DRAD - Prenez garde aux radiations !

DRAD - Prenez garde aux radiations ! 2.1

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Deadman Radiation Addon
(Screens; DRAD - Prenez garde aux radiations ! - Mises à jour)

Téléchargement: Steam Workshop :: DRAD - Radiation Addon
Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Et bien c'est très simple, tout est dans le titre, c'est un addon qui vous permet d'ajouter de la radioactivité à votre serveur.
L'addon utilise une seule entitée de base, le "Radiation Container" (si vous souhaitez en ajouter d'autre, contactez moi sur le discord plus bas).
Cet entitée va émettre des radiations touts les X temps (configurable) et au fur et à mesure, diminuer la barre de radiation du joueur.

Il y a aussi une Armure qui vous protège des radiations
Il y a aussi un Compteur Geiger qui vous préviens du danger de la radioactivité
Il y a également un AntiRad qui vous soigne complètement votre barre de Radioactivité

Vous pouvez également vous en protéger si vous activer le paramètre grâce à cet addon:
Gas Mask Overlay (clique)


DRAD = {} -- Don't touch it
DRAD.NoRadTeams = { -- The teams name that won't be affect by the radiation ["Mayor"] = true, ["Zombie"] = true, ["Staff"] = true, ["GOD IS HERE"] = true, }
DRAD.ContainerModel = "models/props_c17/oildrum001.mdl" -- The model of the Radiation Container
DRAD.AntiRadModel = "models/props_lab/jar01a.mdl" -- The model for the Anti Rad
DRAD.ArmorRadModel = "models/props_c17/BriefCase001a.mdl" -- The model for the Anti-Rad armor model (the entitie)
DRAD.ArmorRadModelPlayer = "models/player/combine_soldier.mdl" -- The model for player with antirad armor, set to "nil" if you don't want to change his playermodel
--DRAD.ArmorRadModelPlayer = nil
DRAD.AdminCommand = "!setrad" -- The command for the admins ( usage: !setrad <player name> <amount> OR !setrad * <amount>) ADMIN ONLY COMMAND
DRAD.DebugCommand = "!raddebug" -- The command you should use to know your rad level (if enable in DRAD.DebugEnable) Everyone can use it
DRAD.GetRadLevel = "!radget" -- This will show you your Rad Level (work like "DRAD.DebugCommand" except it don't need the debug), IF and admin use "!radget <player name>" it will show him the Rad Points of the player
DRAD.UnquipArmor = "!radarmor" -- This will unquip player Anti-rad Armor
DRAD.SetRadRandom = "!randomrad" -- The command for the admins (usage: !randomrad <player name> <min amount> <max amount> OR !randomrad * <min amount> <max amount> ), if you don't enter min and max value, this is gonna take the default value
DRAD.RadiationSoundURL = "https://s0.vocaroo.com/media/download_temp/Vocaroo_s04coEeAzFoS.mp3" -- The sound player hear when he's near the Radiation Container with a Geiger counter -- I advise to have a sound that have the same PlayTime as the DRAD.TimeRadiationEmit
DRAD.NormalWorldRad = "2 Bq" -- The text will show up on the Geiger Counter, it's the World Natural Radioactivity
DRAD.GeigerErrorMessage = "ERROR" -- The text will show up on the Geiger Counter, it's when Radioactivty it too intense
DRAD.TextClient = "Your Radiation level is: " -- The text player will receive with command "DRAD.GetRadLevel"
DRAD.TextClient2 = "Your have been healed by the Anti Rad, you're ready to go fight the bad Radioactivity ! " -- The text player will receive when using a AntiRad
DRAD.TextClient3 = "You have equip a Antirad armor, you don't care about Radioactivity now !" -- The text player will receive when he equip the AntiRad armor
DRAD.TextClient4 = "You have equip a Geiger Counter, it'll show you the danger !" -- The text player will see when using a geiger counter
DRAD.TextClient5 = "You have unequip your Antirad Armor" -- The text player will receive when he unequip his rad armor
DRAD.TextColor = Color(255,100,100) -- The color for the DRAD.TextClient
DRAD.TextColor2 = Color(100,100,255) -- The color for the DRAD.TextClient2
DRAD.TextColor3 = Color(100,100,255) -- The color for the DRAD.TextClient3
DRAD.TextColor4 = Color(255,100,100) -- The color for the DRAD.TextClient4
DRAD.TextColor5 = Color(255,100,100) -- The color for the DRAD.TextClient5
DRAD.ColorGeiger1 = Color(255,0,0) -- The color for the parameter number 1 of the Geiger Counter
DRAD.ColorGeiger2 = Color(255,0,0) -- The color for the parameter number 2 of the Geiger Counter
DRAD.ColorGeiger3 = Color(255,0,0) -- The color for the parameter number 3 of the Geiger Counter
DRAD.ColorGeiger4 = Color(255,0,0) -- The color for the parameter number 4 of the Geiger Counter
DRAD.TimeRadiationEmit = 2 -- Timer, how much time should we wait before sending Radiation to player ? (in seconds)
DRAD.RadPerTime = 3 -- How much rad points should we remove to player everytime the upper value "DRAD.TimeRadiationEmit" is used
DRAD.RadiationDamage = 2 -- Damage we should deal to player when his Rad Value is at 0 (If it's set to 0, it won't hurt player)
DRAD.DefaultRadValue = 100 -- How much Rad Points the player have when he respawn/join the server
DRAD.ContainerRadius = 500 -- Radius for the Radioactive container (it's a sphere around the Container)
DRAD.ShouldDropArmor = true -- Is the armor drop in front of player when he unquip it ?
DRAD.SaveRadPoints = false -- Should we save the player Rad Points when he disconnect ? (It can generate a big folder if you have a lot of players)
DRAD.ResetOnRespawn = true -- Should we reset the player Rad Points when he respawn ? (I advise to let it to true)
DRAD.DebugEnable = false -- Should the debug be used ? (Will print tons of things in server console if DRAD.DebugPrint is enable)
DRAD.DebugPrint = false -- Should we print to the console every action we do ? (Only if debug is enable)
DRAD.HaveGasMask = false -- Set this to true if you use this Gas Mask addon, this will protect players from being Radioactive -- (or a gas mask working with a NWBool("STALKER_PlyGasMaskOn") ) -- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=631372037
DRAD.MathCalcBecquerel = (DRAD.TimeRadiationEmit * DRAD.DefaultRadValue) -- Don't touch it, unless you know what you do (used in lua/autorun/client/cl_deadman_rad_core.lua)
Comme vous pouvez le constater, j'ai essayer de mettre un maximum de choses à paramétrer.
Si vous souhaitez ajouter plus de paramètres, n'hésitez pas à le proposer dans les commentaires !


Il y a 3 commandes pour les users et 3 commandes pour les admins

User Commands:

  • !raddebug --> Show your Radiation level (only when debug is enable)
  • !radget --> Show your Radiation Level (same command as "!raddebug" except it don't need the debug enabled)
  • !radarmor --> Make you drop your Anti-Rad Armor
Admin Commands:
  • !radget <playername> --> Will show you the Player Rad Level
  • !setrad <player> <rad> --> Set the player Rad Points, or you can use !setrad * <rad> to define All players Rad Points
  • !randomrad <player> <minrad> <maxrad> --> Set the player random Rad Points, or you can use !randomrad * <minrad> <maxrad> to define a Random value to each players


L'addon est déjà compatible avec cet addon de masque à gaz (clique) que j'ai posté il y a quelques jours.
Si vous souhaitez le rendre compatible avec vos addons, voici les différentes valeurs utilisée par l'addon:
ply:GetNWInt("DRAD_PlyRad", 0) -- Return player radiation level
ply:GetNWBool("DRAD_PlyRadGGCounter", false) -- Return true if player have a Geiger Counter
ply:GetNWBool("DRAD_PlyRadArmor", false) -- Return true if player have a Rad Armor
net.Start("DRAD_SendClientChat") -- The NetworkString Name net.WriteString("playradsound") -- If the String is different, we use a different usage (see below to see complete list of Strings)
List of net.WriteString :
[*]radget --> When player want to see his Rad Points
[*]antirad --> When using a "Antirad" entity
[*]radarmor --> When player equip a Rad Armor
[*]unarmor --> When player unequip a Rad Armor
[*]geigercounter --> When player equip a Geiger Counter
[*]geigerdropped --> When player drop a Geiger Counter
[*]playradsound --> Play the Geiger Counter sound
[*]death --> When player is dead
[*]radgetother --> When Admin want to get a player Rad Points


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