Bonjours, ayant acheter le Menu arrivia sur scriptfodders je souhaite savoir comment créer des catégorie de job merci d'avance
Lucas Pastel
1 057
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DarkRpMODIFICATION puis categories.lua
DarkRP.createCategory{ name = "Citizens", -- The name of the category. categorises = "jobs", -- What it categorises. MUST be one of "jobs", "entities", "shipments", "weapons", "vehicles", "ammo". startExpanded = true, -- Whether the category is expanded when you open the F4 menu. color = Color(0, 107, 0, 255), -- The color of the category header. canSee = function(ply) return true end, -- OPTIONAL: whether the player can see this category AND EVERYTHING IN IT. sortOrder = 100, -- OPTIONAL: With this you can decide where your category is. Low numbers to put it on top, high numbers to put it on the bottom. It's 100 by default. }