Problème lua entités

  • Initiateur de la discussion LohanSolo
  • Date de début
  • Initiateur de la discussion


Oui oui baguette
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Bonjour bonsoir j'ai un problème de lua que je n'arrive par à regler voici la ligne des mes entités

DarkRP.createEntity("Sac", {
ent = "fx_openbag",
model = "models/oldbill/ahfoodbagopen.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbbag",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",
DarkRP.createEntity("Pain bas", {
ent = "fb_bunbottom",
model = "models/oldbill/ahbunbottom.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbbottom",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",

DarkRP.createEntity("Pain haut", {
ent = "fb_buntop",
model = "models/oldbill/ahbuntop.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbtop",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",

DarkRP.createEntity("Boîte à hamburger", {
ent = "fb_openburgerbox",
model = "models/oldbill/ahburgerboxopen.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbopenbox",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",

DarkRP.createEntity("Burger", {
ent = "fb_rawburger",
model = "models/oldbill/ahrawburger.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbburger",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",

DarkRP.createEntity("Grill", {
ent = "fb_egriddle",
model = "models/oldbill/egriddle.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 1,
cmd = "fb",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",

DarkRP.createEntity("Frites", {
ent = "ff_fries",
model = "models/oldbill/ahfries.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbfries",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",

DarkRP.createEntity("Panier à frites", {
ent = "ff_frybasket",
model = "models/oldbill/ahfryerh.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbfrybasket",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",
DarkRP.createEntity("Friteuse", {
ent = "ff_fryer",
model = "models/oldbill/ahfryer.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbfryer",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",
DarkRP.createEntity("Laitue", {
ent = "fb_lettuce",
model = "models/oldbill/ahlettuce.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fblettuce",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",

DarkRP.createEntity("Oignon", {
ent = "fb_onion",
model = "models/oldbill/ahonion.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbonion",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",
DarkRP.createEntity("Tomate", {
ent = "fb_tomato",
model = "models/oldbill/ahtomato.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbtomato",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",
DarkRP.createEntity("Pizza Cru", {
ent = "fz_pizzaraw",
model = "models/oldbill/ahpizzaraw.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbpizza",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",
DarkRP.createEntity("Boite à Pizza", {
ent = "fz_openpizzabox",
model = "models/oldbill/ahpizzabox_open.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbbox",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",
DarkRP.createEntity("Four à Pizza", {
ent = "fz_pizzaoven",
model = "models/oldbill/ahpizzaoven.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 2,
cmd = "fbovenpizza",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",
DarkRP.createEntity("Machine à soda", {
ent = "fs_sodamachine",
model = "models/oldbill/ahsodamachine.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 1,
cmd = "fbsodamachine",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",
DarkRP.createEntity("Straw", {
ent = "fs_sodastraw",
model = "models/oldbill/ahstraw.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbstraw",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",

DarkRP.createEntity("Bas du gobelet", {
ent = "fs_sodacup",
model = "models/oldbill/ahsodacup.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbsodacup",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",

DarkRP.createEntity("Haut du gobelet", {
ent = "fs_sodatop",
model = "models/oldbill/ahsodacontainer.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbsodatop",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",

DarkRP.createEntity("Plateau", {
ent = "fx_tray",
model = "models/oldbill/ahtray.mdl",
price = 100,
max = 4,
cmd = "fbtray",
allowed = {TEAM_CHEF},
category = "Fast Food",

et voici le problème dans la console

There is 1 Lua problem!
Please check your console for more information!
[ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "your custom entities" on line -1.
The best help I can give you is this:

The category of "Sac" ("Fast Food") does not exist!

- Make sure the category is created with DarkRP.createCategory.
- The category name is case sensitive!
- Categories must be created before DarkRP finished loading.

The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
your custom entities
------- End of Simplerr error -------

[DarkRP] There is 1 Lua problem!

Merci de votre future réponse
Yoh Sambre ♪

Yoh Sambre ♪

Shaman Fou
16 273
Score réaction
9 686
1 845
" The category of "Sac" ("Fast Food") does not exist! "

crée une catégorie "Sac" dans ton category.lua
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