Résolu Mon serveur se lance mais ne fonctionne pas.

  • Initiateur de la discussion Tratta
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Bonjour à tous
Je fait appelle a votre aide car je n'arrive pas faire fonctionner mon serveur darkRP. Il fonctionais très bien avant puis j'ai créé mon 1er job (je n'ais pas modifier un job était existant je l'ai crée) quand j'ai re lancer mon serveur sa me disaist qu'il y avait 3 scripts error j'ai donc supprimer mon jobs livreur que j'avais crée mais désormais quand je lance mon serveur sa m'écrit

[ERROR] Lua is unable to understand file "darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua" because its author made a mistake around line number 148.
The best help I can give you is this:

There is an opening '{' bracket at line 136, but this bracket is never closed or not closed in time. It was expected to be closed before the 'category' at line 148.

- Did you forget a comma?
- All open brackets ({, (, [) must have a matching closing bracket. Are you sure it's there?
- Brackets must be opened and closed in the right order. This will work: ({}), but this won't: ({)}.

------- End of Simplerr error -------

[ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua" on line 714.
The best help I can give you is this:

DarkRP was unable to introduce player "Tratta" to the game. Expect further errors and shit generally being fucked!

- This error most likely does not stand on its own, and previous serverside errors have a very good chance of telling you the cause.
- Note that errors from another addon could cause this. Specifically when they're thrown during 'PlayerInitialSpawn'.
- This error can also be caused by some other addon returning a value in 'PlayerInitialSpawn', though that is less likely.
- Errors in your DarkRP configuration (jobs, shipments, etc.) could also cause this. Earlier errors should tell you when this is the case.

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:

------- End of Simplerr error -------

Je ne sais pas quoi faire je ne vois pas d'erreur dans mon job.lua merci de votre aide et désole pour les fautes d'orthographe. Merci.


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Envoie ton fichier jobs.lua
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DarkRP custom jobs
This file contains your custom jobs.
This file should also contain jobs from DarkRP that you edited.

Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP job, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua
Once you've done that, copy and paste the job to this file and edit it.

The default jobs can be found here:

For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:

Add your custom jobs under the following line:

TEAM_HOBO = DarkRP.createJob("SDF", {
color = Color(86, 97, 0, 255),
model = "models/player/corpse1.mdl",
description = [[Vous n'avez rien, vous vivez dans la rue, vous réclamez de l'argent au passant]],
weapons = {"weapon_bugbait"},
command = "hobo",
max = 4,
salary = 0,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = false,
hobo = true,
category = "Other",

TEAM_MEDIC = DarkRP.createJob("Médecin", {
color = Color(0, 255, 240, 255),
model = "models/player/kleiner.mdl",
description = [[Vous êtes un médecin de renommé et vous devez soignez les personnes qui en ont le besoin gratuitement ou pas.]],
weapons = {"med_kit"},
command = "medic",
max = 3,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
medic = true,
category = "Citizens",

TEAM_GUN = DarkRP.createJob("Vendeur d'armes", {
color = Color(255, 128, 0, 255),
model = "models/player/monk.mdl",
description = [[Vous pouvez vendre des armes a tous le monde mais attention a ce que la personne est un license d'arme sinon c'est illégal et vous pouvez être verbaliser.]],
weapons = {},
command = "gundealer",
max = 2,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
category = "Citizens",

TEAM_CITIZEN = DarkRP.createJob("Chomeur", {
color = Color(108, 255, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[Vous êtes au chomage et vous ne cherchez pas de travail.]],
weapons = {},
command = "citizen",
max = 0,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = false,
category = "Citizens",

TEAM_POLICE = DarkRP.createJob("Policier", {
color = Color(0, 39, 255, 255),
model = {"models/player/police.mdl", "models/player/police_fem.mdl"},
description = [[Vous faite respectez les lois de la ville et vous arrêter les criminelles.]],
weapons = {"arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_glock2", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "realrbn_tazer"},
command = "cp",
max = 4,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.45,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = true,
ammo = {
["pistol"] = 60,
category = "Civil Protection",

TEAM_CHIEF = DarkRP.createJob("Capitaine", {
color = Color(0, 39, 255, 255),
model = "models/player/combine_soldier_prisonguard.mdl",
description = [[Vous êtes le Capitaine de la police vous menez vos troupes à bien.]],
weapons = {"arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_deagle2", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "realrbn_tazer"},
command = "chief",
max = 1,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.67,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = true,
chief = true,
NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_POLICE,
ammo = {
["pistol"] = 60,
category = "Civil Protection",

TEAM_COOK = DarkRP.createJob("Cuisinier", {
color = Color(254, 95, 95, 255),
model = "models/player/mossman.mdl",
description = [[Vous vendez à manger à tout le monde.]],
weapons = {},
command = "cook",
max = 2,
salary = 45,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
cook = true
category = "Citizens",

TEAM_GANG = DarkRP.createJob("Voleur", {
color = Color(118, 0, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[Vous êtes un hors la lois qui vole pour s'en sortir.]],
weapons = {"pro_lockpick_update", "prokeypadcracker"},
command = "gangster",
max = 3,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
category = "Gangsters",

TEAM_MAYOR = DarkRP.createJob("Maire", {
color = Color(150, 20, 20, 255),
model = "models/player/breen.mdl",
description = [[Vous êtes le maire de la ville, vous instaurer des lois et vous devez gérer à bien ou a mal la ville.]],
weapons = {},
command = "mayor",
max = 1,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.89,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = false,
mayor = true,
category = "Civil Protection",

Define which team joining players spawn into and what team you change to if demoted
Define which teams belong to civil protection
Civil protection can set warrants, make people wanted and do some other police related things
GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = {
[TEAM_POLICE] = true,
[TEAM_CHIEF] = true,
[TEAM_MAYOR] = true,
Jobs that are hitmen (enables the hitman menu)


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Ajoute une virgule et puis c'est bon
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Nouveau né
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Merci de ton aide mais sa ne marche toujours pas quand je lance mo serveur sa m'écrit

[ERROR] Lua is unable to understand file "darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua" because its author made a mistake around line number 179.
The best help I can give you is this:

There is an opening '{' bracket at line 153, but this bracket is never closed or not closed in time. It was expected to be closed before the ')' at line 179.

- Did you forget a comma?
- All open brackets ({, (, [) must have a matching closing bracket. Are you sure it's there?
- Brackets must be opened and closed in the right order. This will work: ({}), but this won't: ({)}.

------- End of Simplerr error -------

[ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua" on line 714.
The best help I can give you is this:

DarkRP was unable to introduce player "Tratta" to the game. Expect further errors and shit generally being fucked!

- This error most likely does not stand on its own, and previous serverside errors have a very good chance of telling you the cause.
- Note that errors from another addon could cause this. Specifically when they're thrown during 'PlayerInitialSpawn'.
- This error can also be caused by some other addon returning a value in 'PlayerInitialSpawn', though that is less likely.
- Errors in your DarkRP configuration (jobs, shipments, etc.) could also cause this. Earlier errors should tell you when this is the case.

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:

------- End of Simplerr error -------


Geek suprême
Score réaction
Tratta à dit:
Merci de ton aide mais sa ne marche toujours pas quand je lance mo serveur sa m'écrit

[ERROR] Lua is unable to understand file "darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua" because its author made a mistake around line number 179.
The best help I can give you is this:

There is an opening '{' bracket at line 153, but this bracket is never closed or not closed in time. It was expected to be closed before the ')' at line 179.

- Did you forget a comma?
- All open brackets ({, (, [) must have a matching closing bracket. Are you sure it's there?
- Brackets must be opened and closed in the right order. This will work: ({}), but this won't: ({)}.

------- End of Simplerr error -------

[ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua" on line 714.
The best help I can give you is this:

DarkRP was unable to introduce player "Tratta" to the game. Expect further errors and shit generally being fucked!

- This error most likely does not stand on its own, and previous serverside errors have a very good chance of telling you the cause.
- Note that errors from another addon could cause this. Specifically when they're thrown during 'PlayerInitialSpawn'.
- This error can also be caused by some other addon returning a value in 'PlayerInitialSpawn', though that is less likely.
- Errors in your DarkRP configuration (jobs, shipments, etc.) could also cause this. Earlier errors should tell you when this is the case.

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:

------- End of Simplerr error -------
Tien, voilà le métier, remplace celui existant par celui là:
TEAM_GANG = DarkRP.createJob("Voleur", {
color = Color(118, 0, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[Vous êtes un hors la lois qui vole pour s'en sortir.]],
weapons = {"pro_lockpick_update", "prokeypadcracker"},
command = "gangster",
max = 3,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
category = "Gangsters",


2 289
Score réaction
Tratta à dit:
Merci de ton aide mais sa ne marche toujours pas quand je lance mo serveur sa m'écrit

[ERROR] Lua is unable to understand file "darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua" because its author made a mistake around line number 179.
The best help I can give you is this:

There is an opening '{' bracket at line 153, but this bracket is never closed or not closed in time. It was expected to be closed before the ')' at line 179.

- Did you forget a comma?
- All open brackets ({, (, [) must have a matching closing bracket. Are you sure it's there?
- Brackets must be opened and closed in the right order. This will work: ({}), but this won't: ({)}.

------- End of Simplerr error -------

[ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua" on line 714.
The best help I can give you is this:

DarkRP was unable to introduce player "Tratta" to the game. Expect further errors and shit generally being fucked!

- This error most likely does not stand on its own, and previous serverside errors have a very good chance of telling you the cause.
- Note that errors from another addon could cause this. Specifically when they're thrown during 'PlayerInitialSpawn'.
- This error can also be caused by some other addon returning a value in 'PlayerInitialSpawn', though that is less likely.
- Errors in your DarkRP configuration (jobs, shipments, etc.) could also cause this. Earlier errors should tell you when this is the case.

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:

------- End of Simplerr error -------
Dans ta TEAM_GANG tu à oublier une virgule.

Voilà un correctif qui devrait marcher (j'ai pas tout vérifier, juste mis le code sur https://fptje.github.io/glualint-web/ )
DarkRP custom jobs
This file contains your custom jobs.
This file should also contain jobs from DarkRP that you edited.
Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP job, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua
Once you've done that, copy and paste the job to this file and edit it.
The default jobs can be found here:
DarkRP, a non-serious roleplay gamemode for Garry's Mod. - FPtje/DarkRP
github.com github.com
For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:
DarkRP:CustomJobFields - Official DarkRP Wiki
Add your custom jobs under the following line:
TEAM_HOBO = DarkRP.createJob("SDF", {
color = Color(86, 97, 0, 255),
model = "models/player/corpse1.mdl",
description = [[Vous n'avez rien, vous vivez dans la rue, vous réclamez de l'argent au passant]],
weapons = {"weapon_bugbait"},
command = "hobo",
max = 4,
salary = 0,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = false,
hobo = true,
category = "Other",
TEAM_MEDIC = DarkRP.createJob("Médecin", {
color = Color(0, 255, 240, 255),
model = "models/player/kleiner.mdl",
description = [[Vous êtes un médecin de renommé et vous devez soignez les personnes qui en ont le besoin gratuitement ou pas.]],
weapons = {"med_kit"},
command = "medic",
max = 3,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
medic = true,
category = "Citizens",
TEAM_GUN = DarkRP.createJob("Vendeur d'armes", {
color = Color(255, 128, 0, 255),
model = "models/player/monk.mdl",
description = [[Vous pouvez vendre des armes a tous le monde mais attention a ce que la personne est un license d'arme sinon c'est illégal et vous pouvez être verbaliser.]],
weapons = {},
command = "gundealer",
max = 2,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
category = "Citizens",
TEAM_CITIZEN = DarkRP.createJob("Chomeur", {
color = Color(108, 255, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[Vous êtes au chomage et vous ne cherchez pas de travail.]],
weapons = {},
command = "citizen",
max = 0,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
candemote = false,
category = "Citizens",
TEAM_POLICE = DarkRP.createJob("Policier", {
color = Color(0, 39, 255, 255),
model = {"models/player/police.mdl", "models/player/police_fem.mdl"},
description = [[Vous faite respectez les lois de la ville et vous arrêter les criminelles.]],
weapons = {"arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_glock2", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "realrbn_tazer"},
command = "cp",
max = 4,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.45,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = true,
ammo = {
["pistol"] = 60,
category = "Civil Protection",
TEAM_CHIEF = DarkRP.createJob("Capitaine", {
color = Color(0, 39, 255, 255),
model = "models/player/combine_soldier_prisonguard.mdl",
description = [[Vous êtes le Capitaine de la police vous menez vos troupes à bien.]],
weapons = {"arrest_stick", "unarrest_stick", "weapon_deagle2", "stunstick", "door_ram", "weaponchecker", "realrbn_tazer"},
command = "chief",
max = 1,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.67,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = true,
chief = true,
NeedToChangeFrom = TEAM_POLICE,
ammo = {
["pistol"] = 60,
category = "Civil Protection",
TEAM_COOK = DarkRP.createJob("Cuisinier", {
color = Color(254, 95, 95, 255),
model = "models/player/mossman.mdl",
description = [[Vous vendez à manger à tout le monde.]],
weapons = {},
command = "cook",
max = 2,
salary = 45,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
cook = true,
category = "Citizens",
TEAM_GANG = DarkRP.createJob("Voleur", {
color = Color(118, 0, 0, 255),
model = {
description = [[Vous êtes un hors la lois qui vole pour s'en sortir.]],
weapons = {"pro_lockpick_update", "prokeypadcracker"},
command = "gangster",
max = 3,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
admin = 0,
vote = false,
hasLicense = false,
category = "Gangsters",
TEAM_MAYOR = DarkRP.createJob("Maire", {
color = Color(150, 20, 20, 255),
model = "models/player/breen.mdl",
description = [[Vous êtes le maire de la ville, vous instaurer des lois et vous devez gérer à bien ou a mal la ville.]],
weapons = {},
command = "mayor",
max = 1,
salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary * 1.89,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = false,
mayor = true,
category = "Civil Protection",
Define which team joining players spawn into and what team you change to if demoted
Define which teams belong to civil protection
Civil protection can set warrants, make people wanted and do some other police related things
GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = {
[TEAM_POLICE] = true,
[TEAM_CHIEF] = true,
[TEAM_MAYOR] = true,
Jobs that are hitmen (enables the hitman menu)
  • Initiateur de la discussion


Nouveau né
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Merci beaucoup pour votre aide, sa re fonctionne niquel!

PS: comme je mes cette discutions en résolu?


Geek suprême
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Tratta à dit:
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide, sa re fonctionne niquel!

PS: comme je mes cette discutions en résolu?
De rien, et tu édites en haut à coté du titre et tu va dans préfix et tu mets « résolu » :)
  • Initiateur de la discussion


Nouveau né
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C'est bon, encore merci:)
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