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Lien de l'addon : https://github.com/vrondakis/Leveling-System
Je vous explique le problème :
Quand un joueur ce connecte (ou n'importe quel joueur d'un groupe) impossible d'exp.
Le seul moyen est que j'aille dans ulx -> levels -> set level -> sélectionne un joueur -> 1 -> setlevel
et la les joueurs prendront de l'exp mais si je ne fait pas cette manip rien ne ce passe alors est ce que le problème viendrais t-il du levels.lua ? je ne sait pas mais c'est le seul script qui a un rapport avec ulx je vous le met.
Et je précise que j'ai modifier un truck dans gmod/addon/darkrpmodification/lua/darkrp_modules/levels/sh_config.lua car je ne voulais pas les printer vrondakris dans mes entités
Modifié :
L'original :
Voila peut être que en modifiant j'ai mal fait qqch et que sa a fait planté mais je voulais absolument pas que les printers apparaissent dans les entités donc je les ai supprimé..
Merci de votre aide.
Lien de l'addon : https://github.com/vrondakis/Leveling-System
Je vous explique le problème :
Quand un joueur ce connecte (ou n'importe quel joueur d'un groupe) impossible d'exp.
Le seul moyen est que j'aille dans ulx -> levels -> set level -> sélectionne un joueur -> 1 -> setlevel
et la les joueurs prendront de l'exp mais si je ne fait pas cette manip rien ne ce passe alors est ce que le problème viendrais t-il du levels.lua ? je ne sait pas mais c'est le seul script qui a un rapport avec ulx je vous le met.
function ulx.addXP(calling_ply, target_ply, amount) if not amount then ULib.tsayError("Amount not specified!") return end if target_ply.DarkRPUnInitialized then return end target_ply:addXP(amount, true) DarkRP.notify(target_ply, 0,4,calling_ply:Nick() .. " gave you "..amount.."XP") ulx.fancyLogAdmin(calling_ply:Nick() .. ' gave '..target_ply:Nick()..' '..amount)
local addXPx = ulx.command("Levels", "ulx addxp", ulx.addXP, "!addxp")
addXPx:addParam{type=ULib.cmds.NumArg, hint="xp"}
addXPx:help("Add XP to a player.")
function ulx.setLevel(calling_ply, target_ply, level) if not level then ULib.tsayError("Level not specified!") return end if target_ply.DarkRPUnInitialized then return end DarkRP.storeXPData(target_ply,level,0) target_ply:setDarkRPVar('level',level) target_ply:setDarkRPVar('xp',0) DarkRP.notify(target_ply, 0,4,calling_ply:Nick() .. " set your level to "..level) ulx.fancyLogAdmin(calling_ply:Nick() .. ' set '..target_ply:Nick()..' level to '..level)
local setLevelx = ulx.command("Levels", "ulx setlevel", ulx.setLevel, "!setlevel")
setLevelx:addParam{type=ULib.cmds.NumArg, hint="level"}
setLevelx:help("Set a players level.")
Modifié :
LevelSystemConfiguration = {} // Ignore
Printers = {} // Ignore
LevelSystemConfiguration.EnableHUD = true // Is the HUD enabled?
LevelSystemConfiguration.LevelColor = Color(255,255,255,255) // The color of the "Level: 1" HUD element. White looks best. (This setting is nullified if you have the prestige system)
LevelSystemConfiguration.XPTextColor = Color(255,255,255,255) // The color of the XP percentage HUD element.
LevelSystemConfiguration.LevelBarColor = {6,116,255} // The color of the XP bar. (Sorry this one is different. It is still {R,G,B})
LevelSystemConfiguration.LevelTextPos = {1.5, 180.0} // The position of the LevelText. Y starts from bottom. Fiddle with it
LevelSystemConfiguration.XPBarYPos = 0 // Y position of the XP bar
LevelSystemConfiguration.DisplayLevel = true // Show player levels when you look at them
LevelSystemConfiguration.GreenJobBars = true // Are the green bars at the bottom of jobs enabled? KEEP THIS TRUE!
LevelSystemConfiguration.GreenAllBars = true // Are the green bars at the bottom of everything but jobs enabled? Recommended(true)
LevelSystemConfiguration.KillModule = true // Give XP + Money for kills! // Next 2 settings control this.
LevelSystemConfiguration.Friendly = true // Only take away money / give XP if the killer is a lower level/same level than the victim. (Recommended:true)
LevelSystemConfiguration.TakeAwayMoneyAmount = 100 // How much money to take away from players when they are killed and add to the killer. You can change this to 0 if none. The XP amount is dynamic.
LevelSystemConfiguration.NPCXP = true // Give XP when an NPC is killed?
LevelSystemConfiguration.NPCXPAmount = 10 // Amount of XP to give when an NPC is killed
LevelSystemConfiguration.TimerModule = true // Give XP to everybody every howeverlong
LevelSystemConfiguration.Timertime = 100 // How much time (in seconds) until everybody gets given XP
LevelSystemConfiguration.TimerXPAmount = 100 // How much XP to give each time it goes off
LevelSystemConfiguration.YourServerName = "on the server" // The notifcation text ish. "You got 100XP for playing on the server."
LevelSystemConfiguration.XPMult = 1 // How hard it is to level up. 2 would require twice as much XP, ect.
LevelSystemConfiguration.MaxLevel = 99 // The max level
LevelSystemConfiguration.ContinueXP = false // If remaining XP continues over to next levels. I recommend this to be false. Seriously. What if a level 1 gets 99999999 XP somehow? He is level 99 so quickly.
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterSound = false // Give the printers sounds?
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterMaxP = 4 // How many times a printer can print before stopping. Change this to 0 if you want infine.
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterMax = 4 // How many printers of a certain type a player can own at any one time
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterOverheat = false // Can printers overheat?
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterTime = 120 // How long it takes printers to print
LevelSystemConfiguration.KeepThisToTrue = false // Can players collect from printers that are 5 levels above their level? (Recommended: false)
LevelSystemConfiguration.Epilepsy = false // If printers flash different colors when they have money in them.
hook.Add("loadCustomDarkRPItems", "manolis:MVLevels:CustomLoad", function() for k,v in pairs(Printers) do local Errors = {} if not type(v.Name) == 'string' then table.insert(Errors, 'The name of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.Type) == 'string' then table.insert(Errors, 'The type of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.XPPerPrint) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The XP of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.MoneyPerPrint) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The money of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.Color) == 'table' then table.insert(Errors, 'The color of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.Model) == 'string' then table.insert(Errors, 'The model of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.Price) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The price of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.Category) == 'string' then v.Category='' end if not type(v.Level) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The level of a printer is INVALID!') end local ErrorCount = 0 for k,v in pairs(Errors) do error(v) ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1 end if not(ErrorCount==0) then return false end local t = { ent = "vrondakis_printer", model = v.Model, category = v.Category, price = v.Price, prestige = (v.Prestige or 0), printer = true, level = v.Level, max = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterMax, cmd = 'buyvrondakis'..v.Type..'printer', allowed = v.Allowed, vrondakisName = v.Name, vrondakisType = v.Type, vrondakisXPPerPrint = v.XPPerPrint, vrondakisMoneyPerPrint = v.MoneyPerPrint, vrondakisColor = v.Color, vrondakisModel = v.Model, customCheck = (v.CustomCheck or function() return true end), vrondakisOverheat = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterOverheat, PrinterMaxP = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterMaxP, vrondakisPrinterTime = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterTime, vrondakisIsBuyerRetarded = LevelSystemConfiguration.KeepThisToTrue, vrondakisEpileptic = LevelSystemConfiguration.Epilepsy } if(v.DParams) then for k,v in pairs(v.DParams) do t[k] = v end end DarkRP.createEntity(v.Name,t) end
DarkRP.registerDarkRPVar("xp", net.WriteDouble, net.ReadDouble)
DarkRP.registerDarkRPVar("level", net.WriteDouble, net.ReadDouble)
DarkRP.registerDarkRPVar("prestige", net.WriteDouble, net.ReadDouble)
LevelSystemConfiguration = {} // Ignore
Printers = {} // Ignore
LevelSystemConfiguration.EnableHUD = true // Is the HUD enabled?
LevelSystemConfiguration.LevelColor = Color(255,255,255,255) // The color of the "Level: 1" HUD element. White looks best. (This setting is nullified if you have the prestige system)
LevelSystemConfiguration.XPTextColor = Color(255,255,255,255) // The color of the XP percentage HUD element.
LevelSystemConfiguration.LevelBarColor = {6,116,255} // The color of the XP bar. (Sorry this one is different. It is still {R,G,B})
LevelSystemConfiguration.LevelTextPos = {1.5, 180.0} // The position of the LevelText. Y starts from bottom. Fiddle with it
LevelSystemConfiguration.XPBarYPos = 0 // Y position of the XP bar
LevelSystemConfiguration.DisplayLevel = true // Show player levels when you look at them
LevelSystemConfiguration.GreenJobBars = true // Are the green bars at the bottom of jobs enabled? KEEP THIS TRUE!
LevelSystemConfiguration.GreenAllBars = true // Are the green bars at the bottom of everything but jobs enabled? Recommended(true)
LevelSystemConfiguration.KillModule = true // Give XP + Money for kills! // Next 2 settings control this.
LevelSystemConfiguration.Friendly = true // Only take away money / give XP if the killer is a lower level/same level than the victim. (Recommended:true)
LevelSystemConfiguration.TakeAwayMoneyAmount = 100 // How much money to take away from players when they are killed and add to the killer. You can change this to 0 if none. The XP amount is dynamic.
LevelSystemConfiguration.NPCXP = true // Give XP when an NPC is killed?
LevelSystemConfiguration.NPCXPAmount = 10 // Amount of XP to give when an NPC is killed
LevelSystemConfiguration.TimerModule = true // Give XP to everybody every howeverlong
LevelSystemConfiguration.Timertime = 100 // How much time (in seconds) until everybody gets given XP
LevelSystemConfiguration.TimerXPAmount = 100 // How much XP to give each time it goes off
LevelSystemConfiguration.YourServerName = "on the server" // The notifcation text ish. "You got 100XP for playing on the server."
LevelSystemConfiguration.XPMult = 1 // How hard it is to level up. 2 would require twice as much XP, ect.
LevelSystemConfiguration.MaxLevel = 99 // The max level
LevelSystemConfiguration.ContinueXP = false // If remaining XP continues over to next levels. I recommend this to be false. Seriously. What if a level 1 gets 99999999 XP somehow? He is level 99 so quickly.
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterSound = true // Give the printers sounds?
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterMaxP = 4 // How many times a printer can print before stopping. Change this to 0 if you want infine.
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterMax = 4 // How many printers of a certain type a player can own at any one time
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterOverheat = false // Can printers overheat?
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterTime = 120 // How long it takes printers to print
LevelSystemConfiguration.KeepThisToTrue = true // Can players collect from printers that are 5 levels above their level? (Recommended: false)
LevelSystemConfiguration.Epilepsy = true // If printers flash different colors when they have money in them.
local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Regular Printer'
Printer.Type = 'regularprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 65
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 100
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255,255)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_lab/reciever01b.mdl'
Printer.Price = 1000
Printer.Level = 1
Printer.Prestige = 0
local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Golden Money Printer'
Printer.Type = 'goldenprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 300
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 300
Printer.Color = Color(255,215,0)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_lab/reciever01b.mdl'
Printer.Price = 3000
Printer.Level = 10
Printer.Prestige = 0
local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Ruby Money Printer'
Printer.Type = 'rubyprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 1069
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 1200
Printer.Color = Color(255,0,0)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_lab/reciever01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 5000
Printer.Level = 20
Printer.Prestige = 0
local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Platinum Money Printer'
Printer.Type = 'platprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 1800
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 1500
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox03a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 10000
Printer.Level = 30
Printer.Prestige = 0
local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Diamond Money Printer'
Printer.Type = 'diamondprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 2500
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 5000
Printer.Color = Color(135,200,250)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 50000
Printer.Level = 40
Printer.Prestige = 0
local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Emerald Money Printer'
Printer.Type = 'emeraldprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 3550
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 10000
Printer.Color = Color(0,100,0)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 100000
Printer.Level = 50
Printer.Prestige = 0
local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Unubtainium Money Printer'
Printer.Type = 'unubprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 3500
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 15000
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_lab/harddrive01.mdl'
Printer.Price = 120000
Printer.Level = 60
Printer.Prestige = 0
hook.Add("loadCustomDarkRPItems", "manolis:MVLevels:CustomLoad", function() for k,v in pairs(Printers) do local Errors = {} if not type(v.Name) == 'string' then table.insert(Errors, 'The name of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.Type) == 'string' then table.insert(Errors, 'The type of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.XPPerPrint) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The XP of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.MoneyPerPrint) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The money of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.Color) == 'table' then table.insert(Errors, 'The color of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.Model) == 'string' then table.insert(Errors, 'The model of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.Price) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The price of a printer is INVALID!') end if not type(v.Category) == 'string' then v.Category='' end if not type(v.Level) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The level of a printer is INVALID!') end local ErrorCount = 0 for k,v in pairs(Errors) do error(v) ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1 end if not(ErrorCount==0) then return false end local t = { ent = "vrondakis_printer", model = v.Model, category = v.Category, price = v.Price, prestige = (v.Prestige or 0), printer = true, level = v.Level, max = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterMax, cmd = 'buyvrondakis'..v.Type..'printer', allowed = v.Allowed, vrondakisName = v.Name, vrondakisType = v.Type, vrondakisXPPerPrint = v.XPPerPrint, vrondakisMoneyPerPrint = v.MoneyPerPrint, vrondakisColor = v.Color, vrondakisModel = v.Model, customCheck = (v.CustomCheck or function() return true end), vrondakisOverheat = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterOverheat, PrinterMaxP = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterMaxP, vrondakisPrinterTime = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterTime, vrondakisIsBuyerRetarded = LevelSystemConfiguration.KeepThisToTrue, vrondakisEpileptic = LevelSystemConfiguration.Epilepsy } if(v.DParams) then for k,v in pairs(v.DParams) do t[k] = v end end DarkRP.createEntity(v.Name,t) end
DarkRP.registerDarkRPVar("xp", net.WriteDouble, net.ReadDouble)
DarkRP.registerDarkRPVar("level", net.WriteDouble, net.ReadDouble)
DarkRP.registerDarkRPVar("prestige", net.WriteDouble, net.ReadDouble)
Merci de votre aide.