Problème pour configuré le gamemode BaseWars

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BCZ Gaming

BCZ Gaming

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Salut, si tu regarde ce poste c'est que tu t'y connait ou que tu est curieux xD.
Je suis un petit configurateur de serv est je me lance un peu sur le BaseWars. J'aimerais savoir si vous savez comment faire pour ajouter des véhicule, entité, arme... Merci d'avance. Tenez le lien de l'addond que j'utilise.


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Tu as bien regarder le ? Tout est expliqué dedans.

Pour utiliser le gamemode tu as différente chose à installé en plus. (easylua)

Pour la config c'est ici: basewars/gamemode/config.lua
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BCZ Gaming

BCZ Gaming

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Oui. Mais il y a pas pour ajouter de entité en plus c'est en anglais xD. Mais je vais vérifier.
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BCZ Gaming

BCZ Gaming

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# BaseWars
BaseWars is a gamemode all about printing and raiding. Build your own base to print tons of money while fighting off enemies trying to raid you! By itself, this can be managed without having a lot of Lua knowledge easily but with it can also function as a framework for a developer to work upon!
If you want to try it out before buying, feel free to join our official server:
## Features
* Support for 7 languages out the box! (English, French, Russian, Dutch, German, Spanish, Korean)
* Easy to setup!
* Easy to configure!
* Crashes recover lost player money!
* Progression via a configurable leveling system!
* Automated anti-spawnkill!
* Automated raiding, no more 'random raids'!
* Custom chatbox and chathud!
* Built-in textscreen tool!
* Custom language support!
* Developer support!
* Easy to use entity bases!
## Installation
The gamemode's default config uses Customizable Weaponry 2.0, you can install the needed packs from [here](, [here]( and [here](
If you don't want to use CW2.0, you can easily edit the config to add your own weapons!
### Prerequisites
* A CPPI compliant prop-protection addon.
* A fading door addon.
* CS:S needs to be mounted serverside, clients will need to have CSS mounted too, along with TF2 mounted for certain sounds.
* A working FastDL. The gamemode uses some custom content. If you don't know how to setup a FastDL server, take a look at google or refer to [this guide](
* Easylua, which can be downloaded [here](
### Installing the gamemode
* Drag the folder into ```garrysmod/gamemodes```.
* Make sure easylua is installed in ```lua/autorun```.
* Edit ```garrysmod/gamemodes/basewars/gamemode/config.lua``` to your own liking.
* #### MAKE SURE you installed a CPPI compliant prop-protection addon.
## Support
This gamemode will be updated to work for every Garry's Mod update. If you have any issues or feedback, feel free to open a support ticket.
## Usage for admins
/psa <text to display>
/xpmult <xp multiplier>
developer 2;spawnmenu_reload // (In console) Disables spawnmenu restrictions and loads all tabs
## Usage for developers
-- Manipulating players money ply:GiveMoney(amt) ply:SetMoney(amt) ply:TakeMoney(amt)
-- Manipulating players level ply:AddLevel(amt) ply:SetLevel(amt) ply:SetXP(amt) ply:AddXP(amt)
-- Manipulating players karma ply:AddKarma(amt) ply:SetKarma(amt)
-- Utility global functions BaseWars.Raid:IsOnGoing() BaseWars.UTIL.Log(...) BaseWars.UTIL.RefundAll(ply, returnAsTable) -- Call with no arg to do full server refund, with arg to refund only them, call with second arg to REFUND NO-ONE but get a 'UID = Money' table BaseWars.NumberFormat(number) -- Converts to scale suffixed, eg 8,100,000 -> 8.1 Million
-- Utility metamethods ply:InFaction(name, leader) -- args optional, ply:InFaction() for ANY faction, ply:InFaction(nil, true) if LEADER of ANY faction, ect ply:InRaid() ply:Raidable(ignoreCooldown) ply:IsEnemy(ply2) ply:Notify(string, color) -- For strings try and keep them localised using BaseWars.LANG, and there are some global color enums, BASEWARS_NOTIFCATION_*
-- Available hooks hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerEmptyPrinter", "name", function(ply, ent, money) end)
-- Can return false to prevent emptying a printer, with second arg being an error message hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerCanEmptyPrinter", "name", function(ply, ent money) end) hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerBuyEntity", "name", function(ply, ent) end) hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerBuyGun", "name", function(ply, ent) end) hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerBuyDrug", "name", function(ply, ent) end) hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerBuyProp", "name", function(ply, ent) end)
-- 'CanBuy' hooks can be returned as false to block buying, with the second arg being an error message hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerCanBuyEntity", "name", function(ply, class) end) hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerCanBuyGun", "name", function(ply, class) end) hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerCanBuyDrug", "name", function(ply, class) end) hook.Add("BaseWars_PlayerCanBuyProp", "name", function(ply, class) end)
-- Similar to the 'CanBuy', you can return false with an error message. hook.Add("CanCreateFaction", "name", function(ply, name, password) end) hook.Add("CanJoinFaction", "name", function(ply, name, password) end) hook.Add("CanLeaveFaction", "name", function(ply, disband) end)
-- Same as above, false to make them unraidable, followed by a reason why. hook.Add("PlayerIsRaidable", "name", function(ply) end)
-- Called when certain drug events happen to a player hook.Add("PlayerRemoveDrug", "name", function(ply, effect) end) hook.Add("PlayerApplyDrug", "name", function(ply, effect) end)
-- Called when certain things happen during a raid hook.Add("RaidStart", "name", function(versus, versus2, isFactionRaid) end) hook.Add("RaidEnded", "name", function() end)
-- Deriving entities ENT.Base = "bw_base" -- Generic electronic ENT.Base = "bw_base_electronics" -- Power CONSUMING electronic ENT.Base = "bw_base_generator" -- Power GENERATING electronic ENT.Base = "bw_base_moneyprinter" -- Template moneyprinter ENT.Base = "bw_base_turret" -- Automated turrets! ENT.Base = "bw_base_explosive" -- Explosive base, with support for cluster bombs ENT.Base = "bw_explosive_mine" -- Explosive base with code for proximity detonation
-- You can also base off of a lot of entities if you want to inherit their behaviours
-- For example, the vending machine contains a lot of code that allows its behaviour to be modified
Voilà perso j'ai rien trouver xD


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Pour ajouter une entité ? Dans le menu du basewars ? Ben tu l’ajoute à la config ^^
  • Initiateur de la discussion
BCZ Gaming

BCZ Gaming

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Zaros_Live à dit:
Tu as bien regarder le ? Tout est expliqué dedans.

Pour utiliser le gamemode tu as différente chose à installé en plus. (easylua)

Pour la config c'est ici: basewars/gamemode/config.lua
Nan c bon c dans le config.lua merci beaucoup.


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  • Initiateur de la discussion
BCZ Gaming

BCZ Gaming

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Zaros_Live à dit:
Oui c’est se que j’ai dis FailFish
Its eu prank caméra caché . Merci bcp bisous. :pKappa
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