Ou est la fonction ? hmm

  • Initiateur de la discussion Blackghost9
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  • Initiateur de la discussion


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Bonjour a tous je souhaite rendre le context menu utilisable dans ce menu fait par un dev qui traine surement sur ce forum surement @slownls ?

Le but est de voir le menu toujours a son même emplacement tout en gardant le context menu sur les portes & objets (enfin tout).

Sa fait un petit moment que je cherche je n'y arrive pas vraiment ^^'

[Code source supprimer pour du respect a @Slawer ]
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BCZ Gaming

BCZ Gaming

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Blackghost9 à dit:
Bonjour a tous je souhaite rendre le context menu utilisable dans ce menu fait par un dev qui traine surement sur ce forum surement @slownls ?

Le but est de voir le menu toujours a son même emplacement tout en gardant le context menu sur les portes & objets (enfin tout).

Sa fait un petit moment que je cherche je n'y arrive pas vraiment ^^'

local background_color = Color(33,33,33)
local separator_color = Color(255, 153, 0)
local button_color = Color(70, 70, 70)
local button_color_hover = Color(204, 102, 0)
local headers_color = Color(200, 100, 0)
local gunDealer = {"Vendeur d'armes","Quincailler"}
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontButtons",{ size = ScrH() * 0.017 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontTitles",{ size = ScrH() * 0.028 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontServInfo",{ size = ScrH() * 0.02 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",{ size = ScrH() * 0.015 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",{ size = ScrH() * 0.011 , font = "Roboto"})
local function validAction(text,func) frameActionValidBeforeStart = vgui.Create("DFrame") frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetSize(300,110) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Center() frameActionValidBeforeStart:MakePopup() frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetTitle("") frameActionValidBeforeStart:ShowCloseButton(false) frameActionValidBeforeStart.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) draw.SimpleText(text,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText = vgui.Create("DTextEntry",frameActionValidBeforeStart) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() - 10,30) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetPos(5,40) local accept = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) accept:SetPos(3,75) accept:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) accept:SetText("") accept.Paint = function(s,w,h) if accept:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("EFFECTUER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end accept.DoClick = func local deny = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) deny:SetPos(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 + 3,75) deny:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) deny:SetText("") deny.Paint = function(s,w,h) if deny:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ANNULER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end deny.DoClick = func deny.DoClick = function() frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end
hook.Add("OnContextMenuOpen","SCustomContextMenuHookOpen",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(true) sFrameContextMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame") sFrameContextMenu:ShowCloseButton(false) sFrameContextMenu:SetTitle("") sFrameContextMenu:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.27,ScrH()) sFrameContextMenu:SetPos(ScrW() - sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),0) sFrameContextMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) -- BASE draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- SEPARATEUR draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.15,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.25,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.47,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.622,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.7,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) -- Titre Magasin draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.265,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.2815,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Serveur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.482,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("SERVEUR WASTEDRP","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText("JOUEURS EN LIGNE : " .. #player.GetAll(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local eco = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do eco = eco + v:getDarkRPVar("money") end draw.SimpleText("ÉCONOMIE : " .. eco .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local police = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:isCP() then police = police + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("FORCES DE L'ORDRES : " .. police,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local admin = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:IsAdmin() then admin = admin + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("STAFF EN LIGNE : " .. admin,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255,0),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Joueur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.71,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("JOUEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.7275,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75,ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.27,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("NOM : " .. LocalPlayer():GetName(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.76,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("ARGENT : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money") .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.78,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("MÉTIER : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("job"),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.80,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) local time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) local timeSuit = "m" if time >= 60 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 ) timeSuit = "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) .. "m" if time >= 24 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 / 24 ) timeSuit = "j " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60) .. "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60) .. "m" end end draw.SimpleText("TEMPS DE JEU : " .. time .. timeSuit,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.82,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("RANG : " .. LocalPlayer():GetUserGroup(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.84,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) end local imageLogoCLickable = vgui.Create( "DImageButton", sFrameContextMenu ) imageLogoCLickable:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.080, ScrH() * -0.014 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.11, ScrH() * 0.18 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetImage( "wasted-logo-context-menu.png" ) imageLogoCLickable.DoClick = function() gui.OpenURL("http://wasted-community.fr") end local function actionButton(px,py,sx,sy,text,font,action) local actionButtonButton = vgui.Create("DButton",sFrameContextMenu) actionButtonButton:SetPos(px,py) actionButtonButton:SetSize(sx,sy) actionButtonButton:SetText("") actionButtonButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if actionButtonButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color_hover) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color) end draw.SimpleText(text,font,w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end actionButtonButton.DoClick = action end actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARMES","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropweapon") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Jeter de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropmoney " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"DONNER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Donner de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /give " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"ECRIRE UNE LETTRE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Ecrire une lettre",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /write " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"APPELER UN SERVICES","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say !services") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"OUVRIR LA BOUTIQUE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say !boutique") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"SITE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://wasted-community.fr") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"WORKSHOP","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=256865459") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"GROUPE STEAM","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/groups/WastedRp_Officiel") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.635,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.06,"MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",function() if !(table.HasValue(gunDealer,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()))) then chat.AddText(Color(255,0,0),"Vous n'avez pas le bon métier") return end local weapon = vgui.Create("DPanel",sFrameContextMenu) weapon:SetSize(sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),sFrameContextMenu:GetTall()) weapon:SetPos(0,ScrH() * 0.155) weapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- Magasin d'armes draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.01,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,button_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.026,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end local categoryWeaponsList = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", weapon ) categoryWeaponsList:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.05 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSize( weapon:GetWide() - ScrW() * 0.01, weapon:GetTall() - ScrH() * 0.212 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeaponsList.Paint = function(s,w,h) --draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeaponsList.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k,v in pairs(DarkRP.getCategories().weapons) do local cateItemNumber = 0 local header = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeaponsList) header:SetSize(categoryWeaponsList:GetWide(),ScrH() * 0.04) header.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100,100,100)) draw.SimpleText(v.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(header) local categoryWeapon = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", categoryWeaponsList ) categoryWeapon:SetSize( 50, ScrH() * 0.32 ) categoryWeapon:SetPos( 0, ScrH() * 0 ) categoryWeapon:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeapon:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeapon:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeapon.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for _,e in pairs(CustomShipments) do if v.name == e.category then local ShowThisItem = true if istable(e.allowed) and not table.HasValue( e.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then cateItemNumber = cateItemNumber + 1 local panel = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeapon) panel:SetSize(0,ScrH() * 0.06) panel:SetText(e.name) panel.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.SimpleText(e.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.001,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. e.price .. "€","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.03,Color(255,255,255)) end local icon = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",panel) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.001,ScrW() * 0.001) icon:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.0325,ScrW() * 0.0325) icon:SetModel(e.model) local buyButton = vgui.Create("DButton",panel) buyButton:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.18,ScrH() * 0.03) buyButton:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH() * 0.025) buyButton:SetText("") buyButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buyButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ACHETER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end buyButton.DoClick = function() if not e.noship then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buyshipment " .. e.name) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buy " .. e.name) end end categoryWeapon:AddItem(panel) end end end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(categoryWeapon) if cateItemNumber == 0 then header:Remove() categoryWeapon:Remove() end end end) local MagasinMenu = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", sFrameContextMenu ) MagasinMenu:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.305 ) MagasinMenu:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.16 ) MagasinMenu:SetSpacing( 1 ) MagasinMenu:EnableHorizontal( true ) MagasinMenu:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) --MagasinMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0)) end local sbar = MagasinMenu.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 33, 33, 33 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k, v in pairs(DarkRPEntities) do local ShowThisItem = true if istable(v.allowed) and not table.HasValue( v.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then local test = vgui.Create("DPanel",MagasinMenu) test:SetSize(MagasinMenu:GetWide() / 2 - 2,ScrH() * 0.06) test.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033,Color(70, 70, 70)) draw.SimpleText(string.upper(v.name),"SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.002,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. v.price .. "$","SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.018,Color(255,255,255)) end local model = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",test) model:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033) model:SetModel(v.model) local buy = vgui.Create("DButton",test) buy:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH()* 0.02) buy:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH()*0.035) buy:SetText("Acheter") buy:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255)) buy.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buy:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end end buy.DoClick = function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp " .. v.cmd) end MagasinMenu:AddItem(test) end end local icon = vgui.Create( "DModelPanel", sFrameContextMenu ) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75) icon:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.24 ) icon:SetModel( LocalPlayer():GetModel() ) icon:SetFOV(15,0) icon:SetCamPos( Vector( 210,-30, 60 ) ) function icon:LayoutEntity( ent ) return end return ""
hook.Add("OnContextMenuClose","SCustomContextMenuHookClose",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(false) if IsValid(sFrameContextMenu) then sFrameContextMenu:Close() end
Pk tu demande pas a slawer directement?
  • Initiateur de la discussion


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Zappy#ORIGINAL à dit:
Pk tu demande pas a slawer directement?
Justement je ne sais pas vraiment si c'est lui @Zappy#ORIGINAL ^^
BCZ Gaming

BCZ Gaming

1 301
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Blackghost9 à dit:
Justement je ne sais pas vraiment si c'est lui @Zappy#ORIGINAL ^^
Bas non @Slawer n'est pas @slownls
  • J'aime
Réactions: Membre supprimé 70413
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Zappy#ORIGINAL à dit:
Bas non @Slawer n'est pas @slownls
effectivement fail de ma part sa porte a confusion BibleThump
BCZ Gaming

BCZ Gaming

1 301
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  • Initiateur de la discussion


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petit up pour m'aider


Membre du Staff
6 527
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5 488
1 295

Membre supprimé 70413

Cela à l'air d'être bel et bien un de mes addons (payants) release par le client et très ancien. Aucun support n'y sera apporté (Désolé).


Membre du Staff
6 527
Score réaction
5 488
1 295
Slawer à dit:
Cela à l'air d'être bel et bien un de mes addons (payants) release par le client et très ancien. Aucun support n'y sera apporté (Désolé).
hoo le vilain ! Kappa
  • J'aime
Réactions: Wabel
  • Initiateur de la discussion


Geek suprême
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Slawer à dit:
Cela à l'air d'être bel et bien un de mes addons (payants) release par le client et très ancien. Aucun support n'y sera apporté (Désolé).
Dans ce cas la laisse moi te contacté pour le "payer", je l'es recuperer sur le forum (cet addons) @Slawer


Membre du Staff
6 527
Score réaction
5 488
1 295
Pour ceux qui veulent voir à quoi cela ressemble et peut-être prendre le code Kappa

Blackghost9 à dit:
local background_color = Color(33,33,33)
local separator_color = Color(255, 153, 0)
local button_color = Color(70, 70, 70)
local button_color_hover = Color(204, 102, 0)
local headers_color = Color(200, 100, 0)
local gunDealer = {"Vendeur d'armes","Quincailler"}
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontButtons",{ size = ScrH() * 0.017 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontTitles",{ size = ScrH() * 0.028 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontServInfo",{ size = ScrH() * 0.02 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",{ size = ScrH() * 0.015 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",{ size = ScrH() * 0.011 , font = "Roboto"})
local function validAction(text,func) frameActionValidBeforeStart = vgui.Create("DFrame") frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetSize(300,110) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Center() frameActionValidBeforeStart:MakePopup() frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetTitle("") frameActionValidBeforeStart:ShowCloseButton(false) frameActionValidBeforeStart.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) draw.SimpleText(text,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText = vgui.Create("DTextEntry",frameActionValidBeforeStart) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() - 10,30) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetPos(5,40) local accept = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) accept:SetPos(3,75) accept:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) accept:SetText("") accept.Paint = function(s,w,h) if accept:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("EFFECTUER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end accept.DoClick = func local deny = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) deny:SetPos(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 + 3,75) deny:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) deny:SetText("") deny.Paint = function(s,w,h) if deny:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ANNULER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end deny.DoClick = func deny.DoClick = function() frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end
hook.Add("OnContextMenuOpen","SCustomContextMenuHookOpen",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(true) sFrameContextMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame") sFrameContextMenu:ShowCloseButton(false) sFrameContextMenu:SetTitle("") sFrameContextMenu:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.27,ScrH()) sFrameContextMenu:SetPos(ScrW() - sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),0) sFrameContextMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) -- BASE draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- SEPARATEUR draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.15,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.25,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.47,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.622,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.7,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) -- Titre Magasin draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.265,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.2815,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Serveur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.482,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("SERVEUR WASTEDRP","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText("JOUEURS EN LIGNE : " .. #player.GetAll(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local eco = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do eco = eco + v:getDarkRPVar("money") end draw.SimpleText("ÉCONOMIE : " .. eco .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local police = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:isCP() then police = police + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("FORCES DE L'ORDRES : " .. police,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local admin = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:IsAdmin() then admin = admin + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("STAFF EN LIGNE : " .. admin,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255,0),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Joueur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.71,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("JOUEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.7275,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75,ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.27,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("NOM : " .. LocalPlayer():GetName(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.76,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("ARGENT : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money") .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.78,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("MÉTIER : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("job"),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.80,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) local time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) local timeSuit = "m" if time >= 60 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 ) timeSuit = "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) .. "m" if time >= 24 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 / 24 ) timeSuit = "j " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60) .. "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60) .. "m" end end draw.SimpleText("TEMPS DE JEU : " .. time .. timeSuit,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.82,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("RANG : " .. LocalPlayer():GetUserGroup(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.84,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) end local imageLogoCLickable = vgui.Create( "DImageButton", sFrameContextMenu ) imageLogoCLickable:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.080, ScrH() * -0.014 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.11, ScrH() * 0.18 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetImage( "wasted-logo-context-menu.png" ) imageLogoCLickable.DoClick = function() gui.OpenURL("http://wasted-community.fr") end local function actionButton(px,py,sx,sy,text,font,action) local actionButtonButton = vgui.Create("DButton",sFrameContextMenu) actionButtonButton:SetPos(px,py) actionButtonButton:SetSize(sx,sy) actionButtonButton:SetText("") actionButtonButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if actionButtonButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color_hover) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color) end draw.SimpleText(text,font,w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end actionButtonButton.DoClick = action end actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARMES","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropweapon") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Jeter de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropmoney " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"DONNER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Donner de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /give " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"ECRIRE UNE LETTRE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Ecrire une lettre",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /write " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"APPELER UN SERVICES","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say !services") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"OUVRIR LA BOUTIQUE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say !boutique") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"SITE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://wasted-community.fr") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"WORKSHOP","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=256865459") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"GROUPE STEAM","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/groups/WastedRp_Officiel") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.635,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.06,"MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",function() if !(table.HasValue(gunDealer,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()))) then chat.AddText(Color(255,0,0),"Vous n'avez pas le bon métier") return end local weapon = vgui.Create("DPanel",sFrameContextMenu) weapon:SetSize(sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),sFrameContextMenu:GetTall()) weapon:SetPos(0,ScrH() * 0.155) weapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- Magasin d'armes draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.01,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,button_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.026,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end local categoryWeaponsList = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", weapon ) categoryWeaponsList:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.05 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSize( weapon:GetWide() - ScrW() * 0.01, weapon:GetTall() - ScrH() * 0.212 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeaponsList.Paint = function(s,w,h) --draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeaponsList.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k,v in pairs(DarkRP.getCategories().weapons) do local cateItemNumber = 0 local header = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeaponsList) header:SetSize(categoryWeaponsList:GetWide(),ScrH() * 0.04) header.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100,100,100)) draw.SimpleText(v.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(header) local categoryWeapon = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", categoryWeaponsList ) categoryWeapon:SetSize( 50, ScrH() * 0.32 ) categoryWeapon:SetPos( 0, ScrH() * 0 ) categoryWeapon:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeapon:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeapon:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeapon.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for _,e in pairs(CustomShipments) do if v.name == e.category then local ShowThisItem = true if istable(e.allowed) and not table.HasValue( e.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then cateItemNumber = cateItemNumber + 1 local panel = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeapon) panel:SetSize(0,ScrH() * 0.06) panel:SetText(e.name) panel.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.SimpleText(e.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.001,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. e.price .. "€","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.03,Color(255,255,255)) end local icon = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",panel) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.001,ScrW() * 0.001) icon:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.0325,ScrW() * 0.0325) icon:SetModel(e.model) local buyButton = vgui.Create("DButton",panel) buyButton:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.18,ScrH() * 0.03) buyButton:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH() * 0.025) buyButton:SetText("") buyButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buyButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ACHETER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end buyButton.DoClick = function() if not e.noship then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buyshipment " .. e.name) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buy " .. e.name) end end categoryWeapon:AddItem(panel) end end end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(categoryWeapon) if cateItemNumber == 0 then header:Remove() categoryWeapon:Remove() end end end) local MagasinMenu = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", sFrameContextMenu ) MagasinMenu:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.305 ) MagasinMenu:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.16 ) MagasinMenu:SetSpacing( 1 ) MagasinMenu:EnableHorizontal( true ) MagasinMenu:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) --MagasinMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0)) end local sbar = MagasinMenu.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 33, 33, 33 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k, v in pairs(DarkRPEntities) do local ShowThisItem = true if istable(v.allowed) and not table.HasValue( v.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then local test = vgui.Create("DPanel",MagasinMenu) test:SetSize(MagasinMenu:GetWide() / 2 - 2,ScrH() * 0.06) test.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033,Color(70, 70, 70)) draw.SimpleText(string.upper(v.name),"SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.002,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. v.price .. "$","SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.018,Color(255,255,255)) end local model = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",test) model:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033) model:SetModel(v.model) local buy = vgui.Create("DButton",test) buy:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH()* 0.02) buy:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH()*0.035) buy:SetText("Acheter") buy:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255)) buy.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buy:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end end buy.DoClick = function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp " .. v.cmd) end MagasinMenu:AddItem(test) end end local icon = vgui.Create( "DModelPanel", sFrameContextMenu ) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75) icon:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.24 ) icon:SetModel( LocalPlayer():GetModel() ) icon:SetFOV(15,0) icon:SetCamPos( Vector( 210,-30, 60 ) ) function icon:LayoutEntity( ent ) return end return ""
hook.Add("OnContextMenuClose","SCustomContextMenuHookClose",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(false) if IsValid(sFrameContextMenu) then sFrameContextMenu:Close() end
  • Initiateur de la discussion


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5 488
1 295
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Zaros_Live à dit:
Pourquoi tant de haine ? :(
j'demande pas des troll dans ce topic mais bien et belle une aide, maintenant que je sais qui a dev cet addons, je ferme ce topic
ont n'est dans un forum d'entraide, et pourtant ya jamais réellement d'aide alors que certain save et connaisent bien le lua, ils prefere troll que de simplement répondre avec un peu de sympathie bref

j'ai rien contre toi Zaros mais ce n'est pas fou la ...


Membre du Staff
6 527
Score réaction
5 488
1 295
Blackghost9 à dit:
j'demande pas des troll dans ce topic mais bien et belle une aide, maintenant que je sais qui a dev cet addons, je ferme ce topic
ont n'est dans un forum d'entraide, et pourtant ya jamais réellement d'aide alors que certain save et connaisent bien le lua, ils prefere troll que de simplement répondre avec un peu de sympathie bref

j'ai rien contre toi Zaros mais ce n'est pas fou la ...
Osef BORT Stop pleurer pour quelques hs BrokeBack

Blackghost9 à dit:
[Code source supprimer pour du respect a @Slawer ]
Inutile vu que après tu dis toi même:
Blackghost9 à dit:
Et ce topic contient le lien de dl 4Head
  • Initiateur de la discussion


Geek suprême
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Zaros_Live à dit:
Osef BORT Stop pleurer pour quelques hs BrokeBack

Inutile vu que après tu dis toi même:

Et ce topic contient le lien de dl 4Head
Bein j'le retire dans ce cas, mais j'veut pas qu'on me vois comme un voleur alors que ce n'est clairement pas la cas, j'ai du respect pour les dev's et honnetement tu sert a quoi la ?


Membre du Staff
6 527
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5 488
1 295
Blackghost9 à dit:
tu sert a quoi la ?
Strictement à rien je te rassure mais c'est déjà ça de prit ! 4Head

Membre supprimé 70413

Je ne te demande pas de le payer.
En revanche, je te déconseille fortement l'utilisation de cet addon car suite à son ancienneté et mon inexpérience à ce moment là, il ne doit pas être fait le mieux possible.
Cependant, si tu souhaites, je peux t'en réaliser un personnel pour toi, qui vraiment sera comme tu le souhaites.
Contacte moi en privé si c'est que tu veux. (Et là tu auras ton addon comme toi tu le vois à 100% et avec un support)
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