S-Context Menu

  • Initiateur de la discussion fritziar
  • Date de début
  • Initiateur de la discussion


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Hier je suis tombé sur des addons release par la communauté Springcity, Les Addons Release
je me suis donc interessé à l'addon S-contex menu :

je voulais savoir si il y avait moyen de le mètre en blur (le materiel blur) si oui comment :))

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.


Score réaction
fritziar à dit:
Hier je suis tombé sur des addons release par la communauté Springcity, Les Addons Release
je me suis donc interessé à l'addon S-contex menu :Regarde la pièce jointe 9452
je voulais savoir si il y avait moyen de le mètre en blur (le materiel blur) si oui comment :))

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
Im faut changer les couleurs
  • Initiateur de la discussion


Score réaction
midou4141 à dit:
Im faut changer les couleurs
Ducoup je devrais mettre quel couleur pour arriver au blur ?


Score réaction
une autre personne peut s'en occuper je doit y'aller faire un truc :D
  • Initiateur de la discussion


Score réaction
midou4141 à dit:
une autre personne peut s'en occuper je doit y'aller faire un truc :D
oke :/


Helpeur Divin
1 853
Score réaction
1 079

Membre supprimé 70413

slownls à dit:
C'est mon addon mais release par le client, il n'y aura pas de support.


Helpeur Divin
1 853
Score réaction
1 079
Slawer à dit:
C'est mon addon mais release par le client, il n'y aura pas de support.
Fait pas le gars, tu as juste la flemme ^^
  • J'aime
Réactions: NoaGamingFR et remi lemaire


Score réaction
en vraie moi aussi j'ai la flemme :/


Geek suprême
Score réaction
midou4141 à dit:
en vraie moi aussi j'ai la flemme :/
Tu sais même pas faire arrête de faire genre


Score réaction
Aiiden à dit:
Tu sais même pas faire arrête de faire genre
ses pas trés compliquer de changer des couleur


Geek suprême
Score réaction
midou4141 à dit:
ses pas trés compliquer de changer des couleur
Tu sais pas changer en blur


Helpeur Divin
3 800
Score réaction
1 235
midou4141 à dit:
ses pas trés compliquer de changer des couleur
C'est pas une couleur mdr
  • J'aime
Réactions: NoaGamingFR, RedTroz et thepsyca


Geek suprême
Score réaction
Je ne sais pas trop si c'est sa que tu cherches ou non?
  • Banni


Geek suprême
Score réaction
fritziar à dit:
Hier je suis tombé sur des addons release par la communauté Springcity, Les Addons Release
je me suis donc interessé à l'addon S-contex menu :Regarde la pièce jointe 9452
je voulais savoir si il y avait moyen de le mètre en blur (le materiel blur) si oui comment :))

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
yep c'étais l'addons de notre serveur SpringCity avec l'ampoule.

Ducoup remplace tout le fichier s-context-menu\lua\autorun\client\cl_s_custom_context_menu.lua

par ça :

local background_color = Color(66,66,66,200)
local separator_color = Color(30, 30, 30)
local button_color = Color(156, 156, 156)
local button_color_hover = Color(100, 100, 100)
local headers_color = Color(100, 100, 100)
local gunDealer = {"Vendeur d'Armes","Quincailler"}
local blur = Material("pp/blurscreen")
local function DrawBlur(panel, amount) local x, y = panel:LocalToScreen(0, 0) local scrW, scrH = ScrW(), ScrH() surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255) surface.SetMaterial(blur) for i = 1, 3 do blur:SetFloat("$blur", (i / 3) * (amount or 6)) blur:Recompute() render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture() surface.DrawTexturedRect(x * -1, y * -1, scrW, scrH) end
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontButtons",{ size = ScrH() * 0.017 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontTitles",{ size = ScrH() * 0.028 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontServInfo",{ size = ScrH() * 0.02 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",{ size = ScrH() * 0.015 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",{ size = ScrH() * 0.011 , font = "Roboto"})
local function validAction(text,func) frameActionValidBeforeStart = vgui.Create("DFrame") frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetSize(300,110) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Center() frameActionValidBeforeStart:MakePopup() frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetTitle("") frameActionValidBeforeStart:ShowCloseButton(false) frameActionValidBeforeStart.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) draw.SimpleText(text,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText = vgui.Create("DTextEntry",frameActionValidBeforeStart) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() - 10,30) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetPos(5,40) local accept = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) accept:SetPos(3,75) accept:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) accept:SetText("") accept.Paint = function(s,w,h) if accept:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("EFFECTUER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end accept.DoClick = func local deny = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) deny:SetPos(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 + 3,75) deny:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) deny:SetText("") deny.Paint = function(s,w,h) if deny:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ANNULER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end deny.DoClick = func deny.DoClick = function() frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end
hook.Add("OnContextMenuOpen","SCustomContextMenuHookOpen",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(true) sFrameContextMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame") sFrameContextMenu:ShowCloseButton(false) sFrameContextMenu:SetTitle("") sFrameContextMenu:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.27,ScrH()) sFrameContextMenu:SetPos(ScrW() - sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),0) sFrameContextMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) DrawBlur(self, 10) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- SEPARATEUR draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.15,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.25,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.47,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.622,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.7,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) -- Titre Magasin draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.265,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.2815,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Serveur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.482,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("SERVEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText("JOUEURS EN LIGNE : " .. #player.GetAll(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local eco = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do eco = eco + v:getDarkRPVar("money") end draw.SimpleText("ÉCONOMIE : " .. eco .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local police = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:isCP() then police = police + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("FORCES DE L'ORDRES : " .. police,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local admin = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:IsAdmin() then admin = admin + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("STAFF EN LIGNE : " .. admin,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Joueur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.71,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("JOUEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.7275,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75,ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.27,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("NOM : " .. LocalPlayer():GetName(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.76,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("ARGENT : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money") .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.78,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("MÉTIER : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("job"),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.80,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) local time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) local timeSuit = "m" if time >= 60 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 ) timeSuit = "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) .. "m" if time >= 24 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 / 24 ) timeSuit = "j " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60) .. "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60) .. "m" end end draw.SimpleText("TEMPS DE JEU : " .. time .. timeSuit,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.82,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("RANG : " .. LocalPlayer():GetUserGroup(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.84,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) end local imageLogoCLickable = vgui.Create( "DImageButton", sFrameContextMenu ) imageLogoCLickable:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.080, ScrH() * -0.014 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.11, ScrH() * 0.18 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetImage( "materials/spring-city-logo-context-menu.png" ) imageLogoCLickable.DoClick = function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end local function actionButton(px,py,sx,sy,text,font,action) local actionButtonButton = vgui.Create("DButton",sFrameContextMenu) actionButtonButton:SetPos(px,py) actionButtonButton:SetSize(sx,sy) actionButtonButton:SetText("") actionButtonButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if actionButtonButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color_hover) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color) end draw.SimpleText(text,font,w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end actionButtonButton.DoClick = action end actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARMES","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropweapon") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Jeter de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropmoney " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"DONNER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Donner de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /give " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"ECRIRE UNE LETTRE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Ecrire une lettre",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /write " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"APPELER UN TAXI","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /taxi") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"OUVRIR LA BOUTIQUE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say !boutique") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"SITE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"WORKSHOP","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=881738171") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"GROUPE STEAM","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/groups/springcity") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.635,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.06,"MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",function() if !(table.HasValue(gunDealer,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()))) then chat.AddText(Color(255,0,0),"Vous n'avez pas le bon métier") return end local weapon = vgui.Create("DPanel",sFrameContextMenu) weapon:SetSize(sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),sFrameContextMenu:GetTall()) weapon:SetPos(0,ScrH() * 0.155) weapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- Magasin d'armes draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.01,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,button_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.026,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end local categoryWeaponsList = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", weapon ) categoryWeaponsList:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.05 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSize( weapon:GetWide() - ScrW() * 0.01, weapon:GetTall() - ScrH() * 0.212 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeaponsList.Paint = function(s,w,h) --draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeaponsList.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k,v in pairs(DarkRP.getCategories().weapons) do local cateItemNumber = 0 local header = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeaponsList) header:SetSize(categoryWeaponsList:GetWide(),ScrH() * 0.04) header.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100,100,100)) draw.SimpleText(v.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(header) local categoryWeapon = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", categoryWeaponsList ) categoryWeapon:SetSize( 50, ScrH() * 0.32 ) categoryWeapon:SetPos( 0, ScrH() * 0 ) categoryWeapon:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeapon:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeapon:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeapon.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for _,e in pairs(CustomShipments) do if v.name == e.category then local ShowThisItem = true if istable(e.allowed) and not table.HasValue( e.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then cateItemNumber = cateItemNumber + 1 local panel = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeapon) panel:SetSize(0,ScrH() * 0.06) panel:SetText(e.name) panel.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.SimpleText(e.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.001,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. e.price .. "€","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.03,Color(255,255,255)) end local icon = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",panel) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.001,ScrW() * 0.001) icon:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.0325,ScrW() * 0.0325) icon:SetModel(e.model) local buyButton = vgui.Create("DButton",panel) buyButton:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.18,ScrH() * 0.03) buyButton:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH() * 0.025) buyButton:SetText("") buyButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buyButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ACHETER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end buyButton.DoClick = function() if not e.noship then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buyshipment " .. e.name) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buy " .. e.name) end end categoryWeapon:AddItem(panel) end end end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(categoryWeapon) if cateItemNumber == 0 then header:Remove() categoryWeapon:Remove() end end end) local MagasinMenu = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", sFrameContextMenu ) MagasinMenu:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.305 ) MagasinMenu:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.16 ) MagasinMenu:SetSpacing( 1 ) MagasinMenu:EnableHorizontal( true ) MagasinMenu:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) --MagasinMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0)) end local sbar = MagasinMenu.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k, v in pairs(DarkRPEntities) do local ShowThisItem = true if istable(v.allowed) and not table.HasValue( v.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then local test = vgui.Create("DPanel",MagasinMenu) test:SetSize(MagasinMenu:GetWide() / 2 - 2,ScrH() * 0.06) test.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033,Color(70, 70, 70)) draw.SimpleText(string.upper(v.name),"SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.002,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. v.price .. "$","SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.018,Color(255,255,255)) end local model = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",test) model:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033) model:SetModel(v.model) local buy = vgui.Create("DButton",test) buy:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH()* 0.02) buy:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH()*0.035) buy:SetText("Acheter") buy:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255)) buy.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buy:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end end buy.DoClick = function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp " .. v.cmd) end MagasinMenu:AddItem(test) end end local icon = vgui.Create( "DModelPanel", sFrameContextMenu ) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75) icon:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.24 ) icon:SetModel( LocalPlayer():GetModel() ) icon:SetFOV(15,0) icon:SetCamPos( Vector( 210,-30, 60 ) ) function icon:LayoutEntity( ent ) return end return ""
hook.Add("OnContextMenuClose","SCustomContextMenuHookClose",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(false) if IsValid(sFrameContextMenu) then sFrameContextMenu:Close() end
  • J'aime
Réactions: midou4141
  • Initiateur de la discussion


Score réaction
Hoper à dit:
yep c'étais l'addons de notre serveur SpringCity avec l'ampoule.

Ducoup remplace tout le fichier s-context-menu\lua\autorun\client\cl_s_custom_context_menu.lua

par ça :

local background_color = Color(66,66,66,200)
local separator_color = Color(30, 30, 30)
local button_color = Color(156, 156, 156)
local button_color_hover = Color(100, 100, 100)
local headers_color = Color(100, 100, 100)
local gunDealer = {"Vendeur d'Armes","Quincailler"}
local blur = Material("pp/blurscreen")
local function DrawBlur(panel, amount) local x, y = panel:LocalToScreen(0, 0) local scrW, scrH = ScrW(), ScrH() surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255) surface.SetMaterial(blur) for i = 1, 3 do blur:SetFloat("$blur", (i / 3) * (amount or 6)) blur:Recompute() render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture() surface.DrawTexturedRect(x * -1, y * -1, scrW, scrH) end
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontButtons",{ size = ScrH() * 0.017 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontTitles",{ size = ScrH() * 0.028 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontServInfo",{ size = ScrH() * 0.02 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",{ size = ScrH() * 0.015 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",{ size = ScrH() * 0.011 , font = "Roboto"})
local function validAction(text,func) frameActionValidBeforeStart = vgui.Create("DFrame") frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetSize(300,110) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Center() frameActionValidBeforeStart:MakePopup() frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetTitle("") frameActionValidBeforeStart:ShowCloseButton(false) frameActionValidBeforeStart.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) draw.SimpleText(text,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText = vgui.Create("DTextEntry",frameActionValidBeforeStart) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() - 10,30) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetPos(5,40) local accept = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) accept:SetPos(3,75) accept:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) accept:SetText("") accept.Paint = function(s,w,h) if accept:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("EFFECTUER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end accept.DoClick = func local deny = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) deny:SetPos(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 + 3,75) deny:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) deny:SetText("") deny.Paint = function(s,w,h) if deny:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ANNULER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end deny.DoClick = func deny.DoClick = function() frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end
hook.Add("OnContextMenuOpen","SCustomContextMenuHookOpen",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(true) sFrameContextMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame") sFrameContextMenu:ShowCloseButton(false) sFrameContextMenu:SetTitle("") sFrameContextMenu:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.27,ScrH()) sFrameContextMenu:SetPos(ScrW() - sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),0) sFrameContextMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) DrawBlur(self, 10) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- SEPARATEUR draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.15,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.25,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.47,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.622,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.7,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) -- Titre Magasin draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.265,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.2815,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Serveur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.482,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("SERVEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText("JOUEURS EN LIGNE : " .. #player.GetAll(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local eco = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do eco = eco + v:getDarkRPVar("money") end draw.SimpleText("ÉCONOMIE : " .. eco .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local police = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:isCP() then police = police + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("FORCES DE L'ORDRES : " .. police,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local admin = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:IsAdmin() then admin = admin + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("STAFF EN LIGNE : " .. admin,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Joueur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.71,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("JOUEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.7275,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75,ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.27,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("NOM : " .. LocalPlayer():GetName(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.76,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("ARGENT : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money") .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.78,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("MÉTIER : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("job"),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.80,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) local time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) local timeSuit = "m" if time >= 60 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 ) timeSuit = "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) .. "m" if time >= 24 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 / 24 ) timeSuit = "j " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60) .. "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60) .. "m" end end draw.SimpleText("TEMPS DE JEU : " .. time .. timeSuit,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.82,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("RANG : " .. LocalPlayer():GetUserGroup(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.84,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) end local imageLogoCLickable = vgui.Create( "DImageButton", sFrameContextMenu ) imageLogoCLickable:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.080, ScrH() * -0.014 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.11, ScrH() * 0.18 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetImage( "materials/spring-city-logo-context-menu.png" ) imageLogoCLickable.DoClick = function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end local function actionButton(px,py,sx,sy,text,font,action) local actionButtonButton = vgui.Create("DButton",sFrameContextMenu) actionButtonButton:SetPos(px,py) actionButtonButton:SetSize(sx,sy) actionButtonButton:SetText("") actionButtonButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if actionButtonButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color_hover) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color) end draw.SimpleText(text,font,w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end actionButtonButton.DoClick = action end actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARMES","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropweapon") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Jeter de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropmoney " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"DONNER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Donner de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /give " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"ECRIRE UNE LETTRE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Ecrire une lettre",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /write " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"APPELER UN TAXI","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /taxi") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"OUVRIR LA BOUTIQUE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say !boutique") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"SITE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"WORKSHOP","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=881738171") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"GROUPE STEAM","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/groups/springcity") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.635,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.06,"MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",function() if !(table.HasValue(gunDealer,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()))) then chat.AddText(Color(255,0,0),"Vous n'avez pas le bon métier") return end local weapon = vgui.Create("DPanel",sFrameContextMenu) weapon:SetSize(sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),sFrameContextMenu:GetTall()) weapon:SetPos(0,ScrH() * 0.155) weapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- Magasin d'armes draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.01,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,button_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.026,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end local categoryWeaponsList = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", weapon ) categoryWeaponsList:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.05 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSize( weapon:GetWide() - ScrW() * 0.01, weapon:GetTall() - ScrH() * 0.212 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeaponsList.Paint = function(s,w,h) --draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeaponsList.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k,v in pairs(DarkRP.getCategories().weapons) do local cateItemNumber = 0 local header = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeaponsList) header:SetSize(categoryWeaponsList:GetWide(),ScrH() * 0.04) header.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100,100,100)) draw.SimpleText(v.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(header) local categoryWeapon = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", categoryWeaponsList ) categoryWeapon:SetSize( 50, ScrH() * 0.32 ) categoryWeapon:SetPos( 0, ScrH() * 0 ) categoryWeapon:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeapon:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeapon:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeapon.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for _,e in pairs(CustomShipments) do if v.name == e.category then local ShowThisItem = true if istable(e.allowed) and not table.HasValue( e.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then cateItemNumber = cateItemNumber + 1 local panel = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeapon) panel:SetSize(0,ScrH() * 0.06) panel:SetText(e.name) panel.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.SimpleText(e.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.001,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. e.price .. "€","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.03,Color(255,255,255)) end local icon = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",panel) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.001,ScrW() * 0.001) icon:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.0325,ScrW() * 0.0325) icon:SetModel(e.model) local buyButton = vgui.Create("DButton",panel) buyButton:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.18,ScrH() * 0.03) buyButton:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH() * 0.025) buyButton:SetText("") buyButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buyButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ACHETER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end buyButton.DoClick = function() if not e.noship then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buyshipment " .. e.name) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buy " .. e.name) end end categoryWeapon:AddItem(panel) end end end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(categoryWeapon) if cateItemNumber == 0 then header:Remove() categoryWeapon:Remove() end end end) local MagasinMenu = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", sFrameContextMenu ) MagasinMenu:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.305 ) MagasinMenu:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.16 ) MagasinMenu:SetSpacing( 1 ) MagasinMenu:EnableHorizontal( true ) MagasinMenu:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) --MagasinMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0)) end local sbar = MagasinMenu.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k, v in pairs(DarkRPEntities) do local ShowThisItem = true if istable(v.allowed) and not table.HasValue( v.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then local test = vgui.Create("DPanel",MagasinMenu) test:SetSize(MagasinMenu:GetWide() / 2 - 2,ScrH() * 0.06) test.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033,Color(70, 70, 70)) draw.SimpleText(string.upper(v.name),"SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.002,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. v.price .. "$","SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.018,Color(255,255,255)) end local model = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",test) model:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033) model:SetModel(v.model) local buy = vgui.Create("DButton",test) buy:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH()* 0.02) buy:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH()*0.035) buy:SetText("Acheter") buy:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255)) buy.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buy:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end end buy.DoClick = function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp " .. v.cmd) end MagasinMenu:AddItem(test) end end local icon = vgui.Create( "DModelPanel", sFrameContextMenu ) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75) icon:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.24 ) icon:SetModel( LocalPlayer():GetModel() ) icon:SetFOV(15,0) icon:SetCamPos( Vector( 210,-30, 60 ) ) function icon:LayoutEntity( ent ) return end return ""
hook.Add("OnContextMenuClose","SCustomContextMenuHookClose",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(false) if IsValid(sFrameContextMenu) then sFrameContextMenu:Close() end


doesn't work :/
  • Banni


Geek suprême
Score réaction
  • Initiateur de la discussion


Score réaction


Score réaction

Membre supprimé 98332

local background_color = Color(66,66,66,200)
local separator_color = Color(30, 30, 30)
local button_color = Color(156, 156, 156)
local button_color_hover = Color(100, 100, 100)
local headers_color = Color(100, 100, 100)
local gunDealer = {"Vendeur d'Armes","Quincailler"}
local blur = Material("pp/blurscreen")
local function DrawBlur(panel, amount) local x, y = panel:LocalToScreen(0, 0) local scrW, scrH = ScrW(), ScrH() surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255) surface.SetMaterial(blur) for i = 1, 3 do blur:SetFloat("$blur", (i / 3) * (amount or 6)) blur:Recompute() render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture() surface.DrawTexturedRect(x * -1, y * -1, scrW, scrH) end
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontButtons",{ size = ScrH() * 0.017 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontTitles",{ size = ScrH() * 0.028 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontServInfo",{ size = ScrH() * 0.02 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",{ size = ScrH() * 0.015 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",{ size = ScrH() * 0.011 , font = "Roboto"})
local function validAction(text,func) frameActionValidBeforeStart = vgui.Create("DFrame") frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetSize(300,110) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Center() frameActionValidBeforeStart:MakePopup() frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetTitle("") frameActionValidBeforeStart:ShowCloseButton(false) frameActionValidBeforeStart.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) draw.SimpleText(text,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText = vgui.Create("DTextEntry",frameActionValidBeforeStart) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() - 10,30) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetPos(5,40) local accept = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) accept:SetPos(3,75) accept:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) accept:SetText("") accept.Paint = function(s,w,h) if accept:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("EFFECTUER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end accept.DoClick = func local deny = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) deny:SetPos(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 + 3,75) deny:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) deny:SetText("") deny.Paint = function(s,w,h) if deny:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ANNULER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end deny.DoClick = func deny.DoClick = function() frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end
hook.Add("OnContextMenuOpen","SCustomContextMenuHookOpen",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(true) sFrameContextMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame") sFrameContextMenu:ShowCloseButton(false) sFrameContextMenu:SetTitle("") sFrameContextMenu:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.27,ScrH()) sFrameContextMenu:SetPos(ScrW() - sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),0) sFrameContextMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) DrawBlur(s, 10) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- SEPARATEUR draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.15,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.25,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.47,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.622,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.7,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) -- Titre Magasin draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.265,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.2815,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Serveur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.482,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("SERVEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText("JOUEURS EN LIGNE : " .. #player.GetAll(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local eco = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do eco = eco + v:getDarkRPVar("money") end draw.SimpleText("ÉCONOMIE : " .. eco .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local police = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:isCP() then police = police + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("FORCES DE L'ORDRES : " .. police,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local admin = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:IsAdmin() then admin = admin + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("STAFF EN LIGNE : " .. admin,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Joueur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.71,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("JOUEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.7275,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75,ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.27,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("NOM : " .. LocalPlayer():GetName(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.76,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("ARGENT : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money") .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.78,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("MÉTIER : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("job"),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.80,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) local time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) local timeSuit = "m" if time >= 60 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 ) timeSuit = "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) .. "m" if time >= 24 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 / 24 ) timeSuit = "j " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60) .. "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60) .. "m" end end draw.SimpleText("TEMPS DE JEU : " .. time .. timeSuit,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.82,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("RANG : " .. LocalPlayer():GetUserGroup(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.84,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) end local imageLogoCLickable = vgui.Create( "DImageButton", sFrameContextMenu ) imageLogoCLickable:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.080, ScrH() * -0.014 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.11, ScrH() * 0.18 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetImage( "materials/spring-city-logo-context-menu.png" ) imageLogoCLickable.DoClick = function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end local function actionButton(px,py,sx,sy,text,font,action) local actionButtonButton = vgui.Create("DButton",sFrameContextMenu) actionButtonButton:SetPos(px,py) actionButtonButton:SetSize(sx,sy) actionButtonButton:SetText("") actionButtonButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if actionButtonButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color_hover) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color) end draw.SimpleText(text,font,w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end actionButtonButton.DoClick = action end actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARMES","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropweapon") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Jeter de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropmoney " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"DONNER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Donner de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /give " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"ECRIRE UNE LETTRE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Ecrire une lettre",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /write " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"APPELER UN TAXI","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /taxi") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"OUVRIR LA BOUTIQUE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say !boutique") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"SITE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"WORKSHOP","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=881738171") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"GROUPE STEAM","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/groups/springcity") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.635,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.06,"MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",function() if !(table.HasValue(gunDealer,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()))) then chat.AddText(Color(255,0,0),"Vous n'avez pas le bon métier") return end local weapon = vgui.Create("DPanel",sFrameContextMenu) weapon:SetSize(sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),sFrameContextMenu:GetTall()) weapon:SetPos(0,ScrH() * 0.155) weapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- Magasin d'armes draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.01,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,button_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.026,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end local categoryWeaponsList = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", weapon ) categoryWeaponsList:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.05 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSize( weapon:GetWide() - ScrW() * 0.01, weapon:GetTall() - ScrH() * 0.212 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeaponsList.Paint = function(s,w,h) --draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeaponsList.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k,v in pairs(DarkRP.getCategories().weapons) do local cateItemNumber = 0 local header = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeaponsList) header:SetSize(categoryWeaponsList:GetWide(),ScrH() * 0.04) header.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100,100,100)) draw.SimpleText(v.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(header) local categoryWeapon = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", categoryWeaponsList ) categoryWeapon:SetSize( 50, ScrH() * 0.32 ) categoryWeapon:SetPos( 0, ScrH() * 0 ) categoryWeapon:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeapon:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeapon:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeapon.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for _,e in pairs(CustomShipments) do if v.name == e.category then local ShowThisItem = true if istable(e.allowed) and not table.HasValue( e.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then cateItemNumber = cateItemNumber + 1 local panel = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeapon) panel:SetSize(0,ScrH() * 0.06) panel:SetText(e.name) panel.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.SimpleText(e.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.001,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. e.price .. "€","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.03,Color(255,255,255)) end local icon = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",panel) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.001,ScrW() * 0.001) icon:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.0325,ScrW() * 0.0325) icon:SetModel(e.model) local buyButton = vgui.Create("DButton",panel) buyButton:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.18,ScrH() * 0.03) buyButton:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH() * 0.025) buyButton:SetText("") buyButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buyButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ACHETER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end buyButton.DoClick = function() if not e.noship then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buyshipment " .. e.name) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buy " .. e.name) end end categoryWeapon:AddItem(panel) end end end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(categoryWeapon) if cateItemNumber == 0 then header:Remove() categoryWeapon:Remove() end end end) local MagasinMenu = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", sFrameContextMenu ) MagasinMenu:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.305 ) MagasinMenu:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.16 ) MagasinMenu:SetSpacing( 1 ) MagasinMenu:EnableHorizontal( true ) MagasinMenu:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) --MagasinMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0)) end local sbar = MagasinMenu.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k, v in pairs(DarkRPEntities) do local ShowThisItem = true if istable(v.allowed) and not table.HasValue( v.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then local test = vgui.Create("DPanel",MagasinMenu) test:SetSize(MagasinMenu:GetWide() / 2 - 2,ScrH() * 0.06) test.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033,Color(70, 70, 70)) draw.SimpleText(string.upper(v.name),"SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.002,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. v.price .. "$","SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.018,Color(255,255,255)) end local model = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",test) model:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033) model:SetModel(v.model) local buy = vgui.Create("DButton",test) buy:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH()* 0.02) buy:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH()*0.035) buy:SetText("Acheter") buy:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255)) buy.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buy:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end end buy.DoClick = function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp " .. v.cmd) end MagasinMenu:AddItem(test) end end local icon = vgui.Create( "DModelPanel", sFrameContextMenu ) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75) icon:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.24 ) icon:SetModel( LocalPlayer():GetModel() ) icon:SetFOV(15,0) icon:SetCamPos( Vector( 210,-30, 60 ) ) function icon:LayoutEntity( ent ) return end return ""
hook.Add("OnContextMenuClose","SCustomContextMenuHookClose",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(false) if IsValid(sFrameContextMenu) then sFrameContextMenu:Close() end
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Score réaction
EpicGaby à dit:
local background_color = Color(66,66,66,200)
local separator_color = Color(30, 30, 30)
local button_color = Color(156, 156, 156)
local button_color_hover = Color(100, 100, 100)
local headers_color = Color(100, 100, 100)
local gunDealer = {"Vendeur d'Armes","Quincailler"}
local blur = Material("pp/blurscreen")
local function DrawBlur(panel, amount) local x, y = panel:LocalToScreen(0, 0) local scrW, scrH = ScrW(), ScrH() surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255) surface.SetMaterial(blur) for i = 1, 3 do blur:SetFloat("$blur", (i / 3) * (amount or 6)) blur:Recompute() render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture() surface.DrawTexturedRect(x * -1, y * -1, scrW, scrH) end
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontButtons",{ size = ScrH() * 0.017 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontTitles",{ size = ScrH() * 0.028 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontServInfo",{ size = ScrH() * 0.02 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",{ size = ScrH() * 0.015 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",{ size = ScrH() * 0.011 , font = "Roboto"})
local function validAction(text,func) frameActionValidBeforeStart = vgui.Create("DFrame") frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetSize(300,110) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Center() frameActionValidBeforeStart:MakePopup() frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetTitle("") frameActionValidBeforeStart:ShowCloseButton(false) frameActionValidBeforeStart.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) draw.SimpleText(text,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText = vgui.Create("DTextEntry",frameActionValidBeforeStart) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() - 10,30) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetPos(5,40) local accept = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) accept:SetPos(3,75) accept:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) accept:SetText("") accept.Paint = function(s,w,h) if accept:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("EFFECTUER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end accept.DoClick = func local deny = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) deny:SetPos(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 + 3,75) deny:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) deny:SetText("") deny.Paint = function(s,w,h) if deny:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ANNULER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end deny.DoClick = func deny.DoClick = function() frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end
hook.Add("OnContextMenuOpen","SCustomContextMenuHookOpen",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(true) sFrameContextMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame") sFrameContextMenu:ShowCloseButton(false) sFrameContextMenu:SetTitle("") sFrameContextMenu:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.27,ScrH()) sFrameContextMenu:SetPos(ScrW() - sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),0) sFrameContextMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) DrawBlur(s, 10) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- SEPARATEUR draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.15,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.25,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.47,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.622,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.7,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) -- Titre Magasin draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.265,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.2815,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Serveur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.482,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("SERVEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText("JOUEURS EN LIGNE : " .. #player.GetAll(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local eco = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do eco = eco + v:getDarkRPVar("money") end draw.SimpleText("ÉCONOMIE : " .. eco .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local police = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:isCP() then police = police + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("FORCES DE L'ORDRES : " .. police,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local admin = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:IsAdmin() then admin = admin + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("STAFF EN LIGNE : " .. admin,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Joueur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.71,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("JOUEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.7275,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75,ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.27,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("NOM : " .. LocalPlayer():GetName(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.76,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("ARGENT : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money") .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.78,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("MÉTIER : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("job"),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.80,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) local time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) local timeSuit = "m" if time >= 60 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 ) timeSuit = "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) .. "m" if time >= 24 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 / 24 ) timeSuit = "j " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60) .. "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60) .. "m" end end draw.SimpleText("TEMPS DE JEU : " .. time .. timeSuit,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.82,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("RANG : " .. LocalPlayer():GetUserGroup(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.84,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) end local imageLogoCLickable = vgui.Create( "DImageButton", sFrameContextMenu ) imageLogoCLickable:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.080, ScrH() * -0.014 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.11, ScrH() * 0.18 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetImage( "materials/spring-city-logo-context-menu.png" ) imageLogoCLickable.DoClick = function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end local function actionButton(px,py,sx,sy,text,font,action) local actionButtonButton = vgui.Create("DButton",sFrameContextMenu) actionButtonButton:SetPos(px,py) actionButtonButton:SetSize(sx,sy) actionButtonButton:SetText("") actionButtonButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if actionButtonButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color_hover) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color) end draw.SimpleText(text,font,w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end actionButtonButton.DoClick = action end actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARMES","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropweapon") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Jeter de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropmoney " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"DONNER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Donner de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /give " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"ECRIRE UNE LETTRE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Ecrire une lettre",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /write " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"APPELER UN TAXI","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /taxi") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"OUVRIR LA BOUTIQUE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say !boutique") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"SITE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"WORKSHOP","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=881738171") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"GROUPE STEAM","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/groups/springcity") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.635,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.06,"MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",function() if !(table.HasValue(gunDealer,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()))) then chat.AddText(Color(255,0,0),"Vous n'avez pas le bon métier") return end local weapon = vgui.Create("DPanel",sFrameContextMenu) weapon:SetSize(sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),sFrameContextMenu:GetTall()) weapon:SetPos(0,ScrH() * 0.155) weapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- Magasin d'armes draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.01,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,button_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.026,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end local categoryWeaponsList = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", weapon ) categoryWeaponsList:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.05 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSize( weapon:GetWide() - ScrW() * 0.01, weapon:GetTall() - ScrH() * 0.212 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeaponsList.Paint = function(s,w,h) --draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeaponsList.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k,v in pairs(DarkRP.getCategories().weapons) do local cateItemNumber = 0 local header = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeaponsList) header:SetSize(categoryWeaponsList:GetWide(),ScrH() * 0.04) header.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100,100,100)) draw.SimpleText(v.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(header) local categoryWeapon = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", categoryWeaponsList ) categoryWeapon:SetSize( 50, ScrH() * 0.32 ) categoryWeapon:SetPos( 0, ScrH() * 0 ) categoryWeapon:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeapon:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeapon:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeapon.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for _,e in pairs(CustomShipments) do if v.name == e.category then local ShowThisItem = true if istable(e.allowed) and not table.HasValue( e.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then cateItemNumber = cateItemNumber + 1 local panel = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeapon) panel:SetSize(0,ScrH() * 0.06) panel:SetText(e.name) panel.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.SimpleText(e.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.001,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. e.price .. "€","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.03,Color(255,255,255)) end local icon = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",panel) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.001,ScrW() * 0.001) icon:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.0325,ScrW() * 0.0325) icon:SetModel(e.model) local buyButton = vgui.Create("DButton",panel) buyButton:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.18,ScrH() * 0.03) buyButton:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH() * 0.025) buyButton:SetText("") buyButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buyButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ACHETER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end buyButton.DoClick = function() if not e.noship then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buyshipment " .. e.name) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buy " .. e.name) end end categoryWeapon:AddItem(panel) end end end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(categoryWeapon) if cateItemNumber == 0 then header:Remove() categoryWeapon:Remove() end end end) local MagasinMenu = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", sFrameContextMenu ) MagasinMenu:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.305 ) MagasinMenu:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.16 ) MagasinMenu:SetSpacing( 1 ) MagasinMenu:EnableHorizontal( true ) MagasinMenu:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) --MagasinMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0)) end local sbar = MagasinMenu.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k, v in pairs(DarkRPEntities) do local ShowThisItem = true if istable(v.allowed) and not table.HasValue( v.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then local test = vgui.Create("DPanel",MagasinMenu) test:SetSize(MagasinMenu:GetWide() / 2 - 2,ScrH() * 0.06) test.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033,Color(70, 70, 70)) draw.SimpleText(string.upper(v.name),"SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.002,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. v.price .. "$","SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.018,Color(255,255,255)) end local model = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",test) model:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033) model:SetModel(v.model) local buy = vgui.Create("DButton",test) buy:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH()* 0.02) buy:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH()*0.035) buy:SetText("Acheter") buy:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255)) buy.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buy:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end end buy.DoClick = function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp " .. v.cmd) end MagasinMenu:AddItem(test) end end local icon = vgui.Create( "DModelPanel", sFrameContextMenu ) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75) icon:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.24 ) icon:SetModel( LocalPlayer():GetModel() ) icon:SetFOV(15,0) icon:SetCamPos( Vector( 210,-30, 60 ) ) function icon:LayoutEntity( ent ) return end return ""
hook.Add("OnContextMenuClose","SCustomContextMenuHookClose",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(false) if IsValid(sFrameContextMenu) then sFrameContextMenu:Close() end
  • Initiateur de la discussion


Score réaction
EpicGaby à dit:
dèrniere question si je vuex changer par exemple le bouton Site en blur je fais comment ?

Membre supprimé 98332

fritziar à dit:
dèrniere question si je vuex changer par exemple le bouton Site en blur je fais comment ? Regarde la pièce jointe 9459
local background_color = Color(66,66,66,200)
local separator_color = Color(30, 30, 30)
local button_color = Color(156, 156, 156)
local button_color_hover = Color(100, 100, 100)
local headers_color = Color(100, 100, 100)
local gunDealer = {"Vendeur d'Armes","Quincailler"}
local blur = Material("pp/blurscreen")
local function DrawBlur(panel, amount) local x, y = panel:LocalToScreen(0, 0) local scrW, scrH = ScrW(), ScrH() surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255) surface.SetMaterial(blur) for i = 1, 3 do blur:SetFloat("$blur", (i / 3) * (amount or 6)) blur:Recompute() render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture() surface.DrawTexturedRect(x * -1, y * -1, scrW, scrH) end
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontButtons",{ size = ScrH() * 0.017 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontTitles",{ size = ScrH() * 0.028 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontServInfo",{ size = ScrH() * 0.02 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",{ size = ScrH() * 0.015 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",{ size = ScrH() * 0.011 , font = "Roboto"})
local function validAction(text,func) frameActionValidBeforeStart = vgui.Create("DFrame") frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetSize(300,110) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Center() frameActionValidBeforeStart:MakePopup() frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetTitle("") frameActionValidBeforeStart:ShowCloseButton(false) frameActionValidBeforeStart.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) draw.SimpleText(text,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText = vgui.Create("DTextEntry",frameActionValidBeforeStart) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() - 10,30) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetPos(5,40) local accept = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) accept:SetPos(3,75) accept:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) accept:SetText("") accept.Paint = function(s,w,h) if accept:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("EFFECTUER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end accept.DoClick = func local deny = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) deny:SetPos(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 + 3,75) deny:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) deny:SetText("") deny.Paint = function(s,w,h) if deny:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ANNULER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end deny.DoClick = func deny.DoClick = function() frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end
hook.Add("OnContextMenuOpen","SCustomContextMenuHookOpen",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(true) sFrameContextMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame") sFrameContextMenu:ShowCloseButton(false) sFrameContextMenu:SetTitle("") sFrameContextMenu:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.27,ScrH()) sFrameContextMenu:SetPos(ScrW() - sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),0) sFrameContextMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) DrawBlur(s, 10) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- SEPARATEUR draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.15,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.25,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.47,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.622,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.7,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) -- Titre Magasin draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.265,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.2815,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Serveur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.482,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("SERVEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText("JOUEURS EN LIGNE : " .. #player.GetAll(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local eco = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do eco = eco + v:getDarkRPVar("money") end draw.SimpleText("ÉCONOMIE : " .. eco .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local police = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:isCP() then police = police + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("FORCES DE L'ORDRES : " .. police,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local admin = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:IsAdmin() then admin = admin + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("STAFF EN LIGNE : " .. admin,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Joueur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.71,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("JOUEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.7275,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75,ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.27,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("NOM : " .. LocalPlayer():GetName(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.76,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("ARGENT : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money") .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.78,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("MÉTIER : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("job"),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.80,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) local time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) local timeSuit = "m" if time >= 60 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 ) timeSuit = "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) .. "m" if time >= 24 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 / 24 ) timeSuit = "j " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60) .. "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60) .. "m" end end draw.SimpleText("TEMPS DE JEU : " .. time .. timeSuit,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.82,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("RANG : " .. LocalPlayer():GetUserGroup(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.84,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) end local imageLogoCLickable = vgui.Create( "DImageButton", sFrameContextMenu ) imageLogoCLickable:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.080, ScrH() * -0.014 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.11, ScrH() * 0.18 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetImage( "materials/spring-city-logo-context-menu.png" ) imageLogoCLickable.DoClick = function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end local function actionButton(px,py,sx,sy,text,font,action) local actionButtonButton = vgui.Create("DButton",sFrameContextMenu) actionButtonButton:SetPos(px,py) actionButtonButton:SetSize(sx,sy) actionButtonButton:SetText("") actionButtonButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) DrawBlur(s, 10) if actionButtonButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color_hover) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color) end draw.SimpleText(text,font,w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end actionButtonButton.DoClick = action end actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARMES","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropweapon") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Jeter de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropmoney " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"DONNER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Donner de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /give " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"ECRIRE UNE LETTRE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Ecrire une lettre",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /write " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"APPELER UN TAXI","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /taxi") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"OUVRIR LA BOUTIQUE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say !boutique") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"SITE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"WORKSHOP","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=881738171") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"GROUPE STEAM","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/groups/springcity") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.635,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.06,"MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",function() if !(table.HasValue(gunDealer,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()))) then chat.AddText(Color(255,0,0),"Vous n'avez pas le bon métier") return end local weapon = vgui.Create("DPanel",sFrameContextMenu) weapon:SetSize(sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),sFrameContextMenu:GetTall()) weapon:SetPos(0,ScrH() * 0.155) weapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- Magasin d'armes draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.01,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,button_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.026,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end local categoryWeaponsList = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", weapon ) categoryWeaponsList:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.05 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSize( weapon:GetWide() - ScrW() * 0.01, weapon:GetTall() - ScrH() * 0.212 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeaponsList.Paint = function(s,w,h) --draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeaponsList.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k,v in pairs(DarkRP.getCategories().weapons) do local cateItemNumber = 0 local header = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeaponsList) header:SetSize(categoryWeaponsList:GetWide(),ScrH() * 0.04) header.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100,100,100)) draw.SimpleText(v.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(header) local categoryWeapon = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", categoryWeaponsList ) categoryWeapon:SetSize( 50, ScrH() * 0.32 ) categoryWeapon:SetPos( 0, ScrH() * 0 ) categoryWeapon:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeapon:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeapon:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeapon.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for _,e in pairs(CustomShipments) do if v.name == e.category then local ShowThisItem = true if istable(e.allowed) and not table.HasValue( e.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then cateItemNumber = cateItemNumber + 1 local panel = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeapon) panel:SetSize(0,ScrH() * 0.06) panel:SetText(e.name) panel.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.SimpleText(e.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.001,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. e.price .. "€","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.03,Color(255,255,255)) end local icon = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",panel) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.001,ScrW() * 0.001) icon:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.0325,ScrW() * 0.0325) icon:SetModel(e.model) local buyButton = vgui.Create("DButton",panel) buyButton:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.18,ScrH() * 0.03) buyButton:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH() * 0.025) buyButton:SetText("") buyButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buyButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ACHETER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end buyButton.DoClick = function() if not e.noship then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buyshipment " .. e.name) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buy " .. e.name) end end categoryWeapon:AddItem(panel) end end end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(categoryWeapon) if cateItemNumber == 0 then header:Remove() categoryWeapon:Remove() end end end) local MagasinMenu = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", sFrameContextMenu ) MagasinMenu:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.305 ) MagasinMenu:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.16 ) MagasinMenu:SetSpacing( 1 ) MagasinMenu:EnableHorizontal( true ) MagasinMenu:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) --MagasinMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0)) end local sbar = MagasinMenu.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k, v in pairs(DarkRPEntities) do local ShowThisItem = true if istable(v.allowed) and not table.HasValue( v.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then local test = vgui.Create("DPanel",MagasinMenu) test:SetSize(MagasinMenu:GetWide() / 2 - 2,ScrH() * 0.06) test.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033,Color(70, 70, 70)) draw.SimpleText(string.upper(v.name),"SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.002,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. v.price .. "$","SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.018,Color(255,255,255)) end local model = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",test) model:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033) model:SetModel(v.model) local buy = vgui.Create("DButton",test) buy:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH()* 0.02) buy:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH()*0.035) buy:SetText("Acheter") buy:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255)) buy.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buy:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end end buy.DoClick = function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp " .. v.cmd) end MagasinMenu:AddItem(test) end end local icon = vgui.Create( "DModelPanel", sFrameContextMenu ) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75) icon:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.24 ) icon:SetModel( LocalPlayer():GetModel() ) icon:SetFOV(15,0) icon:SetCamPos( Vector( 210,-30, 60 ) ) function icon:LayoutEntity( ent ) return end return ""
hook.Add("OnContextMenuClose","SCustomContextMenuHookClose",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(false) if IsValid(sFrameContextMenu) then sFrameContextMenu:Close() end
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Score réaction
EpicGaby à dit:
local background_color = Color(66,66,66,200)
local separator_color = Color(30, 30, 30)
local button_color = Color(156, 156, 156)
local button_color_hover = Color(100, 100, 100)
local headers_color = Color(100, 100, 100)
local gunDealer = {"Vendeur d'Armes","Quincailler"}
local blur = Material("pp/blurscreen")
local function DrawBlur(panel, amount) local x, y = panel:LocalToScreen(0, 0) local scrW, scrH = ScrW(), ScrH() surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255) surface.SetMaterial(blur) for i = 1, 3 do blur:SetFloat("$blur", (i / 3) * (amount or 6)) blur:Recompute() render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture() surface.DrawTexturedRect(x * -1, y * -1, scrW, scrH) end
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontButtons",{ size = ScrH() * 0.017 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontTitles",{ size = ScrH() * 0.028 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontServInfo",{ size = ScrH() * 0.02 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",{ size = ScrH() * 0.015 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",{ size = ScrH() * 0.011 , font = "Roboto"})
local function validAction(text,func) frameActionValidBeforeStart = vgui.Create("DFrame") frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetSize(300,110) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Center() frameActionValidBeforeStart:MakePopup() frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetTitle("") frameActionValidBeforeStart:ShowCloseButton(false) frameActionValidBeforeStart.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) draw.SimpleText(text,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText = vgui.Create("DTextEntry",frameActionValidBeforeStart) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() - 10,30) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetPos(5,40) local accept = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) accept:SetPos(3,75) accept:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) accept:SetText("") accept.Paint = function(s,w,h) if accept:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("EFFECTUER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end accept.DoClick = func local deny = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) deny:SetPos(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 + 3,75) deny:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) deny:SetText("") deny.Paint = function(s,w,h) if deny:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ANNULER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end deny.DoClick = func deny.DoClick = function() frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end
hook.Add("OnContextMenuOpen","SCustomContextMenuHookOpen",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(true) sFrameContextMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame") sFrameContextMenu:ShowCloseButton(false) sFrameContextMenu:SetTitle("") sFrameContextMenu:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.27,ScrH()) sFrameContextMenu:SetPos(ScrW() - sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),0) sFrameContextMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) DrawBlur(s, 10) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- SEPARATEUR draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.15,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.25,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.47,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.622,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.7,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) -- Titre Magasin draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.265,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.2815,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Serveur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.482,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("SERVEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText("JOUEURS EN LIGNE : " .. #player.GetAll(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local eco = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do eco = eco + v:getDarkRPVar("money") end draw.SimpleText("ÉCONOMIE : " .. eco .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local police = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:isCP() then police = police + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("FORCES DE L'ORDRES : " .. police,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local admin = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:IsAdmin() then admin = admin + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("STAFF EN LIGNE : " .. admin,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Joueur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.71,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("JOUEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.7275,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75,ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.27,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("NOM : " .. LocalPlayer():GetName(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.76,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("ARGENT : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money") .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.78,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("MÉTIER : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("job"),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.80,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) local time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) local timeSuit = "m" if time >= 60 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 ) timeSuit = "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) .. "m" if time >= 24 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 / 24 ) timeSuit = "j " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60) .. "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60) .. "m" end end draw.SimpleText("TEMPS DE JEU : " .. time .. timeSuit,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.82,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("RANG : " .. LocalPlayer():GetUserGroup(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.84,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) end local imageLogoCLickable = vgui.Create( "DImageButton", sFrameContextMenu ) imageLogoCLickable:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.080, ScrH() * -0.014 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.11, ScrH() * 0.18 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetImage( "materials/spring-city-logo-context-menu.png" ) imageLogoCLickable.DoClick = function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end local function actionButton(px,py,sx,sy,text,font,action) local actionButtonButton = vgui.Create("DButton",sFrameContextMenu) actionButtonButton:SetPos(px,py) actionButtonButton:SetSize(sx,sy) actionButtonButton:SetText("") actionButtonButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) DrawBlur(s, 10) if actionButtonButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color_hover) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color) end draw.SimpleText(text,font,w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end actionButtonButton.DoClick = action end actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARMES","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropweapon") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Jeter de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropmoney " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"DONNER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Donner de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /give " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"ECRIRE UNE LETTRE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Ecrire une lettre",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /write " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"APPELER UN TAXI","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /taxi") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"OUVRIR LA BOUTIQUE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say !boutique") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"SITE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"WORKSHOP","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=881738171") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"GROUPE STEAM","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/groups/springcity") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.635,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.06,"MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",function() if !(table.HasValue(gunDealer,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()))) then chat.AddText(Color(255,0,0),"Vous n'avez pas le bon métier") return end local weapon = vgui.Create("DPanel",sFrameContextMenu) weapon:SetSize(sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),sFrameContextMenu:GetTall()) weapon:SetPos(0,ScrH() * 0.155) weapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- Magasin d'armes draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.01,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,button_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.026,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end local categoryWeaponsList = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", weapon ) categoryWeaponsList:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.05 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSize( weapon:GetWide() - ScrW() * 0.01, weapon:GetTall() - ScrH() * 0.212 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeaponsList.Paint = function(s,w,h) --draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeaponsList.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k,v in pairs(DarkRP.getCategories().weapons) do local cateItemNumber = 0 local header = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeaponsList) header:SetSize(categoryWeaponsList:GetWide(),ScrH() * 0.04) header.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100,100,100)) draw.SimpleText(v.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(header) local categoryWeapon = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", categoryWeaponsList ) categoryWeapon:SetSize( 50, ScrH() * 0.32 ) categoryWeapon:SetPos( 0, ScrH() * 0 ) categoryWeapon:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeapon:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeapon:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeapon.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for _,e in pairs(CustomShipments) do if v.name == e.category then local ShowThisItem = true if istable(e.allowed) and not table.HasValue( e.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then cateItemNumber = cateItemNumber + 1 local panel = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeapon) panel:SetSize(0,ScrH() * 0.06) panel:SetText(e.name) panel.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.SimpleText(e.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.001,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. e.price .. "€","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.03,Color(255,255,255)) end local icon = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",panel) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.001,ScrW() * 0.001) icon:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.0325,ScrW() * 0.0325) icon:SetModel(e.model) local buyButton = vgui.Create("DButton",panel) buyButton:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.18,ScrH() * 0.03) buyButton:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH() * 0.025) buyButton:SetText("") buyButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buyButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ACHETER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end buyButton.DoClick = function() if not e.noship then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buyshipment " .. e.name) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buy " .. e.name) end end categoryWeapon:AddItem(panel) end end end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(categoryWeapon) if cateItemNumber == 0 then header:Remove() categoryWeapon:Remove() end end end) local MagasinMenu = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", sFrameContextMenu ) MagasinMenu:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.305 ) MagasinMenu:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.16 ) MagasinMenu:SetSpacing( 1 ) MagasinMenu:EnableHorizontal( true ) MagasinMenu:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) --MagasinMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0)) end local sbar = MagasinMenu.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k, v in pairs(DarkRPEntities) do local ShowThisItem = true if istable(v.allowed) and not table.HasValue( v.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then local test = vgui.Create("DPanel",MagasinMenu) test:SetSize(MagasinMenu:GetWide() / 2 - 2,ScrH() * 0.06) test.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033,Color(70, 70, 70)) draw.SimpleText(string.upper(v.name),"SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.002,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. v.price .. "$","SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.018,Color(255,255,255)) end local model = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",test) model:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033) model:SetModel(v.model) local buy = vgui.Create("DButton",test) buy:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH()* 0.02) buy:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH()*0.035) buy:SetText("Acheter") buy:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255)) buy.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buy:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end end buy.DoClick = function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp " .. v.cmd) end MagasinMenu:AddItem(test) end end local icon = vgui.Create( "DModelPanel", sFrameContextMenu ) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75) icon:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.24 ) icon:SetModel( LocalPlayer():GetModel() ) icon:SetFOV(15,0) icon:SetCamPos( Vector( 210,-30, 60 ) ) function icon:LayoutEntity( ent ) return end return ""
hook.Add("OnContextMenuClose","SCustomContextMenuHookClose",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(false) if IsValid(sFrameContextMenu) then sFrameContextMenu:Close() end
Ca marche po ://
  • J'aime
Réactions: Membre supprimé 98332

Membre supprimé 98332

fritziar à dit:
Ca marche po ://
C'est à dire ?


Ha, je viens de comprendre.
Joue avec les couleurs de ton bouton, et surtout avec sa transparence :
local background_color = Color(66,66,66,200)
local separator_color = Color(30, 30, 30)
local button_color = Color(156, 156, 156, 100)
local button_color_hover = Color(100, 100, 100, 100)
local headers_color = Color(100, 100, 100)
Les variables que tu dois modifier sont button_color et button_color_hover.
Modifie les derniers nombres des structures Color.
Dernière modification par un modérateur:
  • Initiateur de la discussion


Score réaction
EpicGaby à dit:
C'est à dire ?


Ha, je viens de comprendre.
Joue avec les couleurs de ton bouton, et surtout avec sa transparence :
local background_color = Color(66,66,66,200)
local separator_color = Color(30, 30, 30)
local button_color = Color(156, 156, 156, 100)
local button_color_hover = Color(100, 100, 100, 100)
local headers_color = Color(100, 100, 100)
Les variables que tu dois modifier sont button_color et button_color_hover.
Modifie les derniers nombres des structures Color.

Ok Merci Beaucoup its working
  • Banni


Geek suprême
Score réaction
EpicGaby à dit:
local background_color = Color(66,66,66,200)
local separator_color = Color(30, 30, 30)
local button_color = Color(156, 156, 156)
local button_color_hover = Color(100, 100, 100)
local headers_color = Color(100, 100, 100)
local gunDealer = {"Vendeur d'Armes","Quincailler"}
local blur = Material("pp/blurscreen")
local function DrawBlur(panel, amount) local x, y = panel:LocalToScreen(0, 0) local scrW, scrH = ScrW(), ScrH() surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255) surface.SetMaterial(blur) for i = 1, 3 do blur:SetFloat("$blur", (i / 3) * (amount or 6)) blur:Recompute() render.UpdateScreenEffectTexture() surface.DrawTexturedRect(x * -1, y * -1, scrW, scrH) end
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontButtons",{ size = ScrH() * 0.017 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontTitles",{ size = ScrH() * 0.028 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontServInfo",{ size = ScrH() * 0.02 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",{ size = ScrH() * 0.015 , font = "Roboto"})
surface.CreateFont("SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",{ size = ScrH() * 0.011 , font = "Roboto"})
local function validAction(text,func) frameActionValidBeforeStart = vgui.Create("DFrame") frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetSize(300,110) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Center() frameActionValidBeforeStart:MakePopup() frameActionValidBeforeStart:SetTitle("") frameActionValidBeforeStart:ShowCloseButton(false) frameActionValidBeforeStart.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) draw.SimpleText(text,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText = vgui.Create("DTextEntry",frameActionValidBeforeStart) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() - 10,30) validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:SetPos(5,40) local accept = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) accept:SetPos(3,75) accept:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) accept:SetText("") accept.Paint = function(s,w,h) if accept:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("EFFECTUER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end accept.DoClick = func local deny = vgui.Create("DButton",frameActionValidBeforeStart) deny:SetPos(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 + 3,75) deny:SetSize(frameActionValidBeforeStart:GetWide() / 2 - 6,30) deny:SetText("") deny.Paint = function(s,w,h) if deny:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ANNULER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end deny.DoClick = func deny.DoClick = function() frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end
hook.Add("OnContextMenuOpen","SCustomContextMenuHookOpen",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(true) sFrameContextMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame") sFrameContextMenu:ShowCloseButton(false) sFrameContextMenu:SetTitle("") sFrameContextMenu:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.27,ScrH()) sFrameContextMenu:SetPos(ScrW() - sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),0) sFrameContextMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) DrawBlur(s, 10) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- SEPARATEUR draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.15,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.25,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.47,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.622,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,ScrH() * 0.7,w,ScrH() * 0.005,separator_color) -- Titre Magasin draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.265,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.2815,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Serveur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.482,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("SERVEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.5,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.SimpleText("JOUEURS EN LIGNE : " .. #player.GetAll(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local eco = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do eco = eco + v:getDarkRPVar("money") end draw.SimpleText("ÉCONOMIE : " .. eco .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local police = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:isCP() then police = police + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("FORCES DE L'ORDRES : " .. police,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.54,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) local admin = 0 for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:IsAdmin() then admin = admin + 1 end end draw.SimpleText("STAFF EN LIGNE : " .. admin,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.265,ScrH() * 0.565,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) -- Titre Joueur draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.71,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("JOUEUR","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.7275,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75,ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.27,headers_color) draw.SimpleText("NOM : " .. LocalPlayer():GetName(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.76,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("ARGENT : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("money") .. "$","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.78,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("MÉTIER : " .. LocalPlayer():getDarkRPVar("job"),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.80,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) local time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) local timeSuit = "m" if time >= 60 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 ) timeSuit = "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 ) .. "m" if time >= 24 then time = math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60 / 24 ) timeSuit = "j " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60 / 60) .. "h " .. math.Round( (CurTime() - LocalPlayer():GetNWInt("SConnectTimeContextMenu")) / 60) .. "m" end end draw.SimpleText("TEMPS DE JEU : " .. time .. timeSuit,"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.82,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) draw.SimpleText("RANG : " .. LocalPlayer():GetUserGroup(),"SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.11,ScrH() * 0.84,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT) end local imageLogoCLickable = vgui.Create( "DImageButton", sFrameContextMenu ) imageLogoCLickable:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.080, ScrH() * -0.014 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.11, ScrH() * 0.18 ) imageLogoCLickable:SetImage( "materials/spring-city-logo-context-menu.png" ) imageLogoCLickable.DoClick = function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end local function actionButton(px,py,sx,sy,text,font,action) local actionButtonButton = vgui.Create("DButton",sFrameContextMenu) actionButtonButton:SetPos(px,py) actionButtonButton:SetSize(sx,sy) actionButtonButton:SetText("") actionButtonButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if actionButtonButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color_hover) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,button_color) end draw.SimpleText(text,font,w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end actionButtonButton.DoClick = action end actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARMES","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropweapon") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"JETER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Jeter de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /dropmoney " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.17,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"DONNER ARGENT","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Donner de l'argent",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /give " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"ECRIRE UNE LETTRE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() validAction("Ecrire une lettre",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /write " .. validFrameActionTextEntryToAmountOrText:GetText()) frameActionValidBeforeStart:Close() end) end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"APPELER UN TAXI","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say /taxi") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.205,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"OUVRIR LA BOUTIQUE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("say !boutique") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"SITE","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://springcity.fr") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.095,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"WORKSHOP","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=881738171") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.185,ScrH() * 0.585,ScrW() * 0.08,ScrH() * 0.03,"GROUPE STEAM","SlawerContextFontButtons",function() gui.OpenURL("http://steamcommunity.com/groups/springcity") end) actionButton(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.635,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.06,"MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",function() if !(table.HasValue(gunDealer,team.GetName(LocalPlayer():Team()))) then chat.AddText(Color(255,0,0),"Vous n'avez pas le bon métier") return end local weapon = vgui.Create("DPanel",sFrameContextMenu) weapon:SetSize(sFrameContextMenu:GetWide(),sFrameContextMenu:GetTall()) weapon:SetPos(0,ScrH() * 0.155) weapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,background_color) -- Magasin d'armes draw.RoundedBox(0,ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.01,ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.035,button_color) draw.SimpleText("MAGASIN D'ARMES","SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,ScrH() * 0.026,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end local categoryWeaponsList = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", weapon ) categoryWeaponsList:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.05 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSize( weapon:GetWide() - ScrW() * 0.01, weapon:GetTall() - ScrH() * 0.212 ) categoryWeaponsList:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeaponsList:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeaponsList.Paint = function(s,w,h) --draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeaponsList.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k,v in pairs(DarkRP.getCategories().weapons) do local cateItemNumber = 0 local header = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeaponsList) header:SetSize(categoryWeaponsList:GetWide(),ScrH() * 0.04) header.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100,100,100)) draw.SimpleText(v.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(header) local categoryWeapon = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", categoryWeaponsList ) categoryWeapon:SetSize( 50, ScrH() * 0.32 ) categoryWeapon:SetPos( 0, ScrH() * 0 ) categoryWeapon:SetSpacing( 3 ) categoryWeapon:EnableHorizontal( false ) categoryWeapon:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) categoryWeapon.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0,0)) end local sbar = categoryWeapon.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for _,e in pairs(CustomShipments) do if v.name == e.category then local ShowThisItem = true if istable(e.allowed) and not table.HasValue( e.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then cateItemNumber = cateItemNumber + 1 local panel = vgui.Create("DPanel",categoryWeapon) panel:SetSize(0,ScrH() * 0.06) panel:SetText(e.name) panel.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.SimpleText(e.name,"SlawerContextFontTitles",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.001,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. e.price .. "€","SlawerContextFontServInfo",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.03,Color(255,255,255)) end local icon = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",panel) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.001,ScrW() * 0.001) icon:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.0325,ScrW() * 0.0325) icon:SetModel(e.model) local buyButton = vgui.Create("DButton",panel) buyButton:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.18,ScrH() * 0.03) buyButton:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH() * 0.025) buyButton:SetText("") buyButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buyButton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end draw.SimpleText("ACHETER","SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",w/2,h/2,Color(255,255,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end buyButton.DoClick = function() if not e.noship then LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buyshipment " .. e.name) else LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp buy " .. e.name) end end categoryWeapon:AddItem(panel) end end end categoryWeaponsList:AddItem(categoryWeapon) if cateItemNumber == 0 then header:Remove() categoryWeapon:Remove() end end end) local MagasinMenu = vgui.Create( "DPanelList", sFrameContextMenu ) MagasinMenu:SetPos( ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.305 ) MagasinMenu:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.26,ScrH() * 0.16 ) MagasinMenu:SetSpacing( 1 ) MagasinMenu:EnableHorizontal( true ) MagasinMenu:EnableVerticalScrollbar( true ) --MagasinMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(255,0,0)) end local sbar = MagasinMenu.VBar function sbar:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 100, 100, 100 ) ) end function sbar.btnUp:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnDown:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end function sbar.btnGrip:Paint( w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 73, 73, 73 ) ) end for k, v in pairs(DarkRPEntities) do local ShowThisItem = true if istable(v.allowed) and not table.HasValue( v.allowed, LocalPlayer():Team() ) then ShowThisItem = false end if ShowThisItem then local test = vgui.Create("DPanel",MagasinMenu) test:SetSize(MagasinMenu:GetWide() / 2 - 2,ScrH() * 0.06) test.Paint = function(s,w,h) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(80, 80, 80)) draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033,Color(70, 70, 70)) draw.SimpleText(string.upper(v.name),"SlawerContextFontSItemTitle",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.002,Color(255,255,255)) draw.SimpleText("Prix: " .. v.price .. "$","SlawerContextFontSItemPrice",ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH() * 0.018,Color(255,255,255)) end local model = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",test) model:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.033,ScrW() * 0.033) model:SetModel(v.model) local buy = vgui.Create("DButton",test) buy:SetSize(ScrW() * 0.06,ScrH()* 0.02) buy:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.038,ScrH()*0.035) buy:SetText("Acheter") buy:SetTextColor(Color(255,255,255)) buy.Paint = function(s,w,h) if buy:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(100, 100, 100)) else draw.RoundedBox(0,0,0,w,h,Color(156, 156, 156)) end end buy.DoClick = function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("darkrp " .. v.cmd) end MagasinMenu:AddItem(test) end end local icon = vgui.Create( "DModelPanel", sFrameContextMenu ) icon:SetPos(ScrW() * 0.005,ScrH() * 0.75) icon:SetSize( ScrW() * 0.1,ScrH() * 0.24 ) icon:SetModel( LocalPlayer():GetModel() ) icon:SetFOV(15,0) icon:SetCamPos( Vector( 210,-30, 60 ) ) function icon:LayoutEntity( ent ) return end return ""
hook.Add("OnContextMenuClose","SCustomContextMenuHookClose",function() gui.EnableScreenClicker(false) if IsValid(sFrameContextMenu) then sFrameContextMenu:Close() end

bah cest le même code que le miens nan


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Membre supprimé 98332

Hoper à dit:
bah cest le même code que le miens nan
Dans ton code, le mot-clé "self" n'était pas défini, l'objet est passé en argument à la fonction sous la variable "s".
  • Banni


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EpicGaby à dit:
Dans ton code, le mot-clé "self" n'était pas défini, l'objet est passé en argument à la fonction sous la variable "s".
ah ok un truc un bête


Nouveau né
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Salut comment on change Le metiers pour ouvrire le vendeur d arme ?


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Salut !
Dans mon s-context-menu j'aimerais pouvoir faire un clique droit sur les items quand on l'ouvre,
j'ai vue que tu pouvais le faire sur certain serv, la modif est un code ?
ou autre ?
Quelqu’un a une solution ?! ;
merci à tous


Nouveau né
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Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait encore l'addon "S-Context menu" à me passer car j'ai cherché partout mais je n'ai pas trouvé où le télécharger ?


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Pareil pour moi si des personne aurais la référence svp
Love Gmod

Love Gmod

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Évitez de UP des vieux topics, si vous cliquez sur le lien vous verrez par vous même que l'addon à été supprimé et l'auteur de la redistribution a été banni
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