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Bonjour j'ai un problème avec cette addons : https://github.com/Skyyrize/stealing_kidney
Mes joueurs ont trouver un bug pour dupliquer de l'argent , il commence a découper un joueurs puis termine sur un props et font sa à l’infini.
voici le code du scalpel :
Merci pour votre aide
Mes joueurs ont trouver un bug pour dupliquer de l'argent , il commence a découper un joueurs puis termine sur un props et font sa à l’infini.
voici le code du scalpel :
-- Seconds to pass until Pickpocketing is done (default: 10)
local PPConfig_Duration = 20
-- Minimum money that can be stolen from the player (default: 400)
local PPConfig_MoneyFrom = 500
-- Maximumum money that can be stolen from the player (default: 700)
local PPConfig_MoneyTo = 5000
-- Seconds to wait until next Pickpocketing (default: 60)
local PPConfig_Wait = 5
-- Distance able to be stolen from (default: 100)
local PPConfig_Distance = 100
-- Hold down to keep Pickpocketing (true or false) (default: false)
local PPConfig_Hold = false
if SERVER then AddCSLuaFile( "shared.lua" ) util.AddNetworkString( "pickpocket_time" )
if CLIENT then SWEP.PrintName = "Scalpel" SWEP.Slot = 0 SWEP.SlotPos = 9 SWEP.DrawAmmo = false SWEP.DrawCrosshair = true
SWEP.Base = "weapon_cs_base2"
SWEP.Author = "Skyyrize"
SWEP.Instructions = ""
SWEP.IconLetter = ""
SWEP.ViewModelFOV = 62
SWEP.ViewModelFlip = false
SWEP.ViewModel = Model( "models/weapons/v_knife_t.mdl" )
SWEP.WorldModel = Model( "models/weapons/w_knife_t.mdl" )
SWEP.UseHands = true
SWEP.Spawnable = true
SWEP.AdminOnly = true
SWEP.Category = "Stealing Kidney"
SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = -1
SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = 0
SWEP.Primary.Automatic = false
SWEP.Primary.Ammo = ""
SWEP.Secondary.ClipSize = -1
SWEP.Secondary.DefaultClip = -1
SWEP.Secondary.Automatic = false
SWEP.Secondary.Ammo = ""
function SWEP:Initialize() self:SetWeaponHoldType( "normal" )
if CLIENT then net.Receive( "pickpocket_time", function() local wep = net.ReadEntity() wep.IsPickpocketing = true wep.StartPick = CurTime() wep.EndPick = CurTime() + PPConfig_Duration end )
function SWEP:PrimaryAttack() self.Weapon:SetNextPrimaryFire( CurTime() + 2 ) if self.IsPickpocketing then return end local trace = self.Owner:GetEyeTrace() local e = trace.Entity if not IsValid( e ) or not e:IsPlayer() or trace.HitPos:Distance( self.Owner:GetShootPos() ) > PPConfig_Distance then if CLIENT then self.Owner:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "Il n'y a personne en face de vous ! (Idiot)" ) end return end if SERVER then self.IsPickpocketing = true self.StartPick = CurTime() net.Start( "pickpocket_time" ) net.WriteEntity( self ) net.Send(self.Owner) self.EndPick = CurTime() + PPConfig_Duration end self:SetWeaponHoldType( "pistol" ) if CLIENT then self.Dots = self.Dots or "" timer.Create( "PickpocketDots", 0.5, 0, function() if not self:IsValid() then timer.Destroy( "PickpocketDots" ) return end local len = string.len( self.Dots ) local dots = { [0] = ".", [1] = "..", [2] = "...", [3] = "" } self.Dots = dots[len] end ) end
function SWEP:Holster() self.IsPickpocketing = false if CLIENT then timer.Destroy( "PickpocketDots" ) end return true
function SWEP:OnRemove() self:Holster()
function SWEP:Succeed() self.IsPickpocketing = false self:SetWeaponHoldType( "normal" ) self.Weapon:SetNextPrimaryFire( CurTime() + PPConfig_Wait ) local trace = self.Owner:GetEyeTrace() if CLIENT then timer.Destroy( "PickpocketDots" ) end if SERVER then if (trace.Entity:GetNWInt("player_rein_amout") < 1) then rein = ents.Create( "rein_kidney" ); rein:SetPos(trace.HitPos); rein:Spawn() rein:GetPhysicsObject():SetVelocity((rein:GetForward()*-16)+(rein:GetUp()*8)); trace.Entity:Kill(); trace.Entity:SetNWInt("player_rein_amout", 1); print("Rein Spawn"); else self.Owner:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "Il n'a plus de rein (Dommage)" ) end; end
function SWEP:Fail() self.IsPickpocketing = false self:SetWeaponHoldType( "normal" ) if CLIENT then timer.Destroy( "PickpocketDots" ) end if CLIENT then self.Owner:PrintMessage( HUD_PRINTTALK, "Charcutage interrompu ... (Dommage)" ) end
function SWEP:Think() local ended = false if self.IsPickpocketing and self.EndPick then local trace = self.Owner:GetEyeTrace() if not IsValid( trace.Entity ) and not ended then ended = true self:Fail() end if trace.HitPos:Distance( self.Owner:GetShootPos() ) > PPConfig_Distance and not ended then ended = true self:Fail() end if PPConfig_Hold and not self.Owner:KeyDown( IN_ATTACK ) and not ended then ended = true self:Fail() end if self.EndPick <= CurTime() and not ended then ended = true self:Succeed() end end
function SWEP:DrawHUD() if self.IsPickpocketing and self.EndPick then self.Dots = self.Dots or "" local w = ScrW() local h = ScrH() local x, y, width, height = w / 2 - w / 10, h / 2 - 60, w / 5, h / 15 draw.RoundedBox( 8, x, y, width, height, Color( 10, 10, 10, 120 ) ) local time = self.EndPick - self.StartPick local curtime = CurTime() - self.StartPick local status = math.Clamp( curtime / time, 0, 1) local BarWidth = status * ( width - 16 ) local cornerRadius = math.Min( 8, BarWidth / 3 * 2 - BarWidth / 3 * 2 % 2 ) draw.RoundedBox( cornerRadius, x + 8, y + 8, BarWidth, height - 16, Color( 255 - ( status * 255 ), 0 + ( status * 255 ), 0, 255 ) ) draw.DrawNonParsedSimpleText( "Charcutage" .. self.Dots, "Trebuchet24", w / 2, y + height / 2, Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, 1 ) end
function SWEP:SecondaryAttack()