for looks local dprop = ents.Create( "prop_physics" ) dprop:SetCollisionGroup(COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE) dprop:SetMoveType(MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS) dprop:SetSolid(SOLID_BBOX) dprop:SetPos( prop:GetPos() + Vector(0, 0, 2)) dprop:SetAngles( prop:GetAngles() ) dprop:SetModel( prop:GetModel() ) dprop:SetSkin( prop:GetSkin() ) table.insert(knockedDoors, prop) -- prop:Remove() -- do NOT remove the door prop:Extinguish() -- A fix for the fire glitch prop:SetNoDraw(true) -- Instead we're going to hide it prop:SetNotSolid(true) -- And remove the collision of it if GetConVar("db_lockopen"):GetInt() > 0 then prop:Fire("unlock", 0) prop:Fire("open", 0) end dprop:Spawn() -- Who doesnt like a little pyrotechnics eh? dprop:EmitSound( "physics/wood/wood_crate_break3.wav" ) local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin( dprop:GetPos() + dprop:OBBCenter() ) effectdata:SetMagnitude( 5 ) effectdata:SetScale( 2 ) effectdata:SetRadius( 5 ) util.Effect( "Sparks", effectdata ) prop.phys_door = dprop if GetConVar("db_respawntimer"):GetInt() > 0 then timer.Simple(GetConVar("db_respawntimer"):GetInt(), function() ResetDoor(prop) end) end end end end) function ResetDoor(prop) if IsValid(prop) then prop:SetHealth(GetConVar("db_doorhealth"):GetInt()) prop:SetNoDraw(false) prop:SetNotSolid(false) prop.bIsBusted = false if IsValid(prop.phys_door) then SafeRemoveEntity(prop.phys_door) prop.phys_door = nil end for i = 1, #knockedDoors do if knockedDoors[i] == prop then knockedDoors[i] = nil end end end end function ResetAllDoors() for i = 1, #knockedDoors do ResetDoor(knockedDoors[i]) end end concommand.Add("db_resetdoors", function(ply) if IsValid(ply) and !ply:IsAdmin() then return end -- Admin and RCon/Server Console only ResetAllDoors() end) hook.Add("PlayerSay", "DoorsAndDoorAccessories", function(ply, text) -- Chat commands to make life easier local text = string.lower(text) if ( string.sub( text, 1, 11 ) == "!checkdoor" ) then local tr = ply:GetEyeTrace() local door = tr.Entity if (IsValid(door)) then if door:GetClass() == "prop_door_rotating" then ply:ChatPrint("That is a valid door!") else ply:ChatPrint("That is not a valid door!") end else ply:ChatPrint("That is not a door!") end return false end if ( string.sub( text, 1, 11 ) == "!doorhealth" ) then local tr = ply:GetEyeTrace() local door = tr.Entity if (IsValid(door) and door:GetClass() == "prop_door_rotating") then ply:ChatPrint("That door's health is " .. door:Health()) else ply:ChatPrint("That is not a valid door!") end return false end if ( string.sub(text, 1, 11) == "!resetdoors" ) then ply:ConCommand("db_resetdoors") end end)

Si vous avez une idée pourquoi ce problème j'ai pu voir sur les commentaires de l'addon qu'il avait le même problème mais je n'ai pas vu de résolution !
Et lorsque je modifie la vie via la console comme il dit :
* Setting door health through console: db_doorhealth 300
Et sa me met sa :
Unknown command: db_doorhealth

Merci d'avance


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