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Salutation a chaque fois que je met ce code qui est indispensable pour mon serveur :
Voici le code entier mon HUD :
Et voici mon Erreur lua :
[ERROR] gamemodes/basewars/gamemode/modules/hud.lua:32: attempt to call global 'LocalPlayer' (a nil value)
1. unknown - gamemodes/basewars/gamemode/modules/hud.lua:32
2. unknown - [C]:-1
3. pcall - [C]:-1
4. Load - gamemodes/basewars/gamemode/modules.lua:104
5. unknown - gamemodes/basewars/gamemode/init.lua:7
Merci d'avance
local ply = LocalPlayer()
local function Armed(ply) for v,k in pairs(ply:GetWeapons()) do local exploded = string.Explode( "_", k:GetClass() ) if exploded[1] == "fas2" or exploded[1] == "ak47" or zaclass == "weapon_lightsaber" or exploded[1] == "m4a1" or exploded[1] == "bw" or exploded[1] == "m3" or exploded[1] == "m9k" then return true end end
end if Armed(pi) then surface.SetTextPos( ScrW()/2-38, ScrH()/2+80 ) surface.SetTextColor(225,0,0) surface.DrawText( "[ADDICT] Armé(e)" ) else surface.SetTextPos( ScrW()/2-44, ScrH()/2+80 ) surface.SetTextColor(0,225,0) surface.DrawText( "[ADDICT] Non Armé(e)" )
Voici le code entier mon HUD :
MODULE.Author = "Q2F2 & Ghosty"
MODULE.Realm = 2
local tag = "BaseWars.HUD"
function MODULE:__INIT() surface.CreateFont(tag, { font = "Roboto", size = 16, weight = 800, }) surface.CreateFont(tag .. ".Large", { font = "Roboto", size = 20, weight = 1200, }) surface.CreateFont(tag .. ".Time", { font = "Roboto", size = 28, weight = 800, })
local clamp = math.Clamp
local floor = math.floor
local round = math.Round
local ply = LocalPlayer()
local function Armed(ply) for v,k in pairs(ply:GetWeapons()) do local exploded = string.Explode( "_", k:GetClass() ) if exploded[1] == "fas2" or exploded[1] == "ak47" or zaclass == "weapon_lightsaber" or exploded[1] == "m4a1" or exploded[1] == "bw" or exploded[1] == "m3" or exploded[1] == "m9k" then return true end end
end if Armed(pi) then surface.SetTextPos( ScrW()/2-38, ScrH()/2+80 ) surface.SetTextColor(225,0,0) surface.DrawText( "[ADDICT] Armé(e)" ) else surface.SetTextPos( ScrW()/2-44, ScrH()/2+80 ) surface.SetTextColor(0,225,0) surface.DrawText( "[ADDICT] Non Armé(e)" )
local function Calc(real, max, min, w) real = clamp(real,min or 0,max) real = real / max if w then local calw = w * real return calw, w - calw else return real end
local oldhW = 0
local oldHP = 0
local oldaW = 0
local oldAM = 0
local shade = Color(0, 0, 0, 140)
local trans = Color(255, 255, 255, 150)
local textc = Color(100, 150, 200, 255)
local hpbck = Color(255, 0 , 0 , 100)
local pwbck = Color(0 , 0 , 255, 100)
local red = Color(255, 0 , 0 , 245)
function MODULE:DrawStructureInfo(ent) local Pos = ent:GetPos() Pos.z = Pos.z + 14 Pos = Pos:ToScreen() local name = (ent.PrintName or (ent.GetName and ent:GetName()) or (ent.Nick and ent:Nick()) or ent:GetClass()):Trim() local W = BaseWars.Config.HUD.EntW local H = BaseWars.Config.HUD.EntH local oldx, oldy = Pos.x, Pos.y local curx, cury = Pos.x, Pos.y local w, h local Font = BaseWars.Config.HUD.EntFont local Font2 = BaseWars.Config.HUD.EntFont2 local Padding = 5 local EndPad = -Padding * 2 curx = curx - W / 2 cury = cury - H / 2 surface.SetDrawColor(shade) surface.DrawRect(curx, cury, W, H) surface.SetFont(Font) w, h = surface.GetTextSize(name) draw.DrawText(name, Font, oldx - w / 2, cury, shade) draw.DrawText(name, Font, oldx - w / 2, cury, textc) if ent:Health() > 0 then cury = cury + H + 1 surface.SetDrawColor(shade) surface.DrawRect(curx, cury, W, H) local MaxHealth = ent:GetMaxHealth() or 100 local HealthStr = ent:Health() .. "/" .. MaxHealth .. " HP" local HPLen = W * (ent:Health() / MaxHealth) draw.RoundedBox(0, curx + Padding, cury + Padding, HPLen + EndPad, H + EndPad, hpbck) surface.SetFont(Font2) w, h = surface.GetTextSize(HealthStr) draw.DrawText(HealthStr, Font2, oldx - w / 2, cury + Padding, shade) draw.DrawText(HealthStr, Font2, oldx - w / 2, cury + Padding, color_white) end if ent.GetPower then cury = cury + H + 1 surface.SetDrawColor(shade) surface.DrawRect(curx, cury, W, H) local MaxPower = ent:GetMaxPower() or 100 local PowerStr = (ent:GetPower() > 0 and ent:GetPower() .. "/" .. MaxPower .. " PW") or BaseWars.LANG.PowerFailure local PWLen = W * (ent:GetPower() / MaxPower) draw.RoundedBox(0, curx + Padding, cury + Padding, PWLen + EndPad, H + EndPad, pwbck) surface.SetFont(Font2) w, h = surface.GetTextSize(PowerStr) draw.DrawText(PowerStr, Font2, oldx - w / 2, cury + Padding, shade) draw.DrawText(PowerStr, Font2, oldx - w / 2, cury + Padding, color_white) end if ent:BadlyDamaged() then cury = cury + H + 1 surface.SetDrawColor(shade) surface.DrawRect(curx, cury, W, H) local Str = BaseWars.LANG.HealthFailure surface.SetFont(Font2) w, h = surface.GetTextSize(Str) draw.DrawText(Str, Font2, oldx - w / 2, cury + Padding - 1, shade) draw.DrawText(Str, Font2, oldx - w / 2, cury + Padding - 1, color_white) end
function MODULE:DrawDisplay() local me = LocalPlayer() local Ent = me:GetEyeTrace().Entity if BaseWars.Ents:ValidClose(Ent, me, 200) and (Ent.IsElectronic or Ent.IsGenerator or Ent.DrawStructureDisplay) then self:DrawStructureInfo(Ent) end
local StuckTime
local me = LocalPlayer and LocalPlayer()
local stuckstr = CLIENT and string.format(BaseWars.LANG.StuckText, (input.LookupBinding("+duck") or "NONE"):upper(), (input.LookupBinding("+jump") or "NONE"):upper())
local Key = CLIENT and (input.LookupBinding("+menu") or "NONE"):upper() .. BaseWars.LANG.SpawnMenuControl
local col2 = Color(159,1,1,150)
local col1 = Color(1,159,1,150)
local enable_keyinfo = CLIENT and CreateClientConVar("bw_enable_keyinfo", "1", true, false)
function MODULE:Paint() if not IsValid(me) then me = LocalPlayer() return end self:DrawDisplay() local hp, su = me:Health(), me:Armor() if not me:Alive() then hp = 0 su = 0 end local hpF = Lerp(0.15, oldHP, hp) oldHP = hpF local suF = Lerp(0.15, oldAM, su) oldAM = suF local pbarW, pbarH = 256, 6 local sW, sH = ScrW(), ScrH() local Karma = me:GetKarma() local KarmaText = string.format(BaseWars.LANG.KarmaText, Karma) local Level = me:GetLevel() local XP = me:GetXP() local NextLevelXP = me:GetXPNextLevel() local LevelText = string.format(BaseWars.LANG.LevelText, Level) local XPText = string.format(BaseWars.LANG.XPText, XP, NextLevelXP) local LvlText = LevelText .. ", " .. XPText local hW = Calc(hp, 100, 0, pbarW) local aW = Calc(su, 100, 0, pbarW) local nhW,naW = 0,0 hW = Lerp(0.15,oldhW,hW) oldhW = hW nhW = pbarW - hW aW = Lerp(0.15,oldaW,aW) oldaW = aW naW = pbarW - aW if BaseWars.PSAText then surface.SetFont("BudgetLabel") local w, h = surface.GetTextSize(BaseWars.PSAText) local fw = sW + w * 2 local x, y = ((SysTime() * 50) % fw) - w, 1 local Col = HSVToColor(CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1) draw.DrawText(BaseWars.PSAText, tag .. ".Large", x, y, Col, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) end -- Karma, XP + Controls if enable_keyinfo:GetBool() then draw.DrawText(BaseWars.LANG.MainMenuControl, tag, sW - 5, (BaseWars.PSAText and 20 or 3), red, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) draw.DrawText(Key, tag, sW - 5, (BaseWars.PSAText and 33 or 16), red, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) end draw.DrawText(os.date("%H:%M"), tag .. ".Time", sW / 2, (BaseWars.PSAText and 20 or 3), trans, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.DrawText(KarmaText, tag, 64 + 26 + pbarW / 2, sH - 128 - 48 - 8, shade, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.DrawText(KarmaText, tag, 64 + 24 + pbarW / 2, sH - 128 - 48 - 10, trans, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.DrawText(LvlText, tag, 64 + 26 + pbarW / 2, sH - 128 - 8, shade, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.DrawText(LvlText, tag, 64 + 24 + pbarW / 2, sH - 128 - 10, trans, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Health draw.DrawText("HP", tag, 64 + 18, sH - 128 - 32 - 8, shade, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) draw.DrawText("HP", tag, 64 + 16, sH - 128 - 32 - 10, trans, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) if hW > 0.01 then draw.RoundedBox(0, 64 + 24, sH - 128 - 32 - 4, hW, pbarH, col1) draw.RoundedBox(0, 64 + 24 - nhW + pbarW, sH - 128 - 32 - 4, nhW, pbarH, col2) else draw.RoundedBox(0, 64 + 24, sH - 128 - 32 - 4, pbarW, pbarH, col2) end draw.DrawText(round(hpF), tag, pbarW + 98, sH - 128 - 32 - 8, shade, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.DrawText(round(hpF), tag, pbarW + 96, sH - 128 - 32 - 10, trans, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) -- Armor draw.DrawText("SUIT", tag, 64 + 18, sH - 128 - 16 - 8, shade, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) draw.DrawText("SUIT", tag, 64 + 16, sH - 128 - 16 - 10, trans, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) if aW > 0.01 then draw.RoundedBox(0, 64 + 24, sH - 128 - 16 - 4, aW, pbarH, Color(90,120,200,150)) draw.RoundedBox(0, 64 + 24 - naW + pbarW, sH - 128 - 16 - 4, naW, pbarH, Color(10,40,150,150)) else draw.RoundedBox(0, 64 + 24, sH - 128 - 16 - 4, pbarW, pbarH, Color(10,40,150,150)) end draw.DrawText(round(suF), tag, pbarW + 98, sH - 128 - 16 - 8, shade, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.DrawText(round(suF), tag, pbarW + 96, sH - 128 - 16 - 10, trans, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) if me.Stuck and me:Stuck() and me:GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_WALK then if not StuckTime then StuckTime = CurTime() end if CurTime() > StuckTime + 1 then draw.DrawText(stuckstr, tag .. ".Large", sW / 2 + 2, sH / 2 + 2, shade, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.DrawText(stuckstr, tag .. ".Large", sW / 2, sH / 2, trans, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end else StuckTime = nil end
hook.Add("HUDPaint", tag .. ".Paint", Curry(MODULE.Paint))
function HideHUD(name) for k, v in next, {"CHudHealth", "CHudBattery", --[["CHudAmmo", "CHudSecondaryAmmo"]]} do if name == v then return false end end
hook.Add("HUDShouldDraw", tag .. ".HideOldHUD", HideHUD)
Et voici mon Erreur lua :
[ERROR] gamemodes/basewars/gamemode/modules/hud.lua:32: attempt to call global 'LocalPlayer' (a nil value)
1. unknown - gamemodes/basewars/gamemode/modules/hud.lua:32
2. unknown - [C]:-1
3. pcall - [C]:-1
4. Load - gamemodes/basewars/gamemode/modules.lua:104
5. unknown - gamemodes/basewars/gamemode/init.lua:7
Merci d'avance