Addons Gmod (Besoin d'aide de round)

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J'ai acheter un addon de round sur gmodstore : Eradication - DarkRP Purge System

Cependant j'aimerais modifier le code pour y ajouter un truc qui détecte quand le round commence, et quand le round commence des items sont droppés aléatoirement au sol (Armes, Munitions).

Et les joueurs spawn aléatoirement (Durant les 2Minutes de préparation).

Voici le code que j'ai

This is the configuration file for Eradication.
Feel free to edit the script as you like, if you need help create a support ticket.
--> Do not touch this, it saves me typing and possible arthritis <--
local Config = Eradication.Settings
--! Note: All variables which include TIME are in SECONDS !--
Config.Purge_Wait_Time = 60 * 2 -- How long should we wait until we start the Purge (once the server starts)?
Config.Purge_Run_Time = 60 * 20 -- How long should the purge be active for?
Config.Warning_Time = 120 -- How much notice is given before the Purge starts?
Config.Minimum_Player_Count = 2 -- How many people need to be connected for the Purge to start?
Config.Enable_Sound = true
Config.Start_Sound = "eradication_purge_start.wav"
Config.End_Sound = "eradication_purge_end.wav"
Config.Help_Command = "!party_info" -- The command used to open the help menu.
Config.Party_Command = "!party_menu" -- The command used to open the party menu.
Config.Store_Command = "!party_store" -- The command to open the store.
Config.Party_Accept_Command = "/accept" -- The command to accept an invite.
Config.Party_Decline_Command = "/deny" -- The command to deny an invite.
Config.Leaderboard_Key = KEY_P -- The key used to open the Leadboards.
Config.Party_Invtie_Expire = 25 -- The time it takes for an inivte to expire.
Config.Max_Party_Slots = 6 -- How many people can be in a Party?
Config.Enable_Bounties = true
Config.Kills_For_Bounty = 3 -- How many kills are needed to become a Bounty?
--( The person who kills the Bounty gets the total sum of money. )
Config.Bounty_Worth_Increase = 2500 -- How much do we increase by each time the Bounty gets a kill?
Config.Bounty_Max_Worth = 25000 -- When should we stop adding incrasing their value?
Config.Winner_Reward = 20000 -- How much money should be given to the winner?
Config.Enable_Money = true -- If this value is false, permanent points are given to the winner instead.

Config.Enable_NPC = true -- If not enabled, users will be able to open the store with !purge_store
Config.NPC_Model = "models/Humans/Group03/male_02.mdl"
--> Stand where you want the NPC to spawn and face the direction you want the NPC to face,
--> then type in 'getpos' into your console and fill out the Vector with the first 3 sets of numbers,
--> then the angle with the last 3 after the ; do not forget to add commas like below:
Config.NPC_Position = Vector( 446.847137, -1085.462158, -190.968750 )
Config.NPC_Angles = Angle( 0.440006, 88.339821, 0.000000 )
--> Temporary Score which resets each Purge session, for ranking user's on the Leaderboard <--
Config.Temporary_Score_Per_Kill = 400 -- How much score should be given per kill?
Config.Permanent_Score_Per_Kill = 15 -- How much PERMANENT score should be given per kill? This is used to buy items in the Shop.

--> Visual Settings <--
Config.Chat_Prefix = "[ASH-Purge]: " -- The tag shown in a chat message send by Eradication.
Config.Chat_Prefix_Color = Color( 200, 0, 0 ) -- The color of the tag.
Config.Chat_Text_Color = Color( 255, 255, 255 ) -- The color of the message.
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