Hammer : Impossible de trouver la map faîtes en .bsp

  • Initiateur de la discussion soan62
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Bonjour ou bonsoir à tous !
J'écris ce message pour vous faire part d'un petit problème que j'ai pu recontré lors de la compilation de la map en .bsp, une fois ma map fini sur Hammer je décide de faire "File/Run Map/Normal" et j'appui sur le bouton Ok, mais petit problème, un message d'erreur s'affiche sur mon écran en me disant "Le fichier spécifié est introuvable", je passe en me disant que ce n'est pas un gros soucis, mais lorsque je cherche la map compiler en .bsp dans mon dossier Garry'sMod/garry'smod/maps il est introuvable alors je chercha dans mon dossier où sont ranger mes maps en .vmf et il est introuvable aussi. Merci pour l'aide que vous m'apporterez !

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  • Capture.JPG
    25 KB Vues: 117
  • Capture.JPG
    67.8 KB Vues: 21


El Magnifico
5 292
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2 720
Ce screen :

Implique que tu as eu une erreur de compilation. Tu peux envoyer ton log de compilation ?
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** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\bin\vbsp.exe"
** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod" "C:\Users\Mathias\Desktop\Mes maps\rp_darkscp_v1.vmf"

Failed to load keyvalues file cfg/mount.cfg!
Valve Software - vbsp.exe (Feb 12 2019)
2 threads
materialPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\materials
Loading C:\Users\Mathias\Desktop\Mes maps\rp_darkscp_v1.vmf
ConVarRef mat_reduceparticles doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Can't find surfaceprop asphalt for material CONCRETE/ROAD06_SMALL_NOBUMP, using default
Can't find surfaceprop marble for material AGENCY/WALL/MARBLE01, using default
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_darkscp_v1/ax/nature/blend-grass_mud_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_darkscp_v1/nature/blendrockdirt002a_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_darkscp_v1/nature/blendsandgrass008a_wvt_patch
Patching WVT material: maps/rp_darkscp_v1/fyu/fyu_blend_ilum_2_wvt_patch
fixing up env_cubemap materials on brush sides...
ProcessBlock_Thread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10 (2)
** leaked **
Entity prop_static (-5154.59 2246.90 -2748.25) leaked!

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (7168.0 7680.0 298.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (6656.0 8192.0 298.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (5632.0 8192.0 298.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (6635.5 6144.0 298.0)
Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
Leaf 1 contents:
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (7147.5 6144.0 298.0)
Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
Leaf 1 contents:
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (7168.0 6656.0 298.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (5632.0 6144.0 298.0)
Leaf 0 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
Leaf 1 contents:
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

FindPortalSide: Couldn't find a good match for which brush to assign to a portal near (4608.0 8192.0 298.0)
Leaf 0 contents:
Leaf 1 contents: CONTENTS_SOLID
viscontents (node 0 contents ^ node 1 contents): CONTENTS_SOLID
This means that none of the brushes in leaf 0 or 1 that touches the portal has CONTENTS_SOLID
Check for a huge brush enclosing the coordinates above that has contents CONTENTS_SOLID
Candidate brush IDs:

* Suppressing further FindPortalSide errors.... *
Processing areas...done (0)
Building Faces...done (0)
Chop Details...done (0)
Find Visible Detail Sides...
Merged 1068 detail faces...done (1)
Merging details...done (0)
Too many t-junctions to fix up! (3819 prims, max 32768 :: 65544 indices, max 65536)

** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\bin\vvis.exe"
** Parameters: -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod" "C:\Users\Mathias\Desktop\Mes maps\rp_darkscp_v1"

Valve Software - vvis.exe (Feb 12 2019)
Failed to load keyvalues file cfg/mount.cfg!
2 threads
reading c:\users\mathias\desktop\mes maps\rp_darkscp_v1.bsp
Error opening c:\users\mathias\desktop\mes maps\rp_darkscp_v1.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\bin\vrad.exe"
** Parameters: -both -game "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod" "C:\Users\Mathias\Desktop\Mes maps\rp_darkscp_v1"

Failed to load keyvalues file cfg/mount.cfg!
Valve Software - vrad.exe SSE (Feb 12 2019)

Valve Radiosity Simulator
2 threads
[Reading texlights from 'lights.rad']
[45 texlights parsed from 'lights.rad']

Loading c:\users\mathias\desktop\mes maps\rp_darkscp_v1.bsp
Error opening c:\users\mathias\desktop\mes maps\rp_darkscp_v1.bsp

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:\Users\Mathias\Desktop\Mes maps\rp_darkscp_v1.bsp" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod\maps\rp_darkscp_v1.bsp"

The command failed. Windows reported the error:
"Le fichier spécifié est introuvable."


El Magnifico
5 292
Score réaction
2 720
soan62 à dit:
** leaked **
Entity prop_static (-5154.59 2246.90 -2748.25) leaked!
C'est ça la cause de ton erreur. Je te redirige vers mon tuto sur les erreurs de compilation pour résoudre ce problème.
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Nouveau né
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Tous ce problème à cause de ça?
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Nouveau né
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Comment je sais où se trouve le prop_static avec ça : (-5154.59 2246.90 -2748.25)


El Magnifico
5 292
Score réaction
2 720
soan62 à dit:
Comment je sais où se trouve le prop_static avec ça : (-5154.59 2246.90 -2748.25)
View>Go to coordinates
Mais tu retrouveras plus rapidement ton prop leak en chargeant le pointfile (Map>Load Pointfile...)


Geek suprême
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Quel Map a tu modif ? Juste pour savoir
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