Lua: DarkRP stunstick

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Je voudrais utiliser le Stunstick de darkrp pour d'autres gamemodes, mais si je l'utilise dans un autre gamemode j'ai des erreurs, que faut il changer pour qu'il sois compatible avec tout gamemodes?

if CLIENT then SWEP.PrintName = "Stun Stick" SWEP.Slot = 0 SWEP.SlotPos = 5 SWEP.RenderGroup = RENDERGROUP_BOTH killicon.AddAlias("stunstick", "weapon_stunstick") CreateMaterial("darkrp/stunstick_beam", "UnlitGeneric", { ["$basetexture"] = "sprites/lgtning", ["$additive"] = 1 })
SWEP.Instructions = "Left click to discipline\nRight click to kill\nHold reload to threaten"
SWEP.IsDarkRPStunstick = true
SWEP.Spawnable = true
SWEP.Category = "DarkRP (Utility)"
SWEP.StickColor = Color(0, 0, 255)
function SWEP:Initialize() BaseClass.Initialize(self) self.Hit = { Sound("weapons/stunstick/stunstick_impact1.wav"), Sound("weapons/stunstick/stunstick_impact2.wav") } self.FleshHit = { Sound("weapons/stunstick/stunstick_fleshhit1.wav"), Sound("weapons/stunstick/stunstick_fleshhit2.wav") }
function SWEP:SetupDataTables() BaseClass.SetupDataTables(self) -- Float 0 = LastPrimaryAttack -- Float 1 = ReloadEndTime -- Float 2 = BurstTime -- Float 3 = LastNonBurst -- Float 4 = SeqIdleTime -- Float 5 = HoldTypeChangeTime self:NetworkVar("Float", 6, "LastReload")
function SWEP:Think() BaseClass.Think(self) if self.WaitingForAttackEffect and self:GetSeqIdleTime() ~= 0 and CurTime() >= self:GetSeqIdleTime() - 0.35 then self.WaitingForAttackEffect = false local effectData = EffectData() effectData:SetOrigin(self:GetOwner():GetShootPos() + (self:GetOwner():EyeAngles():Forward() * 45)) effectData:SetNormal(self:GetOwner():EyeAngles():Forward()) util.Effect("StunstickImpact", effectData) end
function SWEP:DoFlash(ply) if not IsValid(ply) or not ply:IsPlayer() then return end ply:ScreenFade(SCREENFADE.IN, color_white, 1.2, 0)
function SWEP:PostDrawViewModel(vm) if self:GetSeqIdleTime() ~= 0 or self:GetLastReload() >= CurTime() - 0.1 then local attachment = vm:GetAttachment(1) local pos = attachment.Pos cam.Start3D(EyePos(), EyeAngles()) render.SetMaterial(Material("effects/stunstick")) render.DrawSprite(pos, 12, 12, Color(180, 180, 180)) for i = 1, 3 do local randVec = VectorRand() * 3 local offset = (attachment.Ang:Forward() * randVec.x) + (attachment.Ang:Right() * randVec.y) + (attachment.Ang:Up() * randVec.z) render.SetMaterial(Material("!darkrp/stunstick_beam")) render.DrawBeam(pos, pos + offset, 3.25 - i, 1, 1.25, Color(180, 180, 180)) pos = pos + offset end cam.End3D() end
function SWEP:DrawWorldModelTranslucent() if CurTime() <= self:GetLastReload() + 0.1 then local bone = self:GetOwner():LookupBone("ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand") if not bone then self:DrawModel() return end local bonePos, boneAng = self:GetOwner():GetBonePosition(bone) if bonePos then local pos = bonePos + (boneAng:Up() * -16) + (boneAng:Right() * 3) + (boneAng:Forward() * 6.5) render.SetMaterial(Material("sprites/light_glow02_add")) render.DrawSprite(pos, 32, 32, Color(255, 255, 255)) end end self:DrawModel()
local entMeta = FindMetaTable("Entity")
function SWEP:DoAttack(dmg) if CLIENT then return end self:GetOwner():LagCompensation(true) local trace = util.QuickTrace(self:GetOwner():EyePos(), self:GetOwner():GetAimVector() * 90, {self:GetOwner()}) self:GetOwner():LagCompensation(false) if IsValid(trace.Entity) and trace.Entity.onStunStickUsed then trace.Entity:onStunStickUsed(self:GetOwner()) return elseif IsValid(trace.Entity) and trace.Entity:GetClass() == "func_breakable_surf" then trace.Entity:Fire("Shatter") self:GetOwner():EmitSound(self.Hit[math.random(1,#self.Hit)]) return end self.WaitingForAttackEffect = true local ent = self:GetOwner():getEyeSightHitEntity( self.stickRange, 15, fn.FAnd{ fp{fn.Neq, self:GetOwner()}, fc{IsValid, entMeta.GetPhysicsObject}, entMeta.IsSolid } ) if not IsValid(ent) then return end if ent:IsPlayer() and not ent:Alive() then return end if not ent:isDoor() then ent:SetVelocity((ent:GetPos() - self:GetOwner():GetPos()) * 7) end if dmg > 0 then ent:TakeDamage(dmg, self:GetOwner(), self) end if ent:IsPlayer() or ent:IsNPC() or ent:IsVehicle() then self:DoFlash(ent) self:GetOwner():EmitSound(self.FleshHit[math.random(1,#self.FleshHit)]) else self:GetOwner():EmitSound(self.Hit[math.random(1,#self.Hit)]) if FPP and FPP.plyCanTouchEnt(self:GetOwner(), ent, "EntityDamage") then if ent.SeizeReward and not ent.beenSeized and not ent.burningup and self:GetOwner():isCP() and ent.Getowning_ent and self:GetOwner() ~= ent:Getowning_ent() then local amount = isfunction(ent.SeizeReward) and ent:SeizeReward(self:GetOwner(), dmg) or ent.SeizeReward self:GetOwner():addMoney(amount) DarkRP.notify(self:GetOwner(), 1, 4, DarkRP.getPhrase("you_received_x", DarkRP.formatMoney(amount), DarkRP.getPhrase("bonus_destroying_entity"))) ent.beenSeized = true end ent:TakeDamage(1000-dmg, self:GetOwner(), self) -- for illegal entities end end
function SWEP:PrimaryAttack() BaseClass.PrimaryAttack(self) self:SetNextSecondaryFire(self:GetNextPrimaryFire()) self:DoAttack(0)
function SWEP:SecondaryAttack() BaseClass.PrimaryAttack(self) self:SetNextSecondaryFire(self:GetNextPrimaryFire()) self:DoAttack(10)
function SWEP:Reload() self:SetHoldType("melee") self:SetHoldTypeChangeTime(CurTime() + 0.1) if self:GetLastReload() + 0.1 > CurTime() then self:SetLastReload(CurTime()) return end self:SetLastReload(CurTime()) self:EmitSound("weapons/stunstick/spark" .. math.random(1, 3) .. ".wav")
Mon erreure actuelle:
ligne 53: attempt to call field 'Think' (a nil value )
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