Job par défaut qui déconne DarkRP

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Sur mon serveur on a un bug, c'est à dire que le job par défaut n'existe pas (alors qu'il est créer).
En gros quand on se connecte on est en Joining/Connecting.

Les joueurs peuvent tout de même changer de job via le F4 mais cela nous fait bugger plusieurs choses telles que:
- La whitelist job,
- Certains spawn de job....

Voilà le jobs.lua du job:
TEAM_CITIZEN = DarkRP.createJob("Cadet Clone Trooper", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/asgclonewars/clone_cadet/clone_cadet.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_752_dc15s_expanded"}, command = "cct", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Base", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
Et voilà la fin du jobs.lua:
Define which team joining players spawn into and what team you change to if demoted
Define which teams belong to civil protection
Civil protection can set warrants, make people wanted and do some other police related things
GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = { [TEAM_POLICE] = false, [TEAM_CHIEF] = false, [TEAM_MAYOR] = false,
Jobs that are hitmen (enables the hitman menu)

Merci beaucoup à tous


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Donne tout ton jobs.lua s'il te plait
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TheYr à dit:
Donne tout ton jobs.lua s'il te plait
DarkRP custom jobs
This file contains your custom jobs.
This file should also contain jobs from DarkRP that you edited.
Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP job, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua Once you've done that, copy and paste the job to this file and edit it.
The default jobs can be found here:
For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:
Add jobs under the following line:
TEAM_CITIZEN = DarkRP.createJob("Cadet Clone Trooper", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/asgclonewars/clone_cadet/clone_cadet.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_752_dc15s_expanded"}, command = "cct", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Base", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_CLONE = DarkRP.createJob("Clone Trooper", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/clone_trp/clone_trp.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_752_dc15s_expanded"}, command = "ct", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Base", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_CT212 = DarkRP.createJob("Clone Trooper Du 212th", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_trp/212_trp.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "ct212", max = 0, salary = 100, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "212th Bataillon d'Attaque", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_PLT212 = DarkRP.createJob("Pilote Du 212th", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_pilot/212_pilot.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_752_dc15s_expanded"}, command = "plt212", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "212th Bataillon d'Attaque", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_MDC212 = DarkRP.createJob("Medecin Du 212th", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_med/212_med.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_752_dc15s_expanded", "weapon_bactainjector"}, command = "mdc212", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "212th Bataillon d'Attaque", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_SGT212 = DarkRP.createJob("Sergent Du 212th", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_sgt/212_sgt.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "sgt212", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "212th Bataillon d'Attaque", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(110) ply:SetHealth(110) end
TEAM_LTN212 = DarkRP.createJob("Lieutenant Du 212th", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_lt/212_lt.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "ltn212", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "212th Bataillon d'Attaque", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(120) ply:SetHealth(120) end
TEAM_CPT212 = DarkRP.createJob("Capitaine Du 212th", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_cpt/212_cpt.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded", "garde_a_vousv1.2"}, command = "cpt212", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "212th Bataillon d'Attaque", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(130) ply:SetHealth(130) end
TEAM_MJR212 = DarkRP.createJob("Major Du 212th", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_maj/212_maj.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded", "garde_a_vousv1.2"}, command = "mjr212", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "212th Bataillon d'Attaque", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(140) ply:SetHealth(140) end
TEAM_CMD212 = DarkRP.createJob("Commandant Du 212th", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_col/212_col.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded", "garde_a_vousv1.2"}, command = "cmd212", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "212th Bataillon d'Attaque", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(150) ply:SetHealth(150) end
TEAM_CMDM212 = DarkRP.createJob("Commandant Marechal Du 212th", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_cody/212_cody.mdl"}, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded", "garde_a_vousv1.2"}, command = "cmdm212", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "212th Bataillon d'Attaque", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(160) ply:SetHealth(160) end
TEAM_CTGHOST = DarkRP.createJob("Clone De La Compagnie Ghost", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = { "models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_arf2/212_arf2.mdl", "models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_trp/212_trp.mdl" }, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_752_dc15s_expanded"}, command = "ctghost", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Compagnie Ghost", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_SGTGHOST = DarkRP.createJob("Sergent De La Compagnie Ghost", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = { "models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_sgt/212_sgt.mdl", "models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_arf2/212_arf2.mdl" }, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_752_dc15s_expanded"}, command = "sgtghost", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Compagnie Ghost", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(110) ply:SetHealth(110) end
TEAM_LTNGHOST = DarkRP.createJob("Lieutenant De La Compagnie Ghost", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = { "models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_lt/212_lt.mdl", "models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_arf2/212_arf2.mdl" }, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_752_dc15s_expanded"}, command = "ltnghost", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Compagnie Ghost", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(120) ply:SetHealth(120) end
TEAM_CPTGHOST = DarkRP.createJob("Capitaine De La Compagnie Ghost", { color = Color(255, 92, 0, 255), model = { "models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_cpt/212_cpt.mdl", "models/reizer_cgi_p2/212_arf2/212_arf2.mdl" }, description = [[Vous êtes un Clone Trooper]], weapons = {"tfa_752_dc15s_expanded"}, command = "cptghost", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Compagnie Ghost", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(130) ply:SetHealth(130) end
TEAM_CT501 = DarkRP.createJob("Clone Trooper De La 501st", { color = Color(0, 69, 245, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/501_trp/501_trp.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "ct501", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "501st Legion", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_SGT501 = DarkRP.createJob("Sergent De La 501st", { color = Color(0, 69, 245, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/501_sgt/501_sgt.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "sgt501", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "501st Legion", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(110) ply:SetHealth(110) end
TEAM_LTN501 = DarkRP.createJob("Lieutenant De La 501st", { color = Color(0, 69, 245, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/501_lt/501_lt.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "ltn501", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "501st Legion", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(120) ply:SetHealth(120) end
TEAM_CPT501 = DarkRP.createJob("Capitaine De La 501st", { color = Color(0, 69, 245, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/501_cpt/501_cpt.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "cpt501", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "501st Legion", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(130) ply:SetHealth(130) end
TEAM_MJR501 = DarkRP.createJob("Major De La 501st", { color = Color(0, 69, 245, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/501_maj/501_maj.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "mjr501", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "501st Legion", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(140) ply:SetHealth(140) end
TEAM_CMD501 = DarkRP.createJob("Commandant De La 501st", { color = Color(0, 69, 245, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/501_col/501_col.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "cmd501", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "501st Legion", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(150) ply:SetHealth(150) end
TEAM_CT41 = DarkRP.createJob("Clone Trooper De La 41st", { color = Color(5, 255, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/41_trp/41_trp.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "ct41", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "41st Corps d'Elite", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_MDC41 = DarkRP.createJob("Medecin De La 41st", { color = Color(5, 255, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/41_med/41_med.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "mdc41", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "41st Corps d'Elite", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_SGT41 = DarkRP.createJob("Sergent De La 41st", { color = Color(5, 255, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/41_sgt/41_sgt.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "sgt41", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "41st Corps d'Elite", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(110) ply:SetHealth(110) end
TEAM_LTN41 = DarkRP.createJob("Lieutenant De La 41st", { color = Color(5, 255, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/41_lt/41_lt.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "ltn41", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "41st Corps d'Elite", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(120) ply:SetHealth(120) end
TEAM_CPT41 = DarkRP.createJob("Capitaine De La 41st", { color = Color(5, 255, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/41_cpt/41_cpt.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "cpt41", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "41st Corps d'Elite", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(130) ply:SetHealth(130) end
TEAM_MJR41 = DarkRP.createJob("Major De La 41st", { color = Color(5, 255, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/41_maj/41_maj.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "mjr41", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "41st Corps d'Elite", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(140) ply:SetHealth(140) end
TEAM_CMD41 = DarkRP.createJob("Commandant De La 41st", { color = Color(5, 255, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/41_col/41_col.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "cmd41", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "41st Corps d'Elite", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(150) ply:SetHealth(150) end
TEAM_CMDM41 = DarkRP.createJob("Commandant Marechal De LA 41st", { color = Color(0, 255, 10, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/41_gree/41_gree.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "cmdm41", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "41st Corps d'Elite", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(160) ply:SetHealth(160) end
TEAM_CT187 = DarkRP.createJob("Clone Trooper De La 187", { color = Color(138, 21, 166, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/21_trp/21_trp.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "ct187", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "187th Legion Blindee", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_MDC187 = DarkRP.createJob("Medecin De La 187", { color = Color(138, 21, 166, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/21_med/21_med.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "mdc187", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "187th Legion Blindee", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_SGT187 = DarkRP.createJob("Sergent De La 187", { color = Color(138, 21, 166, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/21_sgt/21_sgt.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "sgt187", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "187th Legion Blindee", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(110) ply:SetHealth(110) end
TEAM_LTN187 = DarkRP.createJob("Lieutenant De La 187", { color = Color(138, 21, 166, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/21_lt/21_lt.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "ltn187", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "187th Legion Blindee", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(120) ply:SetHealth(120) end
TEAM_CPT187 = DarkRP.createJob("Capitaine De La 187", { color = Color(138, 21, 166, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/21_cpt/21_cpt.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "cpt187", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "187th Legion Blindee", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(130) ply:SetHealth(130) end
TEAM_MJR187 = DarkRP.createJob("Major De La 187", { color = Color(138, 21, 166, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/21_cpt/21_cpt.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "mjr187", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "187th Legion Blindee", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(140) ply:SetHealth(140) end
TEAM_CMD187 = DarkRP.createJob("Commandant De La 187", { color = Color(138, 21, 166, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/21_cpt/21_cpt.mdl"}, description = [[major de la 41st]], weapons = {}, command = "cmd187", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "187th Legion Blindee", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(150) ply:SetHealth(150) end
TEAM_CT65 = DarkRP.createJob("Clone Trooper De La 65th", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/guard_trp/guard_trp.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes 91st]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "ct65", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "65th Shock Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_MTRM65 = DarkRP.createJob("Maitre Massif De La 65th", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/guard_hound/guard_hound.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes 91st]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "mtrm65", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "65th Shock Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_SGT65 = DarkRP.createJob("Sergent De La 65th", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/guard_sgt/guard_sgt.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes 91st]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "sgt65", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "65th Shock Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(110) ply:SetHealth(110) end
TEAM_LTN65 = DarkRP.createJob("Lieutnant De La 65th", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/guard_lt/guard_lt.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes 91st]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "ltn65", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "65th Shock Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(120) ply:SetHealth(120) end
TEAM_CPT65 = DarkRP.createJob("Capitaine De La 65th", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/guard_cpt/guard_cpt.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes 91st]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "cpt65", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "65th Shock Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(130) ply:SetHealth(130) end
TEAM_MJR65 = DarkRP.createJob("Major De La 65th", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/guard_maj/guard_maj.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes 91st]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "mjr65", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "65th Shock Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(140) ply:SetHealth(140) end
TEAM_CMD65 = DarkRP.createJob("Commandant De La 65th", { color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/guard_fox/guard_fox.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes 91st]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "cmd65", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "65th Shock Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(150) ply:SetHealth(150) end
TEAM_ENSEIGNE = DarkRP.createJob("Enseigne", { color = Color(0, 255, 255, 255), model = {"models/player/blackfleet/blackfleet.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes un republiquain]], weapons = {"tfa_752_westar34"}, command = "enseigne", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Etat-major", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_PREMIERM = DarkRP.createJob("Premier Maitre", { color = Color(0, 255, 255, 255), model = {"models/player/clone/bnaval.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes un republiquain]], weapons = {"tfa_752_westar34"}, command = "premierm", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Etat-major", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(110) ply:SetHealth(110) end
TEAM_LTN = DarkRP.createJob("Lieutenant Naval", { color = Color(0, 255, 255, 255), model = {"models/player/greynavy/greynavy.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes un republiquain]], weapons = {"tfa_752_westar34"}, command = "ltn", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Etat-major", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(130) ply:SetHealth(130) end
TEAM_COLONEL = DarkRP.createJob("Colonel Naval", { color = Color(0, 255, 255, 255), model = {"models/rexh_wedding/rex_off_duty_tds.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes un republiquain]], weapons = {"tfa_752_westar34"}, command = "colonel", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Etat-major", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(140) ply:SetHealth(140) end
TEAM_CAPITAINE = DarkRP.createJob("Capitaine Naval", { color = Color(0, 255, 255, 255), model = {"models/zack_wedding/zack_off_duty_tds.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes un republiquain]], weapons = {"tfa_752_westar34"}, command = "capitaine", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Etat-major", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(150) ply:SetHealth(150) end
TEAM_VICEAMIRAL = DarkRP.createJob("Vice-Amiral", { color = Color(0, 255, 255, 255), model = {"models/player/scifi_male_07.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes un republiquain]], weapons = {"tfa_sw_westardual"}, command = "vamiral", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Etat-major", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(160) ply:SetHealth(160) end
TEAM_AMIRAL = DarkRP.createJob("Amiral", { color = Color(0, 255, 255, 255), model = {"models/player/scifi_zoey.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes un republiquain]], weapons = {"tfa_sw_westardual"}, command = "amiral", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Etat-major", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(170) ply:SetHealth(170) end
TEAM_CTARC = DarkRP.createJob("Clone Trooper ARC", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/clone_arc/clone_arc.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes ARC]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "ctarc", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "ARC Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(410) ply:SetHealth(410) end
TEAM_MDCARC = DarkRP.createJob("Medecin ARC", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/reizer_cgi_p2/arc_med/arc_med.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes ARC]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded", "weapon_bactainjector"}, command = "mdcarc", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "ARC Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(410) ply:SetHealth(410) end
TEAM_SGTARC = DarkRP.createJob("Sergent ARC", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/harcs/cgi_harcss.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes ARC]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "sgtarc", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "ARC Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(420) ply:SetHealth(420) end
TEAM_LTNARC = DarkRP.createJob("Lieutenant ARC", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/havoc/cgi_havoc.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes ARC]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded", "weapon_bactainjector"}, command = "ltnarc", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "ARC Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(430) ply:SetHealth(430) end
TEAM_CPTARC = DarkRP.createJob("Capitaine ARC", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/gg01onk/cgi_gg01onk.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes ARC]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "cptarc", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "ARC Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(440) ply:SetHealth(440) end
TEAM_CMDARC = DarkRP.createJob("Commandant ARC", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/ggstoogec/ggstoogec.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes ARC]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "cmdarc", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "ARC Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(460) ply:SetHealth(460) end
TEAM_GNLARC = DarkRP.createJob("General ARC", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/ggha2/cgi_gghap.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes ARC]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded", "weapon_bactainjector"}, command = "gnlarc", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "ARC Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(410) ply:SetHealth(410) end
TEAM_BOSS = DarkRP.createJob("Delta RC-1138 Boss", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/Player/SGG/Starwars/clone_commando_38.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes Commando]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "boss", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Commando", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(400) ply:SetHealth(400) end
TEAM_SCORCH = DarkRP.createJob("Delta RC-1262 Scorch", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/Player/SGG/Starwars/clone_commando_62.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes Commando]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "scorch", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Commando", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(400) ply:SetHealth(400) end
TEAM_SEV = DarkRP.createJob("Delta RC-1207 Sev", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/Player/SGG/Starwars/clone_commando_07.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes Commando]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "sev", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Commando", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(400) ply:SetHealth(400) end
TEAM_Fixer = DarkRP.createJob("Delta RC-1140 Fixer", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/Player/SGG/Starwars/clone_commando_40.mdl"}, description = [[Vous etes Commando]], weapons = {"tfa_dc15a_expanded"}, command = "fixer", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Commando", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(400) ply:SetHealth(400) end
TEAM_CTSHADOW = DarkRP.createJob("Clone Trooper Shadow", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swt/starwars/sergeant/sergeant_shadow.mdl"}, description = [[vous etes commando shadow]], weapons = {}, command = "ctshadow", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Shadow Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100) end
TEAM_SGTSHADOW = DarkRP.createJob("Sergent Shadow", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swt/starwars/sergeant/sergeant_shadow.mdl"}, description = [[vous etes commando shadow]], weapons = {}, command = "sgtshadow", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Shadow Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(120) ply:SetHealth(120) end
TEAM_CPTSHADOW = DarkRP.createJob("Capitaine Shadow", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swt/starwars/major/major_shadow.mdl"}, description = [[vous etes commando shadow]], weapons = {}, command = "cptshadow", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Shadow Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(150) ply:SetHealth(150) end
TEAM_CMDSHADOW = DarkRP.createJob("Commandant Shadow", { color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255), model = {"models/player/swt/starwars/shadow_commander/shadow_commander.mdl"}, description = [[vous etes commando shadow]], weapons = {}, command = "cmdshadow", max = 0, salary = 50, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = false, category = "Shadow Trooper", PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(160) ply:SetHealth(160) end
Define which team joining players spawn into and what team you change to if demoted
Define which teams belong to civil protection
Civil protection can set warrants, make people wanted and do some other police related things
GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = { [TEAM_POLICE] = false, [TEAM_CHIEF] = false, [TEAM_MAYOR] = false,
Jobs that are hitmen (enables the hitman menu)


Chuck Norris
6 076
Score réaction
2 505
 PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100)
insère des virgules a la fin de chacune de ses lignes nan ?
Sinon change le CITIZEN en un autre truc et change le aussi dans la ligne pour le job par défaut


Score réaction
Aucune erreur sinon dans la console ou autre ?
  • Initiateur de la discussion


2 289
Score réaction
Kitsu à dit:
 PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetMaxHealth(100) ply:SetHealth(100)
insère des virgules a la fin de chacune de ses lignes nan ?
Sinon change le CITIZEN en un autre truc et change le aussi dans la ligne pour le job par défaut
Les virgules je pense pas car j'ai essayer de régénerer après sur et j'avais le même code

Le Citizen c'est déjà changer et sans succès

TheYr à dit:
Aucune erreur sinon dans la console ou autre ?


Geek suprême
Score réaction
Bonsoir la catégorie base est elle créer ?
category = "Base",
  • Initiateur de la discussion


2 289
Score réaction
edouard292 à dit:
Bonsoir la catégorie base est elle créer ?
category = "Base",
Oui :/
  • Initiateur de la discussion


2 289
Score réaction
EDIT: Maintenant il n'y a même plus le scoreboard du DarkRP mais celui du sandbox,

j'ai essayer les commandes:
- fadmin_isscoreboard 1
- FAdmin_IsScoreboard 1
- FAdmin_IsScoreboard 0

Sans succès :/


Score réaction
Essaie de retirer les derniers addons que tu as rajouté
  • Initiateur de la discussion


2 289
Score réaction
TheYr à dit:
Essaie de retirer les derniers addons que tu as rajouté
Le problème c'est que ça fait un moment que j'ai rien ajouter :/
Yoh Sambre ♪

Yoh Sambre ♪

Shaman Fou
16 290
Score réaction
9 688
1 845
go disable la totalité des trucs de base du mode pour les refaire dans darkrpmodification

ca reste la solution la plus otpimal
  • Initiateur de la discussion


2 289
Score réaction
Yoh Sambre ♪ à dit:
go disable la totalité des trucs de base du mode pour les refaire dans darkrpmodification

ca reste la solution la plus otpimal
J'ai tout mis en '"true" dans le Disabled_defaults et ça ne marche toujours pas :/

DarkRP disabled defaults
DarkRP comes with a bunch of default things: - a load of modules - default jobs - shipments and guns - entities (like the money printer) and many more
If you want to disable or replace the default things, you should disable them here
Note: if you want to have e.g. edit the official medic job, you MUST disable the default one in this file!
You can copy the medic from DarkRP and paste it in darkrp_config/jobs.lua
The list of modules that are disabled. Set to true to disable, false to enable.
Modules that are not in this list are enabled by default.
In some cases some external addons may overwrite one of the modules below and will expect them to be enabled to work.
In these few cases it will be pretty obvious when you expect something to happen and nothing does.
DarkRP.disabledDefaults["modules"] = { ["afk"] = true, ["chatsounds"] = true, ["events"] = true, ["fpp"] = true, ["f1menu"] = true, ["f4menu"] = true, ["hitmenu"] = true, ["hud"] = true, ["hungermod"] = true, ["playerscale"] = true, ["sleep"] = true, ["fadmin"] = true,
The disabled default jobs. true to disable, false to enable.
NOTE: If you disable a job and remake it, expect things that rely on the job to stop working
e.g. you disable the gundealer and you make a new job as TEAM_GUN. If you want the shipments/door groups/etc. to
work for your custom job, remake them to include your job as well.
DarkRP.disabledDefaults["jobs"] = { ["chief"] = true, ["citizen"] = true, ["cook"] = true, --Hungermod only ["cp"] = true, ["gangster"] = true, ["gundealer"] = true, ["hobo"] = true, ["mayor"] = true, ["medic"] = true, ["mobboss"] = true,
Shipments and pistols
DarkRP.disabledDefaults["shipments"] = { ["AK47"] = true, ["Desert eagle"] = true, ["Fiveseven"] = true, ["Glock"] = true, ["M4"] = true, ["Mac 10"] = true, ["MP5"] = true, ["P228"] = true, ["Pump shotgun"] = true, ["Sniper rifle"] = true,
DarkRP.disabledDefaults["entities"] = { ["Drug lab"] = true, ["Gun lab"] = true, ["Money printer"] = true, ["Microwave"] = true, --Hungermod only ["Tip Jar"] = true,
(at the moment there are no default vehicles)
You could use this to disable vehicles you added in the vehicles.lua located in the darkrp_customthings folder.
DarkRP.disabledDefaults["vehicles"] = {
Food is only enabled when hungermod is enabled (see disabled modules above).
DarkRP.disabledDefaults["food"] = { ["Banana"] = true, ["Bunch of bananas"] = true, ["Melon"] = true, ["Glass bottle"] = true, ["Pop can"] = true, ["Plastic bottle"] = true, ["Milk"] = true, ["Bottle 1"] = true, ["Bottle 2"] = true, ["Bottle 3"] = true, ["Orange"] = true,
Door groups
DarkRP.disabledDefaults["doorgroups"] = { ["Cops and Mayor only"] = true, ["Gundealer only"] = true,
Ammo packets
DarkRP.disabledDefaults["ammo"] = { ["Pistol ammo"] = true, ["Rifle ammo"] = true, ["Shotgun ammo"] = true,
DarkRP.disabledDefaults["agendas"] = { ["Gangster's agenda"] = true, ["Police agenda"] = true,
Chat groups (chat with /g)
Chat groups do not have names, so their index is used instead.
DarkRP.disabledDefaults["groupchat"] = { [1] = true, -- Police group chat (mayor, cp, chief and/or your custom CP teams) [2] = true, -- Group chat between gangsters and the mobboss [3] = true, -- Group chat between people of the same team
Jobs that are hitmen
set to true to disable
DarkRP.disabledDefaults["hitmen"] = { ["mobboss"] = false,
Demote groups
When anyone is demote from any job in this group, they will be temporarily banned
from every job in the group
DarkRP.disabledDefaults["demotegroups"] = { ["Cops"] = true, ["Gangsters"] = true,


Score réaction
ça marchait correctement avant ? C'est apparu comme ça sans aucun changement ou tu n'as pas fait attention ?
  • Initiateur de la discussion


2 289
Score réaction
TheYr à dit:
ça marchait correctement avant ? C'est apparu comme ça sans aucun changement ou tu n'as pas fait attention ?
Je vais juste redemander à mon pote pour voir si il a pas toucher mais y a pas de raison :/
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