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Bonjour, oui c'est encore moi.. Bref, vous savez comment désactiver ça ?
Draw the results to the screen
local function drawChatReceivers() if not receivers then return end local x, y = chat.GetChatBoxPos() y = y - 21 -- No one hears you if #receivers == 0 then draw.WordBox(2, x, y, DarkRP.getPhrase("hear_noone", currentConfig.text), "DarkRPHUD1", Color(0,0,0,160), Color(255,0,0,255)) return -- Everyone hears you elseif #receivers == #player.GetAll() - 1 then draw.WordBox(2, x, y, DarkRP.getPhrase("hear_everyone"), "DarkRPHUD1", Color(0,0,0,160), Color(0,255,0,255)) return end draw.WordBox(2, x, y - (#receivers * 21), DarkRP.getPhrase("hear_certain_persons", currentConfig.text), "DarkRPHUD1", Color(0,0,0,160), Color(0,255,0,255)) for i = 1, #receivers, 1 do if not IsValid(receivers[i]) then receivers[i] = receivers[#receivers] receivers[#receivers] = nil continue end draw.WordBox(2, x, y - (i - 1) * 21, receivers[i]:Nick(), "DarkRPHUD1", Color(0, 0, 0, 160), Color(255, 255, 255, 255)) end