Gamemode dayz qui met fait des erreurs

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local EMETA = FindMetaTable( "Entity" )
local PMETA = FindMetaTable( "Player" )
---- Weapon switching
local function ForceWeaponSwitch(ply, cmd, args) -- Turns out even SelectWeapon refuses to switch to empty guns, gah. -- Worked around it by giving every weapon a single Clip2 round. -- Works because no weapon uses those. local wepname = args[1] local wep = ply:GetWeapon(wepname) if IsValid(wep) then -- Weapons apparently not guaranteed to have this if wep.SetClip2 then wep:SetClip2(1) end -- Hacky i know, but it fixes the long known source bug that doesn't allow you to equip empty weapons (nor have hooks run for them). if ply:GetAmmoCount(wep:GetPrimaryAmmoType()) < 1 then if wep.Primary and wep.Primary.AmmoItem then --ply:GiveItem(wep.Primary.AmmoItem, 1, true) --timer.Simple(0, function() ply:TakeItem(wep.Primary.AmmoItem, 1, true) end) end end ply:SelectWeapon(wepname) end
concommand.Add("wepswitch", ForceWeaponSwitch)
DZ_LastInsert = DZ_LastInsert or {}
function DZ_GetLastInsert(t_n, force) local id = 1 if DZ_LastInsert[t_n] then id = DZ_LastInsert[t_n] return id end PLib:RunPreparedQuery({ sql = "SELECT MAX(id) FROM "..t_n..";", callback = function( data ) if data then data = data[1] DZ_LastInsert[t_n] = data["MAX(id)"] + 1 end end }) return id
local function DZ_UpdateInsertCache( inc, t_n ) if !t_n or !inc then return end inc = inc + 1 -- next DZ_LastInsert[t_n] = inc -- this is just to make it look nicer
hook.Add("PLib_LastInsert", "keep_em_updated", DZ_UpdateInsertCache)
function DZ_LoadInserts() DZ_GetLastInsert("players") DZ_GetLastInsert("players_inventory") DZ_GetLastInsert("players_character") DZ_GetLastInsert("players_bank")
hook.Add("DZ_FullyLoaded", "LoadLastInserts", DZ_LoadInserts)
function DZ_AddPredictedInsert(t_n) DZ_LastInsert[t_n] = DZ_LastInsert[t_n] or 0 DZ_LastInsert[t_n] = DZ_LastInsert[t_n] + 1
function SpawnPlant(ply, cmd, args) if !ply:IsSuperAdmin() then return end ply:EmitSound(Sound("npc/vort/claw_swing"..math.random(1,2)..".wav")) local planttype = args[1] or "item_food2" local tr = ply:GetEyeTrace() local ent = ents.Create("dz_plant") ent:SetPos( tr.HitPos ) ent.Creator = ply ent.FruitType = planttype ent:SetRarity( args[2] or 1 ) ent:Spawn() ply.plantHitPos = nil
concommand.Add("dz_makeplant", SpawnPlant)
function DZ_MakePlant(ply, item, planttype, it) if not DZ_CanPlant(ply) then return true end local rarity = 1 if it then rarity = it.rarity or 1 end ply:EmitSound(Sound("npc/vort/claw_swing"..math.random(1,2)..".wav")) local time = 5 if ply:HasPerk("perk_fancyfarmer") then time = time / 2 end if not planttype then ply:DoProcess(item, "Planting", time, "npc/vort/claw_swing"..math.random(1,2)..".wav") return end local ent = ents.Create("dz_plant") ent:SetPos( ply.plantHitPos ) ent.Creator = ply ent.FruitType = planttype ent:SetRarity( rarity ) ent:Spawn() ply.plantHitPos = nil --ply:TakeItem(item, 1)
function DZ_CanPlant(ply) if ply:GetSafeZone() or ply:GetSafeZoneEdge() or ply:GetInArena() then ply:Tip(3, "You cannot do this in the safezone/arena!") return false end local trace = {} trace.start = ply:GetShootPos() trace.endpos = trace.start + (ply:GetAimVector() * 200) --trace.mask = bit.bor( MASK_WATER, MASK_CURRENT ) trace.filter = ply local tr = util.TraceLine(trace) if (not tr.HitWorld) or ( tr.MatType != MAT_DIRT and tr.MatType != MAT_GRASS and tr.MatType != MAT_SAND and tr.MatType != MAT_SNOW ) then ply:Tip(3, "You need to be aiming at grass/dirt!") return false end ply.plantHitPos = ply.plantHitPos or tr.HitPos return true
function StopTransmit( ent, ply, bool ) if !ent or !ply then return end if !IsValid( ent ) or !IsValid( ply ) then return end if bool == nil then bool = false end for k,v in pairs( ent:GetChildren() ) do v:SetTransmitWithParent( true ) end ent:SetPreventTransmit( ply, bool )
function PMETA:GiveBankSlots( amount ) self:SetNWInt( "extraslots", self:GetNWInt("extraslots") + amount )
DZ_IgnitedEntities = DZ_IgnitedEntities or {}
EMETA.oIgnite = EMETA.oIgnite or EMETA.Ignite
function EMETA:Ignite(time) if !IsValid(self) then return false end for k, v in pairs(DZ_IgnitedEntities) do if !IsValid(v) or !v:IsOnFire() then DZ_IgnitedEntities[k] = nil end end table.insert(DZ_IgnitedEntities, self) self:oIgnite(time)
hook.Add( "SetupPlayerVisibility", "AddRTCamera", function( pPlayer, pViewEntity ) -- Adds any view entity if ( pViewEntity:IsValid() ) then AddOriginToPVS( pViewEntity:GetPos() ) end
end )
outilEffect = outilEffect or util.Effect
function util.Effect(effectName, effectData, allowOverride, ignorePrediction) // i had to override this, broken networking as of 2/11/18 outilEffect(effectName, effectData, true, true)
hook.Add("PersistenceSave", "save_later", function(nosave) if timer.Exists("persistence_save") then if !nosave then MsgAll("[PHDayZ] Cancelling autosave, saved by admin..\n") end timer.Destroy("persistence_save") end
EMETA.oSetPersistent = EMETA.oSetPersistent or EMETA.SetPersistent
function EMETA:SetPersistent(bool, nosave) if !IsValid(self) then return end self:oSetPersistent(bool) if nosave then return end MsgAll("[PHDayZ] Admin changed Persistence... Auto-saving in 5 minutes unless saved beforehand..\n") timer.Create("persistence_save", 300, 1, function() PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, "[PHDayZ] Persistence Auto-Save override... forcing save... don't worry, this isn't a crash!") timer.Simple(1, function() hook.Run( "PersistenceSave", nosave ) end) end) --print("[PHDayZ] Persistence override... forcing save!") --hook.Run( "PersistenceSave" )
PMETA.oRemoveAmmo = PMETA.oRemoveAmmo or PMETA.RemoveAmmo
function PMETA:RemoveAmmo(amt, ammotype) local aItemTable, aItemKey = GAMEMODE.Util:GetItemByAmmoType( ammotype ) local it = self.ammoUsed[aItemKey] if !it then return false end self:TakeItem(, amt )
PMETA.oSetAmmo = PMETA.oSetAmmo or PMETA.SetAmmo
function PMETA:SetAmmo(amt, ammotype) local aItemTable, aItemKey = GAMEMODE.Util:GetItemByAmmoType( ammotype ) local it = self.ammoUsed[aItemKey] if !it then return false end self:SetItem(, amt )
hook.Add( "PersistenceLoad", "PersistenceLoad", function( name ) // hacky override. local file = file.Read( "persist/" .. game.GetMap() .. "_" .. name .. ".txt" ) if ( !file ) then return end local tab = util.JSONToTable( file ) if ( !tab ) then return end if ( !tab.Entities ) then return end if ( !tab.Constraints ) then return end local Ents, Constraints = duplicator.Paste( nil, tab.Entities, tab.Constraints ) for k, v in pairs( Ents ) do v:SetPersistent( true, true ) end
end )
local datatypes = {}
datatypes[1] = "shop.txt"
datatypes[2] = "admin.txt"
datatypes[3] = "loot.txt"
datatypes[4] = "death.txt"
datatypes[5] = "possibleexploits.txt"
datatypes[6] = "crafting.txt"
datatypes[7] = "bank.txt"
datatypes[8] = "inven.txt"
function DzLog(log, text) file.CreateDir("dayz/log") local xfile = datatypes[log] or "unknown.txt" if not file.Exists("dayz/log/"..xfile, "DATA") then file.Write("dayz/log/"..xfile) end file.Append("dayz/log/"..xfile, "[" "%X - %d/%m/%Y").."] "..text.."\n") if log == 5 then print(text) end
local zapsound = Sound("npc/assassin/ball_zap1.wav")
function ItemDestroyed(pos) local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin( pos ) util.Effect( "cball_explode", effectdata )
function DZ_CanLootbox(ply, item, rarity) local keypads = GAMEMODE.Util:GetItemIDsByClass(ply.InvTable, "item_keypad") local keypadfound = false for _, item in pairs(keypads) do if item.rarity == rarity then keypadfound = end end if !keypadfound then ply:Tip(3, "You need a "..GetRarity(rarity).t.." Keypad to unlock this!", Color(255,255,0,255)) return false end return keypadfound
function MakeConfetti(ply) local effectdata = EffectData() effectdata:SetOrigin( ply:GetPos() + Vector(0,0,80) ) local r, g, b = math.random(1,255), math.random(1,255), math.random(1,255) effectdata:SetStart( Vector( r, g, b ) ) util.Effect( "balloon_pop", effectdata )
function DZ_DoLootbox(ply, item, rarity) local keypadfound = DZ_CanLootbox(ply, item, rarity) if !keypadfound then return true end local item_gain = "garrysmod/balloon_pop_cute.wav" local weps_tab = {} local noweps_tab = {} for k, v in pairs( GAMEMODE.DayZ_Items ) do if v.SpawnChance < 1 or v.Attachment or v.Tertiary then continue end if v.Weapon && !v.Tertiary then weps_tab[k] = v continue end if v.Category != "perks" && v.Category != "lootboxes" then noweps_tab[k] = v end end local gen_rarity = GenerateRarity() if gen_rarity < rarity then gen_rarity = rarity end local orig_text = GetRarity(rarity).t local text = GetRarity(gen_rarity).wep local ItemTable, ItemKey = table.Random( weps_tab ) ply:EmitSound(item_gain) MakeConfetti(ply) ply:GiveItem(ItemKey, 1, true, 800, gen_rarity, nil, nil, true ) MsgAll(ply:Nick().." opened a "..orig_text.." Lootbox and received: "..text.." ".. ItemTable.Name .."!\n") for i=1, 3 do timer.Create(ply:EntIndex().."[I]Lootbox_Slow[/I]"..i, i, 1, function() if !IsValid(ply) then return end -- tough shit if they left here. local ItemTable, ItemKey = table.Random( noweps_tab ) ply:EmitSound(item_gain) local amount = 1 if ItemTable.AmmoType then amount = 100 * rarity rarity = 1 MsgAll(ply:Nick().." received: x"..amount.." ".. ItemTable.Name .."!\n") elseif ItemTable.Category == "food" or ItemTable.Category == "drinks" or ItemTable.Category == "resources" or ItemTable.Category == "medical" then amount = math.random( 1, 3+(rarity*2) ) MsgAll(ply:Nick().." received: x"..amount.." ".. ItemTable.Name .."!\n") elseif ItemTable.Category == "parts" then amount = math.random( 1, 3+rarity ) MsgAll(ply:Nick().." received: x"..amount.." ".. ItemTable.Name .."!\n") else MsgAll(ply:Nick().." received: "..orig_text.." ".. ItemTable.Name .."!\n") end ply:GiveItem(ItemKey, amount, true, 800, rarity, nil, nil, true ) MakeConfetti(ply) end) end timer.Create(ply:EntIndex().."_Lootbox_Slow_5", 5, 1, function() if !IsValid(ply) then return end -- tough shit if they left here. ply:EmitSound("vo/npc/Barney/ba_ohyeah.wav") end) --ply:TakeItem(item, 1) ply:TakeItem(keypadfound, 1) --ply:PrintMessage(HUD_PRINTTALK, "Phoenixf129: Hey, I was in a rush today so I haven't finished unboxing yet. It should be finished tonight. Keep hold of your boxes for now! You will recieve 1 guaranteed same weapon rarity, and 3 other items of the same rarity upon system completion. These items will also have a chance of being a higher rarity!") return false
et j'obtiens gamemodes/dayz/gamemode/modules/util/sv_util.lua:42: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'MAX(id)' (a nil value)
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