Probléme lua

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Salut j'ai des erreurs lua quelqu'un peut m'aider?
There are 2 Lua problems!
Please check your console for more information!
[ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua" on line 460.
The best help I can give you is this:
Failed to retrieve player information from the database.
- This means your database or the connection to your database is fucked.
- This is the error given by the database:
database or disk is full
The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
1. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 460
2. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 345
3. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua on line 300
4. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 290
5. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 344
6. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 345
7. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua on line 300
8. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 290
9. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 344
10. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 345
11. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua on line 300
12. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 290
13. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 344
14. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 345
15. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/libraries/mysqlite/mysqlite.lua on line 300
16. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 290
17. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 344
18. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua on line 431
19. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua on line 587
------- End of Simplerr error -------
[ERROR] A runtime error has occurred in "gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua" on line 388.
The best help I can give you is this:
There is a player with an invalid team!
The player's name is Dobby L'elfe Libre, their team number is "1001", which has the name "Unassigned"
- It is the server owner's responsibility to figure out why that player has no valid team.
- This error is very likely to be caused by an earlier error. If you don't see any errors in your own console, look at the server console.
The responsibility for the error above lies with (the authors of) one (or more) of these files:
1. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sh_createitems.lua on line 388
2. gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_gamemode_functions.lua on line 605
------- End of Simplerr error -------


Geek suprême
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Tu as touché au fichier d'origine de ton Gamemode DarkRP

Prend ces lignes de code et met les dans ; gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/base/sv_data.lua
(le code source est neutre, et sans aucune modification).

Et pour l'autre erreur, c'est exactement la même chose, mais sur d'autres fichiers, un conseil re-télécharge les fichiers de base du mode DarkRP et remplace ceux de ton FTP par ceux-ci, ou alors tu as un système de backup MTX, si tu préférerais un backup dit le moi, je t'expliquerais comment faire.

sv_data.lua :
Functions and variables
local setUpNonOwnableDoors, setUpTeamOwnableDoors, setUpGroupDoors, migrateDB
Database initialize
function DarkRP.initDatabase() MySQLite.begin() -- Gotta love the difference between SQLite and MySQL local AUTOINCREMENT = MySQLite.isMySQL() and "AUTO_INCREMENT" or "AUTOINCREMENT" -- Table that holds all position data (jail, spawns etc.) -- Queue these queries because other queries depend on the existence of the darkrp_position table -- Race conditions could occur if the queries are executed simultaneously MySQLite.queueQuery([[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS darkrp_position( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ]] .. AUTOINCREMENT .. [[, map VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, type CHAR(1) NOT NULL, x INTEGER NOT NULL, y INTEGER NOT NULL, z INTEGER NOT NULL ); ]]) -- team spawns require extra data MySQLite.queueQuery([[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS darkrp_jobspawn( id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, team INTEGER NOT NULL ); ]]) if MySQLite.isMySQL() then MySQLite.queueQuery([[ SELECT NULL FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS WHERE CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND CONSTRAINT_NAME = 'fk_darkrp_jobspawn_position' AND CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'FOREIGN KEY' ]], function(data) if data and data[1] then return end MySQLite.query([[ ALTER TABLE darkrp_jobspawn ADD CONSTRAINT `fk_darkrp_jobspawn_position` FOREIGN KEY(id) REFERENCES darkrp_position(id) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE; ]]) end) end MySQLite.query([[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS playerinformation( uid BIGINT NOT NULL, steamID VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ) ]]) -- Player information MySQLite.query([[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS darkrp_player( uid BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, rpname VARCHAR(45), salary INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 45, wallet INTEGER NOT NULL ); ]]) -- Door data MySQLite.query([[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS darkrp_door( idx INTEGER NOT NULL, map VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, title VARCHAR(25), isLocked BOOLEAN, isDisabled BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, PRIMARY KEY(idx, map) ); ]]) -- Some doors are owned by certain teams MySQLite.query([[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS darkrp_doorjobs( idx INTEGER NOT NULL, map VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, job VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idx, map, job) ); ]]) -- Door groups MySQLite.query([[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS darkrp_doorgroups( idx INTEGER NOT NULL, map VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL, doorgroup VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(idx, map) ) ]]) MySQLite.queueQuery([[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS darkrp_dbversion(version INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY) ]]) -- Load the last DBVersion into DarkRP.DBVersion, to allow checks to see whether migration is needed. MySQLite.queueQuery([[ SELECT MAX(version) AS version FROM darkrp_dbversion ]], function(data) DarkRP.DBVersion = data and data[1] and tonumber(data[1].version) or 0 end) MySQLite.queueQuery([[ REPLACE INTO darkrp_dbversion VALUES(20160610) ]]) -- SQlite doesn't really handle foreign keys strictly, neither does MySQL by default -- So to keep the DB clean, here's a manual partial foreign key enforcement -- For now it's deletion only, since updating of the common attribute doesn't happen. -- MySQL trigger if MySQLite.isMySQL() then MySQLite.query("show triggers", function(data) -- Check if the trigger exists first if data then for k,v in pairs(data) do if v.Trigger == "JobPositionFKDelete" then return end end end MySQLite.query("SHOW PRIVILEGES", function(privs) if not privs then return end local found; for k,v in pairs(privs) do if v.Privilege == "Trigger" then found = true break; end end if not found then return end MySQLite.query([[ CREATE TRIGGER JobPositionFKDelete AFTER DELETE ON darkrp_position FOR EACH ROW IF OLD.type = "T" THEN DELETE FROM darkrp_jobspawn WHERE =; END IF ; ]]) end) end) else -- SQLite triggers, quite a different syntax MySQLite.query([[ CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS JobPositionFKDelete AFTER DELETE ON darkrp_position FOR EACH ROW WHEN OLD.type = "T" BEGIN DELETE FROM darkrp_jobspawn WHERE =; END; ]]) end MySQLite.commit(fp{migrateDB, -- Migrate the database function() -- Initialize the data after all the tables have been created setUpNonOwnableDoors() setUpTeamOwnableDoors() setUpGroupDoors() if MySQLite.isMySQL() then -- In a listen server, the connection with the external database is often made AFTER the listen server host has joined, --so he walks around with the settings from the SQLite database for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do DarkRP.offlinePlayerData(v:SteamID(), function(data) if not data or not data[1] then return end local Data = data[1] v:setDarkRPVar("rpname", Data.rpname) v:setSelfDarkRPVar("salary", Data.salary) v:setDarkRPVar("money", Data.wallet) end) end end hook.Call("DarkRPDBInitialized") end})
Database migration
backwards compatibility with older versions of DarkRP
function migrateDB(callback) local migrateCount = 0 local onFinish = function() migrateCount = migrateCount + 1 if migrateCount == 2 then callback() end end -- migrte from darkrp_jobown to darkrp_doorjobs MySQLite.tableExists("darkrp_jobown", function(exists) if not exists then return onFinish() end MySQLite.begin() -- Create a temporary table that links job IDs to job commands MySQLite.queueQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TempJobCommands(id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, cmd VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL);") if MySQLite.isMySQL() then local jobCommands = {} for k,v in pairs(RPExtraTeams) do table.insert(jobCommands, "(" .. k .. "," .. MySQLite.SQLStr(v.command) .. ")") end -- This WOULD work with SQLite if the implementation in GMod wasn't out of date. MySQLite.queueQuery("INSERT IGNORE INTO TempJobCommands VALUES " .. table.concat(jobCommands, ",") .. ";") else for k,v in pairs(RPExtraTeams) do MySQLite.queueQuery("INSERT INTO TempJobCommands VALUES(" .. k .. ", " .. MySQLite.SQLStr(v.command) .. ");") end end MySQLite.queueQuery("REPLACE INTO darkrp_doorjobs SELECT darkrp_jobown.idx AS idx, AS map, TempJobCommands.cmd AS job FROM darkrp_jobown JOIN TempJobCommands ON darkrp_jobown.job =;") -- Clean up the transition table and the old table MySQLite.queueQuery("DROP TABLE TempJobCommands;") MySQLite.queueQuery("DROP TABLE darkrp_jobown;") MySQLite.commit(onFinish) end) if not DarkRP.DBVersion or DarkRP.DBVersion < 20160610 then if not MySQLite.isMySQL() then -- darkrp_player used to have a UNIQUE rpname field. -- This sucks, get rid of it MySQLite.query([[PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF]]) MySQLite.query([[ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS new_darkrp_player( uid BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, rpname VARCHAR(45), salary INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 45, wallet INTEGER NOT NULL ); ]]) MySQLite.query([[INSERT INTO new_darkrp_player SELECT * FROM darkrp_player]]) MySQLite.query([[DROP TABLE darkrp_player]]) MySQLite.query([[ALTER TABLE new_darkrp_player RENAME TO darkrp_player]]) MySQLite.query([[PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON]]) onFinish() else -- if only SQLite were this easy MySQLite.query([[DROP INDEX rpname ON darkrp_player]], onFinish) end else onFinish() end
function DarkRP.storeRPName(ply, name) if not name or string.len(name) < 2 then return end hook.Call("onPlayerChangedName", nil, ply, ply:getDarkRPVar("rpname"), name) ply:setDarkRPVar("rpname", name) MySQLite.query([[UPDATE darkrp_player SET rpname = ]] .. MySQLite.SQLStr(name) .. [[ WHERE UID = ]] .. ply:SteamID64() .. ";") MySQLite.query([[UPDATE darkrp_player SET rpname = ]] .. MySQLite.SQLStr(name) .. [[ WHERE UID = ]] .. ply:UniqueID() .. ";")
function DarkRP.retrieveRPNames(name, callback) MySQLite.query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM darkrp_player WHERE rpname = " .. MySQLite.SQLStr(name) .. ";", function(r) callback(tonumber(r[1].count) > 0) end)
function DarkRP.offlinePlayerData(steamid, callback, failed) local sid64 = util.SteamIDTo64(steamid) local uniqueid = util.CRC("gm_" .. string.upper(steamid) .. "_gm") MySQLite.query(string.format([[REPLACE INTO playerinformation VALUES(%s, %s);]], MySQLite.SQLStr(sid64), MySQLite.SQLStr(steamid)), nil, failed) local query = [[ SELECT rpname, wallet, salary, "SID64" AS kind FROM darkrp_player where uid = %s UNION SELECT rpname, wallet, salary, "UniqueID" AS kind FROM darkrp_player where uid = %s ; ]] MySQLite.query( query:format(sid64, uniqueid), function(data, ...) -- The database has no record of the player data in SteamID64 form -- Otherwise the first row would have kind SID64 if data and data[1] and data[1].kind == "UniqueID" then -- The rpname must be unique -- adding a new row with uid = SteamID64, but the same rpname will remove the uid=UniqueID row local replquery = [[ REPLACE INTO darkrp_player(uid, rpname, wallet, salary) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s) ]] MySQLite.begin() MySQLite.queueQuery( replquery:format( sid64, data[1].rpname == "NULL" and "NULL" or MySQLite.SQLStr(data[1].rpname), data[1].wallet, data[1].salary ), nil, failed ) MySQLite.commit() end return callback and callback(data, ...) end , failed )
function DarkRP.retrievePlayerData(ply, callback, failed, attempts, err) attempts = attempts or 0 if attempts > 3 then return failed(err) end DarkRP.offlinePlayerData(ply:SteamID(), callback, function(sqlErr) DarkRP.retrievePlayerData(ply, callback, failed, attempts + 1, sqlErr) end)
function DarkRP.createPlayerData(ply, name, wallet, salary) MySQLite.query([[REPLACE INTO darkrp_player VALUES(]] .. ply:SteamID64() .. [[, ]] .. MySQLite.SQLStr(name) .. [[, ]] .. salary .. [[, ]] .. wallet .. ");") -- Backwards compatibility MySQLite.query([[REPLACE INTO darkrp_player VALUES(]] .. ply:UniqueID() .. [[, ]] .. MySQLite.SQLStr(name) .. [[, ]] .. salary .. [[, ]] .. wallet .. ");")
function DarkRP.storeMoney(ply, amount) if not IsValid(ply) then return end if not isnumber(amount) or amount < 0 or amount >= 1 / 0 then return end -- Also keep deprecated UniqueID data at least somewhat up to date MySQLite.query([[UPDATE darkrp_player SET wallet = ]] .. amount .. [[ WHERE uid = ]] .. ply:UniqueID() .. [[ OR uid = ]] .. ply:SteamID64())
function DarkRP.storeOfflineMoney(sid64, amount) if isnumber(sid64) or isstring(sid64) and string.len(sid64) < 18 then -- smaller than 76561197960265728 is not a SteamID64 DarkRP.errorNoHalt([[Some addon is giving DarkRP.storeOfflineMoney a UniqueID as its first argument, but this function now expects a SteamID64]], 2, { "The function used to take UniqueIDs, but it does not anymore." , "If you are a server owner, please look closely to the files mentioned in this error" , "After all, these files will tell you WHICH addon is doing it" , "This is NOT a DarkRP bug!" , "Your server will continue working normally" , "But whichever addon just tried to store an offline player's money" , "Will NOT take effect!" }) end -- Also store on deprecated UniqueID local uniqueid = util.CRC("gm_" .. string.upper(util.SteamIDFrom64(sid64)) .. "_gm") MySQLite.query([[UPDATE darkrp_player SET wallet = ]] .. amount .. [[ WHERE uid = ]] .. uniqueid .. [[ OR uid = ]] .. sid64)
local function resetAllMoney(ply,cmd,args) if ply:EntIndex() ~= 0 and not ply:IsSuperAdmin() then return end MySQLite.query("UPDATE darkrp_player SET wallet = " .. GAMEMODE.Config.startingmoney .. " ;") for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do v:setDarkRPVar("money", GAMEMODE.Config.startingmoney) end if ply:IsPlayer() then DarkRP.notifyAll(0,4, DarkRP.getPhrase("reset_money", ply:Nick())) else DarkRP.notifyAll(0,4, DarkRP.getPhrase("reset_money", "Console")) end
concommand.Add("rp_resetallmoney", resetAllMoney)
function DarkRP.storeSalary(ply, amount) ply:setSelfDarkRPVar("salary", math.floor(amount)) return amount
function DarkRP.retrieveSalary(ply, callback) if not IsValid(ply) then return 0 end local val = ply:getJobTable() and ply:getJobTable().salary or RPExtraTeams[GAMEMODE.DefaultTeam].salary or (GM or GAMEMODE).Config.normalsalary if callback then callback(val) end return val
local meta = FindMetaTable("Player")
function meta:restorePlayerData() if not IsValid(self) then return end self.DarkRPUnInitialized = true DarkRP.retrievePlayerData(self, function(data) if not IsValid(self) then return end self.DarkRPUnInitialized = nil local info = data and data[1] or {} if not info.rpname or info.rpname == "NULL" then info.rpname = string.gsub(self:SteamName(), "\\\"", "\"") end info.wallet = info.wallet or GAMEMODE.Config.startingmoney info.salary = DarkRP.retrieveSalary(self) self:setDarkRPVar("money", tonumber(info.wallet)) self:setSelfDarkRPVar("salary", tonumber(info.salary)) self:setDarkRPVar("rpname", info.rpname) if not data then info = hook.Call("onPlayerFirstJoined", nil, self, info) or info DarkRP.createPlayerData(self, info.rpname, info.wallet, info.salary) end end, function(err) -- Retrieving data failed, go on without it self.DarkRPUnInitialized = true -- no information should be saved from here, or the playerdata might be reset self:setDarkRPVar("money", GAMEMODE.Config.startingmoney) self:setSelfDarkRPVar("salary", DarkRP.retrieveSalary(self)) local name = string.gsub(self:SteamName(), "\\\"", "\"") self:setDarkRPVar("rpname", name) self.DarkRPDataRetrievalFailed = true -- marker on the player that says shit is fucked DarkRP.error("Failed to retrieve player information from the database. ", nil, {"This means your database or the connection to your database is fucked.", "This is the error given by the database:\n\t\t" .. tostring(err)}) end)
function DarkRP.storeDoorData(ent) if not ent:CreatedByMap() then return end local map = string.lower(game.GetMap()) local nonOwnable = ent:getKeysNonOwnable() local title = ent:getKeysTitle() MySQLite.query([[REPLACE INTO darkrp_door VALUES(]] .. ent:doorIndex() .. [[, ]] .. MySQLite.SQLStr(map) .. [[, ]] .. (title and MySQLite.SQLStr(title) or "NULL") .. [[, ]] .. "NULL" .. [[, ]] .. (nonOwnable and 1 or 0) .. [[);]])
function setUpNonOwnableDoors() MySQLite.query("SELECT idx, title, isLocked, isDisabled FROM darkrp_door WHERE map = " .. MySQLite.SQLStr(string.lower(game.GetMap())) .. ";", function(r) if not r then return end for _, row in pairs(r) do local e = DarkRP.doorIndexToEnt(tonumber(row.idx)) if not IsValid(e) then continue end if e:isKeysOwnable() then if tobool(row.isDisabled) then e:setKeysNonOwnable(tobool(row.isDisabled)) end if row.isLocked and row.isLocked ~= "NULL" then e:Fire((tobool(row.isLocked) and "" or "un") .. "lock", "", 0) end e:setKeysTitle(row.title ~= "NULL" and row.title or nil) end end end)
local keyValueActions = { ["DarkRPNonOwnable"] = function(ent, val) ent:setKeysNonOwnable(tobool(val)) end, ["DarkRPTitle"] = function(ent, val) ent:setKeysTitle(val) end, ["DarkRPDoorGroup"] = function(ent, val) if RPExtraTeamDoors[val] then ent:setDoorGroup(val) end end, ["DarkRPCanLockpick"] = function(ent, val) ent.DarkRPCanLockpick = tobool(val) end
local function onKeyValue(ent, key, value) if not ent:isDoor() then return end if keyValueActions[key] then keyValueActions[key](ent, value) end
hook.Add("EntityKeyValue", "darkrp_doors", onKeyValue)
function DarkRP.storeTeamDoorOwnability(ent) if not ent:CreatedByMap() then return end local map = string.lower(game.GetMap()) MySQLite.query("DELETE FROM darkrp_doorjobs WHERE idx = " .. ent:doorIndex() .. " AND map = " .. MySQLite.SQLStr(map) .. ";") for k,v in pairs(ent:getKeysDoorTeams() or {}) do MySQLite.query("INSERT INTO darkrp_doorjobs VALUES(" .. ent:doorIndex() .. ", " .. MySQLite.SQLStr(map) .. ", " .. MySQLite.SQLStr(RPExtraTeams[k].command) .. ");") end
function setUpTeamOwnableDoors() MySQLite.query("SELECT idx, job FROM darkrp_doorjobs WHERE map = " .. MySQLite.SQLStr(string.lower(game.GetMap())) .. ";", function(r) if not r then return end local map = string.lower(game.GetMap()) for _, row in pairs(r) do row.idx = tonumber(row.idx) local e = DarkRP.doorIndexToEnt(row.idx) if not IsValid(e) then continue end local _, job = DarkRP.getJobByCommand(row.job) if job then e:addKeysDoorTeam(job) else print(("can't find job %s for door %d, removing from database"):format(row.job, row.idx)) MySQLite.query(("DELETE FROM darkrp_doorjobs WHERE idx = %d AND map = %s AND job = %s;"):format(row.idx, MySQLite.SQLStr(map), MySQLite.SQLStr(row.job))) end end end)
function DarkRP.storeDoorGroup(ent, group) if not ent:CreatedByMap() then return end local map = MySQLite.SQLStr(string.lower(game.GetMap())) local index = ent:doorIndex() if group == "" or not group then MySQLite.query("DELETE FROM darkrp_doorgroups WHERE map = " .. map .. " AND idx = " .. index .. ";") return end MySQLite.query("REPLACE INTO darkrp_doorgroups VALUES(" .. index .. ", " .. map .. ", " .. MySQLite.SQLStr(group) .. ");");
function setUpGroupDoors() local map = MySQLite.SQLStr(string.lower(game.GetMap())) MySQLite.query("SELECT idx, doorgroup FROM darkrp_doorgroups WHERE map = " .. map, function(data) if not data then return end for _, row in pairs(data) do local ent = DarkRP.doorIndexToEnt(tonumber(row.idx)) if not IsValid(ent) or not ent:isKeysOwnable() then continue end if not RPExtraTeamDoorIDs[row.doorgroup] then continue end ent:setDoorGroup(row.doorgroup) end end)
hook.Add("PostCleanupMap", "DarkRP.hooks", function() setUpNonOwnableDoors() setUpTeamOwnableDoors() setUpGroupDoors()
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j'ai rien touché c'est arrivé d'un coup, j'ai déjà remplacé les fichier mais ça beug toujours


Geek suprême
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Mmmh, essaye de réinstaller le DarkRP entier..

Fait une copie des jobs avant
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même erreur:(


Geek suprême
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Utilise tu des leaks ? :)
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Je ne sais pas quoi mettre
2 262
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tu veux dire quoi par louche?


Je ne sais pas quoi mettre
2 262
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orlight à dit:
tu veux dire quoi par louche?
Bah c’est bizarrr quoi, essaye de supprimer le sv.db qui se situe je ne sais plus ou ( sa va supprimer toutes les donnees du serveur, argent des joueurs,etc...) donc fait un backup au cas ou.
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