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Bonjour je demande votre aide aujourd'hui car apres un reboot de mon serveur gmod darkrp les admin super admin n'avaient plus acces a rie ndans le tab et !menu j'ai fais des recherche et apparament c'est un probleme avec le jorelated j'ai tout enlever et mit dans job de darkrp modification j'ai cette erreur sur la console et le probleme n'est toujours pas regler
les job du darkrp modification
et ceux du gamemode jobrelated
Merci d'avance pour votre aide
les job du darkrp modification
DarkRP custom jobs
This file contains your custom jobs.
This file should also contain jobs from DarkRP that you edited.
Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP job, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua Once you've done that, copy and paste the job to this file and edit it.
The default jobs can be found here:
For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:
Add your custom jobs under the following line:
TEAM_CITIZEN = DarkRP.createJob("Citoyen", { color = Color(20, 150, 20, 255), model = { "models/player/Group01/Female_01.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Female_02.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Female_03.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Female_04.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Female_06.mdl", "models/player/group01/male_01.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_02.mdl", "models/player/Group01/male_03.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_04.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_05.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_06.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_07.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_08.mdl", "models/player/Group01/Male_09.mdl" }, description = [[The Citizen is the most basic level of society you can hold besides being a hobo. You have no specific role in city life.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard"}, command = "citizen", max = 0, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Citizens",
TEAM_POLICE = DarkRP.createJob("Policier", { color = Color(25, 25, 170, 255), model = {"models/player/portal/f_police.mdl", "models/player/portal/f_police2.mdl", "models/player/portal/f_police4.mdl", "models/player/portal/f_police5.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes tout simplement un Policier, c'est vous qui patrouiller dans la ville a la recherche de criminel]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_glock", "m9k_m416", "arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker"}, command = "cp", max = 6, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.45, admin = 0, vote = true, hasLicense = true, ammo = { ["pistol"] = 60, }, category = "Civil Protection",
TEAM_GANG = DarkRP.createJob("Gangster", { color = Color(75, 75, 75, 255), model = { "models/player/Group03/Female_01.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Female_02.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Female_03.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Female_04.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Female_06.mdl", "models/player/group03/male_01.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_02.mdl", "models/player/Group03/male_03.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_04.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_05.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_06.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_07.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_08.mdl", "models/player/Group03/Male_09.mdl"}, description = [[The lowest person of crime. A gangster generally works for the Mobboss who runs the crime family. The Mob boss sets your agenda and you follow it or you might be punished.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard"}, command = "gangster", max = 3, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, category = "Gangsters",
TEAM_MOB = DarkRP.createJob("Tueur a gages", { color = Color(25, 25, 25, 255), model = "models/player/agent_47.mdl", description = [[The Mob boss is the boss of the criminals in the city. With his power he coordinates the gangsters and forms an efficient crime organization. He has the ability to break into houses by using a lockpick. The Mob boss posesses the ability to unarrest you.]], weapons = {"lockpick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard"}, command = "mobboss", max = 1, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.34, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, category = "Gangsters",
TEAM_GUN = DarkRP.createJob("Vendeur d'armes", { color = Color(255, 140, 0, 255), model = "models/player/arnold_schwarzenegger.mdl", description = [[A Gun Dealer is the only person who can sell guns to other people. Make sure you aren't caught selling illegal firearms to the public! You might get arrested!]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard"}, command = "gundealer", max = 2, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, category = "Citizens",
TEAM_MEDIC = DarkRP.createJob("Medecin", { color = Color(47, 79, 79, 255), model = "models/player/kleiner.mdl", description = [[With your medical knowledge you work to restore players to full health. Without a medic, people cannot be healed. Left click with the Medical Kit to heal other players. Right click with the Medical Kit to heal yourself.]], weapons = {"med_kit", "weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard"}, command = "medic", max = 3, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, medic = true, category = "Citizens",
TEAM_CHIEF = DarkRP.createJob("Commissaire", { color = Color(20, 20, 255, 255), model = "models/player/police_agent/commissaire_02.mdl", description = [[The Chief is the leader of the Civil Protection unit. Coordinate the police force to enforce law in the city. Hit a player with arrest baton to put them in jail. Bash a player with a stunstick and they may learn to obey the law. The Battering Ram can break down the door of a criminal, with a warrant for his/her arrest. Type /wanted <name> to alert the public to the presence of a criminal. Type /jailpos to set the Jail Position]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_glock", "m9k_m416", "arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_glock2", "arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_deagle2", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker"}, command = "chief", max = 1, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.67, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = true, chief = true, NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_POLICE, ammo = { ["pistol"] = 60, }, category = "Civil Protection",
TEAM_MAYOR = DarkRP.createJob("Maire", { color = Color(150, 20, 20, 255), model = {"models/obama/obama.mdl", "models/player/breen.mdl"}, description = [[The Mayor of the city creates laws to govern the city. If you are the mayor you may create and accept warrants. Type /wanted <name> to warrant a player. Type /jailpos to set the Jail Position. Type /lockdown initiate a lockdown of the city. Everyone must be inside during a lockdown. The cops patrol the area. /unlockdown to end a lockdown]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys"}, command = "mayor", max = 1, salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.89, admin = 0, vote = true, hasLicense = false, mayor = true, category = "Civil Protection",
TEAM_HOBO = DarkRP.createJob("Hobo", { color = Color(80, 45, 0, 255), model = "models/player/corpse1.mdl", description = [[The lowest member of society. Everybody laughs at you. You have no home. Beg for your food and money Sing for everyone who passes to get money Make your own wooden home somewhere in a corner or outside someone else's door]], weapons = {"weapon_bugbait", "weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard"}, command = "hobo", max = 5, salary = 0, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, hobo = true, category = "Citizens",
if not DarkRP.disabledDefaults["modules"]["hungermod"] then TEAM_COOK = DarkRP.createJob("Cuisinier", { color = Color(238, 99, 99, 255), model = {"models/fearless/chef1.mdl", "models/fearless/chef2.mdl"}, description = [[Vous faites a manger mieux que ma mere ducoup vous vendez votre nouriture a toute la ville.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard"}, command = "cook", max = 2, salary = 75, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, cook = true })
TEAM_BRAQUEUR = DarkRP.createJob("Braqueur", { color = Color(170, 4, 4, 255), model = {"models/player/suits/robber_open.mdl", "models/player/suits/robber_tuckedtie.mdl", "models/player/suits/robber_tie.mdl"}, description = [[Vous braquez ce que vous voulez, mais sans vous faire arrêter.]], weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_aw50", "weapon_fists", "keys"}, command = "braqueur", max = 4, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false,
TEAM_VOLEURS = DarkRP.createJob("Voleur", { color = Color(68, 214, 65, 255), model = {"models/player/group01/cookies114.mdl"}, description = [[Vous empruntez pas mal de choses...]], weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "lockpick", "weapon_fists", "keys", "prokeypadcracker"}, command = "Voleur", max = 3, salary = 30, admin = 0, vote = false,
TEAM_MERCENAIRE = DarkRP.createJob("Mercenaire", { color = Color(68, 214, 65, 255), model = {"models/player/tfa_cso2/ct_helga.mdl", "models/player/lady_hunk.mdl", "models/player/korka007/momiji.mdl"}, description = [[Vous empruntez pas mal de choses...]], weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "lockpick", "weapon_fists", "keys", "prokeypadcracker"}, command = "mercenaire", max = 3, salary = 30, admin = 0, vote = false,
TEAM_BANQUIER = DarkRP.createJob("Banquier", { color = Color(0, 178, 255, 255), model = {"models/player/suits/male_02_shirt.mdl"}, description = [[Vous tenez un banque, vous pouvez garder des printers en étant payé.]], weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "keys"}, command = "banquier", max = 2, salary = 100, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false,
TEAM_TAXI = DarkRP.createJob("Taxi", { color = Color(209, 175, 0, 255), model = {"models/grandtheftauto5/franklin.mdl"}, description = [[Vous transportez des gens uniquement dans votre taxi que ce soit payant ou gratuit.]], weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "keys"}, command = "taxi", max = 4, salary = 100, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false,
TEAM_YAKUZA = DarkRP.createJob("Yakuza", { color = Color(173, 156, 0, 255), model = {"models/sd/players/[dbs_brawler]-head_brawler_dbs.mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_brawler_2]-head_brawler_dbs.mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_grappler].mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_grappler_2].mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_quick]-head_quick_dbs.mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_quick]-head_quick_dbs_2.mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_quick]-head_striker_dbs.mdl", "models/ds/players/[dbs_striker]-head_quick_dbs.mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_striker]-head_quick_dbs_2.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un gang d'origine japonaise, défendez votre territoire. ]], weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "keys"}, command = "yakuza", max = 5, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false,
TEAM_CYAKUZA = DarkRP.createJob("Chef Yakuza", { color = Color(173, 156, 0, 255), model = {"models/sd/players/[dbs_brawler]-head_brawler_dbs.mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_brawler_2]-head_brawler_dbs.mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_grappler].mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_grappler_2].mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_quick]-head_quick_dbs.mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_quick]-head_quick_dbs_2.mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_quick]-head_striker_dbs.mdl", "models/ds/players/[dbs_striker]-head_quick_dbs.mdl", "models/sd/players/[dbs_striker]-head_quick_dbs_2.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un gang d'origine japonaise, défendez votre territoire. ]], weapons = {"weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_fists", "keys"}, command = "chefyakuza", max = 5, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false,
TEAM_BLOODZ = DarkRP.createJob("Bloodz", { color = Color(242, 81, 81, 255), model = { "models/player/slow/jknies/bloodz/slow_1.mdl", "models/player/slow/jknies/bloodz/slow_2.mdl", "models/player/slow/jknies/bloodz/slow_3.mdl" }, description = [[Vous êtes le gang des Bloodz, votre couleur est le Rouge, vos ennemis sont les Cripz.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_knife"}, command = "bloodz", max = 4, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_CBLOODZ = DarkRP.createJob("Chef Bloodz", { color = Color(242, 81, 81, 255), model = { "models/player/slow/jknies/bloodz/slow_1.mdl", "models/player/slow/jknies/bloodz/slow_2.mdl", "models/player/slow/jknies/bloodz/slow_3.mdl" }, description = [[Vous êtes le gang des Bloodz, votre couleur est le Rouge, vos ennemis sont les Cripz.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_knife"}, command = "chefbloodz", max = 1, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_CRIPZ = DarkRP.createJob("Cripz", { color = Color(242, 81, 81, 255), model = { "models/player/slow/jknies/cripz/slow_1.mdl", "models/player/slow/jknies/cripz/slow_2.mdl", "models/player/slow/jknies/cripz/slow_3.mdl" }, description = [[Vous êtes le gang des Cripz, votre couleur est le Bleu, vos ennemis sont les Bloodz.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_knife"}, command = "cripz", max = 4, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_CCRIPZ = DarkRP.createJob("Chef Cripz", { color = Color(242, 81, 81, 255), model = { "models/player/slow/jknies/cripz/slow_1.mdl", "models/player/slow/jknies/cripz/slow_2.mdl", "models/player/slow/jknies/cripz/slow_3.mdl" }, description = [[Vous êtes le gang des Cripz, votre couleur est le Bleu, vos ennemis sont les Bloodz.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_knife"}, command = "chefcripz", max = 1, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_MAFIA = DarkRP.createJob("Mafieux", { color = Color(242, 81, 81, 255), model = { "models/fearless/mafia02.mdl", "models/fearless/mafia04.mdl", "models/fearless/mafia07.mdl", "models/fearless/mafia09.mdl" }, description = [[Vous êtes un mafieux venant d'Europe du Sud et d'Est, vous bougez avec la Mafia. ]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_knife"}, command = "mafieux", max = 4, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_PARRAIN = DarkRP.createJob("Parrain", { color = Color(242, 81, 81, 255), model = {"models/vito.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes le parrain de la Mafia, vous la commandez et donnez les ordres..]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard"}, command = "parrain", max = 1, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_PSYCH = DarkRP.createJob("Clown Psychopathe", { color = Color(242, 81, 81, 255), model = {"models/ninja/l4d2/clown/clown.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un clown Psychopathe, vous êtes d'abord gentil mais devenez un monstre.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "models/billy_jigsaw.mdl"}, command = "psychopathe", max = 2, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_SNPSWAT = DarkRP.createJob("Sniper du SWAT", { color = Color(19, 156, 229, 255), model = { "models/csgogign3pm.mdl", "models/player/r6s_iq.mdl", "models/player/r6s_caviera.mdl" }, description = [[Vous êtes un Sniper du SWAT, vous intervenez dans les opérations difficiles tout en étant à distance.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_glock", "m9k_aw50"}, command = "snpswat", max = 1, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_DOCSWAT = DarkRP.createJob("Docteur du SWAT", { color = Color(19, 156, 229, 255), model = {"models/player/r6s_doc.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes le docteur du SWAT, vous allez aussi dans les opérations fragiles et vous aidez les alliés en difficulté.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_medkit", "m9k_glock", "m9k_m416"}, command = "docswat", max = 2, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_SWAT = DarkRP.createJob("Agent du SWAT", { color = Color(19, 156, 229, 255), model = { "models/player/r6s_ash.mdl", "models/player/r6s_iq.mdl", "models/player/r6s_caviera.mdl", }, description = [[Vous êtes tout simplement un Agent du SWAT, c'est vous qui allez au devant de l'opération.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_glock", "m9k_m416"}, command = "swat", max = 5, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_PUTE = DarkRP.createJob("Prostituée", { color = Color(89, 229, 19, 255), model = { "models/bloocobalt/deadrising/player/srv_rosa.mdl", "models/rachel.mdl", "models/player/doa5_kasumi.mdl", "models/player/doa_honoka_bunny.mdl", "models/player/doa5/honoka/honoka.mdl" }, description = [[Vous êtes une prostituée et vous vous prostituez pour gagner votre vie.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "weapon_kiss"}, command = "prostituee", max = 4, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_MS13 = DarkRP.createJob("MS13", { color = Color(229, 19, 22, 255), model = { "models/ms13/slow_1.mdl", "models/ms13/slow_2.mdl", "models/ms13/slow_3.mdl" }, description = [[Vous faites partie du gang latino MS13, gang dangereux.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "m9k_knife"}, command = "ms13", max = 4, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_FWEED = DarkRP.createJob("fabricant de Weed", { color = Color(229, 19, 22, 255), model = {"models/humans/group02/player/tale_09.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un dealer de drogues, vous vendez et gagnez de l'argent.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard"}, command = "fabricantweed", max = 1, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_FMETH = DarkRP.createJob("fabricant de Meth", { color = Color(229, 19, 22, 255), model = {"models/humans/group02/player/tale_09.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un dealer de drogues, vous vendez et gagnez de l'argent.]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard"}, command = "fabricantmeth", max = 1, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false
TEAM_LIVREUR = DarkRP.createJob("Livreur", { color = Color(229, 19, 22, 255), model = {"models/player/group03/male_02.mdl"}, description = [[Vous .]], weapons = {"weapon_fists", "keys", "weapon_arc_atmcard"}, command = "livreur", max = 4, salary = 70, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false,
-- Compatibility for when default teams are disabled
Define which team joining players spawn into and what team you change to if demoted
Define which teams belong to civil protection
Civil protection can set warrants, make people wanted and do some other police related things
GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = { [TEAM_POLICE] = true, [TEAM_CHIEF] = true, [TEAM_MAYOR] = true, [TEAM_MASTO] = true, [TEAM_SWAT] = true, [TEAM_DOCSWAT] = true, [TEAM_SNPSWAT] = true,
Jobs that are hitmen (enables the hitman menu)
et ceux du gamemode jobrelated
-- People often copy jobs. When they do, the GM table does not exist anymore.
-- This line makes the job code work both inside and outside of gamemode files.
-- You should not copy this line into your code.
Default teams. Please do not edit this file. Please use the darkrpmod addon instead.
-- Compatibility for when default teams are disabled
-- Door groups
AddDoorGroup("Cops and Mayor only", TEAM_CHIEF, TEAM_POLICE, TEAM_MAYOR)
AddDoorGroup("Gundealer only", TEAM_GUN)
-- Agendas
DarkRP.createAgenda("Gangster's agenda", TEAM_MOB, {TEAM_GANG})
DarkRP.createAgenda("Police agenda", {TEAM_MAYOR, TEAM_CHIEF}, {TEAM_POLICE})
-- Group chats
DarkRP.createGroupChat(function(ply) return ply:isCP() end)
DarkRP.createGroupChat(TEAM_MOB, TEAM_GANG)
DarkRP.createGroupChat(function(listener, ply) return not ply or ply:Team() == listener:Team() end)
-- Initial team when first spawning
-- Teams that belong to Civil Protection
GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = { [TEAM_POLICE] = true, [TEAM_CHIEF] = true, [TEAM_MAYOR] = true,
-- Hitman team
-- Demote groups
DarkRP.createDemoteGroup("Cops", {TEAM_POLICE, TEAM_CHIEF})
DarkRP.createDemoteGroup("Gangsters", {TEAM_GANG, TEAM_MOB})
-- Default categories
DarkRP.createCategory{ name = "Citizens", categorises = "jobs", startExpanded = true, color = Color(0, 107, 0, 255), canSee = fp{fn.Id, true}, sortOrder = 100,
DarkRP.createCategory{ name = "Civil Protection", categorises = "jobs", startExpanded = true, color = Color(25, 25, 170, 255), canSee = fp{fn.Id, true}, sortOrder = 101,
DarkRP.createCategory{ name = "Gangsters", categorises = "jobs", startExpanded = true, color = Color(75, 75, 75, 255), canSee = fp{fn.Id, true}, sortOrder = 101,
DarkRP.createCategory{ name = "Other", categorises = "jobs", startExpanded = true, color = Color(0, 107, 0, 255), canSee = fp{fn.Id, true}, sortOrder = 255,
Merci d'avance pour votre aide