pCasino traduction

  • Initiateur de la discussion The Moinion
  • Date de début
  • Initiateur de la discussion

The Moinion

Score réaction
Bonjour, je cherche la traduction du fichier
si quelqu'un la il peut me la donner sinon pas besoin de la faire
( au passage, je parle du fichier qui contient sa:
-- Config Menu
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.Title = "pCasino Entity Creator"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.EntityToConfig = "Entity To Config"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.EntityToConfigComboBox = "Choose an entity!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.RewardComboBox = "Choose a reward!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.SpawnEntity = "Create Entity"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.ResetButton = "Go Back"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.AddComboButton = "New Combo"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.TableHeaderChance = "Combo"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.TableHeaderActions = "Actions"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.TakeoutBonusMultiplier = "Takeout Bonus Multiplier:"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.IsJackpot = "Is Jackpot:"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.Delete = "DELETE"

-- Entities
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_slot_machine"] = "Basic Slot Machine"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_wheel_slot_machine"] = "Wheel Slot Machine"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_roulette_table"] = "Roulette Table"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_blackjack_table"] = "Blackjack Table"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_mystery_wheel"] = "Mystery Wheel"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_sign_plaque"] = "Sign Plaque"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_sign_stand"] = "Sign Stand"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_sign_wall_logo"] = "Sign Wall Logo"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_sign_interior_standing"] = "Sign Interior Standing"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_sign_interior_wall"] = "Sign Interior Wall"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_chair"] = "Chair"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_prize_plinth"] = "Prize Plinth"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_npc"] = "NPC"

-- Rewards
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["nothing"] = "Nothing"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["money"] = "Money"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["jackpot"] = "Jackpot"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["prize_wheel"] = "Free Mystery Wheel Spin"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["weapon"] = "Weapon"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["health"] = "Health"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["armor"] = "Armor"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["kill"] = "Kill"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["setmodel"] = "Set Playermodel"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["ps1_points"] = "[Pointshop 1] Points"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["ps1_item"] = "[Pointshop 1] Item"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["ps2_points"] = "[Pointshop 2] Points"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["ps2_item"] = "[Pointshop 2] Item"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["ps2_prempoints"] = "[Pointshop 2] Premium Points"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["pssh_points"] = "[SH Pointshop] Points"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["pssh_item"] = "[SH Pointshop] Item"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["pssh_prempoints"] = "[SH Pointshop] Premium Points"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["wcd_givecar"] = "[William's Car Dealer] Give Car"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["fcd_givecar"] = "[Fresh Car Dealer] Give Car"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["bwe_givexp"] = "[BrickWall's Essentials] Give XP"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["mtkn_tokens"] = "[mTokens] Give Tokens"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["srp_givecar"] = "[SantosRP] Give Car"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["bc_credits"] = "[Brick's Credits] Credits"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["3dcd_givecar"] = "[3D Car Dealer 2] Give Car"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["vcmod_givecar"] = "[VCMod] Give Car"

-- Config Options
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.Title = "General Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.Desc = "The general game settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.betPeriod = "The period after the first bet before the game starts"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.useFreeSpins = "The ability to use won free spins on this wheel"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.rope = "Add a rope around the edge"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.model = "The model to show off"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.spin = "Make the platform spin"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.bow = "A cute bow on top (This will not work with models that have oversized collision boxes)"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.bowOffset = "If having a bow is enabled, you can set a vertical offset here. (Negative or positive)"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.limitUse = "Only allow use of 1 machine at a time"

PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.buySpin = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.buySpin.Title = "Buy Spins Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.buySpin.Desc = "Buying spins for a wheel"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.buySpin.buy = "The ability to purchase a spin for money"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.buySpin.cost = "If so, the price a spin costs"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.jackpot = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.jackpot.Title = "Jackpot Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.jackpot.Desc = "The jackpot settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.jackpot.toggle = "Should the jackpot be winnable?"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.jackpot.startValue = "Starting Jackpot value"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.jackpot.betAdd = "The % of the bet to add to the jackpot. 0.1 = 10%, 0.5 = 50%, 1 = 100%, ect"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.reward = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.reward.Title = "Reward Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.reward.Desc = "Choose what reward combos are given"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.combo = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.combo.Title = "Combo Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.combo.Desc = "Create combos for payouts"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.wheel = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.wheel.Title = "Wheel Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.wheel.Desc = "Set what rewards are given on the wheel"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.Title = "Bet Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.Desc = "Set bet limits"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.default = "The default betting value"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.max = "The max betting value"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.min = "The minimum betting value"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.iteration = "The betting increase when the arrow is pressed"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.betLimit = "Max bet per round per user (0 for no limit)"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.chance = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.chance.Title = "Chance Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.chance.Desc = "Set the chances of it landing on this item. Higher value = more chance"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.chance.Bar = "Chance rates visualized"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.other = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.other.Title = "Other Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.other.Desc = "Misc settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.turn = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.turn.Title = "Turn Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.turn.Desc = "The settings for each turn"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.turn.timeout = "The amount of seconds until the turn times out"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.payout = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.payout.Title = "Payout Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.payout.Desc = "The payout settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.payout.win = "The payout multiplier for a win"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.payout.blackjack = "The payout multiplier for a blackjack win"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.text = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.text.Title = "Text Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.text.Desc = "The text settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.text.overhead = "The text to display above the NPC"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.text.chat = "The chat message to say when interacted with"

-- Toolgun
PerfectCasino.Translation.ToolGun = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.ToolGun.NoEntity = "Please configure an entity with Right Click first"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ToolGun.DeletePermissions = "FPP BLOCKS YOUR PCASINO TOOLGUN PERMISSIONS"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ToolGun.FPPCheck = "Check you can toolgun this entity with FPP!"

-- Entity Interfaces
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.JackPot = "JackPot: %s"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Number = "Number: %i"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Start = "Start: %is"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.PlaceBet = "Place Bet"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Waiting = "Waiting"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.DoubleDown = "Double Down"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Split = "Split"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Hit = "Hit"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Stand = "Stand"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Blackjack = "%i (Blackjack)"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Bust = "%i (Bust)"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.CurrentHandTotalValue = "Hand Value: %s"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.CurrentHand = "Current Hand: %s"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.SpinThatWheel = "Spin That Wheel!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.ReadyToPlay = "Ready To Play!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.PurchaseASpin = "Purchase a Spin!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.FreeSpin = "Free Spin!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.FreeSpinCount = "Free Spins: %s"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Play = "Play: %s"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.LeaveSeat = "Hold E to leave the seat"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.BetLimit = "Bet Limit: %s"

-- Chat messages
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.NoMoney = "You do not have enough money to place this bet..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.Payout = "You have won %s!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.RouletteFail = "None of your bets paid out..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.PayoutJackpot = "You hit the jackpot worth %s!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.AlreadyPlaced = "You have already placed a bet..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.BetPlaced = "Your bet has been placed!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.HandBust = "Your hand has bust, you will receive no payout..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.DealerHandBust = "The dealer has bust, your payout is %s!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.HandDraw = "You drew with the house, your bet has been returned to you."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.HandLose = "The house's hand beats your hand, you will receive no payout..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.HandWin = "You beat the house, your payout is %s!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.SlotWheelSpin = "You spun the wheel and got %s!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.UsedFreeSpin = "You have used a free spin!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.UsedPaidSpin = "You have paid %s for a spin!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.BetLimit = "You have reached the betting limit for this round!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.WillReachBetLimit = "This bet will exceed the bet limit. You cannot bet more than %s..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.LimitMachineUse = "You are trying to use a different machine too quickly..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.LimitMachineUsedByOther = "This machine is currently being used by someone else!"
Yoh Sambre ♪

Yoh Sambre ♪

Shaman Fou
16 273
Score réaction
9 685
1 845
c'est relativement simple en partant du fait que ta fait collège ou plus précisément 6ième, sinon tu peux toujours y retourner o/
  • Initiateur de la discussion

The Moinion

Score réaction
Yoh Sambre ♪ à dit:
c'est relativement simple en partant du fait que ta fait collège ou plus précisément 6ième, sinon tu peux toujours y retourner o/
en fait oui... mais y a trop de truc et flemme donc autant demander si y a qlq qui l'a déjà


Nouveau né
Score réaction
The Moinion à dit:
Bonjour, je cherche la traduction du fichier
si quelqu'un la il peut me la donner sinon pas besoin de la faire
( au passage, je parle du fichier qui contient sa:
-- Config Menu
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.Title = "pCasino Entity Creator"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.EntityToConfig = "Entity To Config"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.EntityToConfigComboBox = "Choose an entity!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.RewardComboBox = "Choose a reward!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.SpawnEntity = "Create Entity"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.ResetButton = "Go Back"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.AddComboButton = "New Combo"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.TableHeaderChance = "Combo"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.TableHeaderActions = "Actions"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.TakeoutBonusMultiplier = "Takeout Bonus Multiplier:"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.IsJackpot = "Is Jackpot:"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ConfigMenu.Delete = "DELETE"

-- Entities
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_slot_machine"] = "Basic Slot Machine"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_wheel_slot_machine"] = "Wheel Slot Machine"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_roulette_table"] = "Roulette Table"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_blackjack_table"] = "Blackjack Table"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_mystery_wheel"] = "Mystery Wheel"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_sign_plaque"] = "Sign Plaque"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_sign_stand"] = "Sign Stand"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_sign_wall_logo"] = "Sign Wall Logo"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_sign_interior_standing"] = "Sign Interior Standing"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_sign_interior_wall"] = "Sign Interior Wall"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_chair"] = "Chair"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_prize_plinth"] = "Prize Plinth"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Entities["pcasino_npc"] = "NPC"

-- Rewards
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["nothing"] = "Nothing"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["money"] = "Money"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["jackpot"] = "Jackpot"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["prize_wheel"] = "Free Mystery Wheel Spin"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["weapon"] = "Weapon"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["health"] = "Health"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["armor"] = "Armor"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["kill"] = "Kill"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["setmodel"] = "Set Playermodel"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["ps1_points"] = "[Pointshop 1] Points"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["ps1_item"] = "[Pointshop 1] Item"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["ps2_points"] = "[Pointshop 2] Points"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["ps2_item"] = "[Pointshop 2] Item"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["ps2_prempoints"] = "[Pointshop 2] Premium Points"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["pssh_points"] = "[SH Pointshop] Points"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["pssh_item"] = "[SH Pointshop] Item"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["pssh_prempoints"] = "[SH Pointshop] Premium Points"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["wcd_givecar"] = "[William's Car Dealer] Give Car"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["fcd_givecar"] = "[Fresh Car Dealer] Give Car"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["bwe_givexp"] = "[BrickWall's Essentials] Give XP"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["mtkn_tokens"] = "[mTokens] Give Tokens"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["srp_givecar"] = "[SantosRP] Give Car"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["bc_credits"] = "[Brick's Credits] Credits"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["3dcd_givecar"] = "[3D Car Dealer 2] Give Car"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Rewards["vcmod_givecar"] = "[VCMod] Give Car"

-- Config Options
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.Title = "General Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.Desc = "The general game settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.betPeriod = "The period after the first bet before the game starts"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.useFreeSpins = "The ability to use won free spins on this wheel"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.rope = "Add a rope around the edge"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.model = "The model to show off"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.spin = "Make the platform spin"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.bow = "A cute bow on top (This will not work with models that have oversized collision boxes)"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.bowOffset = "If having a bow is enabled, you can set a vertical offset here. (Negative or positive)"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.general.limitUse = "Only allow use of 1 machine at a time"

PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.buySpin = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.buySpin.Title = "Buy Spins Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.buySpin.Desc = "Buying spins for a wheel"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.buySpin.buy = "The ability to purchase a spin for money"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.buySpin.cost = "If so, the price a spin costs"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.jackpot = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.jackpot.Title = "Jackpot Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.jackpot.Desc = "The jackpot settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.jackpot.toggle = "Should the jackpot be winnable?"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.jackpot.startValue = "Starting Jackpot value"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.jackpot.betAdd = "The % of the bet to add to the jackpot. 0.1 = 10%, 0.5 = 50%, 1 = 100%, ect"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.reward = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.reward.Title = "Reward Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.reward.Desc = "Choose what reward combos are given"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.combo = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.combo.Title = "Combo Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.combo.Desc = "Create combos for payouts"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.wheel = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.wheel.Title = "Wheel Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.wheel.Desc = "Set what rewards are given on the wheel"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.Title = "Bet Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.Desc = "Set bet limits"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.default = "The default betting value"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.max = "The max betting value"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.min = "The minimum betting value"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.iteration = "The betting increase when the arrow is pressed"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.bet.betLimit = "Max bet per round per user (0 for no limit)"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.chance = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.chance.Title = "Chance Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.chance.Desc = "Set the chances of it landing on this item. Higher value = more chance"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.chance.Bar = "Chance rates visualized"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.other = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.other.Title = "Other Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.other.Desc = "Misc settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.turn = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.turn.Title = "Turn Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.turn.Desc = "The settings for each turn"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.turn.timeout = "The amount of seconds until the turn times out"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.payout = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.payout.Title = "Payout Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.payout.Desc = "The payout settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.payout.win = "The payout multiplier for a win"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.payout.blackjack = "The payout multiplier for a blackjack win"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.text = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.text.Title = "Text Settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.text.Desc = "The text settings"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.text.overhead = "The text to display above the NPC"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Config.text.chat = "The chat message to say when interacted with"

-- Toolgun
PerfectCasino.Translation.ToolGun = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.ToolGun.NoEntity = "Please configure an entity with Right Click first"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ToolGun.DeletePermissions = "FPP BLOCKS YOUR PCASINO TOOLGUN PERMISSIONS"
PerfectCasino.Translation.ToolGun.FPPCheck = "Check you can toolgun this entity with FPP!"

-- Entity Interfaces
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.JackPot = "JackPot: %s"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Number = "Number: %i"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Start = "Start: %is"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.PlaceBet = "Place Bet"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Waiting = "Waiting"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.DoubleDown = "Double Down"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Split = "Split"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Hit = "Hit"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Stand = "Stand"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Blackjack = "%i (Blackjack)"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Bust = "%i (Bust)"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.CurrentHandTotalValue = "Hand Value: %s"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.CurrentHand = "Current Hand: %s"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.SpinThatWheel = "Spin That Wheel!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.ReadyToPlay = "Ready To Play!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.PurchaseASpin = "Purchase a Spin!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.FreeSpin = "Free Spin!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.FreeSpinCount = "Free Spins: %s"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.Play = "Play: %s"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.LeaveSeat = "Hold E to leave the seat"
PerfectCasino.Translation.UI.BetLimit = "Bet Limit: %s"

-- Chat messages
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat = {}
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.NoMoney = "You do not have enough money to place this bet..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.Payout = "You have won %s!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.RouletteFail = "None of your bets paid out..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.PayoutJackpot = "You hit the jackpot worth %s!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.AlreadyPlaced = "You have already placed a bet..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.BetPlaced = "Your bet has been placed!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.HandBust = "Your hand has bust, you will receive no payout..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.DealerHandBust = "The dealer has bust, your payout is %s!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.HandDraw = "You drew with the house, your bet has been returned to you."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.HandLose = "The house's hand beats your hand, you will receive no payout..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.HandWin = "You beat the house, your payout is %s!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.SlotWheelSpin = "You spun the wheel and got %s!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.UsedFreeSpin = "You have used a free spin!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.UsedPaidSpin = "You have paid %s for a spin!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.BetLimit = "You have reached the betting limit for this round!"
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.WillReachBetLimit = "This bet will exceed the bet limit. You cannot bet more than %s..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.LimitMachineUse = "You are trying to use a different machine too quickly..."
PerfectCasino.Translation.Chat.LimitMachineUsedByOther = "This machine is currently being used by someone else!"
Salut l'ami, j'ai ce que tu as besoin, comparé à un certains Yoh Sambre. En espérant que sa ta beaucoup aidé.

Pièces jointes

  • sh_language.lua.txt
    12.1 KB Vues: 64
Yoh Sambre ♪

Yoh Sambre ♪

Shaman Fou
16 273
Score réaction
9 685
1 845
UsagerJordan83 à dit:
Salut l'ami, j'ai ce que tu as besoin, comparé à un certains Yoh Sambre. En espérant que sa ta beaucoup aidé.
désolé d'avoir heurté ta sensibilité ;) , promis la prochaine fois je ferais attention.


Nouveau né
Score réaction
Yoh Sambre ♪ à dit:
désolé d'avoir heurté ta sensibilité ;) , promis la prochaine fois je ferais attention.
Tu m'as pas heurté, c'étais juste du Second Degrès. Tkt pas frérot ;)
  • J'aime
Réactions: Yoh Sambre ♪
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