Je cherche un code pour f4 menu DarkRP par défaut.

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Jo Ballas

Jo Ballas

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Je cherche un code qui n'est malheureusement plus disponible sur le forum DarkRP Official (car le fofo est fermer)
DarkRP 2.5 Extra : Episode 5 : Commands Tab - YouTube
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Jo Ballas

Jo Ballas

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Comment j'explique mal ce que je cherche rip o_O
Je crois que c'est ce qu'il arrive quand on ce couche tard mdr.
En gros j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un sait comment rajouter l'onglet avec les commandes de bases du Darkrp sur le f4menu par défaut (DarkRP)


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Je dis peut être une connerie mais je crois seulement que le forum darkrp à été déplacer dans le même site que le wiki : DarkRP
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Yoh Sambre ♪

Yoh Sambre ♪

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16 273
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9 686
1 845
trop facile ResidentSleeper

 --if true then return end -- REMOVE THIS LINE TO ENABLE THIS MODULE
local tabName = "Commands"
local function createF4MenuTab() --add the command below as it shows in the F1 menu, or as how you would type it in chat local Commands = { "/drop", "/moneydrop", "/give", "/makeshipment", "/name", "/pm", "/sleep", "/demote", "/switchjob", "/job", "/unownalldoors", "/requestlicense", "/agenda", "/addlaw", "/removelaw", "/placelaws", "/broadcast", "/lockdown", "/unlockdown", "/warrant", "/wanted", "/unwanted" } --just add the text needed for the new button at the bottom or where you added it into the previous local ButtonText ={ "Drop current weapon", "Drop money on the floor (amount)", "Give money to player you're looking at (amount)", "Make Shipment out of dropped weapon", "Change RP name (name)", "Send a private message to someone (name , message)", "Go to sleep or wake up", "Demote a player from their current job (name, reason)", "Switch jobs with the player you are looking at", "Change your job title (name)", "Sell all your doors", "Request a gun license", "Set the agenda", "Add a law to the lawboard (law)", "Remove a law from the lawboard (lawnumber)", "Place the lawboard", "Broadcast something as Mayor (message)", "Start a lockdown", "Stop the lockdown", "Warrant a person (name, reason)", "Make a person wanted (name, reason)", "Remove a person their wanted status (name)" } --Same here but this is for how many extra things you need to type after the command (up to 2). 0 for none, 1 for 1 argument, 2 for 2 arguments local Arguments={ 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2, 1 } local panel = vgui.Create("DPanel") panel.Paint = function() surface.SetDrawColor(40, 4, 110, 0) --surface.DrawRect(0, 0, DFrame1:GetWide(), DFrame1:GetTall()) end local x = 0 local y = 0 local k = 0 for i, command in pairs(Commands) do local CButton = vgui.Create( "DButton", panel) CButton:SetText( ButtonText[i] ) CButton:SetPos( x, y ) CButton:SetSize(ScrW()/3, 30 ) CButton:SetVisible( true ) CButton.DoClick = function () if Arguments[i] == 1 then local APanel = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) APanel:SetPos( 500,150 ) APanel:SetSize( 500, 100 ) APanel:SetTitle( ButtonText[i] ) APanel:SetVisible( true ) APanel:SetDraggable( true ) APanel:ShowCloseButton( true ) APanel:MakePopup() local AText = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", APanel ) AText:SetPos( 5,25 ) AText:SetTall( 20 ) AText:SetWide( 490 ) AText:SetEnterAllowed( true ) AText.OnEnter = function() RunConsoleCommand( "say", command .. " " .. AText:GetValue()) APanel:Close() end local AButton = vgui.Create( "DButton", APanel ) AButton:SetText( "Done" ) AButton:SetPos( 200, 73 ) AButton:SetSize( 60, 20 ) AButton.DoClick = function () RunConsoleCommand( "say", command .. " " .. AText:GetValue()) APanel:Close() end elseif Arguments[i] == 2 then local APanel = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) APanel:SetPos( 500,150 ) APanel:SetSize( 500, 120 ) APanel:SetTitle( ButtonText[i] ) APanel:SetVisible( true ) APanel:SetDraggable( true ) APanel:ShowCloseButton( true ) APanel:MakePopup() local ATexta = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", APanel ) ATexta:SetPos( 5,25 ) ATexta:SetTall( 20 ) ATexta:SetWide( 490 ) ATexta:SetEnterAllowed( false ) local ATextb = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", APanel ) ATextb:SetPos( 5,50 ) ATextb:SetTall( 20 ) ATextb:SetWide( 490 ) ATextb:SetEnterAllowed( false ) local AButton = vgui.Create( "DButton", APanel ) AButton:SetText( "Done" ) AButton:SetPos( 200, 73 ) AButton:SetSize( 60, 20 ) AButton.DoClick = function () RunConsoleCommand( "say", command .. " " .. ATexta:GetValue() .. " " .. ATextb:GetValue()) APanel:Close() end else RunConsoleCommand("say", command) end end k = i % 2 if k == 0 then x = 0 y = y + 35 else x = x + ScrW()/3 end end DarkRP.addF4MenuTab(tabName, panel)
hook.Add("F4MenuTabs", "MyCustomF4MenuTab", createF4MenuTab)
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