Retirer Vrondakis printer du menu f4 (entitées)

  • Initiateur de la discussion
Jo Ballas

Jo Ballas

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J'essaye de retirer les vrondakis printer de mon menu f4 mais ils se rajoutent automatiquement.
J'utilise cette addon

Steam Workshop::DarkRP Leveling System (FIXED) (

Le code ressemble a ceci
local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Level 10'
Printer.Type = 'goldenprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 150
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 30
Printer.Color = Color(255,215,0)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 1200
Printer.Level = 10
Printer.Prestige = 0

NB: J'utilise un npc pour vendre les printers c'est pour cette raison que j'aimerais bien qu'il ne s'affiche pas dans le menu f4.


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Il doit utiliser un DarkRP.createEntity


2 191
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Il est dans ta collection ?


Geek suprême
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C'est exactement ici : Leveling-System/lua/darkrp_modules/levels/sh_config.lua, ligne 75 à 206 si tu possède la version Github.
  • Initiateur de la discussion
Jo Ballas

Jo Ballas

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Cleazyy à dit:
Il doit utiliser un DarkRP.createEntity
Le truc c'est que le code est chelou et que si je le modifie, les printers n'apparaissent plus dans le menu f4 entities mais cela fais bug les printers du npc qui vend les printers que j'ai rajouter sur mon serveur.
  • Initiateur de la discussion
Jo Ballas

Jo Ballas

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xLomble77 à dit:
Il est dans ta collection ?
J'utilise la version github, GitHub - uen/Leveling-System: Leveling system in gLua (For DarkRP)
  • Initiateur de la discussion
Jo Ballas

Jo Ballas

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LevelSystemConfiguration = {} -- Ignore
local Printers = {} -- Ignore
local Books = {} -- Ignore

LevelSystemConfiguration.Language = "FR" -- (available: FR, EN, PL)

LevelSystemConfiguration.EnableBar = false -- Is the XP Bar enabled?
LevelSystemConfiguration.BarText = false -- Is the bar text enabled?
LevelSystemConfiguration.XPTextColor = Color(255,255,255,255) -- The color of the XP percentage HUD element.
LevelSystemConfiguration.LevelBarColor = {6,116,255} -- The color of the XP bar. (Sorry this one is different. It is still {R,G,B})
LevelSystemConfiguration.XPBarYPos = 0 -- Y position of the XP bar
LevelSystemConfiguration.LevelText = false -- Enable the white text on left bottom?
LevelSystemConfiguration.LevelColor = Color(255,255,255,255) -- The color of the "Level: 1" HUD element. White looks best. (This setting is nullified if you have the prestige system)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LevelTextPos = {1.5, 180.0} -- The position of the LevelText. Y starts from bottom. Fiddle with it
LevelSystemConfiguration.DisplayLevel = false -- Show player levels when you look at them
LevelSystemConfiguration.GreenJobBars = false -- Are the green bars at the bottom of jobs enabled? KEEP THIS TRUE!
LevelSystemConfiguration.GreenAllBars = false -- Are the green bars at the bottom of everything but jobs enabled? Recommended(true)

LevelSystemConfiguration.KillModule = true -- Give XP + Money for kills! -- Next 2 settings control this.
LevelSystemConfiguration.Friendly = false -- Only take away money / give XP if the killer is a lower level/same level than the victim. (Recommended:true)
LevelSystemConfiguration.TakeAwayMoneyAmount = 100 -- How much money to take away from players when they are killed and add to the killer. You can change this to 0 if none. The XP amount is dynamic.
LevelSystemConfiguration.NPCXP = false -- Give XP when an NPC is killed?
LevelSystemConfiguration.NPCXPAmount = 10 -- Amount of XP to give when an NPC is killed

LevelSystemConfiguration.TimerModule = true -- Give XP to everybody every howeverlong
LevelSystemConfiguration.Timertime = 3600 -- How much time (in seconds) until everybody gets given XP
LevelSystemConfiguration.TimerXPAmount = 500 -- How much XP to give each time it goes off
LevelSystemConfiguration.TimerXPAmountVip = 5000 -- How much XP to give for vip players each time it goes off
LevelSystemConfiguration.TimerXPVipGroups = {"vips", "premiums"} -- The vip groups

LevelSystemConfiguration.XPMult = 1 -- How hard it is to level up. 2 would require twice as much XP, ect.
LevelSystemConfiguration.MaxLevel = 1000 -- The max level
LevelSystemConfiguration.ContinueXP = true -- If remaining XP continues over to next levels. I recommend this to be false. Seriously. What if a level 1 gets 99999999 XP somehow? He is level 99 so quickly.
LevelSystemConfiguration.BoughtXP = false -- Does the player gain xp from buying something (shipment/entity)

LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterSound = false -- Give the printers sounds?
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterMaxP = 4 -- How many times a printer can print before stopping. Change this to 0 if you want infine.
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterMax = 9999 -- How many printers of a certain type a player can own at any one time
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterOverheat = false -- Can printers overheat?
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterTime = 45 -- How long it takes printers to print
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterCanCollect = false -- Can players collect from printers that are 5 levels above their level? (Recommended: false)
LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterEpilepsy = false -- If printers flash different colors when they have money in them.

LevelSystemConfiguration.BookMax = 4 -- How many Books of a certain type a player can own at any one time
LevelSystemConfiguration.BookOnTouch = true -- Consume the book on touch?

/Template Code for printers/
local Printer= {} -- Leave this line
Printer.Name = 'Your Printer Name'
Printer.Type = 'yourprintername' -- A UNIQUE identifier STRING, can be anything. NO SPACES! The player does not see this.
Printer.Category = 'printers' -- The category of the printer (See
Printer.XPPerPrint = 10 -- How much XP to give a player every time they print.
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 50 -- How much money to give a player every time they print.
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255,255) -- The color of the printer. Setting it to (255,255,255,255) will make it the normal prop color.
Printer.Model = 'models/props_lab/reciever01b.mdl' -- The model of the printer. To find the path of a model, right click it in the spawn menu and click "Copy to Clipboard"
Printer.Prestige = 0 -- The prestige you have to be to buy the printer. Only works with the prestige DLC on Gmodstore.
Printer.Allowed = {} -- Same as DarkRP .allowed
Printer.CustomCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"vip"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end -- Custom check, this one will make the printer vip only
Printer.CustomCheckFailMsg = "This printer is vip only" -- Message to display if the player can't buy the entity
table.insert(Printers,Printer) -- Leave this line

local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Débutant'
Printer.Type = 'regularprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 75
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 25
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255,255)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 1000
Printer.Level = 0
Printer.Prestige = 0

local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Level 10'
Printer.Type = 'goldenprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 150
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 30
Printer.Color = Color(255,215,0)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 1200
Printer.Level = 10
Printer.Prestige = 0

local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Level 20'
Printer.Type = 'rubyprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 300
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 35
Printer.Color = Color(255,0,0)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 1400
Printer.Level = 20
Printer.Prestige = 0

local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Level 30'
Printer.Type = 'platprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 600
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 40
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 1600
Printer.Level = 30
Printer.Prestige = 0

local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Level 40'
Printer.Type = 'diamondprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 800
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 45
Printer.Color = Color(135,200,250)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 1800
Printer.Level = 40
Printer.Prestige = 0

local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Level 50'
Printer.Type = 'emeraldprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 1000
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 50
Printer.Color = Color(0,100,0)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 2000
Printer.Level = 50
Printer.Prestige = 0

local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Level 60'
Printer.Type = 'unubprinter'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 1200
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 55
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 2200
Printer.Level = 60
Printer.Prestige = 0

local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Level 70'
Printer.Type = 'unubprinter1'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 1400
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 60
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 2400
Printer.Level = 70
Printer.Prestige = 0

local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Level 80'
Printer.Type = 'unubprinter2'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 1600
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 65
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 2600
Printer.Level = 80
Printer.Prestige = 0

local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Level 90'
Printer.Type = 'unubprinter3'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 1800
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 70
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 2800
Printer.Level = 90
Printer.Prestige = 0

local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Level 100'
Printer.Type = 'unubprinter4'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 2000
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 75
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 3000
Printer.Level = 100
Printer.Prestige = 0

local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Level 110'
Printer.Type = 'unubprinter5'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 2200
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 80
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 3200
Printer.Level = 110
Printer.Prestige = 0

/Template Code for books/
local Book= {} -- Leave this line
Book.Name = 'Your Book Name'
Book.Type = 'yourbookname' -- A UNIQUE identifier STRING, can be anything. NO SPACES! The player does not see this.
Book.Category = 'Books' -- The category of the Book (See
Book.Color = Color(255,255,255,255) -- The color of the Book. Setting it to (255,255,255,255) will make it the normal prop color.
Book.Model = 'models/props_lab/binderblue.mdl' -- The model of the Book. To find the path of a model, right click it in the spawn menu and click "Copy to Clipboard"
Book.Prestige = 0 -- The prestige you have to be to buy the Book. Only works with the prestige DLC on Gmodstore.
Book.Allowed = {} -- Same as DarkRP .allowed
Book.CustomCheck = function(ply) return CLIENT or table.HasValue({"vip"}, ply:GetNWString("usergroup")) end -- Custom check, this one will make the printer vip only
Book.CustomCheckFailMsg = "This book is vip only" -- Message to display if the player can't buy the entity
table.insert(Books,Book) -- Leave this line

local Book={}
Book.Name = 'Small Book'
Book.Type = 'smallbook'
Book.Color = Color(255,255,255)
Book.Model = 'models/props_lab/binderblue.mdl'
Book.Price = 250
Book.XP = 500
Book.Level = 1
Book.Prestige = 0

local Book={}
Book.Name = 'Medium Book'
Book.Type = 'mediumbook'
Book.Color = Color(255,255,255)
Book.Model = 'models/props_lab/bindergreen.mdl'
Book.Price = 1000
Book.XP = 2000
Book.Level = 1
Book.Prestige = 0

local Book={}
Book.Name = 'Big Book'
Book.Type = 'bigbook'
Book.Color = Color(255,255,255)
Book.Model = 'models/props_lab/binderredlabel.mdl'
Book.Price = 2500
Book.XP = 5000
Book.Level = 1
Book.Prestige = 0

if LevelSystemConfiguration.Language =="FR" then
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangBuyEntity = "Vous n\'avez pas le bon level pour acheter ça" -- Error message when someone can't buy an entity
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangTakeJob = "Vous n\'avez pas le bon level pour avoir ce job" -- Error message when someone can't take a job
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangKillNotify = "Vous avez reçu %s XP et %s pour avoir tué %s" -- Notification to the killer when he kill someone (vars: XP, money, victime)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangKillNotify2 = "Vous avez reçu %s XP pour avoir tué %s" -- Notification to the killer when he kill someone (vars: XP, victime)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangKillNotify3 = "Vous avez tué %s" -- Notification to the killer when he kill someone (vars: victime)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangKillNPC = "Vous avez reçu %s XP pour avoir tué un NPC." -- Notification to the killer when he kill a npc (vars: XP)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangDeath = "Vous êtes mort et avez perdu %s!" -- Notification to the victim when he lost money on death (vars: money)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangPlayOn = "Vous obtenez %s XP, pour avoir joué sur le serveur" -- Notification to everyone when they gain xp by the timer (vars: XP)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangRecieveXP = "Vous obtenez %s XP" -- Notification to the player when he recieve xp (vars: ammount)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangReachLevel = "%s a atteint le niveau %s!" -- Notification to everyone when someone reach a level (vars: name, PlayerLevel)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangBookNotify = "Vous avez reçu %s XP pour avoir utilisé un livre %s!" -- Notification to the player when he use a book (vars: XP, bookname)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangPrinterUse = "Vous obtenez %s XP et %s du printer"
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangPrinterLevel = "Vous devez avoir un plus haut niveau pour utiliser ce printer"
elseif LevelSystemConfiguration.Language == "PL" then
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangBuyEntity = "Ty nie masz odpowiedniego poziomu by to kupić!" -- Error message when someone can't buy an entity
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangTakeJob = "Ty nie masz odpowiedniego poziomu by tym zostać!" -- Error message when someone can't take a job
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangKillNotify = "Ty masz %s XP i %s za zabicie %s" -- Notification to the killer when he kill someone (vars: XP, money, victime)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangKillNotify2 = "Ty masz %s XP za zabicie %s" -- Notification to the killer when he kill someone (vars: XP, victime)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangKillNotify3 = "Zabiłeś %s" -- Notification to the killer when he kill someone (vars: victime)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangKillNPC = "Ty masz %s XP za zabicie NPC." -- Notification to the killer when he kill a npc (vars: XP)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangDeath = "Zmarłeś i straciłeś %s!" -- Notification to the victim when he lost money on death (vars: money)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangPlayOn = "Ty masz %s XP za grę na serwerze." -- Notification to everyone when they gain xp by the timer (vars: XP)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangRecieveXP = "Ty masz %s XP!" -- Notification to the player when he recieve xp (vars: ammount)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangReachLevel = "%s osiągnął poziom %s!" -- Notification to everyone when someone reach a level (vars: name, PlayerLevel)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangBookNotify = "Ty masz %s XP za korzystanie z książki %s!" -- Notification to the player when he use a book (vars: XP, bookname)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangPrinterUse = "Ty masz %s XP i %s z tej drukarki."
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangPrinterLevel = "Aby móc z tego korzystać, musisz być na wyższym poziomie!"
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangBuyEntity = "You\'re not the right level to buy this!" -- Error message when someone can't buy an entity
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangTakeJob = "You\'re not the right level to become this!" -- Error message when someone can't take a job
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangKillNotify = "You got %s XP and %s for killing %s" -- Notification to the killer when he kill someone (vars: XP, money, victime)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangKillNotify2 = "You got %s XP for killing %s" -- Notification to the killer when he kill someone (vars: XP, victime)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangKillNotify3 = "You killed %s" -- Notification to the killer when he kill someone (vars: victime)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangKillNPC = "You got %s XP for killing an NPC." -- Notification to the killer when he kill a npc (vars: XP)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangDeath = "You died and lost %s!" -- Notification to the victim when he lost money on death (vars: money)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangPlayOn = "You got %s XP for playing on the server." -- Notification to everyone when they gain xp by the timer (vars: XP)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangRecieveXP = "You got %s XP!" -- Notification to the player when he recieve xp (vars: ammount)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangReachLevel = "%s has reached level %s!" -- Notification to everyone when someone reach a level (vars: name, PlayerLevel)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangBookNotify = "You got %s XP for using the book %s!" -- Notification to the player when he use a book (vars: XP, bookname)
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangPrinterUse = "You got %s XP and %s from this printer."
LevelSystemConfiguration.LangPrinterLevel = "You need to be a higher level to use this!"

hook.Add("loadCustomDarkRPItems", "manolis:MVLevels:CustomLoad", function()

for k,v in pairs(Printers) do
local Errors = {}
if not type(v.Name) == 'string' then table.insert(Errors, 'The name of a printer is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.Type) == 'string' then table.insert(Errors, 'The type of a printer is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.XPPerPrint) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The XP of a printer is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.MoneyPerPrint) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The money of a printer is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.Color) == 'table' then table.insert(Errors, 'The color of a printer is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.Model) == 'string' then table.insert(Errors, 'The model of a printer is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.Price) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The price of a printer is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.Category) == 'string' then v.Category='' end
if not type(v.Level) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The level of a printer is INVALID!') end
local ErrorCount = 0
for k,v in pairs(Errors) do
ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1

if not(ErrorCount==0) then return false end

local t = {
ent = "vrondakis_printer",
model = v.Model,
category = v.Category,
price = v.Price,
prestige = (v.Prestige or 0),
printer = true,
level = v.Level,
max = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterMax,
cmd = 'buyvrondakis'..v.Type..'printer',
allowed = v.Allowed,
vrondakisName = v.Name,
vrondakisType = v.Type,
vrondakisXPPerPrint = v.XPPerPrint,
vrondakisMoneyPerPrint = v.MoneyPerPrint,
vrondakisColor = v.Color,
vrondakisModel = v.Model,
customCheck = (v.CustomCheck or function() return true end),
CustomCheckFailMsg = v.CustomCheckFailMsg,
vrondakisPrinterOverheat = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterOverheat,
vrondakisPrinterMaxP = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterMaxP,
vrondakisPrinterTime = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterTime,
vrondakisPrinterCanCollect = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterCanCollect,
vrondakisPrinterEpilepsy = LevelSystemConfiguration.PrinterEpilepsy

if(v.DParams) then
for k,v in pairs(v.DParams) do
t[k] = v



for k,v in pairs(Books) do
local Errors = {}
if not type(v.Name) == 'string' then table.insert(Errors, 'The name of a book is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.Type) == 'string' then table.insert(Errors, 'The type of a book is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.Color) == 'table' then table.insert(Errors, 'The color of a book is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.Model) == 'string' then table.insert(Errors, 'The model of a book is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.Price) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The price of a book is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.XP) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The xp ammount of a book is INVALID!') end
if not type(v.Category) == 'string' then v.Category='' end
if not type(v.Level) == 'number' then table.insert(Errors, 'The level of a book is INVALID!') end
local ErrorCount = 0
for k,v in pairs(Errors) do
ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1

if not(ErrorCount==0) then return false end

local t = {
ent = "vrondakis_book",
model = v.Model,
category = v.Category,
price = v.Price,
xp = v.XP,
prestige = (v.Prestige or 0),
book = true,
level = v.Level,
max = LevelSystemConfiguration.BookMax,
cmd = 'buyvrondakis'..v.Type..'book',
allowed = v.Allowed,
vrondakisName = v.Name,
vrondakisType = v.Type,
vrondakisColor = v.Color,
vrondakisModel = v.Model,
customCheck = (v.CustomCheck or function() return true end),
CustomCheckFailMsg = v.CustomCheckFailMsg,

if(v.DParams) then
for k,v in pairs(v.DParams) do
t[k] = v




DarkRP.registerDarkRPVar("xp", net.WriteDouble, net.ReadDouble)
DarkRP.registerDarkRPVar("level", net.WriteDouble, net.ReadDouble)
DarkRP.registerDarkRPVar("prestige", net.WriteDouble, net.ReadDouble)


Geek suprême
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Midow12 à dit:
C'est exactement ici : Leveling-System/lua/darkrp_modules/levels/sh_config.lua, ligne 75 à 206 si tu possède la version Github.
  • J'aime
Réactions: Jo Ballas


2 191
Score réaction
D'accord, personnellement ce que j'ai toujours fait, tu te rends dans :
Leveling-System/lua/darkrp_modules/levels/sh_config.lua et tu fais comme Midow à dis tu supprimes ligne 75 à 158 pour les printers et ligne 174 à 206 pour les livres.
  • J'aime
Réactions: Jo Ballas et Midow12
  • Initiateur de la discussion
Jo Ballas

Jo Ballas

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xLomble77 à dit:
D'accord, personnellement ce que j'ai toujours fait, tu te rends dans :
Leveling-System/lua/darkrp_modules/levels/sh_config.lua et tu fais comme Midow à dis tu supprimes ligne 75 à 158 pour les printers et ligne 174 à 206 pour les livres.
Merci les gars le truc c'est que j'ai surement dû mal m'exprimer sur ma demande je viens de m'en rendre compte en me relisant.
Au faite j'utilise les vrondakis printer le truc c'est que je les vend via un npc, ce que je cherche a faire c'est les retirés uniquement du menu f4 je ne souhaite pas les retirer complètement du serveur.


2 191
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Ah je comprends mieux, alors tu vas ligne 303 à 416 et tu supprimes.
  • J'aime
Réactions: Jo Ballas
  • Initiateur de la discussion
Jo Ballas

Jo Ballas

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après avoir fais ce que tu me dit je reçois une error lua, je te contacterais en privé pour voir si tu peux trouver une solution.
On ce capte début du mois sans faute, j'aurais pas mal de config a faire pour mon serveur et je pourrais mieux t'expliquer et voir avec toi ce qu'il convient de faire, encore merci pour ton ton aide @xLomble77
  • Initiateur de la discussion
Jo Ballas

Jo Ballas

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Bon j'ai trouver une solution, au faite j'utilisais un vieux menu f4 (elitef4menu) je sais certain sur le forum vont penser leak, leak, leak ne sachant pas qu'un addon même vieux de 20 ans peu avoir été acheter (sur le forum parfois c'est la cours des miracles, bref je m'éloigne)
Elitef4menu ne permettant pas de crée de catégorie les vrondakis printer s'affichait automatiquement dans l'onglet entities.
Suffit d'utiliser un menu f4 qui prend en compte les catégories et de crée une catégorie invisible pour les joueurs.
name = "Test",
categorises = "entities",
startExpanded = false,
color = Color(0, 107, 0, 255),
canSee = fp{fn.Id, false},
sortOrder = 99,
local Printer={}
Printer.Name = 'Printer Débutant'
Printer.Type = 'regularprinter'
Printer.Category = 'Test'
Printer.XPPerPrint = 75
Printer.MoneyPerPrint = 25
Printer.Color = Color(255,255,255,255)
Printer.Model = 'models/props_c17/consolebox01a.mdl'
Printer.Price = 1000
Printer.Level = 0
Printer.Prestige = 0
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